People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 892 Qing Yu's Game (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Chapter 892 Qing Yu's Game (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

In the current Muye Village, public opinions related to Xiaonan continue to ring out.

From the beginning, people were racing against time to eat melons and watch the show, until they went to apply for membership in Yile Ramen, and then after clarification by these people.

The whole process only took a few days, but it gave people a feeling of twists and turns.

This is something that the people of Muye Village have never experienced.

For the people here, this is not the first time they have eaten melons, so they have known a lot of things involving some public opinion before, but it has never been so strong.

So they still have some unique feelings when they eat melons, but they ignore one point, that is, they have never eaten melons so often before.

It's a very interesting feeling.

At any time in the past, the events they have learned are events, and there is no such phenomenon that one thing first, and then another thing reverses.

In contrast, Menjing Muye Village still belongs to a relatively backward era background. The communication here is not so developed, and there are no special things that the so-called Internet has developed to this day.

If you haven't seen it, you will feel very fresh.

It is precisely because of these reasons that the people in Muye Village were really surprised when they saw the reversal of Xiaonan's melon.

Judging from what they had learned, they thought that Xiao Nan had a big problem.

Although they maintained a basic calmness and did not speak harshly to Xiao Nan, of course this was not in front of Xiao Nan, so when discussing behind their backs, they all discussed that Xiao Nan should be driven out of Muye Village.

During that time, they felt that all they knew was everything about Xiao Nan.

I didn't feel that there was any discomfort.

After all, it can be seen that Xiao Nan is indeed worth the little details they have learned. They said these things to drive each other out.

They never expected such a situation to happen.

But this actually happened.

It really appeared in front of them.

After having such a wonderful feeling, they were all under an extremely indescribable feeling in their hearts.

To a certain extent, they are more willing to believe in preconceived concepts, and feel that they are not wrong, but after these clarifications, they also understand that they have misunderstood Xiaonan after getting the information, although their There is no particularly strong debt in their hearts, but they will not continue to pass on these topics.

of course.

There are still many people who are willing to clarify Xiaonan.

They also all understand what's going on here.

After learning the following truth, they understood that if they didn't do anything, they would feel sorry for Xiaonan.

It is precisely because of this phenomenon that the two kinds of public opinion in Muye Village are constantly entangled, presenting a trend of bipolar reversal, so that everyone understands in their hearts that Xiaonan has some unspeakable secrets, and does not want to It is not the one conveyed at the beginning, but also has a deeper understanding and acceptance of Xiaonan's identity.

the other side.

Somewhere in Konoha Village.

above the roof.

Qingyu sat silently on the eaves, and then used Chakra to observe the situation of the entire Konoha Village.

He didn't do anything during this period of time, but completely handed everything over to Namikaze Minato and the ninjas under his opponent.

I am a very simple bystander.

This feeling is like he is planning a chess game, and the steps of the chess game have been written on his paper, and then let them follow the steps of the chess game.

As for him, he changed from a chess player to a chess watcher, pulling his perspective away from that angle.

Then silently watched everything that happened here.

To some extent.

Qingyu's feelings are actually very interesting.

Everything that is happening in Muye Village now is within Qingyu's plan, of course there are still some minor discrepancies.

It's like entering Yile Ramen. When those who eat noodles are waiting here, they suddenly regard the nurses he arranged earlier as people with the same mood as them, and everyone is inside. Not willing to go out.

This situation continued into the next few days.

Those who entered Yile Ramen to eat noodles in the next few days also closed the shop after entering, and did not give up any chance for the people behind.

The same method has been repeatedly performed in the past few days, which also makes this method a feature of Yile Ramen.

Playing by hand is also fun.

I have to say that the number of noodles made by hand has decreased these days, but the money in his pocket has increased, because many people are scrambling to apply for a ramen membership. There are more people sitting in it.

Now many people in Yile Ramen, they did not ask Xiao Nan any more questions. Of course, their state of mind has also changed, because with the occurrence of public opinion, they feel that what happened to Xiao Nan is the same as what they first thought. It's different from what I imagined.

All kinds of things happened, and everything changed.

Especially people's state of mind.

Qingyu felt everything that happened here, he experienced the changes in the mentality of the people in Muye Village, and he realized more deeply what kind of reaction people would have when dealing with these things.

"It's time for the next three generations to come out."

Qingyu was talking to himself silently, and he found that when the matter reached the current level, some subtle changes had taken place. Originally, he wanted to make Xiaonan really a member of Muye Village through public opinion.

Such a method requires Namikaze Minato to perform a certain degree of operation in the follow-up, and the final position of this operation should be on Jiraiya, because they all belong to Jiraiya's disciples.

But now there is another way to achieve the same thing.

That's the way through three generations.

Under the current situation, Qingyu turned into Qianshou Feijian. After being in contact with the third generation, he can clearly feel that the third generation really wants to solve Xiaonan's problem, especially wants to put Xiaonan in To the ranks of Konoha Village.

This was something he hadn't expected before.

of course.

Qingyu is also very principled when making plans.

That principle is actually very simple.

Just tailor everything as he feels it can be done.

