Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 206 The Weird and Cunning Man

Chapter 206 The Weird and Cunning Man
It was a very large black sailing ship, very impressive.

The sailboat breaking out of the water was shining brightly in the moonlight, and the portholes flickered with dim, foggy glimmers. At first glance, it looked like a ghost ship.

The black sailboat was bouncing on the choppy water, and people could be seen walking back and forth on the deck faintly.

With a splash, a huge iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and with another snap, a plank rested on the shore.

The people on the boat were going ashore. There were a dozen of them in total, all wearing a kind of fur cloak, the fur on the cloak was messy and tangled.

The fur coat worn by the leader was different from that of the people behind. It was silver and white, soft and smooth, and very luxurious.

In the crowd, Jemini narrowed his eyes looking at the silver coat.

Igor Karkarov.

Once a member of the Death Eaters, because he confessed to too many Death Eaters, he was regarded as a traitor by the Death Eaters. He is currently the principal of Durmstrang School of Magic and Magic.

"Dumbledore!" Karkaroff called enthusiastically as he came up the slope. "My dear old chap, how are you?"

"Great, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore said politely. It was obvious that he didn't like Karkaroff, otherwise he should be smiling at this time.

Karkaroff's voice sounded mellow and smooth. When he walked into the range of the castle lights, everyone saw that he had a tall and thin figure like Dumbledore, with white and short hair, and a long and thin chin on his thin chin. with curly goatee.

"Dear old fellow Hogwarts..." He looked up at the castle, and said with a smile, showing his scorched teeth. Although he smiled, there was no smile in his eyes, his eyes were cold and sharp.

"It's good to be here... Viktor, come here and warm up... You don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a bit of a cold..."

Karkaroff beckons one of his students to come forward. It is Viktor Krum, the Seeker for the Bulgarian team at the World Cup.

"Oh...of course I don't mind."

Dumbledore said softly, and his eyes fell on Karkaroff's silver-white fur coat: "Although it was a bit sudden, but... I wonder if you can sell me the coat you are wearing? Karkaroff, This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful fur coat, I guess it belongs to the white fox?"

"Coat? You mean...this one? That's belongs to the white fox..." Karkaroff was slightly surprised: "Of course, if you problem...but you want it now?"

"If I may—" Dumbledore blinked and held out his hand.

Karkaroff was a little confused, and then looked at the student team behind Dumbledore. There was a way out there, and a handsome boy was slowly walking towards the direction of several people.

"Merlin's beard—"

Karkaroff finally realized what the problem was. He quickly took off the silver fur coat and handed it to Dumbledore, as if the fur coat was hot, and there was no nostalgia on his pale face.

He knew the boy and had heard of Jamie's name.

Compared to other foreign wizards who didn't take this name seriously, Karkaroff, the Death Eater traitor, obviously had a better understanding of the British wizarding world, and he also knew better than others what it meant to kill three hundred Death Eaters.

Gemini Fox
Not from the point of view of the name, it is translated as Gemini Fox. The meaning of the name itself is a person who is as eccentric as Gemini and as cunning as a fox.

This kind of surname that does not sound like an inheritance from the ancestors is obviously given by oneself, or given by an important person, that is to say, the word 'Fox' has a different meaning for the owner of the surname.

Probably a symbol, like the lion for Gryffindor and the snake for Slytherin.

It could also be characteristics—such as the other person's appearance, personality, or worse, the other person's Animagus might be a fox.

Either way, it's bad.

For example, wearing a fox fur coat in front of Jemini is like squeezing a snake gall in front of Voldemort, abusing a cat in front of Professor McGonagall, and eating dog meat in front of Sirius.

Most Animagus care about the animal they transform, and even if they don't, it's inevitable that they will feel offended.

And with Jemini's personality, those who offended him didn't have a good time.

Dumbledore didn't want Durmstrang to be wiped out before the Triwizard Tournament started. If Jemini got mad here, Dumbledore couldn't stop him.

This old man who has lived for more than 100 years does not naively think that what clothes to wear is the freedom of others. He himself does not advocate this kind of freedom to seek death.

tao tao…

Jamie walked slowly to Dumbledore's side. Dumbledore turned around, blinked at Jamie, and handed over the silver-white fox fur coat in his hand: "As soon as I see this Clothes, I think it matches you well, but fortunately, Professor Karkaroff is willing to give up."

"The style is a bit old, and it's too big." Jamie took the coat and said lightly, "The most important thing is that I'm not interested in the clothes worn by others, but thank you for your kindness."

As he spoke, Jemini put away his fox fur coat, glanced at Karkaroff casually, then turned around and walked towards the castle. Karkaroff without his coat was blown cold by the cold wind, but his forehead was A fine cold sweat overflowed.

The Slytherin student team moved out of the way, and Shirley and Adria followed Jemini after he passed by them. Immediately afterwards, more than half of the students in the field left, and the rest Some students also hesitated for a while, then walked towards the castle sparsely. In the end, only Durmstrang's people and a group of professors were left.

The scene was awkward for a while, Professor McGonagall pursed his lips and looked at Snape, his eyes seemed to say: Look at the good students you teach!

Snape looked at his nose, nose and heart, ignoring Professor McGonagall's gaze, and sneered in his heart.

Heh, do you see him talking to me?
Snape knew very well that Jamie was a person who respected teachers and was willing to maintain this relationship with him as both a teacher and a friend, but this did not mean that he could influence Jamie's will.

To put it bluntly, without this relationship, he is nothing. Once Jemini slaps him, he has to spread it evenly on the wall.

And a Karkaroff is not worthy of Snape's favor, let alone Karkaroff's grandson had identified him before!

Behind Jemini, the throng of students followed him through the castle foyer, and the two senior Slytherins pushed open the Great Hall door ahead of him, then stepped aside respectfully.

In the auditorium, the students of Beauxbatons were already sitting on the long table of Ravenclaw. They saw the door of the auditorium opened, and Jemini walked in with leisurely steps, and surrounded by the students, he walked towards Slater. Lin's long table went.

That posture, as if he was the owner of this castle, was calm and arrogant.

Until the students were seated, Dumbledore was leading Durmstrang's people into the auditorium. He chatted happily with Karkaroff. Karkaroff pulled a stiff smile from time to time, Arranged the Durmstrang students at the long table in Gryffindor.

Compared to the Slytherin where Jamie lives, he still feels that the Gryffindor students are a little more easy-going...

 Today's first more humming~
(End of this chapter)

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