People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 900 Another Public Opinion (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Chapter 900 Another Public Opinion (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

this day.

Three generations are in a very anxious state.

He didn't know what happened in Muye Village at all.

Originally, Xiaonan's public opinion in Muye Village had improved, and these improvements were made by Teacher Qianshou Feijian.

In addition, Teacher Qianshou Feijian told him openly and secretly that Xiaonan could be put in Muye Village.

After having these things.

When the three generations were doing these things, they actually didn't have any worries in their hearts.

In fact, the third generation has extraordinary trust in Sensei Tokaima-sensei, because Senshou Tokaima-sensei gave him the position of Hokage, and Senshou Tobima-sensei also gave him a lot of help during this process.

Precisely because of things like this.

When the third generation made the decision to bring Xiaonan into Muye Village, they hardly felt any inappropriateness at all.

It seems that making such a decision does not require much thought at all.


Now there seems to be some problems.

It was a little better when it was just finished in the morning. At that time, people didn't know about Xiaonan's affairs, but as time went by, after a few hours, Xiaonan had become a ninja of Konoha Village, and the whole Konoha Everyone in the village knows about it.

Such a thing was completely beyond his expectation.

The third generation never thought that Xiaonan's becoming a ninja in Konoha Village would cause such a big repercussion.

I didn't even expect so many people to think about it.

According to reason.

After Xiaonan's incident ended, people in Muye Village should no longer pay attention to Xiaonan. Putting Xiaonan in Muye Village and making her a ninja in Muye Village will not get more attention.

When the three generations talked about this matter, they actually thought it was very simple.

Logically speaking, he felt that things should be done as he imagined.

But from a practical point of view, things didn't go as easily as he imagined.

Instead, there was such an accident.

Under the situation of the party school, many people in Muye Village are discussing how Xiaonan was called the ninja of Muye Village.

of course.

Now there are only some signs, and it has not become a particularly strong response.

Many people do not have such things in particular.

For the third generation, although it may have caused some things that he felt very concerned about, it did not have a particularly serious impact, but it was still within an acceptable range.

Although the hearts of the three generations are worried, there is no completely uncontrollable scene.


Just when the third generation relaxed a little bit.

Public opinion about the three generations spread throughout Muye Village.

These public opinions continue to sound.

It spread to the entire Konoha Village in an instant.

"Have you heard? Xiaonan has become a ninja of Muye Village!"

"This kind of thing is too strange."

"Xiaonan is clearly a traitor from the Land of Rain, how could he easily become a ninja from Konoha Village?"

"It looks like someone is manipulating it behind the scenes."

"What kind of person has such ability?"

"It is said to be the third Hokage-sama!"

"Three Hokage?"

"Didn't he stop being Hokage?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"It is said that someone saw the third generation contacting Xiaonan in Yile Ramen. Since then, Xiaonan's public opinion has changed, and he has become a ninja in Konoha Village."

"Is there a problem here?"

"The third generation is no longer Hokage, why is there still the ability to arrange Xiaonan to become a ninja in Konoha Village?"


A vortex of public opinion once again set off and spread above Muye Village, making people's silenced curiosity emerge again.

The ninjas of Konoha Village at the scene hadn't completely come out of these things. They didn't know exactly what happened, and they didn't fully grasp what happened to Xiaonan.

It may be for such a reason that when they encounter these things, they have a stronger sense of curiosity in their minds.

It has to be said that people's nature is to watch the excitement, and now that the incidents in Muye Village broke out, many of them have a space to watch the excitement.

Now all the direction of public opinion has shifted to the third generation, which makes them feel like a dream linkage.

After all, not long ago, they had just eaten melons about the third generation, which was revealed by Danzo and Orochimaru, but those things have not been completely cleared up, and now the matter of Xiaonan is pressed to the third generation.

After people heard about the three generations, they kept talking about it, because each of them had different feelings about the three generations. As early as when Danzo and Orochimaru broke the news about the incidents, they felt that the three generations were Most of the time, I do things according to my own ideas, without considering the rules and systems of Muye Village.

