People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 865 She is off work (seeking subscription please monthly ticket)

Chapter 865 She is off work (seeking subscription please monthly ticket)
At this moment, the three generations are still very happy in their hearts.

He had a feeling of waiting suddenly.

It seems that all the previous waiting was not in vain.

have to say.

He's been waiting here for far too long.

If he is the first person who actually came here for Yile Ramen, he is also the first person to apply for membership.

The third generation started to publicize the Danzo and Orochimaru incident early this morning to guide this whirlpool of public opinion.

Originally, this was a very uncertain thing, but amidst such uncertain things, he discovered an accident, that is, the thing that Shikamaru found the root he said had been disbanded.

Under the premise of such a thing, he encountered a very strong impact, which made his heart in a state of instability, but it happened that the house leaked and rained all night, not only at the root. There was a problem in the Internet, and another problem appeared in Xiaonan's affairs.

This is something that the third generation really did not expect, because the sudden vortex of public opinion involving Xiaonan directly overwhelmed the matter of Danzo.

This is completely unbearable for the third generation, because once the Danzo and Oshemaru incidents are blocked, then he will have no way to completely clean himself up, and at the same time there will be no way to return himself to a team that can compete with Hokage. over the sequence.

This kind of thing is very serious.

That's why the third generation is here to change everything immediately at all costs.

The third generation has no way to prevent people from thinking about Xiaonan's affairs, so the simplest and most direct way he can think of is to directly solve the incident that Xiaonan broke out.

As long as Xiaonan's incident can be resolved successfully, there is no need for people to discuss the issue of Xiaonan anymore.

This is a very normal logic.

Under this logic, any question that the three generations think about is relatively appropriate.

However, an unexpected surprise appeared for the third generation. This accident was that the Yile Ramen where Xiaonan lived was actually changed into a membership-only shop. Only members can enter this shop. People who are not members can even eat a bowl of noodles. None of the qualifications.

Looking at the history of the entire Konoha Village, and even the history of the ninja world, the third generation has never seen a similar situation, and it is precisely because of this reason that he found that Yile Ramen was overcrowded when he thought it was unbelievable. The shock of his perception of such things.

But it was also because of such a reason, because he had never seen such a thing before, which led to the fact that when such a thing happened, he did not have enough experience to judge whether it was right or wrong.

Under the premise of losing judgment, all the judgments he made lacked basis, so he could only let things continue to develop like this.

The third generation decided to follow the rules of Yile Ramen. He first applied for the membership card of Yile Ramen, and then waited silently, queuing up. He wanted to enter the Yile Ramen to eat noodles after the people inside came out. In the process of eating noodles, interact with Xiao Nan to a certain extent, understand what happened to Xiao Nan, and then solve what happened to Xiao Nan.

The third generation's thinking is still very clear, because now this is a matter involving Hokage, as long as there are issues related to Hokage, the third generation will fully consider all possibilities.

And when it comes to Naruto-related issues, the third generation will not have any ambiguity.

The third generation is very clear about what kind of thing this is. If this matter is successfully settled, then he is still qualified to return to Hokage again, but if this matter is not settled, even Namikaze Minato, take the initiative It is proposed not to be the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, then the Third Hokage will not return to the historical stage of Hokage, but people will choose a new person to be the Fourth Hokage.

This kind of thing is very clear to the third generation.

After all, he was the Hokage of Konoha Village before.

In other words, he is actually the Hokage of Konoha Village in essence.

So when encountering these things, he is very clear about what kind of influence will be produced, and he also understands what kind of choice the fire country daimyo will make under such an influence.

As long as he hasn't successfully cleaned the stains on his body, then it is impossible for him to return to the position of Hokage again, which will lead to the current situation.

So the third generation now finds that the things he is facing are so simple, like a series of strings connected in series, as if one after another and like a door after another, it must first overcome the current problem , and then he can go to the next step. If this step is not resolved, then he is stuck here.

So from now on...

The third generation has been stuck here very accurately, stuck at the level of Yile Ramen.

Now if he can't enter Yile Ramen, there is no way to communicate with Xiaonan here, he can't know what happened to Xiaonan, and he can't solve what happened to Xiaonan.

Under such a premise.

The third generation can only use the method of waiting, because he found that there is no other point that can break the situation. If there are any conflicts and conflicts with Xiaonan forcibly, it will not be very beneficial to both of them.

From the past cognition of the three generations, he felt that Xiao Nan must not want this matter to continue to cause trouble, because Xiao Nan seemed to want to live in Muye Village, and he also did not want this kind of thing to continue to expand. , That will affect the public opinion of Danzo and Orochimaru he is guiding.

Therefore, the third generation feels that this matter can definitely be properly resolved.

This requires him to have a little more patience.

Otherwise, it is very likely that Xiaonan will think that they are standing on the opposite side, especially Xiaonan is still a rebellious identity in the country of rain. After Xiaonan came to Muye Village, the public opinion he encountered was all negative, so if If he can't solve it well, it's easy for Xiao Nan to think that he is here to target Xiao Nan.

The third generation is still very clear on this point.

and so……

The hearts of the three generations still have a little bit of hope in their hearts.

