honor me as god

Chapter 88 Mysterious Letter

Chapter 88 Mysterious Letter
The letter was completely out of Kino's expectations, and he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Can I take a look at this letter?"

Resakhal shook his head simply: "Sorry, no. This letter was tied to an arrow and shot at my feet through a row of houses. I don't know who the other party is. And it's an anonymous letter, The handwriting is deliberately distorted. Obviously, the sender does not want his identity to be exposed, and to protect his privacy, I have burned the letter. As for the content, I would like to ask you for confirmation."

"You said."

"After the explosion, did the search and rescue team dug up some survivors?"


"These survivors quickly died of their injuries."


"But the letter said that a small number of survivors were not fatally wounded, but died inexplicably and unexpectedly. What do you know about that?"

Judging from Resakhal's words, the sender of the letter should be someone who was involved in the rescue at that time.

But there were too many people involved in the rescue at that time, Lugo, Baiza, the Dusk City Defense Force, and a large number of civilian volunteers. There were thousands of people, and everyone may have witnessed the scene of the death of the survivors, and it was impossible to distinguish between them. who wrote the letter.

Chino pretended to be contemplative and shook his head slowly: "I have to guess that although the survivors were not fatally wounded, they probably inhaled thick smoke after the explosion and injured their internal organs where we couldn't see them. It looked all right, but died soon after."

"I think the same as you, so I didn't give this letter to Barty, otherwise it would add a lot of trouble. Barty is a very old-fashioned man, you know, if he sees this letter, he will probably ask you to ask until it peels off."

Rezakhal drank his drink and said tentatively, "But it's not this, but something else that bothers me the most. It is believed that the survivors were talking about death before they died and they When you say 'Death,' all eyes are on you."

Kino quipped: "What? I'm now the incarnation of the god of death walking in the world?"

"Perhaps you really are?" Rezakhal looked into Kino's eyes, and his tone became dark, "You may not know that some of your soldiers have secretly called you "Death of Twilight". "

Chino slowly put down the wine glass, and a strange look appeared in his eyes: "Do you think I should punish these people?"

"Punishment? No, no, what a joke." Rezakhal patted Kino's arm and said with a smile, "You may have misunderstood. In the military, if soldiers call you death, it is Affirmation and admiration for your strength. Only those warriors who lick blood with the tip of their knives and play with death in the palm of their hands are qualified to be called the god of death."

This is a cultural difference. Kino didn't expect Death to be an honorary title in this world.

But it's not surprising when you think about it. Death is one of the "Nine Gods", belonging to the orthodox belief of Dogoland, in charge of life and death, and reincarnation. It is not the evil thing in "The God of Death".

Kino simply raised his glass and said, "Then let's give a toast to the god of death."

"Haha, toast to you, Twilight Death!" Rezakhal clinked glasses with him and drank the wine.

After Kino finished drinking, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you said just now that the letter was tied to an arrow and shot at your feet?"

Rezakhal said without hesitation, "Yes, that head is really scary. It's just between the feet. I thought it was an enemy attack at first, and I was about to call out the dragon, haha."

Superb archery.Chino took this key clue down.

Across a row of private houses, the arrow was tied with an envelope that would interfere with the airflow, and it could still accurately shoot between Rezakhal's feet. This archery skill is not something that ordinary people can do.

What can be ruled out now are civilian volunteers. It is impossible for civilians to have this kind of archery, at least elite soldiers above the rank of corporal can do it.

However, among the soldiers who participated in the search and rescue at that time, there were at least a hundred soldiers above the corps chief, which was still a large range, and the target was not easy to target.

Just as Chino was thinking, Rezakhal poured wine into his glass and said in a deep voice, "Okay, listen. This topic should be treated as a secret between the two of us, and don't discuss it any more. He was acquitted, but that guy Irene released harsh words to trouble you, and you may have a hard time in the future."

"The Troy family is like this. They are very savage and unreasonable. They bite people and don't let go. They even call it 'blood for blood'. Hehe, I don't like dealing with them very much."

Chino nodded, "I'll pay attention."

"Well, if you have any difficulties, you can write to me, and if I can help, I will definitely help you." Resack Hal paused, then changed the conversation, "By the way, are your parents dead? Are you the only one left?"

Chino: "Yes."

"Ahem. Have you ever thought about changing the surname?" Resakhal showed some expectations in his eyes, "My daughter is 19 years old and has been an adult for 3 years, but this child has too much vision. I introduced her to many nobles. Man, she doesn't even look down on her. Hey, it's a headache for me as a father."

Chino thought to himself: Old fox, after talking for a long time, it turned out to be the picture.

Chino has no idea of ​​getting married, let alone getting married.

If he joins the Regnorm family, it is indeed a great help, but the interpersonal relationship will be imprisoned, and the relationship between enemies and friends is not controlled by him, but is closely connected with the family.

If he is just an ordinary Doguland citizen, being able to join the royal family is of course a heaven-sent opportunity, which must be firmly grasped.

But for a rejecter who is facing the invasion of reincarnation at all times, this is obviously inappropriate. Compared with joining a certain party, it is only by walking back and forth between various forces to win over more available power.

Chino chuckled and rejected him with a very old-fashioned reason: "I'm flattered. But I'm so sorry, I already have someone in my heart."

"Oh~ what a pity." Rezakhal didn't force it, but asked tentatively, "Is it convenient to ask who the other party is? I'm curious about the identity of this lucky girl."

Kino didn't know who it was, so he pretended to be mysterious and said, "You'll know when I pursue her."

Rezakhal is very generous, and it is impossible to marry a daughter. He raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Then I wish you an early return of the beautiful woman!"

Chino blinked: "How do you know it must be a 'beauty'?"

"Pfft!. Cough cough" Resakhal choked on the wine, coughed continuously, opened his eyes wide and said, "You shouldn't be."

Kino smiled and clinked glasses with him: "Just kidding, of course it's a beauty. Come on, cheers~"

Rezakhal couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You are really good at teasing people."

(End of this chapter)

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