People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 376 Qingyu has no problem! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Chapter 376 Qingyu has no problem! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

for a while.

All eyes are looking towards the top of the tower.

Among the crowd just now, only some sensitive people were the first to see such a thing, and many people did not notice it.

Up to this time.

With such an exclamation.

Almost every ninja present looked towards the top of the tower, including the two proctor ninjas who were in charge of guarding the gate.


"what happened?"

"My God!"

"do you died?"

"It's really dead!"


After one after another exclamation sounded one after another, which made all the ninjas present who took the Chunin exam flustered.

Now they all have question marks in their hearts.

I can't figure out many things.

such as……

How did the three ninjas from Yanyin Village die?

Who killed the three ninjas of Yanyin Village?
Also, why did the bodies of the three ninjas of Yanyin Village suddenly appear on the top of the tower?
Such a problem.

One by one came out.

The kind that made everyone at the scene have a cloud of fog in their heads, who didn't know what happened at all, and couldn't even guess it.

"not good!"

The two proctor ninjas who were in charge of guarding the gate had already realized that something was wrong. They couldn't leave here, and they didn't want to leave here now. They immediately looked around, hoping to see some clues.

after all.

These three ninjas from Yanyin Village were just hung up.

There was absolutely nothing before.

Tread, step, step...

Just at this time.

There were footsteps coming from the tower, and the owners of these footsteps were the ninja proctors who had already entered the examination room when the second examination had just started.

Among them, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza walked in the forefront.

Shikahisa Nara came out first.

He saw that everyone was looking up at the top of the tower, and they were all pointing. Everyone was discussing, and the scene was very noisy.


Nara Shikahisa immediately looked up the tower, his eyes focused on the three corpses above the tower.

"How is this going?"

Shikahisa Nara narrowed his eyes slightly, even though all the candidates in the second exam signed the consent form, they are not responsible for dying in the exam room.


It also depends on the situation!
The three ninjas of Yanyin Village hung on the tower in full view of the public. Such a scene really gave him a headache.


After Kaiichi Yamanaka and Dingza Akimichi saw the picture here, their heads suddenly became a mess.

After all, they are the first time to be the chief examiners of the Chunin exam, and their experience is not very sufficient. In addition, they have never encountered such a thing before, and there is no such strange thing in their past experience.

"Don't panic!"

Shikahisa Nara was only stunned for a short moment after being shocked, and then he immediately slowed down, his face became serious, and his eyes fell on the proctor ninjas behind him.

"Now each of you is responsible for counting a squad!"

"If they have the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth in their hands, and also have the ability to fight, then immediately take them to the dojo on the first floor of the tower."

"If they don't meet the conditions for passing, lead them to the empty room on the second floor."


"Everyone is in charge of a team!"

"Before the second exam is completely over, you can't leave them, and pay attention to see if there is anything special about them!"

Nara Shikahisa arranged it in an orderly manner. Now he is the one with the biggest position here, the one with the best mind, and one of the few people here who can be stable.


These proctor ninjas immediately nodded in response, and then scattered in all directions, walking towards different three-person teams one by one, and they all understood Nara Shikahisa's meaning.

Not just to protect these people.

It is even more important to find out who did it here.

for a while.

Each team of three became a team of four, only Qingyu leaning against the wall of the tower watched all this silently.

After what happened just now.

Qingyu found that Nara Shikoku's on-the-spot adaptability was really great, and almost after Nara Shikoku arrived on the scene, the situation that was about to become chaotic here was about to stabilize.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, Nara Shikahisa immediately cleared his throat, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, and all of them were drawn to him.

"Now here's something unexpected!"

"Everyone saw it too!"

"I have a few things to ask you guys!"

"I hope you will think clearly before answering!"

When Nara Shikahisa said this, his tone paused slightly, and his eyes swept across the crowd at any time, his face was full of seriousness, which made people feel a little bit of pressure.

