People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 804 The 3rd Generation Counseled (【Monthly Pass】Renewal)

Chapter 804 Three Generations Counsel
Aoba told some secrets about Uchiha Madara directly in front of Sandai.

In fact, he didn't go out of his way to realize that all of these things happened for real, which is exactly Qingyu's principle of deceiving people all the time, that is, he first tells some things that really happened, so that people know what he said is true, and then Then use this phenomenon to add some self-fabricated things, and there will be one lie in the nine truths.

This is a very effective method, Qingyu has been using this method.

The secrets Aoba said about the Uchiha class are all the Uchiha-like corpses that once happened to Obito, and they were indeed taken away by the Second Hokage Senjumona, and then taken away by Hei Ze So the coffin was already closed empty at that time.

It’s just that for some unknown reason, Senju Tomona didn’t say such a thing, because he was in charge of researching and broadcasting the corpse of the class at the time, but when he saw that Uchiha moved the corpse and disappeared, he completely ignored it. No fuss.

at this point.

It wasn't until later generations that Heijue revealed the secret.

But even after the reincarnation of the filthy soil between the thousand-handed doors, there was no explanation for this at all.

From Qing Yu's point of view, after some thought, he carefully searched for Qian Shou Fei Jian's state of mind.

Qingyu was able to confirm that it was Senshou Feijian, and he must have discovered the disappearance of the corpse outside the pass at the first time, but he did not say it, because he knew that Senshou Feijian was the previous generation of scientists before Orochimaru, Many, many people were researched by the hands of Senshou Banma, or it can no longer be regarded as ninjutsu but a forbidden technique.

Judging by Qianshou Feijian's thirst for knowledge about things...

Senshou Feijian will never let Uchiha Madara's body idle in the coffin for too long, and will definitely find a very appropriate time to study the latter's body, especially when it comes to the secrets of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan.

Looking at the entire Uchiha clan who can open the kaleidoscope, there are only a handful of people who can write sharingan, and there are very few people who have the eternal kaleidoscope in the phase and live broadcast class. Great research value.

Because of this, Aoba believes that Senshou Feijian will never miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study Uchiha Madara's corpse, so he will definitely collect Uchiha Madara's corpse carefully.

That is to say, judging from the importance paid to the Uchiha Madara entity by the charging room in the past, the first time Uchiha Ban’s body disappeared, he must have noticed it, and even started a secret investigation, but he did not hand in such a case. He didn't even know if Senju Hashirama, the first Hokage at the time, knew about such a thing, but Senju Tobima was also seriously injured after the battle with Uchiha Madara, and left this world not long after.

Qingyu thought about such a matter carefully, probably because Senshou Tomona felt that if the matter was made public at the time, it might cause too much sensation, so he has been secretly investigating Anbu, but the investigation has not found any results. As a result, it was all over in the end.

It may also be because.

The first ninja war came too fast.

The moment Senjujuma died, the peace of the ninja world had been broken, because people no longer had the deterrence of this powerful force and began to show their desires.

It was also at that time that Qianshou Feijian did not return because he went to the battlefield, so it is very likely that he left such a secret on the battlefield forever.

No matter what the reason is, such a thing has been facilitated, because Senju Tomona did not tell these things, so no one in Konoha Village knows that Uchiha Madara's body is missing.

It is very likely that Uchiha Madara is still alive in this world.

Now Qingyu has told the third generation in this form that Uchiha Madara is missing and is likely to still be alive in this world in this way.

This is not to cause trouble to the third generation through information that may be relatively false information, but Qingyu can use this method to let the third generation understand that there are more dangerous things waiting for him in the ninja world, and to let the whole The hearts of the three generations became chaotic. The most important thing, Qingyu could imitate Uchiha Madara and appear in this world at any time, making the whole thing as he imagined.


After hearing Qingyu's words, the third generation was immediately confused, and felt that everything was so incredible.

What the person in front of him said just now was completely beyond his expectation, even beyond his cognition, he had no idea that there was such a thing.

Uchiha Madara may still be alive?

Just thinking about this kind of thing makes Sandai feel his scalp tingling for a while.

He is the one who really witnessed Kuniwa Madara's strength. Of course, he did not testify positively, but since then Senjujuma, who was invincible in his eyes, died like this. This can also show that Uchiha Madara is a strength.


At that time, the three generations felt that Uchiha Madara's strength was weaker than Senju Bashirama!
The most fundamental reason is that he clearly knew that Senju Tobanma successfully killed Uchiha Madara, and then although Murate Hashirama also died, his death was a little slower, just these subtle things The difference can explain the slight gap in strength between the two.

Even a slight gap is a gap.

So the third generation knows that Senju Hashirama is still more powerful than Uchiha Madara!

But if Uchiha Madara did not die in that incident, but survived, then from another perspective, he might think that Uchiha Madara's strength is above Senjuzhuma.


Leaving aside what kind of position the strength between Uchiha Madara and Senju Tomonama is, just focusing on the present moment, he will already feel a very strong sense of oppression pouring into his head.

If Uchiha Madara is still alive, it will definitely come to Konoha Village one day in the future. At that time, no one will be able to block Uchiha Madara's Pa Uchiha Madara, who was already very old at that time.


Thinking of this, the third generation couldn't help taking a breath of the rotten air here, filling his lungs with the smell of bacteria fermented by some microorganisms.

"Then what's going on with you...?"

The third generation turned to look at the person who looked exactly like his Teacher Tokaima, and now he still didn't completely think that this Teacher Tokaima was the teacher he knew, but because these things directly entered the topic, let He became so confused that he was a little confused about how to face this person in front of him.

