Chapter 296 Arranged
Seeing that the snowstorm was getting bigger and bigger, everyone had no choice but to leave Eryuan's body behind and go back to the villa first.

Back at the villa, Mori Kogoro rushed to the phone and started calling the police, but after a few minutes, he put down the receiver with a disappointed face.

"How is it? Can the police come over here?" The proprietress Yuasa Granny asked eagerly.

"No, the avalanche around eight o'clock buried the tunnel that must be passed up the mountain."

Suzuki Sonoko and Conan were shocked when they heard the words, Gu Shuiquan was right, Blizzard Villa...

"Hmph, you didn't believe what I said just now, how are you doing now?" Itakura So and Shumi Yuzo sneered, then turned and went upstairs to their room.

"I'm going to lock up Sanlang so that it won't escape." Granny Yuasa took Sanlang to the corner of the first floor.

Seeing this, Suzuki Sonoko helped the sad Miss Amari back to the room on the second floor.

After settling the latter, she gently opened the door of her room, seeing that Gu Shuiquan was still lying obediently on the bed, then carefully closed the door again, and then went back downstairs.

"Since the police can't come now, let me investigate first." Mori Kogoro put on his gloves, took out the camera and video camera brought back from Mr. Ergaki, and checked.

"The tape in the camera is new at all. Now we can only rely on the camera. Anyway, its film is used up." He said while checking.

"However, there is no equipment, how can I develop the negatives?"

"If it's just developing the negatives, I can do it." Ms. Fanchuan said suddenly, "Ergaki, because he couldn't wait to know whether he had captured the wild wolf every time he took a photo, so he always brought the developing equipment with him. .”

After taking the camera from Mori Kogoro, she went to the bathroom, intending to use it as a darkroom, and Mao Lilan quickly followed to help.

Conan saw that Mao Lilan was gone, so he walked to Suzuki Sonoko and tugged at her sleeve.

"Hey, Sister Sonoko, I found something interesting. There is a bag with a lot of video tapes in it."

"Huh? What tape?"

"I don't know, but it should be Mr. Ergaki's. Only he and Ms. Fenchuan have photographed things here. I think, if I release them to have a look, I might be able to learn something."

"That's what he said."

"Then I'll go and get the video tape. It just so happens that there is a TV here that can be used to play the video."

After speaking, Conan ran to the kitchen on short legs, and came back with a bunch of video tapes in his arms after a while. He put the video tapes on the sofa and picked out a roll from it.

"Only this tape is not dated, it should be the most recent."

Conan pouted his buttocks and was fiddling in front of the TV. Mouri Kogoro was thinking hard to no avail. Seeing this, he angrily stepped forward and slapped his little butt hard.


"What are you doing, kid?" After the beating, Kogoro Moori grabbed him by the back collar and picked him up.


Conan looked at him innocently, never expecting that the buttocks were still not saved, and the slap by Mori Kogoro made him feel a little swollen.

" Miss Ganley!"

Just as Mori Kogoro taught Conan, Suzuki Sonoko had already played the tape.

"The murderer turned out to be Miss Ganley!"

Suzuki Sonoko looked shocked, this result was beyond her expectation.

"What did you say?" Mori Kogoro rushed over and hugged the TV with both hands, as if he wanted to stuff his head into the screen.

He stared at it for a long time. The scene was in the snowy woods, with snowflakes floating in the sky, and Miss Ganley was walking towards the camera position. It seemed nothing special.

"Isn't this just an ordinary video? Why do you say Miss Ganley is the murderer?"

Suzuki Sonoko regained her senses a little bit, and she swallowed.

"As far as I know, Ms. Ganli hasn't gone out at all since she arrived here yesterday. The only time she went out was when it was snowing heavily today. She and Ms. Fenchuan went out to find the missing Mr. Ergaki."

"But she ran back and said that Mr. Ergaki was not found..." Mori Kogoro followed her words.

"Hey kid, where did you get this videotape?"

Mori Kogoro lifted Conan up again, and asked with his face pressed against his.

"Uh, found it in a bag in the kitchen."

Throwing him aside, Mori Kogoro walked quickly to the kitchen, opened the door, and saw the leather bag lying open on the floor at a glance.

"This is Miss Ganli's bag!" Sonoko Suzuki exclaimed after him.

"Really, why do you touch other people's things casually?" Mori Kogoro scolded Conan who followed him.

"That's not the case. When I found it, it was open, and the video tapes inside were scattered." Conan quickly explained.

"Huh? Is that really the case?" Mori Kogoro squinted his eyes with doubts on his face. After all, Conan really has a lot of criminal records.

"There seems to be some traces on it." Suzuki Sonoko uttered in time to help Conan out of the siege.

"It seems to be the bite mark of some animal." Mori Kogoro took a look and judged.

"It looks like a dog, did Saburo do it?" Suzuki Sonoko guessed.

"Impossible, Sanlang has been with me and sister Xiaolan since this evening, and there was no such thing in the kitchen before that."

Conan denied her guess, and then turned his head to glance at the dog that was rubbing its head against him.

"Are you right? Saburo."



The three of them finally found out that something was wrong, Saburo had been taken away by Granny Yuasa just now, why did he appear here again?
"Could it be that there are really ghosts in this villa?" Suzuki Sonoko was a little scared.

"Impossible, let's go to Granny Yuasa first."

The three of them left the kitchen with the dog. Before leaving, Suzuki Sonoko glanced at the box on the kitchen table and put it there properly, and then he was relieved.

Back in the living room, I happened to meet Granny Yuasa, Miss Fenchuan and Mao Lilan who had returned from developing the negatives.

"Huh? Saburo? Why is it here?" Granny Yuasa was stunned when she saw the dog.

"Grandma, did you really lock up Saburo just now?" Conan asked.

"...Yeah, I put it in the cage every night, in the corner over there."

Conan glanced at the direction Granny Yuasa was pointing at, and ran over. After a while, he came back with another dog. The two identical dogs immediately got together when they saw each other.

"Could it be... Jiro?"


Granny Yuasa called out tentatively, and immediately got a response from one of the dogs.

"So that's it, that's what happened, it's really well-intentioned." She murmured, it seemed that many puzzles had been answered at this moment.

Conan looked at the scene in front of him, thoughtful, always felt as if he had been arranged, the bag was said to be open on the ground, but only some semi-melted snow was on the outside, the inside was very clean, not wet at all videotape.

This means that when the dog retrieved it, its zipper was closed.

If it was opened by the dog after it was brought back, there should be slight bite marks on the zipper pull, and there should be a little bit of snow on the inside, but these are not.

Then, there is only one truth.

 The transitional foreshadowing chapter may be a bit boring, please be patient, it will be fine tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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