The correct posture of Ke Xue's love

Chapter 370 Indoor Fitness

Chapter 370 Indoor Fitness

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, and Gu Shuiquan took away the chocolate box she had put on the bedside table before, and then strode out of the room to find his father-in-law.

"Hey, don't go, come back!" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't wait, Gu Shuiquan had already walked a long way.

She turned over and got out of bed quickly, but she was too hasty and almost fell down. She finally stumbled to the door and bumped into Gu Shuiquan's chest head-on.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Suzuki Sonoko rubbed his head and asked strangely.

"Uh..." Gu Shuiquan's face was a little weird, and he didn't know how to explain it, "They are a bit busy, so let's not bother them."

"Busy? What are you busy with?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked puzzled, what are you up to at night?Based on what she knew about her father, she was either drinking tea, reading a book, or playing with his miscellaneous hobbies.

As for her mother, it must be for skin care and maintenance, or watching dramas for entertainment.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Gu Shuiquan looked at the corridor, then closed the door, and pulled Suzuki Sonoko towards the bed.

Suzuki Sonoko was dragged onto the bed in a daze, and then Gu Shuiquan's hands became restless.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?" Suzuki Sonoko pressed his hand quickly, "Didn't you tell me what they were busy with?"

Gu Shuiquan nodded sincerely, "That's right, that's what they're busy with."

After finishing speaking, he kissed Suzuki Sonoko's lips. The latter was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize the meaning of what he said. He patted him angrily, and then closed his eyes.

It was a little hot in the room, and the two of them took off their clothes to cool off.

It was a little cold when I was naked, so I had to hug each other to keep warm.

Bumps and knocks are inevitable when heating, so from time to time, Suzuki Sonoko's soft cry, or Gu Shuiquan's muffled hum can be heard.

These are all normal phenomena and nothing worth mentioning.

The movements of the two of them to keep warm were a bit heavy, so they both sweated a little, and sweated a lot, so it was tiring. Suzuki Sonoko wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, panting slightly.

"Okay? Can you take a shower and sleep? Like a cow, I suspect that your strength has also increased."

Her lazy tone seemed to turn on some switch, which made Gu Shuiquan unable to bear to exercise again. She said before that she would go to the gym, but now it seems that it is the same at home. Things like abdominal muscles are still very easy.

It is inevitable that Gu Shuiquan will be bored exercising alone, so he took Suzuki Sonoko together. In order to make up for the consumption of exercise, the two added some energy and water, and ate some chocolate together.

"Ah, it can't be done, it can't be done, I'm tired, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." Sonoko Suzuki, who was exhausted physically, raised his hands in surrender, planning to give up.

Gu Shuiquan looked at her with unsatisfied interest, and felt that young people nowadays really need to keep exercising hard, and they are tired after only a short while.

But seeing Suzuki Sonoko acting coquettishly, he couldn't bear to preach, so he carried her to the bathroom.

"I don't want to move, you wash it for me." Suzuki Sonoko sat on the small bench, hugging her knees and coquettishly said.

"You're such an adult, you don't even know how to do your own thing?" Gu Shuiquan squeezed some shower gel amusedly, and walked towards her.

"Ahaha, don't touch there, it's itchy~" Suzuki Sonoko clutched her waist to keep Gu Shuiquan's hand from moving.

"Then do you want me to wash it for you? I wash it for you and you say it's itchy." Gu Shuiquan looked at her helplessly.

"Yes, if you move slowly, maybe I won't be so ticklish." Suzuki Sonoko's voice was waxy, like a murmur in sleep.

"Okay." Gu Shuiquan had no choice but to follow what she said, but Suzuki Sonoko still laughed from time to time, which made this "boring" process a lot more "interesting".

After washing the large porcelain doll in front of him, Gu Shuiquan carried her into the bathtub, Suzuki Sonoko moaned comfortably, and narrowed his eyes, enjoying himself.

Gu Shuiquan ignored her, but took the time to wash himself. After he finished washing, Suzuki Sonoko had fallen asleep in the bathtub.

He had no choice but to carry Suzuki Sonoko out, wipe her dry, then carried her to the bed and tucked her into the quilt.

Finally, turn off the lights and go to bed.


It was dark outside, but the house was brightly lit. After dinner, after finishing the housework, Mao Lilan went back to her room to study.

But because she was going to participate in Yuanzi's engagement ceremony tomorrow, she couldn't learn for a while, and looked at the night outside the window, feeling a little melancholy.

I don't know if it's because of the rush of time that her childhood playmate has reached the age of engagement, which makes her a little emotional, or her own rough love life makes her a little worried.

She walked to the balcony, opened the balcony door, held the handle of the balcony, looked at the night sky, stared at the moon and stars in a daze.

After a long time, she suddenly remembered that Yuanzi and Brother Shuiquan seemed to be downstairs. What are they doing now?What are you thinking again?Are you excited or apprehensive about tomorrow's engagement?

These questions made her curiously look down at the coffee shop downstairs.

However, there was no light in the coffee shop. Instead, the lights of the detective office on the second floor were on.

"Huh? Why are the lights in the office on? Could it be that a thief has entered?" Mao Lilan couldn't help frowning.

She hurriedly left the room, ran to the next door and opened the door, "Dad, the light downstairs is... Dad?"

Before he finished speaking, Mao Lilan realized that there was no one in the room, not only Kogoro Moori was not there, even Conan was not there.

Maorilan went to the toilet and kitchen to check in doubt, but there was no one there.

"Could it be the two of them downstairs? It's time, what are they doing in the office?"

With such doubts, Mao Lilan hurried downstairs wearing slippers.

Before opening the door of the office on the second floor, Kogoro Mori laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, it's still your kid who knows."

Mao Lilan quietly opened the door suspiciously, and the reception living room was empty.

She tiptoed to the storage room, which is where the game cabin is placed. It is said to be a storage room, but the area is actually not small, and it is more than enough for a game cabin.

Mao Lilan secretly opened the door with a gap, and saw Mori Kogoro with a sloppy smile on his face, staring at a screen connected to the game cabin.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden sound startled Mori Kogoro, he frantically tried to turn off the monitor, but almost knocked over the screen in panic.

"No, it's nothing, I'm just watching Conan play games."

(End of this chapter)

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