Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Potions Lesson

Chapter 29 Potions Lesson

Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

This should be the favorite subject of all Hogwarts students.

What would an imaginary Defense Against the Dark Arts class look like?
Unrestrained, handsome, silvery, bu ling bu ling~
A powerful spell spewed out from the tip of the wand, and the scorching hot spell made the legs of all the girls present go weak in excitement.

What does a real Defense Against the Dark Arts class look like?
The smell of garlic wafts through the room, and the stammering teacher.

Professor Quirrell, dressed as Ah San, talked nonsense about his adventures abroad, and the turban around his head looked very obtrusive.

Pointless Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Jamie didn't learn anything except to hear Professor Quirrell bragging.

But one thing is undeniable, that is, Quirrell is indeed a very good wizard, as Dumbledore once said in the original book.

Beneath the guise, Quirrell was a man of great talent.

Drowsy, drowsy...

Jamie really wanted to sleep on the table, or take some snacks from the storage space, or just leave this classroom, anyway, Quirrell can teach the class like this, even if he leaves , Snape probably wouldn't say anything to him either.

But good self-restraint still prompted Jemini to sit in his seat and quietly flip through his self-defense guidebook.

Fortunately, when the class was about to end, Professor Quirrell finally taught everyone a spell——

grin huh lah...

Not to mention Jemini's mood at the time.

Then, he suddenly thought of an interesting thing.

Voldemort is now possessed by Quirrell, if you give Quirrell a grin now, will Voldemort laugh out loud?

The idea lingered in Jemini's mind, but reason forced him to abandon it.

It's okay not to laugh out loud, but if Voldemort is exposed by real laughing, the students of these two colleges in the class may be in danger at this time.

Although he didn't really care about their safety, if they were to die because of him, Jemini wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Unlike the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which was not at all standard, Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class was much more serious.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous form of magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone who misbehaves in my class will be asked to leave and never to be allowed in again. I warn I passed you."

In the first class of the school, Professor McGonagall gave the students a warning.

The serious expression made the jumping Draco shrink his neck.

But Professor McGonagall is right. Transfiguration is indeed the most complicated and dangerous of all Hogwarts courses. Of course, for the first-year students who have just learned elementary Transfiguration, there is no danger for the time being. field, but the complexity is real.

That's why Jemini learned a lot of spells before school started, but she didn't learn Transfiguration at all.

It's very simple, he can't understand the book on transfiguration at all...

If the spells in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms class are compared to Chinese and mathematics, then Transfiguration is equivalent to the physical chemistry of Hogwarts, which is comparable to the first two that can be used as long as you know the spells and understand how to use In contrast, Transfiguration seeks to understand the nature of magic.

But Jemini heard that the Charm class is only relatively simple in the early stage. In the sixth and seventh grades, the Charm class is much more difficult than Transfiguration in many ways, because the latter part of the Charm class includes Transfiguration. For magic, the Defense Against the Dark Arts course is more pissed. This course is simply a talent-based course. There is no outstanding level of magic power, and it is lonely in the later stage.

For example, call God to protect.

Top-notch defense against the dark arts, but most adult wizards can't use it.

Even if it is used, not everyone can release this spell under the desperation brought by the dementor.

The first transformation class in life, after taking notes for most of the class, Professor McGonagall asked the students to try to turn a match into a needle.

Looking at the matches in front of him, Jemini held his wand lightly in his hand and calmed down.

Professor McGonagall has memorized all the knowledge points recorded, and now is the time for the experiment.

While reciting the spell softly, dots of white light spewed out from the tip of the wand, and then, a fantastic scene happened.

The match in front of her trembled violently and turned into a bright silver embroidery needle.

"Five for Slytherin!"

Professor McGonagall's voice came from behind him, and Jemini raised his head and found that Professor McGonagall was standing behind him with his lips pursed, looking at him with admiration.

Jemini smiled gently: "Thank you very much, Professor McGonagall."

"You deserve it, Mr. Fox." Professor McGonagall smiled.

Although the rumors about Jemini have been circulating among the students so far, the teachers who have come into contact with him have been favored by Jemini. Even Professor Flitwick said that if Jamie It would be better if Ni didn't make that scary joke...

Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent, decent clothes, polite conversation.

The pearl that has been dusted for a long time is slowly blooming its due light at Hogwarts.

Finally, Friday.

Today, the little snakes of Slytherin and the little lions of Gryffindor will have a potions class all morning. A total of two potions classes are all piled up on Friday.

Still a dark basement.

When Snape slammed open the door and strode into the classroom, he picked up the roll and stopped when he called Harry Potter.

"Oh...yes...Harry Potter..." Snape's tone was calm, unable to detect any emotion, he just elongated his tone, his eyes swept across the face of a weak boy in the class: "This is Our newcomer - a big name..."

Beside Jemini, Draco and his two little followers - Crabbe and Goyle, all three laughed innocently.

Seeing that Jemini looked calm and indifferent, Draco suddenly felt that this was meaningless, and stopped laughing a little embarrassed.

An excellent role model will make people unconsciously want to follow and imitate.

"You have come here to learn the exact science and exacting craft of potion-making."

Snape's tone was a little higher than usual: "Since there's no foolish waving of wands here, many of you won't believe it's magic."

"Of course... I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of the simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and fragrance. The magical power of the temple..."

"I can teach you how to increase reputation, brew honor, and even organize death-but only if you are not the kind of fool I often encounter."

There was no sound in the class, and Snape seemed to share Professor McGonagall's aura of majesty that made the classroom quiet with little effort.

(End of this chapter)

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