Following Shikahisa Nara's words.

The scene immediately fell into silence.

No one answered Nara Shikahisa's words.

after all.

This matter was not done by any of them, and none of them saw how the three ninjas from Yanyin Village appeared on the top of the tower.

This is for them.

It is also a kind of supernatural event.

"it is good."

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, Nara Shika nodded slowly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there were cold flashes in his eyes.

The nature of this matter now is very bad!

After all, the person who died was a ninja from Yanyin Village.

It's not that the ninjas in Yanyin Village can't die, but they can't die in this way!
Now almost every candidate who took the exam has seen such a picture. Even if the news is deliberately blocked, it will still be passed on through various channels.

Such a thing……

It will definitely reach the ears of the third generation of Tukage in Iwagakure Village.

The relationship in the ninja world is very tense now, and anything can happen. If you can't handle it a little bit, it may make Muye Village fall into a passive state.

"The second exam for each of you has come to an end!"

"Now we are going to review your customs clearance qualifications!"

"Squads with customs clearance qualifications will enter the third test, and teams without qualifications will be eliminated!"

Nara Shikahisa said coldly, he didn't know who did this, but it can be said that it was definitely done by a certain team among these people.

In the second exam of the Chunin exam, if there is a dead person, it is not a special thing!

If after the second exam, they didn't see the team from Yanyin Village, found the bodies of these three people after searching the dead forest, and confirmed the death of these three people, it wouldn't be too much trouble .


Now the bodies of the three Yanyin Village ninjas hang directly above the tower.

This can be said to be a deliberate provocation!

Nara Shikajiu didn't know who did this thing, but he secretly vowed in his heart that he must find the people who did these things.

"My lord examiner, isn't the exam time for five days? There's still a little time left. How can it just end like this?"

"That's right! We are going to snatch the scroll at the last moment, isn't it too sudden to end the exam now!"

"It's unreasonable!"

"I also don't think the exam should end so soon!"

"Why do you change the rules like this?"


Candidates in the crowd voiced their dissatisfaction. These people are all members of the team who did not get the Book of Heaven. If the Chunin exam is over now, they will be eliminated directly.

As such.

This is what touched their interests.

This also aroused the resistance of these people.

According to their plan...

At the end of the second test, the teams holding the scrolls must be ready to enter the tower, so that they can accurately determine the target, and then compete for the scrolls in the hands of those teams.

Although there is a very high possibility that you can't get it!

But this is for them.

Must be an opportunity.

Now this opportunity may be gone immediately, and even the last shred of hope they thought in their hearts will also disappear.

This is not what they want to see at all!


These people couldn't help but make their own voices in order to protect their own interests. After all, this is the Chunin exam, and it's not an insignificant matter.


After Nara Shikajiu heard the resistance of these people, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a cold arc, and he also had some emotions in his heart.

Ask when you see something unusual.

You don't say anything.

Now it comes to finishing the second exam early.

They jumped out one by one.

I can still talk...

"Because the rules of the Chunin Exam were made by me, this is the rule of this Chunin Exam. Once something unexpected happens, the exam time will be terminated immediately!"

Nara Shikahisa said firmly, with an unquestionable feeling in his tone, this person is extremely majestic, just like the attitude that the final interpretation right belongs to him.

As soon as this word comes out.

The candidates who expressed their dissatisfaction suddenly fell silent.

From the attitude they showed in Nara Shikahisa, it can already be seen that Nara Shikahisa has made a decision and will not change it easily.


Shikahisa Nara looked at the rest of the proctor ninjas who had no mission.

"You go and check the list of candidates for the second exam to see how many other teams are not here besides these people, who are the members of those teams, and count the injured list by the way." Shikahisa Nara ordered to one of the proctor ninjas.

"Yes!" The invigilator ninja immediately responded, and immediately started to act.