He will make some plans for the ways that may cause people's hearts to deviate and change his personality characteristics, and he will not completely control the past in this direction, especially when betting on whether the third generation will do such a behavior. If all All plans are placed on the possibility that the third generation can do it, so if the third generation doesn't do it, the plan will be tantamount to failure.

There is little resistance to this way of entrusting your plans to others.

Qingyu will not make plans in this way, he will only make plans in a way that he can determine. As for the occurrence of the third generation, it is an unexpected situation for him, and it can be completely based on the current plan of the third generation. Go ahead and make minor tweaks and revisions to plans.

After all, Xiaonan's matter.

It's not that simple.

Xiaonan himself is not a ninja from Konoha Village, and when he released public opinion, almost everyone knew that he was a traitor from the Kingdom of Rain.

Since that is the case.

As long as Namikaze Minato does it, there is a certain degree of danger.

After all, even if Namikaze Minato has become the Hokage of Konoha Village, and has a lot of power to do such things, but he has just become Hokage, and his foundation is still unstable, and rashly doing something that may arouse the disgust of adults Things were not a particularly good outcome for him.

However, when Aoba was making a plan, he couldn't completely put this kind of thing on other people, saying that he planned on Namikaze Minato, so he could be sure that Namikaze Minato could do this, but If you place this hope on other people, there is a very high risk of failure.

It is precisely because of this that when Qing Yu was thinking about these plans, she did not take into account what the third generation would do.

But as he changed into Qianshoufeijian, he established a foundation with the third generation, and gained the trust of the third generation, allowing the third generation to have a deeper understanding of himself, allowing his words to influence the third generation, which also indirectly made the third generation Three generations can proceed in the way he imagined.

After having these contacts.

Qingyu already has a deeper grasp of this matter, so he feels that it is most appropriate to hand over the matter of Xiaonangui Road to Muye Village to the third generation, and after the third generation is done, he can also propose a lot. Great article.

It can be said that this kind of thing will be perfectly embedded in the things he wants to manage.

As a result, public opinion in the entire Konoha Village has changed accordingly.

This is a very, very easy thing to control.

And the basis of this control is based on the identity of Qianshou Feijian.

That's exactly what happened.

Promoted by Qingyu in the name of Qianshou Feijian, the third generation also began to have the feeling of including Xiaonan in Muye Village, because only by including Xiaonan in Muye Village can the real Let Xiaonan's public opinion disappear.

Now Xiaonan is not a ninja of Muye Village in name, but is still a rebel from the Kingdom of Rain. No matter what impact Xiaonan does on the Kingdom of Rain and what impact it has on Muye Village, it is actually from Muye Village. outsider.

As long as Xiaonan's identity is still an outsider, then the ninjas in Muye Village will not be so concerned when dealing with his affairs.

This is something anyone can guess.

And as long as Xiaonan is not a ninja in Muye Village, then these public opinions will not really come to an end.

This also causes many things to happen.

So the third generation has already started planning these things. After all, there is no formal handover of Hokage. Even though he has said that he will resign from the position of Hokage, in essence he is still the Hokage of Konoha Village.

If he does something special, there is nothing he can do about it.

But if it is just a supplement to the Xiaonan incident, then the problem is not so difficult.

Xiaonan's matter has developed to the present point of time, and there is already a relatively clear concept.

Just when Teacher Qianshou Feijian made these public opinion vortexes, Xiaonan's identity took on a positive posture. The best time point.

The third generation also found a style of Senshou Toikama's work in it, that is, when the best time node is reached through public opinion, everything will be pushed forward in one go.


Three generations thought for a moment.

Maybe in a few days, he attributed the matter of Danzo and Orochimaru to the roots, pushed the public opinion to the highest peak in one go, and when he washed himself as Xiaonan is now, it happened to let himself come back An opportunity to get to the position of Hokage.

It is precisely because of this mentality that the third generation is more serious when dealing with Xiaonan's affairs.

At this moment, the third generation faintly felt that what happened to Xiao Nan seemed to be making a comparison for him.

It was as if what he could do with Xiao Nan's affairs would be what happened to him in a few days.

The handling of this matter is like a mirror of his own affairs.

Now you can use this mirror to reflect your own appearance, and then make a reference to these appearances.

In the end, the three generations can completely use this change to make themselves more aware of what kind of plans they will have in the future, especially the reaction of people in Muye Village to Xiaonan's inclusion in Muye Village. He resumed the feeling of continuing to be Hokage's reaction.

for a while.

The third generation can be said to be more and more excited.

He can't wait to make these things happen.

after all.

his mind.

He has already equated his affairs with Xiaonan's affairs.

This equal sign allows him to better deal with Xiao Nan's affairs, and through Xiao Nan's affairs, he can see whether things in him need further improvement.

This made the three generations have an answer in their hearts.

Now the third generation can't wait to make this matter happen immediately, so he has already started to prepare to do it, hoping to bring Xiao Nan under the command of Muye Village.

of course.

This matter is not something that a person thinks spontaneously now, and there are some subtle influences from Qing that lead him to express it silently to a certain extent when he talks about these things with the third generation as Qianshou Feijian. Let Xiaonan join Muye Village to solve the current crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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