People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 661 This Is A Tragic Story (Please Subscribe For Monthly Pass)

Chapter 661 This Is A Tragic Story (Please Subscribe For Monthly Pass)
Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and didn't fully expect that Nagato would ask such a question, but after thinking about it later, he didn't think it was too abrupt, after all, Nagato always said that he cared about his parents very much. So after his parents were killed, he always hated Muye Village.

Now that this is the case, it can be regarded as in line with his usual characteristics.

Regarding Nagato Fu's mother, he once thought that Xiao Nan had briefly said a little bit, but he didn't explain it in full detail. At that time, he was just fooling around today, and there was no need to say so many things.

"It has nothing to do with you to talk about this kind of thing. It's rare that you care more about your father."

Qingyu spoke slowly, and after he finished speaking, he stared at the circles of ripples in Nagato's eyes, as if he had no emotion at all.

"That's a tragic story!"

"Your father's name is Otsutsuki Baddock. I am a warrior of the Otsutsuki clan. When King Frieza attacked the planet Otsutsugi, he accurately predicted the danger and sent you to the On the teleportation circle, I sent you here through the guidance of the Chakra Sacred Tree."

"After sending you here, your father died, and it was King Frieza who killed him."

"As for your mother..."

"Also died in this war."

When Qingyu said this, his tone paused slightly, and he put on a look of hesitation, as if he was recalling the war back then. He mentioned that war, and Xiaonan also relayed a little bit to Nagato, It's just that it's not quite that complete.

I don't know why when Qingyu said this, the three members of Xiao's organization were shocked. They all clearly realized that this magnificent war would affect many things in the future.

But none of them have personally experienced it, but just thinking about it will feel very scary.

For them, the most powerful war they have experienced is the Second Ninja World War. At that time, Muye Village and Yanyin Village fought against Yuyin Village together. The scene was very chaotic, which already made them I find it extremely difficult to support.

But such a war, against the background of the war between the planets of Datongmu, is simply not worth mentioning.

It is already hard for them to imagine how spectacular and glorious that kind of war between planets will be. It is really too terrifying, and they don't know how many people will die.

Qingyu said that Nagato's parents died in that war, and no one would have unexpected thoughts. Both Nagato and Yahiko had heard the name of King Frieza from Konan.

After all, King Frieza's deeds are too powerful, it is difficult not to attract their attention, and they all worship the strong man, even if the strong man is their opponent, but when they will lose the king Go, when you look at that period of history again, you will still be in awe and feel horrified.

"In that war, too many people died. It wasn't until the appearance of the super big Tsutsuki that the war ended and everything returned to normal."

"After the long war ended, everyone began to look for the exiled people."

"It was precisely because of this opportunity that I found you. Otherwise, Datongmu would not have known that there was a survivor like you alive."

"Nagato, you have to remember that your parents are truly great parents, not the kind of parents you recognize here, they are not worthy to be your parents."

"Don't forget who you really are."

Qingyu said one sentence after another, he has passed a brand new story of Otsutsuki to Nagato's heart.

Through such a method, Nagato accepts a new identity, and firmly remembers his own identity, and then infinitely downplays the death of his parents, forming the current appearance.

In this way, Nagato will not have any other thoughts of blaming Konoha Village for the death of his parents. After all, according to the past historical laws, Nagato has always hated Konoha Village. The source of all lies in the death of his parents.

For Aoba, such things didn't matter at all, but now that Nagato wants to follow Minato, then he still has to add this dangerous factor to deal with it.

"I get it, I won't forget my parents, never!"

Nagato nodded very seriously. He knew that he could survive because of the last support of his parents. Until now, he didn't even know what his parents looked like. He knew very well that if he If his parents hadn't made such a decision, he would have died there along with many, many Otsutsuki clansmen.

This kind of thing made him very grateful.

After all, everyone has only one life.

If you miss it, there will be no more.

Every life has a feeling of not wanting to die.

The same is true for Nagato.

As long as he can live, no one is willing to die. Now he can still live here, it is all because of his parents who gave their lives to save him, so naturally he will not forget his parents.

With a story like the one now, he can logically ignore the parents in the so-called ninja world, and feel that his nobility has spontaneously arisen, and the parents in the ninja world are no longer worthy of him.

"Is there anything else about my parents?"

Nagato asked curiously again, his eyes fixed on Qingyu, after all, in his opinion, his parents are the kind of heroes who died for the planet Otsutsugi, there must be some other things that can make him go Bearing in mind that as long as there is a little bit of anything, he will be very happy, and now he is eager to know everything about his parents.


Qing Yuhao shook his head without hesitation, he no longer wanted to make up these meaningless stories, it was enough to take out something similar to Dragon Ball and fool Nagato, if it was too detailed, not only He's a bug that wastes brain cells.

"Your parents were killed the first time."

"Your relatives are dead too."

"They didn't leave any autobiography or anything like that."

"All I know is your father's name."

"He has nothing more for me to tell you."

Qingyu said in a deep voice a very cruel thing in Nagato's view, but this kind of thing is indeed in line with common sense, because no one will completely remember the life stories of those who died in battle.