"You leave here immediately, go to Hokage's office to inform Master Hokage, and explain what happened here, and make sure to let Master Hokage come!" Shikahisa Nara ordered to another invigilator ninja.

"Yes!" The invigilator ninja also responded, and then disappeared.

"Go to Konoha Hospital and ask Mr. Yamayuki Ken to come over to see the approximate cause and time of death of these three corpses!" Nara Shikahisa ordered to the third invigilator ninja.

"Yes!" The voice of this person disappeared in a flash.

This is the end.

The several invigilating ninjas here were all arranged by Nara Shikahisa, and each of them had their own different tasks in their hands.

"Haiyi, you go back immediately and bring a few reliable perception ninjas over. I think this matter is a bit strange. If necessary, you need to read the memory." Nara Kakuhisa said to Yamanaka Kaiichi, in When facing Kaiichi Yamanaka, his tone has become much more relaxed, which is completely different from when facing those few people.

"No problem." Haiichi Yamanaka nodded immediately. He understood what it meant for such a thing to happen, so he immediately walked out towards the exit of the death forest.

"Lu Jiu, what am I doing?" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo immediately asked suspiciously.

"Ding Zuo, after the result of the number check over there, you will take the manpower to search for the remaining teams in the death forest, maybe you can save some ninjas." Nara Shikahisa's brain was running fast, he The moment he encountered this matter in his head, he had already thought of various solutions, so that he could issue these orders in an orderly manner without panic.

"Okay~" Qiudao Dingzuo showed a smile on his face. It stands to reason that his heart should be very heavy when encountering such a thing. After all, he is the chief examiner of the second exam. Now that something like this happened, he He needs to take responsibility, but he has Nara Shikoku by his side, so he just needs to listen to Nara Shikoku, and he believes that Nara Shikoku will arrange these things very properly.

for a while.

After Shikahisa Nara arranged everything here.

Among the invigilating ninjas.

The only ones who had no mission were the two gatekeepers.


Judging from Nara Shikahisa's posture.

Apparently not in a hurry yet.

Nara Shikahisa turned around, he looked in the direction of the tower, and his eyes fell on Aoba.

Just at this time.

The two invigilating ninjas guarding the gate and the ninjas from the teams that hadn't had time to enter the tower all focused their attention on Qingyu, they were very curious about what kind of conversation these two people were going to have.

"Qingyu, why are you here?" Nara Shikahisa stared at Qingyu and asked, he hadn't dealt with Qingyu just now, but in his heart, Qingyu was not the most urgent thing, and now things have been arranged almost Now, the attention naturally went to Qingyu.

"Otherwise where should I be?" Qingyu said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Haven't you already abstained?" Nara Shikahisa deliberately raised his voice a little bit, the purpose is to let the candidates here who have not entered the tower know the news, he doesn't want Qingyu to give him a regret, and then continue Take the third exam of the Chunin Exams.

"That's right, I've already abstained!" Qingyu nodded, then looked up at Shikahisa Nara, and said: "According to the regulations of the second exam, even if I have abstained, I can't leave here, I can only Wait until five days later, so I'm standing here getting some air."

"That's all?" Nara Shikahisa didn't really believe Qingyu's words, but he also understood that what Qingyu said was true. Even if Qingyu had abstained now, Qingyu could not leave the Death Forest. According to the regulations of the second exam, no one will be given special care.

"By the way, let's take a look at the good show here." Qingyu said with a smile.

"What a good show?" Nara Shikahisa frowned tightly. He felt that Qingyu was dishonest, and he must have known what he hadn't said, so when talking to Qingyu, his tone gradually changed from inquiry to interrogation .

"Of course it's a rare and good show!" Qingyu raised his hands and hugged his chest, looking like he was watching a show, and then he looked at the two gatekeeper ninjas over there, with a smile on his face It became meaningful, and it seemed to show a feeling that you understand everything. It’s your problem that you don’t understand, and it has nothing to do with me. Then he said: "This person-to-person phenomenon is very difficult. I didn’t expect to see it in the end." Floating to the top of the tower, this Chunin exam is so worth it."

