The correct posture of Ke Xue's love

Chapter 274 Gin: A Useless Struggle

Chapter 274 Gin: A Useless Struggle
The street lights were dim and there were few pedestrians.

"Aren't you wearing contact lenses?" Kyogoku asked with concern while holding Yanagida Yumi's hand. He was too excited just now, and he didn't think of it until then.

"Well, my contact lenses are at home. I usually wear glasses at work, but I accidentally broke them just now." Yanagida Yumi felt the warmth of the wrapped palms and the strong security brought by it. Feeling, the voice is soft and soft.

As for things like invisible eyes, she really hasn't tried them before. Due to her background, she has always focused on how to improve herself and how to become an elite in the workplace.

This greatly improved her professional ability, and also made her less energy to pay too much attention to her personal image.

So, she didn't try this kind of thing for the first time until Belmode suggested that she take off the glasses and put on contact lenses to shoot in the last commercial.

Inconvenient, but it does change the image.

This is her opinion.

Therefore, she still insists on wearing glasses at work, and she will only use them when she needs to go out, pay attention to her image, and meet Kyogoku.

"Then why don't we go and get you glasses first? Wouldn't it be inconvenient if you can't see clearly?" Kyogoku suggested.

"No, no need, there are no optical shops open nearby now. And..." Yanagida Yumi quickly shook her head and refused, "Although it would be scary if you can't see clearly, Ah Zhen's hands feel very safe."

Kyogoku really blushed and didn't say anything to spoil the scenery.

It's also thanks to him not continuing to say anything, if it's better to go to your house to get contact lenses if you want to say anything, then...

The rank is too high and the progress is too fast, he still can't grasp it.

"By the way, why did you quarrel with them today?"

Yanagita Ikumi lowered her head in embarrassment. Although Kyogoku really said that there was a quarrel, she was actually standing there alone and yelling unilaterally.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. They've been like that since before. I'm used to it, so I don't care about it at all."

"It's just that recently because of that advertisement, they have started to make irresponsible remarks again."

Yanagida Ikumi said it lightly, but Kyogoku really knew that this kind of occasion that was completely rejected by everyone, still had to work every day, obviously it couldn't be so easy.

Although she couldn't see clearly, Yanagida Ikumi felt that Kyogoku was really worried, and she quickly added:

"Don't worry about me, I won't be defeated so easily. I must become an elite woman in the workplace. This is my battlefield. I will definitely stand to the end!"

"Well, come on!"

Seeing Yanagida Ikumi's fighting spirit, Kyogoku held her hand tightly and didn't say anything else. He also has the same belief in martial arts, so he can understand her persistence very well.

"Well, the izakaya you mentioned hasn't arrived yet?" Kyogoku couldn't help asking.

"Ah, it's coming soon, sorry, are you hungry?"

"Ah, no, no, I'm just worried that if you can't see clearly, you may go the wrong way."

"Don't worry, it's fine. I walk this road almost every day, and I can't go wrong with my eyes closed." Yanagida Yumi said confidently.

"Well, do you go to that izakaya to eat every night? It must look delicious, and I'm looking forward to it."

"Hey, because the company usually gets off work very late, after work every day, I will be too tired to move, and if I don't eat something, I will be so hungry that I can't sleep."

"One day I accidentally found this izakaya. The owner is nice and the food is delicious, so I go every day."

"Speaking of it, there is another interesting thing. When I happened to walk into this store for the first time, I was shocked." Yanagita Ikumi said with a little exaggeration.

"What happened?" Kyogoku was also interested.

"Because the boss is a bald uncle with a very fierce appearance, I thought it was a black shop, so I ran away in a panic."

"What then?"

"Originally, I didn't want to go to that store again, but one night I was working too late, I was a little mentally ill, and I went to the wrong place in a daze. When I recovered, I was already standing in front of the izakaya .”

"Then I saw that ferocious-looking boss, while stroking a very fat cat, talking to the cat with a sad face."

"At that time, I felt that although he looked vicious, he seemed to be a very good person."

"Then I tentatively walked into that store, and was warmly received by the boss."

"After chatting with the boss, I realized that he has opened stores in many places recently, and even the types of stores are constantly changing, but because of his appearance, it is really difficult to manage. "

"Recently, I also found out that apart from me as a regular customer, there are really no customers in that izakaya, and that uncle seems to be closing the shop again."

"It's such a pity, if that izakaya is closed, I don't know where I'm going to have supper in the future." Yanagida Yumi pouted and said with emotion.

But then she perked up again.

"However, it's great to be able to take Ah Zhen to eat together before he closes the shop!"

"Really? Then I must taste that uncle's cooking. My family also runs a hotel. I have a certain degree of confidence in cooking. Let's see if I can learn from that uncle. In the future... "

Kyogoku really didn't say anything, but Yanagida Yumi already understood what he meant, the two of them looked at each other with a smile, and then stood still. In the empty alley, under the dim light, the atmosphere was just right.

Kyogoku lowered his head slightly, Yanagida Ikumi tiptoed slightly, and the shadows on the ground got closer and closer.

"It seems that you are in a good mood."

A voice suddenly interrupted the movements of the two of them.

Kyogoku frowned slightly, and looked behind him, only to see two people walking out slowly from a dark corner.

Dressed in black, he doesn't look like a good person.

Kyogoku shuddered sincerely, today was too loose, too relaxed, not even a trace of vigilance, these two people were clearly hostile, and he didn't notice it at all.

"Who are you? What's the matter?"

"Heh, do you still have to pretend to be stupid now? It's useless."

Gin sneered, took out his pistol, and loaded it with a click.

Seeing this, Kyogoku shivered, looking around while being vigilant.

"Yumi, you hide behind the electric pole." Kyogoku backed slowly while protecting Yanagida Yumi, and whispered when he retreated to a electric pole.

"Well, be careful." Yanagida Yumi obediently said that she was hiding behind the concrete pole, without saying a word.

Although this telegraph pole can't withstand his own feet, it can still block bullets, Kyogoku thought sincerely.

After making arrangements for Yanagida Ikumi, Kyogoku moved his position slowly, trying to stay as far away from her hiding place as possible, and then continued to confront Gin.

Of course, Gin noticed all this, but he didn't care and let them do these little tricks.

"Hmph, useless struggle, as a weak person, one should accept one's fate honestly."

(End of this chapter)

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