The talent that Qingyu can't say is precisely the real reason. If he said it completely, it would be like a change of lane.

In general, there are only two things he told Nagato about his parents.

At point 1, his parents died for Otsutsuki Star Wars and rescued him before dying.

Point 2, his father's name is Otsutsuki Baddock.

I don't know anything about the rest.

But just knowing these things is very rare for the cost, after all, it is impossible to know with his own words.

"Thank you."

Nagato immediately stood up and bowed 90 degrees to Qingyu, showing respect for Qingyu in all aspects from his tone of voice to his actions.

"If there are no other questions, then I will leave. Remember my words. If you still want to stay in Muye Village, you should have a good relationship with your senior brother."

Qingyu got up slowly and didn't want to stay here anymore, because what he continued to say here was basically fabricated before, and if he said some new things, it would easily conflict with the previous ones. In this case, since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to add additional difficulties to yourself.

"Actually, I have another question."

However, at this moment another person stood up, that person was Xiao Nan, she stared at Qingyu several times before hesitating to speak, as if she was about to say something that made her feel extremely ashamed.

In fact, she told herself in her heart that she didn't need to ask Qingyu here, maybe she could find the answer in Muye Village, but she was worried that she couldn't find it, so she decided to ask it first.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Qingyu's consent, she directly uttered her question.

"I want to know who wrote the story of Teacher Bai in Ninja World?"

Xiaonan immediately asked something that Otsutsuki didn't want to do at all. After she said this, Changwen and Yahiko were stunned for a moment. No one thought that they would ask this question.

Almost instantly, Xiao Nan's face turned red. She knew that this question was a very shameful thing for her, but she couldn't control herself not to ask such a thing.


Qing Yu didn't expect that Xiao Nan would ask this, she was stunned, she looked at Xiao Nan in front of her stupidly, then showed a very strange expression, and asked: "You must have read it, right?"

"Yes, I read it, and I think his writing is very good, so I want to know who he is?"

Xiaonan stared at Qingyu with scorching eyes, she just felt that Qingyu wrote this book, so she herself had no basis, but this directly made him feel very sensitive.

I have to say that sometimes women's intuition is terrible. They always think wildly to an unbelievable degree, but most of the time their guesses are still right.

"How did you remember reading that book?"

Qing Yu didn't answer the question directly, don't ask him to discuss the content of the book or exchange experience in the book with other people, but went directly with someone like Xiao Nan, which made him feel a little weird.

"Of course you gave it to me."

The corners of Xiaonan's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smile, his eyes fell on Qingyu, and he randomly looked over at Nagato next to him.

"Did you forget how you took me away?"

"Then let me help you remember."

"At that time, you imitated Cheng Xuding and appeared in front of me."

"All the way, you gave each of us a copy of this book, so that everyone was immersed in the plot of this book, unable to take care of more things."

"I have to say that this is indeed a good plan. No one will find that you just came to us."

"Obviously I can be called to fight directly by strength, but I have to use tricks, which makes everyone dumbfounded."

When Xiaonan was talking, her eyes showed an unconcealable appreciation. Now she has a very good impression of Qingyu. In her eyes, Qingyu is right in whatever he does.

This kind of life also caught the attention of Nagato and Yahiko next to him. Neither of them is a fool, and they immediately understood Xiaonan's intentions.

If it were someone else, the two of them still wanted to fight, but the opponent was Qingyu, so they lost any thoughts in an instant.

How to fight?
It's just making yourself uncomfortable!
In their eyes, Qingyu is like a god, even though Nagato is also a member of the Otsutsuki clan, but still cannot be compared with Qingyu, after all the difference in strength between the two is too great.

So now that something like this happened, they didn't even dare to think about it.

"So you brought this book here. Let me see that you brought this book here. That means you must have read this book, or know who the author of this book is?"

Xiaonan's eyes were still so sharp, he stared at Qingyu as if saying, admit it, this person is you.

Suddenly, Qingyu realized a very bad thing.

In Muye Village, if you inquire carefully, it is not difficult to find that the author is Qingyu himself, but now if you let Xiaonan know that the author is him, then it is tantamount to telling Xiaonan that Otsuki Musheren is Qingyu himself.

Exposing a vest is not a big problem for him.

Before that, he could discard the vest at any time and make a new one, but Qingyu's identity is his original identity, and this must not be exposed.

"I don't know who the author of this book is."

Qingyu immediately denied it, and now he must explain this matter clearly, so as not to let them have any doubts and continue to speculate, otherwise he will be the one who will be in trouble in the end.

"Actually, things are very simple. When I was in Ninja World, I lived in seclusion in Muye Village. Recently, the book of Muye Village has become very popular, so I also opened it and read it. I think the plot inside is not bad, and then I go to When I was looking for Nagato in the Land of Rain, I happened to see this book on sale in a bookstore, so I bought these books, that’s all.”

Qingyu said calmly, this matter was told, and there was no sign of Fayi's intentional lying from the expression, and there was even a little bit of disdain for the author to be compared with him.

"I don't need to lie to you. It doesn't make any sense to me. If there is nothing else, then we will meet later."

(End of this chapter)

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