man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 177 [176] 1 peach kill 2 soldiers

Chapter 177 [176] One peach kills two soldiers
"Welcome home."


The two people who had just entered the door looked at each other and their bodies froze. They stood there motionless, like adulterers who were caught by their original partners on the spot.

While Maki Shiina was speaking, she half-squinted her eyes and turned her head to look at Yui Igarashi, who suddenly became well-behaved. The torso of the evil god with three heads, six arms and eighteen eyes behind her became more and more obvious.

"It's just that she hasn't been home for just a year, and Ni Jiang's living environment seems to have changed a lot."

"Why do I try my best to keep in touch with Ni-chan every day, but I don't even know about [-]?"

The girl's sitting posture was still upright, and she obviously tried her best to smile, but the chill on her face had already condensed to the point where water dripped out, and the teacup she held in her hand seemed to be about to be frozen.

"Also, this young lady is so cute."

"Excuse me. What's your relationship with our Iori-san?"

"Brother Iori, you wouldn't do such an intimate act with a woman who hasn't established a relationship yet, would you?"

In the voice of praise, there was the sound of grinding teeth.

This is a sending proposition.

Igarashi Yui looked at the girl in front of him who was almost carved out of the same mold as Iori, and suddenly became nervous like a little daughter-in-law brought by her boyfriend to meet her parents for the first time, stammering and tugging at the corner of her clothes: "I We are just friends, friends"

"It's a good friend who is still in the process of pursuing, and the relationship has not been confirmed yet."

Shiina Iori stood at the entrance, rubbed Yui's head casually, and motioned her to sit down.

"Huh?!" x3
As soon as he lowered his head, he saw three straight, unbelievable eyes cast on himself.

Shiina Iori didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, she looked straight at Maki and said flatly, "This is Igarashi Yui, and this is my sister, Shiina Maki."

"Before, for many reasons, I never told you."

While speaking, Shiina Iori quietly pinched Yui's back.

"crack clap clap"

From nowhere in the room came the rattling sound of rats grinding their teeth, and the celadon teacup in Shiina Maki's hand began to show fine cracks from the inner wall.

Yui Igarashi, who was sitting on the sofa with his head pressed beside him, had a look on his face, 'Are you dying? ! ' look, looking at Shiina Iori next to her.

It is well known that the Iori family has a hopeless brother-controlling sister.

Shiina Iori responded with 'too late. ' helpless eyes.

Shiina Maki still maintained a peaceful smile, and seemed to repeat with some uncertainty: "Still in the process of pursuing. Does it mean that Ni-chan is pursuing Miss Igarashi?"


Shiina Iori confirmed.


As if infected by the overly heavy atmosphere in the living room, Nagisa Miyahara and Yui Igarashi, who were sitting on both sides of the coffee table, swallowed at the same time.

"What about the Nagisa-senpai next to him who claims to be Iori-san's 'cousin'?" Shiina Maki turned to her side with those bright eyes again.

Miyahara Nagisa, who was suddenly diverted firepower, was startled.


Shiina Iori also turned her head in doubt.

Miyahara Nagisa, who has been secretly fighting with Yizhi outside the lease time these days, couldn't help but answer in a moment of embarrassment: "Ah, that's what, I helped Yizhi pick up the courier, and I made it up casually."


Shiina Maki had a slight smile on her face: "Whether it's Miss Igarashi or Nagisa-senpai, will they habitually call Ni-chan 'Iori'?"

"Sounds very intimate."

Miyahara Nagisa was startled when he heard this, and then instinctively turned his head to Yizhi's direction, but he just met his gaze.

The head immediately turned away again.

The roots of the ears began to heat up uncontrollably.

"Isn't it normal for good friends to call each other by their first names?" Shiina Iori explained calmly, "We just have a good relationship because we live in the same room."

"Also, what does Nagisa-senpai mean?"

Shiina Iori tries to divert the deadly topic.

"Huh? Didn't Ni-chan notice it?" Maki Shiina said while picking up her black spring school uniform, "The school uniform of Minegasaki High School?"

"The school uniform of Nagisa-senpai is obviously the same as mine, right?"


The smile on Shiina Maki's face became stronger: "Ni-chan, I don't even know what kind of school uniform I have."


Shiina Iori suddenly raised her hand, realizing something was wrong: "Wait! Maki."

