People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 889 About the Shoufeijian (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 889 About Thousand Hands Door Room (please subscribe for monthly ticket)
Xiaonan's matter can be resolved. For the people in Muye Village, the happiest people are the three generations.

Except for three generations, no one can be as happy as this.

In fact, the third generation is not very clear about what kind of progress this has reached.

But according to the feedback information.

What the third generation can confirm is that Teacher Senshou Feima has begun to implement it step by step.

After all, what happened here is too clear.

The matter of Xiao Nan was holding hands to recommend the teacher, and it was resolved properly after just looking for him last night, and judging from the news passed back, almost all the public opinion that is passing now is related to some of the negative meanings of Xiao Nan Some premises and final results are added to the words.

These premises and results do not seem particularly abrupt, as if the matter itself is like this, but it can just be just right to make this matter appear in another way.

No matter from which point of view, this is a very special thing.

Especially for the third generation, the third generation himself has never experienced such a special feeling. Now when he experiences it, he has a very obvious sense of difference, and feels that everything is different from what he thought before.

The third generation has tried his best to think about things and what kind of situation it might develop into, but in the end, the posture presented in this situation still makes him feel extremely shocked in his heart.

This is not a very simple matter, because the third generation himself has been busy with meeting Xiaonan these two days, and has no time to understand what the public opinion on Xiaonan is, so if he does it himself, then he has to ask First, carefully inquire about what happened to Xiaonan.

In that case, it will be consumed again, making him feel that there is not much time left.

The appearance of Teacher Qianshou Feijian just rightly made all of this the most appropriate solution.

It's a very, very real thing.

With Sandai's own ability, there is no way to complete such an end.

Not only that.

For three generations.

He simply doesn't have the time and patience to see what's going on here bit by bit.

These things are constantly affecting the thoughts in his heart.

The most important thing people should avoid is impetuousness.

The more bad the situation is, the more impetuous psychology is likely to occur, and the impetuous psychology will make the situation worse.

In summary, this will make the whole situation worse and worse.

The third generation also understands this kind of thing, but when this kind of emotion comes, it can't be controlled at all, because it has no way to make it all go in a stable direction when the Hokage succession ceremony is only a few days away To develop is definitely not a realistic thing.

The third generation now looks at the little time left, and knows that if they want to continue, it is not an easy task to move forward steadily.

It is precisely because of this reason that after the third generation found out, and the teacher holding hands with Feijian ran over to help him, the emotion in his heart became more intense.

of course.

The third generation felt that only Senshou Toikama could come up with such a way to help him.

If it wasn't for the help of Teacher Qianshou Feijian, then he felt that he could not think of such a kind of general, adding a kind of foreshadowing in the front, and creating a result in the back to kill Xiaonan. Get rid of any unpleasantness.

To some extent, this is not something that a normal person can do at all, it is too difficult.

The degree of difficulty is very high.

Three generations asked themselves that they couldn't do such a thing, because the difficulty was too exaggerated.


What moved Sandai's heart even more was that he felt that Teacher Tomona might be helping him during this time.

In the past two days, he felt a very strong helplessness in his heart, because he had just guided the public opinion of Danzo and Orochimaru towards the root.

But only at such a time.

Everything has changed in three generations.

The people in Muye Village didn't care about the public opinion happening here at all.

Instead, he focused all his attention on Xiaonan's incident.

This is a very, very uncomfortable thing for him.

But the third generation has no way at all.

The whole body is filled with a very strong powerlessness.

Such a sense of powerlessness made him unable to solve anything that happened at the moment.

at the same time.

decrease over time.

The third generation knows that the time left for him is getting less and less.

under such a premise.

The irritable heart of the third generation has no possibility of calming down at all.

At that time, he thought about what Senshou Feijian was doing, because he encountered such a problem that he couldn't solve it now, and he hoped that Senshou Feijian could stand up and help him.

But Senshou Tobema-sensei seems to have disappeared.

All this made the third generation have some relatively disappointed thoughts. These thoughts filled his heart and formed some negative emotions, but these emotions did not completely affect him.

It just still gave the third generation a little bit of thought.

For the third generation, he knows very well that it is not easy for Teacher Qianshou Feijian to achieve the current level, and he should not expect Teacher Feijian to do more.

In other words.

The third generation is very clear.

At this moment in time.

He can have the possibility of re-competing for the position of Hokage, which is already helped by Mr. Tomona.

He also has no reason to complain about Tobuma-sensei.

All he needs to be able to do right now is to do things seriously.

If he succeeds in doing Xiao Nan's work well, it means that what he should do is his duty, but if he fails to do such a thing, it means that his ability is insufficient.

for this.

The three generations still have a very clear self-awareness.

Three generations know what to do.

But he understands it or not, but he doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't have the ability to do it well, so when he was completely at a loss, Teacher Qianshou Feijian appeared in front of him again, and reappeared like a weak savior. Pull him back again.

This time.

The hearts of the three generations were extremely moved.

This kind of moving emotion has far surpassed the time when Senshou Feima-sensei first appeared.