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?" Nara Shikahisa approached Aoba, his voice was lowered, trying to keep his words from being heard by other people, completely different from the way he advertised just now .

"Brother Lu Jiu is too flattering on me. I am a person who needs answers to pass the previous two exams. How can I do such a thing? Besides, I don't have time!" Qingyu still had a smile on his face. He raised his right hand, pointed his thumb at the wall of the tower behind him, and said, "I just came in for an hour, and I sat in the tower. I didn't come out and stand here until after you came. How did I do it, if it had anything to do with me?"

After Nara Shikahisa heard Aoba's words.

Immediately fell silent.

That's fine.

Nara Shikahisa thought quickly in his mind, if the time for Qingyu to enter the second exam is divided into three modules.

The first module is the section from entering the death forest to the high tower. During this time, Qingyu was with Saxi and Ling, but he didn't even have the chance to meet the three Yanyin village ninjas.

The second module is after arriving at the tower until they come here. During this time, Qingyu has been in the tower, and Saxi and Ling are also there, so there is no time to kill people.

The third module is after Qingyu comes out...

If Qingyu hadn't left.

Then Qingyu really didn't do it.


There was a feeling of saying no in Nara Shikahisa's heart. This feeling had no theoretical basis or any evidence to support it, but he just felt that there was something wrong with Aoba, but he couldn't tell what the problem was. place.


Nara Shikahisa looked at the two gatekeeper ninjas.

When he looked at these two people.

The two men were also looking at him.

for a while.

The eyes of several people focused together.

"Has Qingyu not left since she came out?" Nara Shikahisa asked slowly, even though he doubted Qingyu for no reason in his heart, he still had to speak with evidence, and he couldn't rely on his own suspicion to confirm such a thing Who made it, this is wrong.

"Never left!"

The two gatekeeper ninjas said almost in unison. They blurted out without any hesitation, without even thinking about it. It sounded like it was arranged in advance.


After Nara Shikajiu heard such words, his brows frowned even tighter, and the suspicion in his heart was hidden as much as possible in his slightly narrowed eyes, and his brain was running rapidly at this time, trying to find the slightest trace of it. clues.

"How can you be so sure?"

Nara Shikahisa felt that there was something strange about it, so he immediately asked. According to common sense, these things should be thought about after all.

Didn't even think about it.

This doesn't sound right at all.

It's like perjury.

"Qingyu really never left!"

However, at this moment, a deep voice sounded, and the owner of the voice was the ninja of the oil girl clan wearing sunglasses.

Now there is an invigilator ninja standing beside him. The invigilator ninja holds two scrolls in his hand, one is the Book of Heaven and the other is the Book of Earth, which are the scrolls that their team got.

Now this time.

Their team has confirmed that they can enter the tower and can participate in the third round of the Chunin exam.


The ninja of the oil girl clan had been hanging on for a few days, and then he let it go, and the whole person became much calmer.

"Why are you so sure?" Nara Shikahisa immediately asked, now he doubts Qingyu in his heart, so as long as someone is extremely sure, he feels that there may be some problems, so he has to ask a few more questions.

"We are the first team to get here!"

The ninja of the oil girl clan spoke slowly. After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Qingyu, and he suddenly realized that his words were not rigorous, so he immediately changed his words and said these words again.


"I mean……"

"I'm Qingyu's first team here!"

"If no other team leaves before I come..."

The ninja of the oil girl clan felt that what he said belonged to the ranks of testimony, so after he finished speaking, he immediately added a few supplementary words to make what he said more rigorous.

"You are indeed the first team to come here after Qingyu came out, and also the second team to arrive here in this Chunin exam. It's just that you didn't accept our certification at that time, so you haven't entered the tower." The gatekeeper ninja nodded and said, he didn't expect such a thing to happen, but now it seems that such a thing can just provide a proof of absence for many people, making things much easier.