"I am Thousand Hands!"

Qingyu immediately said convincingly that he did not leave any room for the third generation to maneuver, because at this moment, if he is not firm, then there is no way to fool the third generation easily, and he must be better than the third generation. It looks more determined, so that the third generation can't find any feeling that it is not particularly certain, at least in terms of demeanor.

Say it.

Qingyu raised her hands and looked towards her palms.

"That day after I handed over the position of Naruto to you, I went to kill the queen alone, and then the news of my death came from the whole ninja world."


"I didn't die that day!"

"Instead of freezing myself up after being seriously injured!"

"That's a forbidden technique I've studied."

"Through the method of water escape ninjutsu, I completely seal myself in the water, and then turn the water into ice and bury it deep in the ground."

"The layer of water and ice that wraps me contains my chakras, these chakras will continue to repair my body, until when my injuries are fully recovered, I can break out of the ice and return to the above this world."

"That's right now!"

"But such a forbidden technique will cause an irreversible effect, that is, my Chakra attribute will undergo a great change."

"If you judge me only by the attributes of Chakra, I no longer have the aura of the past, but also because of this forbidden technique that has frozen me, so it can be said that my age has not increased at all. It is still the same as before. like that!"

"At that time, I was delayed because of things, and I didn't have time to come back to check what happened to Uchiha Madara's body, but after so many years, I suddenly discovered that Uchiha Madara's body was gone."

"Originally, I didn't want to reappear in your sight. After all, I'm already a person of the old age, but because of this kind of thing, if I don't inform you immediately to let you know, then the future is very likely to lead to Big trouble!"

Qingyu said one sentence after another, he tried his best to fool the third generation, and through the things he and the third generation knew together, he let himself create the follow-up of the second generation of Hokage, which was broken alone in the Ninja World War.


After hearing Qingyu's words, Sandai took a deep breath, tried hard to calm down, and thought about these things carefully, because he found a very scary thing, that is, he couldn't judge the situation in front of him at all. Whether what the person said was true or false.

It stands to reason that he has no way to use the first item of Chakra to judge that the person in front of him is the Tokaima teacher he knew in the past, but what the latter said is completely consistent with everything before, and it shows that One of the changes is because of the forbidden technique he has researched, and in his memory, Teacher Feijian is also a master of forbidden technique, which makes him not know how to effectively prove his heart. Doubt should arise at all.


The third generation is very clear, if he can't figure out all the things in it now, then he will definitely have more entanglements because of these things in the future.

Right now, he has to figure things out before he can do anything later.

How to do?
The third generation didn't know how to ask, so that he could not appear so abrupt.

"I know that you are still doubting my identity. There is nothing wrong with that. If you believe it so easily, I think you are very careless in your heart."

Qingyu shook his head towards the third generation. He was very aware of the entangled emotions that the third generation was facing now, so he immediately retreated as a step forward, which seemed to be a step back, but in fact it was a big step forward.

"The top priority now is not how I can prove my identity to you. My identity is not important. The important thing is that Uchiha Madara's body is gone now."

Qingyu continued to speak, guiding the thinking of the third generation, and turned to this side.

"I have always thought that the Uchiha clan is a hidden danger to Konoha Village, so I really want to study the eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes through Uchiha Madara's corpse."

"But such research was interrupted by the Ninja World War!"

"Now that I'm back, I find that there is no way to continue this kind of research!"


"I told you about Uchiha Madara, and I didn't want you to tell the people in Quankonoha Village, and then put them in a state of panic!"

"After all, you are Hokage of Konoha Village!"

"I hope you can take up your responsibilities at this time and investigate things about Uchiha Madara, especially when it comes to the Uchiha clan. I think they are very suspicious!"

Qingyu's eyes became cold, and he deliberately directed the contradiction in the direction of the Uchiha clan, so that Sandai might shift his focus towards the Uchiha clan.

At that time, it is also a time for him to implement the follow-up plan.

"The Uchiha clan..."

The third generation suddenly took a deep breath. During this period of time, he did have some conflicts with the Uchiha clan.

It has to be said that this is not the third generation of the rich and powerful himself, because he found that the arrogance of the Uchiha clan often conflicts with him, and these conflicts are unavoidable, so that he has never had a particularly good sense of the Uchiha clan.

Now it involves the matter of Uchiha Madara, which puts his heart in a relatively distressed direction, because he himself is about to step down as Hokage, and now such a thing happens again, which makes his heart Somewhat overwhelmed.

After all, Uchiha Madara's strength is too strong!

If Uchiha Madara is still alive in this world, it will also have a very powerful impact on him.

in other words……

The third generation was a little afraid to investigate the Uchiha clan and things related to Uchiha Madara, which would put him in an indescribable fear.

Because he was afraid that after his own investigation, he would really discover the secrets of the Uchiha clan.


Sandai suddenly took a deep breath, trying hard to find some face problems for himself, he raised his eyes to look at Qingyu, his lips squirmed slightly, and put on a bitter smile.


"The door... um..."


"I'm no longer the Hokage of Konoha Village..."

The third generation immediately said this sentence, which seemed very discouraging to him, but he had never been so lucky at this time, that he would not have to bear such a major pressure.

"You may not know it, but not long ago, Konoha Village has replaced Hokage to the fourth generation!"

"Fourth Hokage is Namikaze Minato!"

"Investigating Uchiha Madara may be on his head!"

The third generation explained softly. From these words, it can be seen that he has been counseled...

(End of this chapter)

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