Because at that time, he didn't know at all whether he was qualified to compete for the position of Hokage again.

Everything is like a joke.

When the third generation encountered the incident between Orochimaru and Danzo, he had already given up the position of Hokage in his heart, and had already announced his withdrawal from Hokage at that time. The position just didn't want these stains to be thrown on him again .

It can be said that the third generation found a rekindled hope in Teacher Qianshou Feijian, but even though it was hope at that time, he still felt very slim.

Relying on his strong attachment to Hokage, the third generation began to prepare to do it again in accordance with Senshou Tomonama's request, but at that time he didn't know what to do, and he wasn't sure whether he could do it to this extent, he didn't know Can it really stand on the same starting line with Namikaze Minato again to compete for the position of Hokage.

But with the development of the matter, the desire for the position of Hokage in his heart, like a burning flame, generally became more vigorous.

It also made the need for these in his heart become stronger.

Coupled with the obstruction of Xiaonan's incident, he understood that he really wanted to stand on the position of Hokage again.

In many cases, only when you encounter obstacles, do you know how precious what you want is.

If you get it easily, you will feel that it may be too easy and you will not cherish it so much.

This kind of mentality happens to occupy the hearts of the three generations.

Now three generations is such a feeling.

The third generation clearly understands that the reason he is in such a situation now is entirely because Teacher Qianshou Feijian gave him hope and gave him the possibility to stand here again, but he found that there are many difficulties on this road.

With the ever-expanding ambition, he understood what he really wanted. At that time, he was very grateful to Toika-sensei.

But that kind of gratitude is not as strong as it is now, because at this time he feels a real obstacle, he feels that this hope may be dashed, he sees a little bit of light, but this little light does not When it shone on him, it was already on the verge of dissipating.

You are precisely because of this.

For three generations.

The appearance of Teacher Tobuma last night seemed to make this ray of light more vigorous again, making him rekindle a stronger flame of hope on the edge of despair, directly igniting his already confused heart, instantly It became even hotter.

Not only that.

After the third generation saw what Tokaima-sensei did, he had a stronger feeling in his heart.

he already felt...

The reason why Teacher Feijian didn't show up these two days was not because he didn't see what happened in Muye Village, nor because he didn't want to help him, but because he had a deep understanding of what happened to Xiaonan.

It is precisely because Teacher Feijian understands what happened here that he can solve the problem so easily.

The third generation is very clear that the solution he sees at Toikama-sensei seems to be relatively simple, but this simplicity is not so direct, but relies on a relatively strong one. There's no information-poor way of what's going on.

This is not so easy at all, because it is not easy to know exactly what happened to Xiaonan in two days, because so many people in Muye Village are also in such a state. In a state of eating melons and watching dramas, they didn't fully know what happened to Xiao Nan here.

The people who keep queuing up to go to a ramen in Konoha Village and want to eat melons prove this point. Those people are relatively at the forefront of the ranks of eating melons and know relatively more things.

For those who know relatively little, even a little bit of what happened to Xiaonan that made them feel unacceptable in their hearts, they haven't fully inquired about it yet.

To be honest, the time is still too short.

It is almost impossible to fully understand what happened to Xiao Nan in such a short period of time.

At least.

Three generations can't do it at all.

The third generation has been devastated for the past few days, queuing up outside Yile Ramen, and they don't even understand the most basic things about Xiaonan.

Even up to this time, the three generations have not stood in any favorable position in eating melons.

Therefore, the third generation felt that Teacher Senshou Feijian was able to think of such a solution because he was definitely using these two days to understand what happened.

simply put.

Without enough intelligence and information, it is almost impossible to do such a thing.

The three generations knew very well in their hearts that Teacher Qianshou Feijian knew far more than anyone else.

under such a premise.

It was only in such a short period of time that the cause and effect could be arranged, and then those topics that seemed to have big problems were solved one after another.

No matter how you think about this kind of thing, it is very shocking!

The third generation feels that even if he understands all these things, there is no way for him to solve everything reasonably in this way. This is not as simple as knowing the information. It can be said that he is playing information.

"As expected of Teacher Qianshoubeijian!"

The third generation sighed very strongly in his heart, because he knew very well in his heart that it was because of Teacher Senshou Feijian that he was what he is now, but when he was still young in the past, he didn't know that Senshou was at that time. What kind of great things did Tokaima-sensei do in Konoha Village?

In many cases, even if I saw it when I was young, I couldn't fully understand it.

It’s like when a primary school student was in school, although he said he had heard the teacher giving lectures, his attitude towards the teacher was different. It wasn’t until he became a teacher one day that he knew more clearly what the teacher could do. How difficult it is.

This is how the third generation feels in their hearts now.

To some extent.

The third generation suddenly understood why Senshou Feijian was able to assist the first Hokage during the period of the first Hokage Senshoujuma. raise any objections.

This is not because Senju Tomonama-sensei is Senju Bashima's younger brother.

It's because Teacher Qianshou Feijian is a real and powerful person!

 Thank you [Hum a Little Love Song] for your support!
  Thank you [Jiangnan Little Rich Woman] for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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