People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 389 The Experiment of Implanting Memory (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Chapter 389 The Experiment of Implanting Memory (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

There are many small question marks in Lu San's head, his eyes are full of puzzlement when he looks at Qingyu, but his body has been sealed, he can't move at all, he can't talk to him, even if he feels dissatisfied in every way, Solution, but he still couldn't help thinking about it.

I see.

Qingyu stood in front of him.

Eyes closed.

Can't see what it's doing at all.

As the time passed by every minute and every second, after about ten minutes, Qingyu slowly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of clarity in his eyes.

"I see."

Qingyu nodded silently. According to the memory of Kazumi Yamanaka, this person was not unwilling to be with Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling, but wanted to be with these two people too much.

If there is no wrong judgment...

This is Nara Saki's big licking dog.

Just licked to the end with nothing left.

Although Lu San knows all of Nara Saki's shortcomings, he still doesn't take it seriously, and even wants to think that she has a very special personality.

not long ago.

When Lu San learned that he was going to form a team with Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling to take the Chunin Exam, he was extremely annoyed for a while.

His strength is not strong.

It's just good at reading memory.

Not great in other respects.

I'm not sure I can pass the Chunin exam with Saki and Rei.

It is also because he is already a root ninja, and he does not need to take the Chunin exam. He only needs to complete the task of the root, and the rest is not important. ideological awareness.


Misfortune still came very quickly.

The boss Danzo at the root was injured, and there was no way to return to the root in a short time, and the operation of the root stagnated for a while.

To know.

Almost all commands at the root belong directly to Danzo.

Without Danzo giving orders, these root ninjas are equivalent to headless chickens, running around completely without any rules at all.

This is the advantage of the root, but also the disadvantage of the root.

The advantage is that the power is completely concentrated in the hands of one person in Danzo. This is a private army that belongs directly to Danzo himself, but the power is too concentrated, causing the roots to become idle when there is no instruction from Danzo stand up.

In the first few days, the roots were represented by Orochimaru. Although there was nothing to do, it was not so leisurely.

It didn't take long.

Orochimaru was transferred by the third generation to preside over the third test of the Zhongnin Exam.

As such.

At the root, it can be said that the dragons have no leader and no leader, and there is nothing to look at. Because of this, Lu San put his mind on Nara Saki again. Just half a day ago, he received a message from Nara Saki. , to check Qingyu's memory.

Then there was the scene like this.

After reading Lu San's recent memories, Qingyu has already seen the development of this kind of thing very clearly.

"It turned out that Shaxito was brought back by the eliminated candidates. You are really willing to take risks for women. This is not a good quality."

Qingyu said lightly.

He looked down at the completely immobile Lu San who had been sealed by him, his eyes had changed slightly.

"Deer three."

"do you know?"

"I'd rather you have something to do with me."

"But you actually did it for a woman."

"Throughout the ages, there are few people who fall on women..."

Qingyu shook his head indifferently. In his opinion, this is something that is not worth it. This is not to say that it is not good to be angry at the crown, but his principle is that he will not let him mess up because of these things. Things that break his style of doing things.

Just like the Lu San in front of him.

If Nara Saki was bullied and he went to find an explanation, then at least he could be considered a man.

But being used as a gun by a woman...

And also happy.

This is a big problem.

It's easy to get yourself into a lot of unnecessary troubles, just like Lu San's current state, he could have avoided these.

"I know you must have something to refute me, and you can give a lot of reasons, but I am not here to discuss with you, you still have no right to speak, in the end I just want to say, even if you read my Memories, Saki won't treat you differently, but because of such things, you've put yourself in an embarrassing situation."

After Qingyu finished speaking, she reached out again and patted Lu San on the head lightly.

A wave of chakra surged from Qingyu's hand, directly rushing into Lu San's brain, and in an instant, waves of mysterious and mysterious power controlled Lu San's brain.

all of a sudden.

Lu San's eyes widened.

His eyes fixed on the picture in front of him, and then his consciousness dissipated, and he passed out directly, without any consciousness.

"Sleep well, and when you wake up, don't be a dog licker anymore, and stay in Anbu with peace of mind."

Qingyu said lightly.

with his voice.

A series of memory pictures began to emerge in his mind.

These images were woven by him.

Now he wants to integrate and modify this memory, and implant it into Lu San's brain, so as to make Lu San believe that such a thing is true.

Qingyu felt that he had mastered such an ability not long ago, but he never had time to practice it. Now that Lu San came to his door, he could just try it out.

for a while.

Scene after scene began to play in Lu San's head, replacing the original picture.

In this memory.

Lu San successfully fascinated Qingyu, and began to read Qingyu's memory.

He discovered that there was no secret in it.

When Qing Yu entered the first round of the Chunin Exam, she passed with the answers, which was a real cheating.

This is what memory shows.

Absolutely no problem!
It was even during the second exam, after Saki's reminder, he found the scroll of the Book of Heaven, and moved towards the tower smoothly.

such memory.

It fully conforms to the record in the letter that Nara Saki sent him.


Here are some more pictures.

Before the Chunin exam, Nara Saki found the owner of the memory, that is, Qingyu, and gave Qingyu a paper full of answers.

"Qingyu, this is the answer to the first question of the Chunin Exam. Now you memorize it, and then treat it as you found it through the secret technique of the Yamanaka Clan, and then pass the answer to me and Ling through the secret technique of the Yamanaka Clan " Nara Saki said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry." Qing Yu nodded and finished the paper.


The picture of memory went to another place.

This is the forest for the Chunin Exam.

It was the place where Nara Saki stopped to question Qingyu, but the expression, tone and content of her words changed.

