honor me as god

Chapter 91 Processing Warehouse

Chapter 91 Processing Warehouse
Processing warehouse.

This is hell on earth, a dark world.

There are no "people" here, only "raw materials". Each child who is sent in is labeled with a label. The parameters of the label determine their life or death, and they are selected by the condescending "whipper" or abandoned.

The selection method of each warehouse is different, which depends on the personal preferences of those in power behind the scenes, but all warehouses have one thing in common - extremely high attrition rate.

In the processing warehouse, from day to night, each raw material will repeat the mechanized training, as if it was placed on the assembly line and undergoes various carvings.If anyone can't bear it, his figure will disappear in the night.

At first, these raw materials can maintain self-awareness and thinking, and even a few people who can do it well can occasionally talk and laugh.

Time starts to lose its meaning over time, a week, a month or a year?No feeling at all.

The raw materials gradually lost their stamina to think, and became only able to mechanically complete the whip bearer's instructions, watching the familiar figures around them disappear one by one, from sighing to numbness.

On this day, the raw material carving in the warehouse continued as always.

"Squeak—" The warehouse door opened, and two figures walked in.

The whip-wielder at a high place was watching the training in the shadows. He heard the sound and looked at the position of the barn door, his face instantly lost the color of blood, as if he had seen something terrifying.

how is this possible
The dead are walking.

After a very familiar 0.12 seconds, the dead man found the position of the whip bearer, and the amber eyes were full of smiles as always.

Chino slowly walked up the high platform and came to the whip holder: "Are you surprised to see me?"

The whip bearer swallowed: "You should have."

He dared not speak further.

The handsome young man in front of him was probably the person he least wanted to see in his life.

Back then, Chino was the raw material for this warehouse, and he was in charge of the whip.

According to the organization's regulations, after the raw materials are carved, they will face a final trial.

The content of the trial is actually nothing new. It is nothing more than putting 100 raw materials on an uninhabited island with limited resources. There are no weapons and no rules. There is only one goal - to live for 30 days.

Survive, you are no longer a raw material, but a qualified processor.

How to live?up to you.

You can fight alone, occupy resources, squeeze the living space of others, and show your own strength and strength.

You can gather a team for group action, so that those lonely wolves dare not approach you.

You can also find a place to hide, drink rainwater, chew grass roots and chew soil to satisfy your hunger, and live like a dog for 30 days.

Either way, as long as it's alive at the end, the organization can find strengths in you and take advantage of it.

The final trial of Chino's year was the most bizarre year.

In the past, the raw material loss rate of the final trial was generally around 40%, and it was already an extremely tragic battle to reach 60%.

But in Chino’s year, the attrition rate was 99%—in fact, it wasn’t unheard of, as the occasional shark mixed in with the fish would happen.

There's only one reason why it's weird.

After the final trial, the coroner found that at least half of the 99 dead had committed suicide.


Deprived of emotion by cruel training, the raw material as cold as a machine will actually commit suicide!

No one knows what these raw materials have undergone, and they will kill themselves in the final trial.

There was only one final result, and Chino was the only raw material that was promoted to processor that year.

After that, the whip-wielder didn't know much about it. He was just an instructor who was in charge of sculpting the raw materials. He seldom asked the graduate processors. He only knew that Chino was known as a "smiling devil" in the industry.

Later, I heard that the smiling demon violated the taboo of the organization and was killed by the leader on the spot, leaving only an appalling 99.99% order completion rate.

But I don't know why, those who carry the whip always feel very surprised, violate the taboo, get caught, and be executed. It's that simple?The smiling demon just died?

From that day on, he would always be vaguely uneasy, thinking that Kino would not have died so absurdly, but he had seen the corpse with his own eyes, the death was irrefutable, and the leader strictly forbade any questioning, so he gradually forgot the name.

Until the leader was suddenly killed and the [-] committee members were all wiped out, the memories of the past began to resurface along with a sense of unease, haunting them in nightmares for a long time.

Today, half a year later, when seeing the dead in front of him, the whip-wielder realizes that this sense of unease is right, right from the beginning.

Chino's smile broke the dazedness of the whip bearer: "Did you listen to it later?"

The whip-wielder turned his face away and dared not look into those eyes: "What?"

Chino: "When I graduated, I recommended Beethoven's music to you, have you heard it?"

Whip Holder: "Well, I've heard some."

Chino: "How do you feel?"

The whipper: "Listen to the truth?"

Chino: "Of course."

Whiplasher: "The beginning is exciting and maddening, but it's like a stimulant. After the initial frenzy is over, the drug will be empty."

There was a deep light hidden in Chino's eyes: "You did hear it, you didn't lie."

The whip-wielder didn't know what to say, so he just shut up.

In front of such a person, the more you speak, the higher the probability of saying the wrong thing and the higher the probability of being killed.

You don't know if you will hit some inexplicable, fucking-sounding anger points, such as "tofu brain must be sweet", if you insist that it is salty, there is a high probability that the world will evaporate that night.

Chino withdrew his gaze and looked at the raw materials that were being carved: "Are there any good raw materials this year?"

The whipper shook his head.

Chu Xi replied: "The leader and the [-]th committee members are gone, and other processors in various places are organizing to grab the goods. The supply of goods is worse than the batch, and there is basically no good raw materials."

The whip-wielder said in a deep voice, "If I have to mention one, 0e68974 is alright. All kinds of firearms have good accuracy, and their mouths are hard. They scored 85 points or more in several prisoner torture tests. A tough guy who can easily give information."

Chino glanced at him sideways, smiled and walked towards 0e68974.

The whip-wielder's ass was suddenly kicked, and a whispered curse came from behind: "Stupid pig, why do you have to tease him?!"

Only then did the whip-wielder come to his senses and cursed inwardly.

0e68974 was taken into a room by Chino, there was no movement, no screams.

After 10 minutes, Chino walked out of the room and gently closed the door: "If I were your enemy, this warehouse is now exposed to the coordinates of artillery fire."

The whip-wielder walked over, pushed open the door and glanced at it, his whole body stood up with chills, he closed the door and stopped looking, and said in a low voice, "The supply is just like this, you can't expect every ingredient to be comparable to you."

Chino took out two documents and handed them to the past and the whip bearer respectively, "But you have to believe that the will is often much stronger than the body."

Looking at the document in the past, some doubts: "This is your training schedule? Not quite right, why is most of it brainwashing and obedience training?"

Chino: "Just do it."

In the past, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: "According to this kind of schedule, the carved raw materials are not very powerful, but they can die for you without hesitation."

At this moment, Chu Xi froze abruptly, and a dangerous arc slowly emerged from the corner of his lips: "Oh~ that's the plan, you are such a little villain!"

(End of this chapter)

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