"Then it's fine!"

The ninja of the oil girl clan nodded. After confirming that his speculation was correct, he turned his head and looked at Nara Shikahisa. His eyes fell on Nara Shikaku through the dark sunglasses.

"After we arrived here, we wanted to enter the tower, but we saw Qingyu standing at the door, and saw these two invigilator ninjas standing at the door, so it happened to be three people. We can't be sure if the people here are The members of the Qingyu team didn't dare to take out the book of heaven, so they stood at the door and waited!" The ninja of the oil girl clan explained slowly.

"That's right, that's what I mean too. If Qingyu leaves halfway, even if it's only for a minute, I will seize this opportunity to verify it for you, let you enter the tower, and at least give me a chance to explain, But Qingyu has been here all along, and the two of us were constantly mistaken by the later ninjas for the ones who blocked the door and asked for the scrolls, so it seems that so many people have been at a stalemate until now." The ninja proctor who guarded the gate added.

"After we got here, I have been paying attention to Qingyu. From the time I arrived here, until now, Qingyu has never left here. If you suspect that Qingyu did this, then you can give up. It's simply impossible!" The ninja of the oil girl clan directly made an alibi for Qingyu, completely putting Qingyu on the side where there is no problem.

"Yes! That's what I mean too! Qingyu doesn't have time to do these things at all. If it must be done by one of our candidates, I will rule out Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling in the tower first, followed by Qingyu Yamanaka." The ninja invigilator who guards the gate said seriously, he is an invigilator ninja after all, no matter how stupid he is, he doesn't think that someone can kill someone like this under his nose before hanging him up.

"You said Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling have already entered the tower, so Qingyu's team passed the second test?" The ninja of the oil girl clan immediately discovered the point, and the sentence he asked As soon as it came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the candidates around, and everyone looked at the proctor ninja who was guarding the gate.

"That's right, Qingyu's team is the first to pass the second test!" The gatekeeper ninja nodded and said.

"Then it's even more impossible to be Qingyu!" The ninja of the oily girl clan immediately analyzed: "Those who pass the exam don't need to do this at all. Come on like this!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone present nodded.

This is apparently what happened to the snatch scroll.

Then the team that already has the scroll and passed the exam not only has no time to do such a thing, but also has no motivation to do such a thing, because it is unnecessary!
of course.

This ninja of the oily girl clan didn't show kindness to clear Qingyu from suspicion, he knew very well that Qingyu was fine at all, even if he didn't say these words, Qingyu wouldn't be able to have any influence.


His words.

It was for Shikaku Nara.

The implication is not so obvious, but with Nara Shikahisa's super high IQ, it can still be easily understood.

That is, as the second team to arrive here, they saw that Qingyu didn't leave, which meant that they didn't leave either...

This shows that they, like Qingyu, have no time to commit crimes at all!

They also have the scroll of the Book of Heaven in their hands, and they belong to the team that meets the requirements for passing the exam. Such a team does not need to snatch the scroll, what they need to do is to protect the scroll.


This shows that they, like Qingyu, have no motive to commit crimes at all!
This ninja of the oily girl clan looks like she is going to clear the suspicion with Qing Yu, but in fact she is clearing the suspicion for herself.

They have been waiting here for a long time, and they don't want to be disturbed by irrelevant things. Now there is only one thing they want to do most, and that is to pass the second exam and concentrate on preparing for the third exam.

"I understand!"

Nara Shikahisa nodded emphatically, he had spoken so many words, and he already understood that such a thing had nothing to do with Qingyu.


He still had a vague feeling in his heart.

There is a faint shadow of Qingyu in this matter.

But it's just a feeling.

It cannot be counted at all.

"Go into the tower too!"

Nara Shikahisa stopped interrogating Qingyu, his eyes stared deeply at Qingyu for a few seconds, as if he wanted to see something on Qingyu's face.

