People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 773 About Dreams ([Monthly Pass] Supplement)

Chapter 773 About Dreams ([Monthly Pass] Supplement)
Xiaonan's long-lost memory appeared in front of her eyes, something she didn't want to recall...

It involves their Xiao organization trio!

In the troubled times of the Kingdom of Rain, there was no food or clothing, and they could only reluctantly form a group to escape the chaos of war. The strength of three people was far greater than that of one person. Together, the chances of survival would be greater.

But correspondingly...

Precisely because of such an approach...

Although the three of them seem very close, they have huge problems in many things.

That is, when their lives got better and the Xiao organization was established, they had differences in many opinions.

Especially not so long ago...

When Nagato knew that he was a member of the Otsutsuki clan and obtained the identity of the Otsutsuki clan, he became very proud!
Both the attitude towards Yahiko and her attitude are different from before.

This point made Xiao Nan completely aware of it, and he clearly realized the problems in it.

It was at that time that she realized that the three of them can experience danger together in a team, because the ability of three people to resist danger is far better than one person, but when among the three of them, if there is any If one person is brilliant, it is very difficult to bring the other two together.

Because when that person looked at the other two, the flashes in his eyes were a kind of drag.

This kind of performance made Xiaonan feel very sad. She didn't expect that Nagato would become like that, and she didn't expect that after Nagato became like that, Yahiko would also look into her eyes, and there would be a change.

Everyone is changing!

The only constant is change!

Even Xiaonan himself has changed!

So at the gate of Muye Village, the three of them parted ways...

Xiao Nan's eyes kept falling on Qing Yu's body, she really wanted to know what kind of words this man would say.

No matter what kind of thing it is, she feels very puzzled.

After all, the relationship between Namikaze Minato and Qingyu was completely unexpected to her.

Even for Yahiko and Nagato, when they spoke, they would not completely disregard the other party and boldly refuse directly.

No matter when Yahiko or Nagato had a higher status, they would always have scruples about each other when they spoke.

Such scruples have caused them to have various changes in their thinking until now.

Until now, when Xiaonan thinks of Nagato and Yahiko, he feels that they are both moving towards different ideals, and their goals are inconsistent. Their goals used to be the same , that is to live together.

At that time, the Kingdom of Rain was in the midst of war, and the people were in dire straits. They couldn't even eat a bite of food. They wanted to steal bread together, and they wanted to find a living space in the midst of the war, so that they could live. At that time, they formed a group Together, through the power of the team, the whole team can continue to live and rely on each other. At this time, their goals are the same.

But this does not mean that their goals have always been the same. Of course, after the war ended, they began to establish the Akatsuki Organization.

The main purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to make the whole world peaceful, which is a lofty, great and ideal dream.

Of course, this dream is Yahiko's dream, he is the founder of Akatsuki organization and the leader of Akatsuki organization.

Konan is very clear that Yahiko has such a dream, and at the beginning of their team formation, Nagato did not express any thoughts of her own, she just said that she wanted to protect the two of them, and her idea was to hope for Yahiko Dreams can come true.

So the three of them came together again to create the Akatsuki organization, mainly because Yahiko had a dream, and she supported Yahiko's dream, and Nagato supported the dreams of the two of them.

After such a circular link, the dreams of the three of them seem to be in the same direction, but in fact it is because the three of them have their own dreams.

This kind of dream does not mean who is more noble than who, who is more determined, but that the dreams of the three of them may change at any time.

Especially when Xiaonan and Nagato still stick to their dreams, the problems here will become more serious.

The main line they originally supported would fall apart in an instant.

Of course, on the other side, there is Nagato supporting the dreams of the two of them, so if one person protects two people, if the two people think of the same place, there is no problem.

But when the thinking of these two people changes and they stand on different positions, how Nagato should choose at that time is also a potential problem.

In fact, when the three of them were together, there were many problems, but they were cleverly covered up.

Now at this time, he paid the water again.

Especially when Nagato doesn't want to protect the two of them anymore...

Or, when Nagato has an idea of ​​his own...

Or when Xiaonan herself wanted to stay in Muye Village, but Yahiko didn't want to enter Muye Village...

