People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 743 This Is Not Logical (Seeking Subscription Asking Monthly Pass)

Chapter 743 This Is Not Logical (Seeking Subscription Asking Monthly Pass)
When Namakaze Minato said these words, he didn't even avoid people. Such a question could be asked directly in front of Xiaonan.

There is no escape at all because Xiao Nan is here.

After all, things have developed to the present level, and they both understand each other's routines.

When reading the memory earlier, he didn't avoid Xiao Nan at all.

So when discussing about Xiaonan now, Namikaze Minato did not avoid him at all, but said these words in front of Xiaonan.

After Qingyu heard Namikaze Minato's words, Xiaowei suddenly understood the important point in her heart.

Now the most important point of this matter is on Xiaonan and the trio organized by Akatsuki, not on the gatekeeper ninja.

The reason why Qingyu went to read the memory of the gatekeeper ninja was nothing more than wanting to use this method, but let Namikaze Minato understand that there is no fixed cause and effect relationship.

Thereby taking the gatekeeper ninja out of this matter.

As long as the gatekeeper ninja gets out of this matter, then this matter itself will become much simpler.

In this way, this matter became a problem related only to Xiao Nan.

This way things are too simple.

There will not be so many complicated relationships involved.

In this way, Xiaonan's own judgment has lost many rules.

Qingyu nodded slowly after hearing Namikaze Minato's words.

"I thought about this question just now."

Qingyu's voice sounded slowly, and it was clearly heard by everyone present, everyone could hear Qingyu's words.

Now we have reached a very critical point.

Qingyu understands that the most fundamental part of this matter lies in Xiaonan.

"From my personal judgment, Xiao Nan should have nothing to do with that person."

Qingyu directly expressed his thoughts without any concealment, so it is true that if judged from this angle, things will develop like this.

Qingyu didn't deliberately help Xiaonan now, because he made the foreshadowing for helping Xiaonan, that is, to separate the gatekeeper ninja from this matter. As long as these two things are separated, then they will be two completely different things, and he will naturally Then you can tell Xiaonan's affairs in the direction he can understand.

At this moment, Xiaonan and Namikaze Minato's eyes are all focused on Qingyu, both of them are very curious, what kind of words will Qingyu say?

Especially Xiao Nan blinked her beautiful purple eyes, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, and some faint expectations. She is very aware of her current situation, and it is difficult for this kind of thing to go in a better direction in the past. However, this ninja named Qingyu felt that he had nothing to do with that person as soon as he opened his mouth.

who's that person?
A question mark popped up in Xiaonan's mind.

She didn't know who Qing Yu was talking about.

But she could guess that that person should be related to the person Namikaze Minato resisted.

Saying so...

Instead, he cut himself off from these things to some extent.

Xiaonan suddenly had a strange idea in her heart, she felt that this ninja named Qingyu seemed to be helping her, but she didn't have a clear and conceivable answer.

After all, she had never met Qingyu before, and she didn't know this person, let alone Namakaze Minato's staff, she had no obligation to do so anyway.

But anyway, things are moving in her favor now.

Xiao Nan felt that these things were very strange. She was the one who was discovered, but with the passage of time and the progress of the matter, it turned out that she had almost no problems now.

Xiao Nan knew very well in her heart how outrageous what she had done was, and how big a loophole was in it.

If she herself is Namikaze Minato...

Then even she wouldn't believe the so-called nonsense that she came to Yile Ramen to eat a bowl of noodles.

This was already something she couldn't figure out at that time.

She has completely reached the limit of her ability to think, and she needs to respond to the situation in a very short time, and it is extremely unfavorable to her. Inside the noodle shop, we are waiting for Otsutsuki Tonero's help.

But things seem to be getting weirder now.

"How to say?"

After hearing Qingyu's words, Namikaze Minato looked towards Xiaonan, then turned his head and landed on Qingyu again.

In fact, at this moment, he also has such a feeling in his heart, but he can't confirm it.

Namikaze Minato is a very smart person, he has a very sensitive sense of smell in many cases, and can make very strong and quick judgments on some things.

These judgments have almost a very high accuracy rate.

At any time in the past, Minato Namikaze trusted his own judgment very much.

But it's not the same now.

This moment in time is very special.

Namikaze Minato is about a week away from becoming the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, so during this period of time he has understood that whether it is from the resistance inside Konoha Village or outside the village, there may be The power that appears may interfere to a certain extent with the matter of his succession to the position of Hokage.

Namikaze Minato used to be able to rely on his own judgment to make a decision on certain matters, but at this time he is facing the pressure of the entire ninja world. This is a situation bounded by heaven and earth. The form can completely see the whole picture of the whole situation, because he is in this situation.

So in many things, although he has his own feelings, he can't completely trust his sense of smell.

This does not mean that he has no confidence in himself.

Namikaze Minato knew his own judgment, but he needed another person, Qingyu, to make another judgment. If the judgments of the two of them were the same, then he knew that his judgment was correct, but if they If the judgments of two people are contradictory, then there may be a problem with one party.

No matter which answer it is, it will allow him to have a deeper understanding of his own judgment on this kind of matter, so as to determine what he is about to do.

Now he is completely unable to determine these things from his own perspective.

Therefore, the existence of Qingyu is very necessary.

Qingyu, you are not his best judgement.

After all, any person's abilities are limited, and so is Namikaze Minato. Although he has a very strong ability to judge, it is still inevitable that there will be no problems in encountering very complicated but extremely troublesome huge events.

It is based on such things that Minato Namikaze will interrogate Aoba before making a judgment.

Just before hearing Qingyu's words, Namikaze Minato also saw these memory images, which is one of the reasons why Qingyu showed him the memory images.

After seeing these memories, Minato Namikaze has already made some judgments of his own.

It is precisely because of this reason that he already has an idea in his heart, but these ideas cannot be completely confirmed. It is a very cautious principle in itself, and Qingyu needs to speak it out. Judge whether the direction of thinking of the two of them is the same.

Considering such things, Namikaze Minato's gaze focused on Qingyu, doubts and expectations flickered in his eyes.

"According to the memories we saw just now, Xiao Nan came here with two other people. Those two people should be their companions, but something went wrong and they went in different directions."

Qingyu's voice sounded slowly, and then he raised his head to look in the direction of Namikaze Minato, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked very wise.

"If it is said that Xiaonan and the others are related to that person, there is no need for them to do this at all, just to play the gatekeeper ninja in a play, believe it?"

After Qingyu said this, she shook her head, and she vetoed the question she raised.

"Absolutely not."

"If it was written by that person, then this will definitely create a very perfect game."

"That is, this gatekeeper ninja will probably be that person."

"Actually, after I knew that the gatekeeper ninja was not from that person, I already knew that Xiao Nan was not from that person."

"Because it's just too risky to do that."

"The three of them separated from each other in front of a few people, just for the sake of acting, and they hadn't communicated beforehand. If this possibility was rejected by the gatekeeper ninja, it would naturally be impossible. Follow up."

"That's one reason for my judgment."

"There's not a continuum to this thing."

"If it proceeds according to this logic, then the probability of failure is very low."

"Think about it differently."

"If I were that guy."

"At this point in time, I must do something that is very sure and has a success rate, and I will not put these things on the bet."

"That way, if it fails, the situation will become very passive!"

Qingyu explained sentence by sentence, he was explaining this matter in a behavioral and logical way.

It is stipulated that anyone who does things must conform to the most basic logic.

This logic cannot stand now.

of course.

Qingyu is very clear that this matter was not done by the third generation at all, so when he is looking for it, he can easily find any angle to prove it.

(End of this chapter)

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