"If I remember correctly, according to the notice you sent me, the JCQ Mathematics Competition should start the preliminary test next week."

"Why are you here now?!"

"Parents don't know, do they?"

At the critical moment, Shiina Iori still brought out her own trump card - Mom and Dad notified Dafa!

Shiina Maki tilted her head strangely: "Of course I know."

Yizhi's eyes widened: "I know that you were asked to come here a week earlier?"

"Although it's not the third year of high school, as a student who is about to face the graduation exam, the second year of high school is also very important!" At this moment, Shiina Iori finally regained the dignity that belonged to her brother, and gave Maki a serious lesson.



Shiina Maki was very obedient to the training.

As Shiina Iori was talking, she suddenly felt something was wrong: "It's just that, with the nature of my parents, how could they let you come here so early?"

Shiina's parents are relatively strict when it comes to their children's education and attach great importance to education.

Even when their family's financial situation was the most critical, they never missed tuition and miscellaneous fees.

Maki smiled slightly, and took out a household registration transcript and two seals from the small bag beside her.

Iori's pupils tightened.

Maki's voice was extremely peaceful, and she turned her head to look at Nagisa: "Because... my parents are also very curious about what kind of girl is always panting when I make video calls with Ni-chan."

Miyahara Nagisa lowered his head silently, bangs vaguely covered the blush on his face.

Then, Maki looked at Yui on the other side: "In addition, they are also a little curious about who is always by Ni-chan's side when they talk on the phone every morning, who makes the sound of not knowing what to eat."

Igarashi Yui turned his face away guiltily.

"So." Maki put the seal and transcript in her hand on the coffee table, smiling brightly, "Just let me bring the household registration and seal."

"——If Maki looks okay, let's just get married."

"That's what they said."

Coincidentally, the eyes of Nagisa Miyahara and Yui Igarashi were attracted by the two gadgets in Maki Shiina's hands at the same time.

[Transcript of household registration] + [seal] + [driver's license] =?

【Marriage session】!
Shiina Iori felt her heart beating wildly faster.

The word [Danger] appeared on the top of his head inexplicably.

Especially at the moment when the eyes of the two girls beside her were attracted by the two gadgets on the table at the same time, the heartbeat became more and more heavy.

That inexplicable gaze was like a pirate who wanted to find Ralph Drew by himself, and suddenly saw Roger's treasure in front of him.

Maki glanced at the three people around her calmly, and squinted her eyebrows: "I don't know, are these two things I brought over a little redundant?"


There was an eerie silence in the living room.

In the end, it was Shiina Iori who made a decisive move to break the heavy atmosphere: "Put these things away quickly! Whenever we meet, I will take out the household registration transcript in front of others."

"in addition."

Shiina Iori said, then turned her head to look at Yui: "Yui, can I let my sister stay in an empty room temporarily? She should stay here for a while."

"Huh? Mmmmm!"

Yui Igarashi, whose gaze was still on the transcript of household registration on the coffee table, only realized when he heard Shiina Iori's voice, and nodded again and again: "No, it's okay! You can live wherever you want."

"Thank you~"

"Sister Yui!"

The smile on Shiina Maki's face was flat, and her eyes remained on Igarashi Yui's chest.


As she spoke, she put away the transcripts and seals on the coffee table.

Yui Igarashi and Nagisa Miyahara on both sides of the coffee table showed inexplicable expressions again because of the "sister" at the same time.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

Shiina Iori quickly led Maki out of the battlefield, reached out to pick up her small white suitcase and walked deep into the corridor.



"Which room is yours?"

Shiina Maki stopped in the corridor, put her hands behind her back, and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"It's the first room on the left."

Shiina Iori, who was carrying the suitcase, shook his hand, and the suitcase creaked.

Speaking of which, he had used this suitcase last semester, and since he had settled down in Tokyo, he thought he might use it at home, so he gave it back during Chinese New Year last year.

Looks like it needs to be replaced with a new one.


Maki agreed, and walked into his room without hesitation.

In the end, before he could put the suitcase into another room, he saw Maki sticking out her small head from the doorway, shaking a few books in her hand: "Nini, can you come here for a while?"

Yizhi was startled for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and quickly ran into the house.

"and many more?!"


When Iori came in, she saw Maki taking out the last stack of Yui's sleep aid book, one after another, looking at it with a thoughtful expression.