Until now, although the night has fallen, the sky is getting late, and the three generations are no longer hungry, but the people in Yile Ramen have finally dispersed, which makes him feel that waiting is not in vain, and finally there is a kind of bitterness and reward Feel.

Even the three generations themselves don't know why.

After standing in line at the door for so long, when he was finally able to enter a ramen, he felt a sense of relief and excitement in his heart.

It's like a person who is often victimized and suddenly gets better, and instead will have a grateful attitude.

This kind of thinking is very strange, but it really happened.

After half an hour.

Seeing that almost all the people in Yile Ramen in front of him had already walked out, and then walked in, when he walked in, a very strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Shouldn't it be closed?

This is what the third generation is most worried about now, because once it closes, he will not have a reasonable reason to stay here, and he will have no way to check carefully what happened. If it can't be solved smoothly today, it will need to delay tomorrow's time.

For the current three generations, time is too precious, any day is very precious, because there are only about five days, and there is not much time left for him.

If these things cannot be resolved as soon as possible.

Then when Hokage succeeds to the Grand Ceremony, he will completely lose the position of Hokage, and the Hokage of Konoha Village will transition to the era of the Fourth Hokage, and will become the world of Namikaze Minato.

The third generation didn't feel that he was competing with Namikaze Minato now, because he felt that Namikaze Minato did not pose any threat to him, and now he was competing with himself, as long as he can survive the current difficulties, then everything will be fine will be solved.

Now seeing that these people had left Yile Ramen, he walked in. In order to prevent the place from closing, he took the lead in saying something preemptively.

"I want a bowl of ramen!"

Sandai didn't ask whether it was closed, because he felt that as a member of Ichile Ramen, as long as he said he wanted to eat noodles, then a boss would never refuse.

of course.

The fact is just as the three generations thought.

"Good Le!"

Shouda responded almost without hesitation, and his tone was very gratifying. He is in a good mood today. On the first day of the reform of Yile Ramen Member Store, the achievements he has achieved are entirely in his hands. unexpected.

In his heart, he believes in Qingyu very much, and he also chooses to believe in Qingyu, but it does not mean that he fully understands the current situation. For such a development, he still feels extremely shocked in his heart. , Up to now, he has not particularly figured out why there is such a very rich start, so many people have applied for the membership card of Yile Ramen, and they have not even come to eat noodles.

Now finally someone can come in and eat noodles.

To know.

It's been a whole day since I made noodles by hand. Although the noodles have been cooked for those people here, they don't really care about it that much.

This also caused everything to change.

Over time.

Handa has become excited in his heart, he hopes that real customers will come here to eat the noodles he made.

Of course there is another reason.

Before leaving, Xiao Nan hit his hand deliberately and gave a warning.

"If there is no accident, the third generation will come in to eat noodles in a while. We must treat him well, because the current achievements of Yile ramen members are all thanks to the help of the third generation."

Xiaonan's voice still echoed in Shouda's ears.

Although he didn't know what happened outside, and he didn't think about it too much, he knew that Qingyu and the others had a very complete plan, so he didn't waste too much thought on this matter at all, but after Xiaonan After being reminded, he also understood that the reason they were able to change so quickly this time was because they met a nobleman, and that nobleman was three generations old.

Under such a premise.

It was understood by hand that the person who came in now was Sandai, and he also knew Sandai Hokage, so when he heard that Sandai wanted to eat noodles, he immediately responded and quickly started cooking noodles.

"Thank you."

After the third generation heard the words of Shouda, a big stone was hanging in his heart, and what he wanted to do now was to be able to calm down here, eat a bowl of noodles, fill his stomach, and understand What happened to Xiao Nan.

"I should thank you."

Handa squinted his eyes and looked at the third generation with a smile.

This sentence is not polite, but what he said is from the heart, because he has already learned from Xiaonan that without the help of the third generation, it will definitely not develop to the current node.

It is precisely because of the help of the third generation that everything is so simple and obvious, which directly promotes the reform of Yile Ramen Member Store.

The third generation didn't think that the hand slap was telling him his true feelings, and he took these words as a courtesy, and then he looked into a ramen.

For the third generation, his purpose of coming here is very clear, that is to find Xiao Nan, and then solve the problems that happened to Xiao Nan.

After he finished ordering a bowl of ramen and made sure that he could stay here to eat, he glanced into a ramen, but he discovered something extremely shocking unexpectedly.

Xiaonan's people are gone!

The third generation's brows were tightly frowned. At this moment, many small question marks appeared in his head, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart.

"Where is the person who handles the membership?"

The third generation did not directly say Xiao Nan's name, but expressed the inquiry that Xiao Nan was making in such a way.

After all, at this moment, if he directly called Xiao Nan by his name, it would be too clear for him.

Although it is quite clear that he can sit here now, he still feels that he has to be more tactful.

Doing this now is also to avoid many unnecessary troubles, because in his opinion, he is doing this to whitewash himself, but in the process of whitewashing, if there are extra problems, is it a good thing for him? things.

"She got off work."

Said with a smile on his hand, it seems that there is no surprise at all that the third generation can ask such a question.

(End of this chapter)

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