The correct posture of Ke Xue's love

Chapter 342 Hattori's First Love

Chapter 342 Hattori's First Love

"How about I just give you a part-time job and sign a non-disclosure contract, is that okay?" Toru Amuro asked anxiously, but Gu Shuiquan didn't believe his nonsense, if it wasn't done on purpose, it would be hell .

"Okay, let's do this. Go ahead and talk about the details later." Gu Shuiquan responded with a smile, without saying anything.

"Great, Boss, you are such a good person." Toru Amuro patted his chest, as if he was relieved, but it still made him a little uneasy that it went so smoothly, especially the smile on the other side seemed to be hiding something...

Hope I feel wrong.

On the stage, the host drew everyone's attention back and announced that the competition was entering the final round, and all the contestants went backstage to prepare.

"The last round of the competition is a little bit special. It has something to do with the first love story of our special judge, Mr. Hattori." The host suddenly mentioned Hattori Heiji, and the camera also took a close-up of his face, making him blush in embarrassment face.

"Eight years ago, when Mr. Hattori was visiting Kyoto, he met a girl who was slightly older than him. She was wearing a kimono, patted a ball, and sang local songs under a tree with flying cherry blossoms."

"This scene gave him a great shock, and this sight made him unforgettable ever since. For eight years, every time he came to Kyoto, Mr. Hattori would go to the place where he met the girl before, hoping to meet her again. Encounter."

"He was interviewed by a magazine and showed the crystal bead that was suspected to be dropped by the girl. I hope the other party will find him after seeing it."

"It's a pity that he hasn't been able to fulfill his long-cherished wish all this time. Perhaps this is the curse of first love. It will always be unforgettable for a lifetime. It is always so twists and turns, lingering with a touch of sadness."

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV were fascinated. Such a story could almost be written into a book.

But Hattori Heiji's face was so hot that he was already steaming. This is too shameful. What is this? Public execution?
The host didn't let him go, and continued to talk.

"When I came to Kyoto this time, Mr. Hattori still wanted to see that girl once, but I only saw her once, and I didn't even speak to her, and I didn't even know her name. How can I find this girl?"

"Finding a needle in a haystack is as difficult as reaching the sky!"

"However, the so-called never forgetting, there must be echoes. Maybe the Buddha felt his sincerity. After our program team learned about this incident, we really helped him find this first love."

"That's right, Mr. Hattori's first love is among the ten contestants today!"

"So, this last round of competition, in addition to allowing the contestants to show their charming voices, is also a test for Mr. Hattori. They will wear the same kimono and cover their heads. Under the cherry tree, they will clap the ball and sing Singing songs, just like back then."

"So, can our Mr. Hattori find out his first love that he never forgets? Let us wait and see!"

Hattori Heiji is almost out of his body at this time, and his shame has already exploded. I only hope that today's program will not be seen by people he knows.

Kudo will definitely know. His woman is watching from below, and he will definitely be laughed at when he turns around. He was mercilessly laughed at when he told him about his first love yesterday...

Wait...something is not quite right.

Hattori Heiji suddenly woke up. He had mentioned about his first love in a magazine, but he only said that the girl was slightly older than him, and also showed the crystal beads, but he didn't say it was at Sannoji Temple, let alone the ball song thing!

He only told that guy Kudo about this!
Hateful traitor!The culprit!

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth immediately, he actually betrayed himself, if he dared to laugh at himself later, he would never let him go!
Suddenly, a girl in a red kimono and a red hijab was guided by the staff and walked under the cherry tree, and a ball was placed in her hand.

The cherry blossoms are falling, silently, the red lips under the red silk are slightly opened, and the moving singing is washed away.

"Maruzhuyi Erashi Miike
Bridal hexagonal octopus brocade
Four Ling Buddha Takamatsu Mangojo
Snowshoe jingle fish rack
Walk through six streets and seven streets

After Hachijo Street is Toji Road
Just across Jiutiao Street..."

After the singing ended, there was a brief silence, followed by warm applause, and the ultimate audio-visual enjoyment was nothing more than that.