Still he found nothing.

"Qingyu, although you have abstained, but now there is such an accident in the Chunin exam, we can't let you leave for the time being, you need to stay here, and go out with everyone when the seal is lifted, I hope you can understand " Nara Shikahisa's tone softened a little, he really didn't like Qingyu, but now that Qingyu has chosen to abstain, then such emotions are meaningless.


There was a smile on Qingyu's face, he really wanted to leave this place of right and wrong, but since Nara Shikajiu didn't allow it, it wouldn't be a problem for him to witness the development of the matter here again.

After all, the right and wrong of this place of right and wrong...

He also provoked it on his own initiative.

After Nara Shikahisa finished arranging Qingyu, he looked towards the two proctor ninjas guarding the gate.

"The two of you are still waiting here. Once you see a team coming, bring them in immediately. Any one of the teams that have not yet arrived here may be killed, and any one of them may be a murderer!" Nara Lu Jiu explained in a deep voice.


The two proctor ninjas who guarded the gate nodded. Their task was to guard the gate for five days. It has been more than four days now. No matter how anxious they are, it is not too late.

for a while.

Following Nara Shikahisa, he explained everything here.

Qingyu also followed the team of candidates and returned to the tower. The proctor ninjas let him wait in the dojo because he had abstained and the team before abstention had passed the second exam.

At this moment.

The ninjas in the dojo had already become familiar with each other. There was no conversation between them at first, and there was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

Now this time.

Everyone here is very clear.

Any one of them may be the opponent they will face in the third round of the Zhongnin Exam.

Only Qingyu.

On the contrary, these people are not so wary.

Especially the two teams waiting outside the door who came here first and obviously possessed the scroll of the Book of Heaven. They really wanted to come forward to chat with Qingyu, but they could clearly feel the aura emanating from Qingyu. This kind of aura that rejects people thousands of miles away, so no one passes by.


In the dojo on the first floor of the tower.

Incredibly quiet.

This scene is different from the room full of people on the second floor.

There is a lot of discussion among each other.

After all, these people have been clearly informed that they did not pass the second test of the Chunin Exam, and the trip to the Chunin Exam has come to an end. After the processing here is over, they can go back to their respective homes.

Faced with such a situation.

Everyone feels the same!

This made the sense of distance between them disappear at once. Everyone was talking about what they encountered during the Chunin exam, and they exchanged their failure experiences with each other.

of course.

There are the most people talking about the three ninjas in Yanyin Village!

"Who do you think did the three ninjas in Yanyin Village?"

"I don't know, but I think it might be in this room!"

"I'm just curious about how to hang those three people on the tower in front of all of us!"

"To tell you the truth, I think it's quite cool, who let those ninjas from Yanyin Village be so arrogant after they came!"

"Did you do it?"


The ninjas here started talking to each other, and they all felt that the people inside should have done it. After all, if they could hang people on the tower, they would be near the tower.


They have no clue.

The only thing that is certain is...

They didn't do it themselves!

Everyone can only be sure that they didn't do it by themselves, but they all just believe in themselves, and no one believes in others.


Neither are they stupid.

No one asked more about the people around them.

after all……

The ninja of Yanyin Village signed the consent form and entered the death forest, that is, he had entrusted his life.

But the problem...

There is no problem with the death of the ninja in Yanyin Village!

But the one killed by the ninja of Konoha Village is a big problem!

for a while.

Everyone has a premonition in their hearts.

After this Zhongnin exam is over.


Can't wait for it to end!
Just after they went out from here...

Yanyin Village will know about such a thing, and they can all see that the person who did this just wanted to let Yanyin Village know, otherwise there would be no such a sensation.


Even if the news is blocked here.

The person who did this...

It is bound to release the information.

It is impossible to hide such a thing!


Two hours later.

The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi came to the gate of the tower, and standing beside him were Shikahisa Nara and several other masked Naruto Anbu ninjas.