"Qingyu, if we reach the tower now, we will destroy the memory of the second Chunin exam, won't it be too high-profile?" Nara Saki asked hypocritically. From the expression, it can be seen that, She wanted to break the record, but she didn't want to be found out.

"A little bit indeed." Qing Yu nodded and said.

"Is there anything you can do?" Nara Saki asked again.

"Why don't we go in later?" Qingyu said an answer that Nara Saki didn't want.

"Forget it, let me think about it, let's just go in like this, if Brother Lu Jiu and the others ask, you can just abstain, take all the responsibilities by yourself, and I will try my best to push it on you , I just wronged you." Nara Saki said pitifully.

"I'm not wronged, I'm not wronged at all, after I abstain, just give me a few bags of tea." Qingyu waved her hands again and again, showing her willingness.

This is the end.

This memory is over.

Qingyu is not worried that this memory will be suspected by Lu San, even if anyone in the ninja world thinks it is fake, Lu San will not think so, because Lu San does just that.

In terms of expression and licking posture, Qingyu referred to Lu San's memory, which is enough to give Lu San a strong sense of substitution.

After all these memories are processed.

Qingyu withdrew his hand, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, this process consumed so much chakra that even he felt that it was a bit too much, but fortunately he recovered very quickly, and it would not cause too much damage at all. influences.

"Read it now."

Qingyu raised his right hand again after closing his hand, and touched Lu San's forehead, but this time he was not using the mind-reading system to read the memory, but he was using the secret mind-reading technique of the Shanzhong clan.

He wanted to test the effect of the memory implant for himself.

After all, he had only planted a little idea of ​​such a thing before, and did not have a full-scale picture.

If this experiment is successful...

That would be a very, very powerful illusion.

It's just that the release method of this illusion is different from conventional illusions. This is not only to deceive the five senses, but to create memories.


There was a wave of chakra in Qingyu's hand, and he had already started to use the secret mind reading technique of the mountain clan.


The screen is displayed.

It was the memory that Qingyu implanted in Lu San's brain.

"Mind reading is no problem!"

Qingyu nodded. If there is no problem with the mind-reading secret technique, this is enough to make it difficult to distinguish the truth from the fake, and the experiment can be declared a success.

"We should go back."

Qingyu knew that he couldn't toss with Lu San for too long. After all, Lu San would have a big problem getting used to it, so he grabbed Lu San's shoulder, instantly cast the Flying Thunder God technique, and communicated with the location of the Anbu dormitory. In a flash, it disappeared directly.

Two figures appeared together in Du Qingyu's dormitory.

After seeing Qingyu returning with Lu San, Qingyu's shadow clone directly put down the pen in his hand, and then there was a burst of anger, disappeared immediately, and returned to Qingyu's body.

Qingyu first put Lu San in a good position, pretending to be in an accidental coma, and then she followed suit on the ground.

After Qingyu lay down.

Mind a move.

Deer San's memory was released.

Immediately, the two of them lay on the ground together for a full ten minutes.


Lu San was the first to make a murmuring sound, slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly saw Qing Yu lying on the ground not far away, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Fortunately it was a dream..."

Lu San muttered to himself with lingering fear, he had a nightmare just now, dreaming that there were green feathers everywhere, densely packed, and those green feathers wanted to surround him for multiplayer sports, causing him to clamp the chrysanthemums tightly when he was dreaming He dared not relax in the slightest, for fear of giving Qingyu an opportunity.


Lu San took a deep breath, and when he was inhaling, he immediately smelled the smell of medicine dispersed in the air, it was the anesthetic he brought to deal with Qingyu.

"I said that I can fall asleep no matter how I read the memory. I haven't had any work recently, and I haven't consumed that much at all. It turns out that it's drugs!"


"This medicine works so well!"

"Hey Hey……"

Lu San looked at Qingyu lying on the ground, unable to move at the mercy of others, a few thoughts that were considered punishments suddenly popped up in his head, but he gave up in a flash, after all, if he did such a thing to Sashi If things happen, the Nara family will not let him go.

"and many more."

"This memory..."

"Does Saki want me to be a tool person?"

After Lu San slowed down for a while, he just thought of the memory he had read, and his whole heart became chaotic, and the eyes he looked at Qingyu became much more complicated.

Now this time.

He felt much closer to Qingyu.

He thought it might be because they were all Saki's tool people, and there was a feeling of sympathy for each other. Of course, it was definitely not because of the terrifying nightmare of multiplayer sports.

"Is this a living example?"

Even Lu San himself didn't know why, the original obsession in his heart became extremely loose at this moment, thinking of Nara Saki's face, he also felt dull.

He looked at Qingyu's dazed and ignorant appearance lying on the ground and didn't even know that he had been calculated, as if he had met tomorrow's self.


"Now I'm helping Saxi settle Qingyu's affairs."

"It won't be long before Sashi will find someone else to sit down on my case."

"So many of us are dying for her."

"But she just knows herself."

"Too selfish!"

Lu San shook his head indifferently. At this moment, Nara Saki's status in his heart plummeted to a freezing point, which also made his cheeks turn cold.


Lu San got up directly.

Getting ready to leave Qing Yu's dormitory.

Just when he reached the door of Qingyu's dormitory, he stopped, turned around helplessly, and came to Qingyu who was lying on the ground.

"Qingyu, promise me, don't be a dog licker in the future!"

Lu San looked at Qingyu with twinkles of distressed eyes. He didn't know whether it was Qingyu in his heart or his past self. He reported Qingyu from the ground to the iron bed, and then walked away again. .

With the sound of closing the door.

Lu San has already left Qingyu's dormitory, he didn't notice any abnormalities in his memory, everything was as if he had experienced it himself.

 Thank you [Heart of Yujian] for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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