Hattori Heiji seemed to travel back in time, back to eight years ago, standing behind the broken wooden window, staring blankly at the figure under the cherry tree.

"Although it sounds good, this contestant sang it wrong." Okita Souji held the back of his head and made an inappropriate comment.

"Huh? Is that so?" Hattori Heiji turned his head strangely and asked.

"Yeah, the second sentence should not be 'Bride Hexagon' but 'Sister Hexagon'." Okita Souji hummed a few words, "This kind of song was sung by almost all the locals when they were young, and they listened to it every day if they didn't. It's for kids to remember street names."

A flash of lightning flashed through Mori Kogoro's mind, which immediately made him lose his mind, and murmured: "That's it, that's how it is..."

Soon, the No.2 contestant came out, almost indistinguishable from the previous one, only the voice was different, and the lyrics were different, which meant that the mistake pointed out by Souji Okita had been corrected.

No. 3, No. 4, No. 5...

As more and more contestants entered the stage, Hattori Heiji became more and more absent-minded. He stared at the first contestant to sing, as if he wanted to let his eyes penetrate the red silk and see the people inside.

Finally, a small contestant appeared. She didn't wear a red silk hijab, because it was meaningless, and she could tell who it was from her body shape, but Conan's blond hair was pulled back.

Take a deep breath and open your mouth.

The originally expectant eyes suddenly froze, the voice is so beautiful, why, why does singing kill people?Is God really fair?

After singing a song, Conan was a little bit unsatisfied. Looking at the stunned audience, he smiled with satisfaction, and now he is stable.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was a voice from the audience.

"The voice is nice, and the smile melts people's hearts. She is still a child, so she can't be so strict."

Immediately afterwards, someone chimed in.

"That's right, that's it."

"That's right, this competition is about voice, not whether you can sing well or not. I think Victoria can capture me with just her voice, and she doesn't need to sing at all."

"I think so."

Conan:  …

"Okay, all the competitions are over, let's take a look, who is the player with the most votes in the end?"

No tricks, the host reads from vote No. 10 until...

"The contestant with the fourth most votes is contestant No. [-], Toyama Kazuha. The contestant who won the third place is... contestant No. [-], Hongye Ooka. Congratulations!"

The host read very passionately, but he was uneasy in his heart. Ms. Ooka only took the third place. Is it really all right?However, since the director counted the votes for himself and didn't stop, let's continue reading.

"The contestant who won the runner-up is... the number one contestant, Qian Heling, congratulations!"

"In the end, the player who won the championship is..."

Without waiting for the host to speak, the audience shouted in unison: "Victoria!"

"That's right, it's contestant No. [-], Victoria. Let us warmly congratulate this seven-year-old contestant for winning the championship. The sponsor of this program, Iced Fruit Milk Tea, will customize a Two-dimensional image for her and develop related peripherals." , including but not limited to body pillows, figures, dolls, badges, etc., please wait and see and support~”

"What the staff in the audience is distributing to you is the new product of Iced Fruit Milk Tea for this competition - 'First Love', which will use Victoria's Two-dimensional image as the packaging pattern after it is officially launched, and there will also be Membership cards with Victoria patterns can be processed..."

The host finished reading the advertisement in a long-winded manner, and then changed the subject, "So, finally, let's witness together the first love story of our Kansai high school student Hattori Heiji, and how it will come to an end!"

"Mr. Hattori, which player do you think is your first love, please make your choice!"

Hattori Heiji was caught in the face by the camera again, and immediately became nervous. Although there would be no punishment for choosing the wrong choice, he always felt that something bad would happen.

If you choose the wrong one, you will always have to bear the price. Of these ten people, ah bah, one of the nine people must be my first love. This is what the host clearly said, and the great writer also guaranteed.

If I choose wrongly, wouldn't the eight years of searching become a joke?

But is that really the case?Is it really possible to confirm it with a single lyric error?After so many years, isn't it normal that people have corrected it?

"Mr. Hattori, please make your choice." The host urged.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth, he couldn't look forward and backward like this, he could only confirm with this, and he had to lift the hijab for other things.

