Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Answers to some small questions

Chapter 21 Answers to Some Small Questions

Some readers in the comment area do not understand some of the plots of this book, so I will explain them here.

First of all--

Neville Longbottom is pure blood, I misremembered this before 2333...

Since both he and Harry met the conditions of the prophecy, I recorded him as a half-breed like Harry.

It was only later that I realized that Voldemort believed that Harry was a greater threat because Harry was a half-blood like himself, and Longbottom was a pure-blood, so he wanted to kill his whole family...

But I still don't understand the meaning of mixed race.

For example, like Harry, even if both parents are wizards, but one of them is Muggle-born, it will be counted as mixed blood.


Regarding whether 9 can let Muggles enter this matter, the original text of the Deathly Hallows "The Prince's Story" has a description.

This is a description of Snape's memories and Aunt Petunia:

'Scene transition.Harry looked around. He was on platform nine and three-quarters. Snape was standing beside him, leaning slightly, next to a thin, sallow-faced, sullen-looking man who looked a lot like him. woman.Snape was staring at a family of four not far away.Two girls stand away from their parents.Lily seemed to be begging her sister.Harry leaned over to listen. '

' Her pale eyes looked at the platform, at the cat meowing in its owner's arms, at the owls flapping their wings in their cages and hooting to each other, at the students - some already in black robes, They were loading their luggage onto the bright red steam locomotive, and happily greeted their classmates loudly after a summer vacation. '

These two paragraphs are memories left by Snape before his death, describing the scene when Lily was seen off by her parents and sister on platform nine and three quarters before she entered school.

Therefore, Muggles can enter platform nine and three-quarters.

At this point, some readers may say: Ah, what if a Muggle gets in by accident.

First of all, there is a spell called: Muggle Repelling Curse.

This spell can make approaching Muggles move away unconsciously.

Secondly, the opening of Hogwarts is an annual event in the wizarding world, and it is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to ignore it at all, especially since the Ministry of Magic sells jobs that are responsible for modifying Muggle memories.

Even if there were two Muggles who broke into Platform Nine and Three-quarters, for the Ministry of Magic, it was nothing more than assigning a security guard to be responsible for modifying their memories. All solved.

It's a small society with government agencies after all, and I don't believe that such a simple solution can't be thought of by a crowd as large as the Ministry of Magic.

What's more, Muggle parents are also parents. Wouldn't it be too impersonal not to let people enter the platform to see off their children?

In addition, in fact, not only nine and three-quarters can be entered by Muggles, but the Ministry of Magic is occasionally invaded by Muggles, but in the darkest period of the seventh Ministry of Magic, Muggles who accidentally entered the Ministry of Magic died. Quite miserable.

Finally, about the price of this book——

Still the same sentence: if there is cost but no market, it will be calculated according to the manufacturing cost (such as spider silk launcher, serum), if there is no cost, it will be calculated according to the approximate market value of the world where the item is located (such as pupil surgery), and if there is cost and market The price is above the cost and below the market (such as firearms), and there is no cost and no market estimation (such as inheritance).

Some readers said that the price of pupil surgery is very confusing, but in fact, it is about the same price in conversion.

According to Kishimoto’s setting, the ratio of Naruto’s currency to Japanese yen is one or two = 10 yen. From the perspective of purchasing power and prices shown in anime, the value of Ninja’s currency is in Ninja’s, and the value of Japanese yen in Japan is basically the same. equivalent.

There is no difference between a bowl of ramen in the ninja world and a bowl of ramen in Japan for a few hundred yen, so the yen can be used as a benchmark.

In 1990, the exchange rate between the pound and the RMB was around 1:15.

In the same year, the RMB exchange rate and the Japanese Yen exchange rate were around 1:16.


In other words, it is basically equivalent to 960 million taels in the ninja world, which is equivalent to less than one-third of an Asma, and the price is much lower than Baiyan's due value in the ninja world.

However, Hokage was created in 1999, and Kishimoto’s economic concept was also around 99. From 90 to 99, the world economy of currency has changed many times. Older readers should know that around 93 At that time, the monthly salary level in our country suddenly changed from tens of RMB to hundreds of RMB, and the change was not a little bit.

So if the factors of the times are taken into consideration, the price is not outrageous, even a bit high, but even if there is a gap, the gap will not be too big.

How do you feel now, is my pricing rigorous enough?

I think what some readers reject is just the contrast between the British pound and the Ninja currency in terms of digital sense.

However, I also slightly changed the pricing that I thought was inappropriate, and basically I think there is no problem.

If it still doesn't look good, then I really have nothing to do, so if you don't feel good, just bear it.

Ninjas, those who can endure, need oil!

Above, just the sauce.

(End of this chapter)

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