Normally, no matter whether it is Muye Village or other villages, the rebellion of other villages should not be tolerated. This is a completely illegal behavior.

It's not that Muye Village can't accept other people at all.

It's like a settlement policy.

Konoha Village also has corresponding rules.

Only those who meet these conditions may become the ninja of Konoha Village after approval.

In these incidents of Xiaonan, it is obvious that there are two other points that everyone can easily judge.

The first point is that Xiaonan's identity as a rebel ninja does not meet the basic requirements for becoming a ninja in Konoha Village.

The second point, no matter whether you meet the normal requirement of entering Muye Village or not, the time now is too fast, and it should not be completed in one day, the process of becoming a Muye Village ninja.

and so.

It is also based on these two points.

The people in Konoha Village boiled up again, and their targets were all pinned on the third generation, because they felt that the third generation had done something illegal again, especially after Danzang and the embassy broke the news about those things, everyone It doesn't make them feel particularly surprised that the three generations have done anything special, because there are already those precedents.

for a while.

These whirlpools of public opinion surged rapidly.


In the Hokage office of Konoha Village.

A few hours ago, the third generation was still worried about whether this matter would expand, but as time passed, the worry in his heart gradually weakened.

But at this time, things suddenly changed drastically, so that he was caught off guard.

I don't know when it started, the fact that he helped Xiaonan become a ninja in Konoha Village spread like wildfire.

So much so that now almost everyone in Muye Village is discussing how he made Xiaonan a ninja in Muye Village, and recruited Xiaonan illegally.

If this kind of thing was put in the past, he could still handle it with ease, but now there is too little time, and this kind of thing is a fact, he can't even explain it too easily argue it out.

It's because these things are all backlogged and piled up.

When the three generations faced this change in public opinion, the expressions on their faces became extremely ugly.

To some extent.

These people in Muye Village did not wrong him, because what they said was true, and it was indeed he who made Xiao Nan a ninja in Muye Village.

But the feedback of such a thing is completely different from what he originally planned.

This puts the entire three generations in a state of collapse.

"Teacher, what should I do?"

Sandai looked out through the window of Hokage's office in Konoha Village. Although he didn't see any crowd, his eyes fell on the head of the second Hokage in Hokage Rock.

At this time, the only solution that the third generation can think of is to ask the second generation of Hokage Senshou Tomona to help him, because he now feels that he has reached a dead end.

He has not fully explained the public opinion caused by the short talk with him earlier, because those things have just been publicized, but they were covered by Xiaonan's incident, and now he turns Xiaonanbianlu into a ninja in Muye Village Things happened again and again, which completely made him lose the right to take the initiative.

In such a passive situation, he didn't know how to solve the current situation at all. The two consecutive steps of public opinion that were unfavorable to him were like layers of waves hitting him on the beach. I can't lift my head up.

After such a thing, Sandai understands that if Senshou Toikama-sensei doesn't come to help him again, then he has no way to fight for the position of Hokage again.

not to mention.

The third generation is very clear that the people of the major families in Muye Village are all swayed by the wind.

At the beginning, it was precisely because he defeated Uchiha mirror that caused these families to take refuge in them. In his eyes, those families were completely profit-seeking people, because each of them had to control the destiny behind their own family, so they often The decision is not theirs to make.

It is precisely because of such a thing.

The third generation didn't have any special feelings about these people, because as long as he showed a strong side, those people would obey him.

This sort of thing didn't bother him.

But the three generations have always understood that these people are double-edged swords.

Especially now.

Danzo is no longer by his side.

He lost a very important help.

The ninjas of those families have actually almost escaped his control.

The three generations did not have enough ability to attract them to join him, and coupled with the two consecutive unfavorable public opinions against him, he was very worried that the ninjas of these families would choose to stand on Namikaze Minato's side at this time.

If that time comes.

Maybe it's really too late.

for a while.

The hearts of the three generations are in a state of extreme anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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