Feeling timid, until this moment, he suddenly felt so nervous that he couldn't breathe normally. He was obviously looking forward to it, but now he hesitated again. What was he worried about?

The shadow of Yuan Shan and Ye flashed in his mind.

"Mr. Hattori..."

Hattori Heiji came back to his senses, he walked towards the first person who sang, stood still in front of her, and slowly raised his hijab...

"Why are you?!" Hattori Heiji was taken aback.

"Huh? What do you mean? Didn't you hear my voice? You can choose the wrong one?" Yuan Shan and Ye Liu raised their eyebrows upside down, but their hearts couldn't help thumping, a question kept entangled in their hearts—— Why did he choose me?

"No, no, I..." Hattori Heiji was a little confused. He was attracted by the picture at that time, immersed in the memory, and couldn't pay attention to the sound problem at all. The singing voices were so mixed together that he couldn't tell them apart.

"He Ye, you sang the wrong lyrics just now, because you learned it temporarily, didn't you remember?"

Yuan Shan and Ye blushed slightly, "No, because I was the first to play, they didn't give me time to learn it at all, and they didn't tell me to sing this song beforehand, but fortunately I learned it when I was young, and I still remember it very well. It’s clear, it’s just that I remembered it wrong at that time, and it turned out to be wrong until now…”

Hattori Heiji's expression was dull and he didn't say a word. Yuan Shan and Ye Chen said angrily: "What? Sing, is it embarrassing to sing wrong?"

"Not this, you..." Hattori Heiji swallowed, "When did you learn this song?"

"Huh? When I was in the third grade of elementary school, I came to Kyoto with you to play. I learned it at that time. At that time, my relatives here brought me a kimono to dress me up. But you got impatient and said to go to Sannoji Temple." Play, when I dress up, I go to the temple to look for you, but I don’t see anyone, and then I am like today, under the cherry blossom tree..."

Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly realized the significance of this round of competition. Balls, nursery rhymes, kimonos, cherry blossom trees, these things were specially arranged.


"What, what's wrong?" Hattori Heiji stammered in response.

"Could the first love you mentioned be me?" Yuan Shan and Ye covered their mouths, even if it was her own conclusion, she couldn't believe it.

Hattori Heiji blushed, but he couldn't say no.

Seeing his reaction, Yuan Shan and Ye immediately understood that it was true, his first love was himself, no wonder Brother Shuiquan refused to speak directly, and even smiled strangely, no wonder this game was so weird...

Hattori Heiji looked at Toyama Kazuha who was dressed very attractively in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing, what is this?
I searched for her thousands of times in the crowd, but when I looked back at dusk, the person was in a dimly lit place.

Although he doesn't know the word, but his mood is mostly like this. The person he has always missed is actually always by his side. Is this God reminding him to cherish the people around him?

Yuan Shan and Ye were also a little emotional. This kind of fairy tale-like coincidence and this wedding-like dress made her immersed in the atmosphere.

"He Ye..."



"Wait!" Ooka Hongye couldn't help interrupting the two, "How can you be sure that she is your first love?"

"Ah?" Hattori Heiji was a little stunned, and his scalp was a little numb. Just now he forgot that there was a person who claimed to be his fiancee, "I, I remember very clearly, that little girl sang 'Bride Hexagon' at that time. , she is the only one who sings this, the others are all 'Sister Liujiao'..."

"And the timing is right."

"So you are older than you? Are you two the same age?"

Hattori Heiji scratched his head, "It's true that she is the same age, but she is indeed a little older than me, but she is not so much a year behind, and she also developed early when she was young, and often used her physical advantage to put me... Uh, it's nothing, girl When I was young, I always grew up faster than boys of the same age."

Ooka Momiji was at a loss for words. He originally thought that Heiji's first love was Chiga Suzu, so he didn't take it to heart. He didn't expect his first love and childhood sweetheart to be the same person, so he was careless.

No, maybe this woman did it on purpose.

She glanced at Toyama and Ye with a fighting spirit, then turned to Hattori Heiji and said, "Whether she is your so-called 'first love' or not, our engagement is earlier than that, you won't forget it, right? Pingji?"

(End of this chapter)

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