Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 495 The Green Goblin is Born!

Chapter 495 The Green Goblin is Born!

"Either make me a god, or let me die..."

Norman Osborn looked at the serum in his hand and said, and then he resolutely injected the serum into his body.

Accompanied by the entry of the serum, Norman Osborn twisted his face in pain.


But he soon passed out.

Powerful genes from unknown creatures began to repair Norman Osborn's body, and then destroyed his gene chain to reshape!

Those green-gray blotches on Norman Osborn's skin began to disappear, and his complexion returned to normal.

The genetic disease like tarsus maggots in his body was cured!

After that, Norman Osborn's body began to thin out at a disturbing rate, as if the nutrients in his body were being swallowed by the mysterious genes injected into his body.

Norman Osborn's assistant, who was killed by him after he became the Green Goblin in the original plot, quickly gave him an infusion, and a large amount of nutrient solution was absorbed by Norman Osborn.

Then Norman Osborn's body began to change, and his skin became harder and harder, until the infusion needle couldn't even pierce his skin at all.

Dense tiny scales appeared on his skin, and sharp nails began to grow on his fingers.

A powerful coercion began to be released from his body.First insects, then small animals such as mice, snakes and birds, they fled the manor crazily under this pressure.

The huge Osborne Manor seems to have turned into a dead place. The tree nursery is still lush and green, but there is no sound of insects or birds.

The assistant did not give up, but looked for a more powerful needle for infusion, but at this time, Norman Osborn had already woken up.

He easily broke free and broke the reinforced glass of the cultivation tank. After leaving the cultivation tank, Norman Osborn found his own food as if instinctively.

That is the reflective nuclide of industrial ct in the laboratory!
In order to be able to detect the internal structure of some precision parts, the radiation dose of industrial CT in the laboratory is extremely high.Ordinary people will feel dizzy, nausea and vomiting even if they are close to the radiation source.If you hold it in your hand, the cells on the hand will be directly killed by high-energy radiation, and within a few minutes, the entire hand will be necrotic.

But Norman Osborn, who was very hungry, didn't seem to notice the radiation, or rather, the radiation made him feel very comfortable.

Norman Osborn is now chewing and swallowing the radiation source like chocolate.

After fusing the genes of the mysterious monster, Norman Osborn's body, which was already terminally ill, was full of vitality at this time. The family genetic disease healed without any medicine, and he was full of energy and quick thinking. Apart from becoming an inhuman existence , the state could not be better.

He has an extra organ like an atomic furnace in his body, which can digest radioactive substances.The motor system, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, and digestive system have all undergone radical changes in order to utilize the nearly unlimited atomic energy. (Godzilla has comics in Marvel, but the comics already belong to the ancient comics, but it does not affect the setting that Godzilla can be used.)
At this moment, the human part of Norman Osborn is running out.

He swallowed the entire radioactive source into his stomach, and the atomic furnace immediately digested the radioactive source, releasing powerful nuclear energy, which was digested and absorbed by the internal organs.

Norman Osborn's thin body due to long-term bed rest grew stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his bony torso began to show signs of muscle.Hard black scales cover the whole body.

The sharp dorsal fins pierced the scales on the spine, breaking out, and a long tail was swinging behind him.

After absorbing the nuclear energy in the radioactive source, his monsterization, which was interrupted by lack of energy, started again.It's a pity that this nuclear energy is only enough for him to transform himself to this extent. If he wants to become stronger, he needs more radioactive sources!
"Nuclear energy, only nuclear energy can make me stronger!"

He stuck out his tongue and licked his fingers one by one, not letting go of any crumbs that might be left.

Unlike the lizard serum, he didn't have a new consciousness injected with the genes of this mysterious monster.Norman Osborn still retains an independent consciousness, and the genes injected into his body can only affect him subtly.

He even enjoys himself being subconsciously changed.The personality that originally belonged to humans is no longer worthy of this powerful and perfect body.

When he was looking through the information of the mysterious monster, he had doubts about what it relied on for such a huge body to maintain its activities.

A creature of the size of a blue whale already needs to consume about four tons of food a day. Calculated based on its weight, if the mysterious monster's food is similar to that of a blue whale, it will eat about two thousand tons of food that day.

This is simply not realistic, even if the mysterious monster spends all its time hunting, it is difficult to replenish the energy needed for a day's activities.

It turns out that this kind of monster actually feeds on radioactive substances. No wonder it can grow to such an exaggerated size.

However, Norman Osborn, who has fused with that monster, will not grow as big as the monster. He will only absorb nuclear energy and become stronger, and his body size will swell to a height of three meters.

And it will maintain a humanoid appearance, which makes Norman Osborn very satisfied. The current self is definitely stronger than the abomination and the Hulk!


At this time, the assistant found a better needle and ran in, but as soon as he came in, he saw a green monster.

The next moment, Norman crushed his head.

"It's a pity that you saw me like this..."

Norman said coldly, after killing this loyal assistant, Norman returned to his human form.

"I need more nuclear power..."

Norman Osborn said in a somewhat greedy tone, he is sure that this body is really far from reaching its limit, as long as there is a constant supply of nuclear energy, it can continue to become stronger.

That's a good way to go about purchasing.

As one of the weapons manufacturers of the US military, the Osborne Group has legal acquisition qualifications and can acquire nuclear fuel through legal channels.

Weapons-grade uranium is out of the question, but ammonium diuranate (commonly known as yellowcake) is still available.

"And... who knew I did it?"

Norman looked at himself in the mirror. After regaining his health, his face was rosy, as if he had returned to the best time of a man when he was 30 years old.

He plans to purchase ammonium diuranate while transforming to obtain weapon-grade uranium.

As for the location of the ballistic missile base... The Osborne Group's database has relevant information, because they have won several bids for the Pentagon's intercontinental ballistic missile maintenance work.

(End of this chapter)

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