"Master Hokage, those three people are hanging on it. I haven't sent someone to fix it, but I'm afraid that some traces will be accidentally covered up." Nara Shikahisa raised his finger and pointed at the corpse above, reporting to Sandaihui.

"You did a good job." The third generation nodded, then looked at the white-robed Anbu ninja beside him, and said in a deep voice: "Go and take down these three corpses, pay attention to the traces around, and see if you can find them. How did you put it up?"


The ninjas who were directly under the Hokage of Anbu responded immediately, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Lu Jiu, do you have any ideas?" The third generation put his hands behind his back, his face was a little dignified. During this period of time, Danzo was unable to work, and the pressure on him skyrocketed exponentially. You must know that in the course of the original story , The three generations have never been short of Danzo, even if they died, they are always in front of Danzo.

"Looking at this form, it is obvious that the three ninjas in Yanyin Village are deliberately targeted, and they are waiting for everyone to hang on the tower in a grand manner. No one has discovered it. This is a provocation to us!" Nara said. Lu Jiu said with a serious face, after he finished saying this, he immediately took a deep breath, then let it out heavily, and said: "But I can't find anyone who has the motivation to do this thing, the second scene In the examination room, apart from the team from Yanyin Village, there is also the team from Muye Village, could it be that people in the village did this?"

"From the facts, it is indeed so." Sandai nodded, even if he didn't want to believe that people in the village did it, but when all the suspects were people in the village, he couldn't help but believe it Such a thing.

"If the ninjas of our Konoha Village are hung up, then I will be more inclined to doubt the ninjas of Yanyin Village. Of course, I don't want such a thing to happen, but the problem is indeed very strange. These three ninjas of Yanyin Village I saw it during the first exam, and it gave me a very obvious feeling that they came here to do things, but before I saw them do things, they died here first , It really surprised me!" Nara Shikahisa said with emotion, he had already made the mental preparation for the ninjas in Yanyin Village to do things, but things did not go according to the routine he expected, but turned into Another look.

"This incident should not have been premeditated by Yanyin Village. They would not commit suicide to set the blame. Let's wait for the results of Shan Xingjian to come out. I think someone did it deliberately, but No matter what kind of purpose that person is for, we can foresee one thing, that is, Yanyin Village will attack our Muye Village because of this matter!" Said the third generation with a sullen face, he had already thought of the following After all, he is the Hokage of the village, and he must consider the village when doing things.

"Master Hokage, the three of them have signed the consent form..." Nara Shikahisa reminded.

"This kind of agreement is like an alliance between our villages. In the face of huge interests, it has no binding force at all. I have long seen that Yanyin Village wants to attack our Muye Village, but Now I have given them a better reason!" The third generation suddenly felt a headache, what happened here is enough for Yanyin Village to speak out.

"Then do we still need to investigate?" Nara Shikahisa hesitated and asked, he faintly felt that Sandai didn't want to let the matter continue.

"Actually, there is no difference between the difference. After all, this matter was done by the ninjas in the village. They signed the consent form when they entered here. Even if Yanyin Village did not approve the consent form and took the opportunity to attack us, but we cannot Disagree with the letter of intent to protect the ninjas in the village!" Sandai sighed and said, he felt that things had become like this, and there was no need to continue.

"I understand." Nara Shikahisa nodded. He understood the truth and agreed that it was a personal act to sign a book. If the ninja of Yanyin Village died or was killed by the ninja of Konoha Village, it was a matter between the villages. something happened.

"Lu Kui!"


Just at this time.

A loud voice sounded from a distance, and in the process of the sound transmission, it was constantly changing its direction, and it could be seen that it was running towards here.

"This is Ding Zuo's voice!"

Shikahisa Nara suddenly felt as if something had happened, he looked towards the third generation next to him, and it was as if he and the third generation were looking at each other, and he could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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