People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 46 The Holidays Begin (For Collection)

Chapter 46 The Holidays Begin (For Collection)

After half a day.

There was a knock on the door of Aoba's dormitory.

The person who came this time.

Not an ordinary Anbu ninja.

It was Senai Eton, the captain of the torture department.

"Captain Eaton, why are you here?"

At the moment when Qing Yu opened the door, she saw Senaiyton standing at the door, surprise and doubt flashed in her eyes, and she didn't seem to think that Senaiton would come here in person.

"I can't come?" Sen Naiton smiled slightly, looking at Qing Yu with a relaxed smile in his eyes.

"Of course you can, come in!"

Aoba immediately got out of the way and motioned for Senai Eton to enter the dormitory.


Sen Nai Yiton nodded and walked into Qingyu's dormitory. After looking around, he found that this dormitory was very simple, with only the necessities of the simplest life, and nothing else.

"You must already know what I'm looking for you about, right?" Senaiyton asked meaningfully.

"I guessed it." Qing Yu nodded.

"Tell me?" Senaiyton said meaningfully.

"Have you caught the suspect who escaped a few days ago?" Qing Yu knew that what Senai Eton wanted to say was about the holiday, but he would never take the initiative to say such a thing now, so he deliberately pretended to be stupid. When it came to the suspect that day, it seemed that he was very concerned about his work.


After hearing Qing Yu's words, Senai Eton immediately raised his head and laughed.

"Of course I got it!"


"It's all thanks to you!"

"After subsequent torture, I found out that the suspect's true identity was a spy from Sandyin Village."

"He sneaked into Konoha Hospital not to steal medicines, but to pass on Konoha Village's ability to detoxify back to Shayin Village to prepare for the subsequent war."

"This time you have done a great job!"

When Senaiton said these words, he kept staring at Qing Yu, and he wanted to determine what Qing Yu was thinking.

After all, this topic was raised by Aoba just now.

"Captain Eaton, this is the result of your torture. I don't have any credit. You didn't blame me for almost letting the spy of Sandy Hidden Village go. I'm already very grateful." Qing Yu said with a smile.


A relieved expression appeared on Senaiton's face. He had already guessed that Qingyu would say this, but when Qingyu really said it, he was still very happy.

He clearly knew he was flattering.


He likes it.

"How's your rest these days?"

Senaiton's eyes fell on Qingyu again, and there was inquiry and concern in his tone.

"I've rested, I can go back to my post at any time!" Qing Yu stood up straight, showing his determination to fight for the torture department.

of course.

That's what he said!

According to his judgment.

Now that Senaiton can come to his dormitory, it can already explain a very clear thing.

That is……

His vacation is here!

and so.

In any case, it does not hinder the holiday, it is better to say it better.


Sen Naiton took a deep look at Qing Yu, with complicated emotions on his face.

There is appreciation.

Have a look.

There is still a trace of doubt.

"Your vacation has been applied for, and you can enjoy the vacation time from now on. As for when the vacation will be..."

When Senaiton said this, his tone paused slightly, and his eyes stared at Qingyu seriously.

"Theoretically you could take a vacation until the war starts."


"I don't think you need to rest that long."

"Come back when you think you're almost rested!"

When Senai Eton finished saying these words, he instinctively raised his right hand again to pat Aoba's shoulder.

Just when he raised his hand, he suddenly remembered Qing Yu's body, and immediately retracted the raised hand.

"Thank you Captain Eaton, I'll be back soon after I take a breath." A satisfied smile appeared on Qing Yu's face.


Senaiton nodded, was silent for a moment, and said, "There is nothing else, I still have something to do, come to me when you want to come back."

Say it.

Senaiton turned directly and walked towards the door of the dormitory.


Qing Yu responded, feeling very happy.

No matter how much you think about it.

This holiday is here.

Then there will be no connection with the disappearance case that is making a lot of noise in the village.

Avoid these dangers.

Can go on quietly.


When Senaiton walked to the door, he stopped, turned his back to Qingyu, turned his head slowly, and said, "Don't forget to exercise during this time, when the war starts, the workload will be heavy. ."


Qing Yu replied again, this kind of thing does not need Senai Yiton to remind him, he will make good use of this time.


Sen Naiton left Aoba's dormitory directly, and closed the door with his backhand, without letting Aoba send it.

"What a weird kid!"

After Senaiton closed the door, he couldn't help shaking his head and walked towards the small black house again.

In the morning, he went to the Hokage office, and after reporting his work to the third Hokage Sarutobi, he mentioned the matter of applying for a vacation to Aoba.

He thought it would be a little difficult.

Unexpectedly, the three generations agreed at that time.


Seems to have heard of Aoba's name.

There are no surprises.

With years of experience in interrogation, Senaiyton vaguely felt that there was something wrong with it, but he didn't think much about it, and he didn't ask much.


After Qing Yu got the vacation, the whole person relaxed a lot.


Qing Yu immediately thought of going to the grove to exercise, and walked away from the Anbu dormitory.

Just came out of the dark underground.

Then I heard the crowd outside talking about something.


Aoba keenly captured a special message from the chats of these people.

Group possession?

what happened?

Is it...

Qing Yu did not take the initiative to inquire, but pretended to be doing nothing and walked over to the people who were talking, and secretly listened to their conversations.


Qing Yu seemed to have discovered a new world.

After these people finished speaking.

There was a group of people talking not far away.

He walked towards those people.

After listening to what they were talking about.

I heard other people talking.

that's it.

Qing Yu heard the most lively core area of ​​Konoha Village along the way.

Among them, more than a dozen versions have been heard.

Some people say that Danzo is a reincarnation of tengu that can eat people, and that the missing people are all eaten by Danzo.

Some people say that the floating corpse on the river was imprisoned by Danzo and was killed without success.

someone said……

These versions are almost all related to Danzo.

"Good guy!"

After listening to it for a while, Qing Yu showed a playful smile on his face.

"It really started."

"In this case……"

"I'm not going to practice first."

Qing Yu was very cautious. After all, he was going to a small forest where there was no one in his practice. Once he was framed or framed, if he was involved, the explanation would not be clear.

this time.

Right in a lively area.

Eat melons and watch a play.

Qing Yu immediately made a decision.

of course.

He was not idle either.

He walked directly to a young man not far away, raised his hand and patted the latter's head...

 Thank you [Lin Taiyin] for your reward and support!
(End of this chapter)

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