honor me as god

Chapter 872

Chapter 872
After Lugo was buried, Kino started to deal with One-Eyed Joan and others.

This is a slow processing that is so precise that it can be called an art. The flesh bodies of Cyclops and others are completely removed, only the heart, lung, liver, kidney and other life-support organs, as well as the brain, spinal cord and central nervous system are separated and connected by artificial blood vessels.

These people have no physical body, but they can feel everything. Their lives and consciousness are freed from the shackles of the skin, and they remain in the world in the most primitive and concise form.

Kino put these organs into the life support cabin, the mechanical system inside would ensure the life cycle, and periodically release electric current to stimulate its nerves.

The life-monitoring system of the survival cabin will be connected with the phoenix serum storage to ensure that they will not die due to excessive electrical stimulation or accidents.

In this form, they will live in the capsule, tortured forever and ever, until the end of time.

After dealing with One-Eyed Joan and the others, Kino moved on to his next target.
Amidst the fluttering sound of "huh", the candle was ignited, illuminating the two figures in the prison.

"Good evening, we meet again." Kino looked at the person in front of him, with a sarcasm on his lips, and deliberately said in a teasing tone, "Savior Baisa~"

Baiza was tied to a cross at this time, his hands and feet were bound, and he could not move.

Baiza stayed in the palace after he took refuge in Andre, and he also participated in the defense when the royal city was attacked, but he was too small in front of the power of Kino and others, and did not splash any waves.

In that earth-shattering battle, many soldiers stationed in the royal city died, but Baisa survived. This is luck and misfortune.

Baiza's expression was gloomy, and there was only death-like darkness in his eyes: "If you want to kill or torture, please do as you please, there is no need to talk nonsense. Anyway, I only have one life, what else can you do except take it away?"

Considering Baiza's age, his family situation is different. His parents died young, he had no wife and children, and he served in the army alone to guard the frontier for many years. .

However, this kind of loneliness, at this time, is a great fortune, allowing him to die without any scruples.

Kino smiled softly, and said lightly: "You seem to have misunderstood something. I don't have a strong desire to kill you."

"I admit that your betrayal has caused me a lot of trouble, but it's just trouble. Judging from the results, apart from extra time and energy, have you caused me to lose anything? Not at all."

"Of course, I said that I will let you go today, but you probably don't believe me. Let's just say it openly, you will definitely die today, but the person who killed you is not me, but someone else."

Kino got up and opened the prison door, and a petite figure walked in from the door.

The candlelight illuminated those eyes full of hatred, as if to swallow Baiza alive.

"Nicole." Baisa looked quietly at the girl who entered the door, there was no regret in his smile, only desolation, "I am sorry for Roman's death, but for a right thing, sacrifices are inevitable. As long as Unfortunately, it's all in vain now."

Nicole's eyes were filled with hot tears, her fists were clenched together, and because of too much force, her nails sank into her palm and overflowed with blood.

"It's sad." Kino didn't look at Baiza again, he patted Nicole on the shoulder, indicating that he could do something, and then walked out of the prison without looking back.

Nicole was like a wild beast that had broken free from its shackles, and rushed forward holding the short execution knife. Her face was deformed by anger, and a distorted roar came from her throat. She frantically cut Baiza's flesh with one knife after another, and blood spurted out. Soon she was stained with blood.

"Have a clear conscience! Have a clear conscience!!!." Baiza raised his head and uttered the last roar in his life. Every time he was stabbed, he would say "Have a clear conscience".

"With a clear conscience!"

"With a clear conscience."

"Concern. No shame"


After all, the tolerance of mortals is limited. Under Nicole's crazy revenge, the sonorous and powerful roar gradually became distorted and blurred.
When Kino left the prison, only screams of collapse came from behind him.

Kino walked out of the cell door, followed by Shangguan Xue, who was waiting outside, and walked slowly under the night sky with him.

The people who should be dealt with were basically dealt with, and now there was one last person left, but it also made Kino face a difficult situation.

"Shangguan Xue," Chino called silently, "How is that person?"

Shangguan Xue replied softly: "I have been locked in the prison, waiting for your fate."

Kino remained silent, the one he mentioned was none other than Paladin.

In this war, Paladin can be said to be the most unlucky person. He was loyal to Kino from the beginning to the end, and did not do anything that crossed the line. The insurrectionary army just happened to protect him.

Paladin had been staying in the royal city with Baisa before, and he was also honored by his brother and received courtesy from Andre, but after Kino captured the royal city, all of this was wiped out.

Is Paladin wronged?
Really wronged.

He didn't do anything, he was completely led into the ditch by Baiza, and now everyone thinks that he is also a traitor, and he suffered from this innocent disaster for no reason.

Does Chino know the specific situation?
of course I know.

When Baisa defected, Kino saw the scene at that time with the pupil of divine vision, and also saw Paladin's reaction, knowing that he had nothing to do with this matter.

It stands to reason that this situation should directly vindicate Paladin and turn the page.

But now there is a very serious problem-the reason for Baixa's defection.

Kino has been in Dogland for so many years, and it has long been difficult to cover up all the clues that have been revealed. Baiza is not the first person to guess that he is an alien from space, and he will not be the last.

Nicole, Shangguanxue, Lorna, Solandelle and others with a normal mind can definitely guess that Chino is not from this world.

However, everyone kept silent about it.

One is that it is meaningless to not want to pierce that layer of window paper.

The second is that everyone is in the same position, advances and retreats together, and does not need to deliberately identify the origin of the problem.

But Baisa was different, he stood directly on the opposite side of Kino, and played the banner of the ultimate justice of "saving all living beings from being reduced to pawns".

If this kind of thing spreads to the outside world, Baixa's defection will be full of justice and will be recognized by the world, and may even be regarded as the hero of Dougland.

For a hero, death is a kind of glory, which only makes his image more glorious and righteous.

What Kino has to face will be a steady stream of doubts and pressures, which may lead to huge disasters.

Therefore, the real reason for Baiza's defection cannot be known to the outside world, and Kino will never allow him to become this "hero".

Chino had already conducted a secret investigation, and Baixa had not disclosed his true intentions to others except for his defection announcement on the battlefield.

In other words, the only ones who knew the truth were Andre, Lan Xian, and the few rebel soldiers who were by his side when Baisa defected.

Among them, Andre and others died, the rebel soldiers around Baiza died, and he himself died. The only person who knew was Paladin.

Can the Paladin keep silent about it?Chino didn't know.

He only knew that the best way to keep a secret was to shut up those who knew.

Paladin was the first person to follow Kino. He has made great achievements and is a very capable subordinate. There is no problem of principle, and Kino really doesn't want to kill him.

Only this time, fate showed great malice towards him
"It's a pity." Kino looked up at the starry sky and let out a long sigh.

Shangguan Xue already understood the meaning of these three words, she nodded to Kino as a signal, and walked towards the dungeon with a murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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