Shiina Iori looked at her with a frown: "I don't remember you having the habit of rummaging through my room when you were at home."

"Yes Yes."

"I'm sorry~ Ni-chan~"

Shiina Maki obviously apologized very perfunctorily, still flipping through a large-scale photo of Momoya Erika in her hand: "But oh, when we were at home, Ni Ni never lied to me, did he?"

While talking, she flipped through the pages hastily, and kept commenting in her mouth: ". Yabai, did Nini like this type?"

"Why are there no other departments?"

Shiina Iori's voice faltered, and she pretended to be flat and said, "What lie?"

Maki's movements of turning the pages of the book suddenly stopped.

With her back to Shiina Iori, she slowly stood up from the ground and patted the hem of her skirt slowly.

Turn around.

Carrying a thin photobook in his hand.


He stomped on his feet.

Shiina Iori backed away quickly, but was directly pushed down by Maki and fell on the bed, with the photobook resting on her neck like a knife.

". Maki?"

Maki pressed against Iori, her long hair fell down from her temples like a waterfall, her eyes were icy cold, and seemed to be burning with an inexplicable fire.

"Nini, and that Miss Yui."

"just good friend?"

Yizhi raised her head, her voice was calm: "It's a good friend who is in the process of pursuing, is there any problem?"

"how come?"

Maki smiled helplessly, and her tone suddenly reversed: "It's just that the blouse on her should be from the Obon Festival the year before last. Not long after Nini entered high school, I used the first money I earned from the fund to wear it. bought it for you."

Shiina Iori's eyes could not help but pause, and his heart was shocked.

Maki lowered her head quietly, her forehead seemed to touch Iori's.

She stared directly at Shiina Iori with her eyes fixed.


"Why do the clothes I gave you wear on other women?"


Shiina Iori opened her mouth: "If I's just that she went out in a hurry this morning and accidentally wore the wrong clothes...would you believe it?"

"of course."

Maki's thin and tender lips were slightly raised to the sides, showing an incomparably doting smile, and her free fingertips brushed Iori's bangs covering her forehead:

"As long as it's what Nini says, I'll believe anything."

"Who made you my brother?"

"So?" Maki looked at Iori with gentle eyes like water, "Have you done it?"

"Don't you believe it at all?!" Iori complained incompetently.

"Have you done it?"

"did not do!"

"Did you do it?"


"My Nini is not clean anymore."

"What do you mean I'm unclean?!"

"Yes~ I see."

Seeing Shiina Iori's tightly frowning helpless expression, Maki suddenly smiled and let go, threw the photobook aside, got up from Iori, and patted her hands casually.

"Really! Nini, why didn't you tell me about your girlfriend?"

Shiina Maki said while showing a very unhappy expression: "Do I look like that kind of old-fashioned and unreasonable sister?"

Iori clutched her neck, with eyes full of '? ? ? 'In response.

While talking, Maki squatted down, folded up the piles of sleep aid Xiaohuangshu that she had just dug out by herself, put them back, and asked seemingly casually:

"It's just that, if sister Yui is your girlfriend, what about Nagisa-senpai? What's the relationship with Nini?"

"She knows Nini's cell phone number by heart."

"You still call yourself a younger sister~"

When Maki said this, she turned her head and smiled kindly.

It seems to want to show that he is absolutely not angry.

But that too flat, emotionless smile is permeable no matter how you look at it.

"Didn't I say it all, these two and I are just friends, there are not so many doubts." Shiina Yiori straightened up from the bed, "Have you brought a quilt? If not, I will go to Yui and the others to borrow a set , and buy a new one in a while."

"is it?"

Maki still had that smirk of 'you just believe me', and pushed the last stack of Little Emperor's Books under the bed: "However, there is no need to borrow the quilt."


As Iori was talking, he suddenly found himself ignoring the fact that Maki was also a girl, and said in relief, "It's okay, don't be embarrassed. Yui and Nagisa are good people, and they won't say anything."


With a flat smile on her face, Maki pointed to Iori's bed:

"I'll sleep here tonight."

Shiina Iori was taken aback upon hearing this.

My head is full of question marks.

It took him a long time to finally react, and he said with some uncertainty:
"Then I'll go?"

 It's late today, so I'll admit my mistake to everyone. BYZGR
  But I still need a bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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