When these issues were before them, there was not a mutual compromise between them.

This is a hidden danger that has been buried here in the past. The reason why it has not been exposed before is simply because there are not so many things encountered.

The simplest reason is that Konan and Nagato have always been the ones to compromise...

Yahiko is constantly pursuing his dream.

But one day, Xiaonan felt that he had something on his mind, and Nagato also felt that he had something on his mind.

Yahiko did not support the two of them, but insisted on his own ideas.

This is a commitment to one's own dreams.

Nothing wrong with that.


In friendship between friends...

But there are some problems!
After all, no one will always give way to another person.

After seeing the relationship between Namikaze Minato and Qingyu, Xiaonan immediately recalled her relationship, and she found that there were many problems in it.

One of the most serious problems is that their thoughts are not put together, and they do not have a common goal.

Because the two of them, that is, she and Nagato, are not the ones who want to maintain the Akatsuki organization to such a high level.

This is not their dream!
It was Yahiko's dream!
So all along they were just supporting Yahiko's dream!
Although in the original storyline, even if Yahiko died, the Akatsuki organization still survived.

However, the actual controllers of the Akatsuki organization at that time were Uchiha Obito and Kurojue behind the scenes. In addition, even if Nagato appeared in the form of Payne, and Konan was still in the Akatsuki organization, he would not From the original method Yahiko thought of to the method Nagato thought of, in fact, the play has changed, and the Akatsuki organization is no longer the Akatsuki organization that it used to be.

These things have changed to cause these problems now.

At the same time, many things happened on the scene.

When they encounter various problems temporarily, these problems will continue to expand in their relationship. With the expansion of these relationships, the cracks that have appeared in some places that they did not see before will also appear. Then expand.

For these reasons, in the end they had these changes together, and these changes finally caused the three of them to go their separate ways.

Now Xiaonan looks at Namikaze Minato and Qingyu, and she feels more and more emotional in her heart. Now these two people actually have the same goal.

She could tell that Namikaze Minato wanted to become Hokage with all his heart.

And Aoba's goal is not to support Namikaze Minato, and of course it can't be said that he doesn't support it. It's just that he doesn't want to fulfill Namikaze Minato's dream, but his dream is to hope that Namikaze Minato will become Hokage.

These are two completely different concepts.

The first is that Aoba supports Namikaze Minato and becomes Hokage's dream of supporting Namikaze Minato.

The second is that Aoba wants Namikaze Minato to become Hokage.

The two look very much the same.

But it's actually a completely different concept.

The first type was when Aoba supported Minato Namikaze, and Minato Namakaze's dream was to become Hokage, but what if Minakaze Minato's dream changed, or Aoba's support changed.

Then the common thoughts of the two of them will change together. This is a problem that Akatsuki also faced just now.

Yahiko and Nagato are such a problem.

Nagato just supported Yahiko's idea, but Nagato's idea changed later, so the two people are no longer on the same side.

The second one is that Qing Yu's thoughts are her own thoughts.

Aoba is not supporting Minato's dream.

Nor is it supporting Namikaze Minato's idea.

And that's the way he wants it!
This is what he thinks!
He wants Namikaze Minato to be called Hokage!
Even if Minato Namikaze doesn't want to become Hokage, he also hopes that Minato Namikaze will eventually become Hokage. This is one of Aoba's thoughts!
That is to say...

One of the fundamental reasons why the relationship between Aoba and Namikaze Minato can reach such a level is because the two of them have a common goal in their thinking, not because one is accommodating the other.

After seeing some conversations between these two people, Xiao Nan immediately understood a key point between the two of them.

I also know that there are some complicated things in my heart.

Can't help sighing.

It turns out that such a pair of friends still exists in the world, which is really rare and rare, and very precious.

Xiaonan can clearly find that the goals of Minato Namikaze and Qingyu are completely the same. In this relationship with almost no special conflicts, the two can completely move towards the same goal.

It is precisely because of this principle that no matter what the two of them say, it has nothing to do with it. They can completely ignore so many complicated things and move in the same direction together.

Especially at this moment in time.

Qingyu directly rejected Namikaze Minato's words.

Then the opinions of the two people diverged to some extent, but the differences were not too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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