man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 379 [378] Why didn't you say it earlier? !

Chapter 379 [378] Why didn't you say it earlier? !

"Jingle bell bell -"

The ear-piercing alarm clock echoed loudly in the corridor, and the students who were walking slowly in the corridor also quickly entered their respective classrooms accompanied by the ringing of the bell. The corridor that was still bustling in the early morning was swept away by the ringing.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one boy who was obviously not in good spirits, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by low air pressure, slowly moving forward step by step towards the door of the classroom with difficulty.


Shiina Iori, who was black in the hall, closed the door and entered the classroom. Under the surprised gaze of the middle-aged female professor on the podium, she shuffled to the seat in the first row that was specially reserved for him, and put down her schoolbag.

A sleepy look.

It caused many people to glance at Shiina Iori's direction, and they seemed to be a little curious about his situation.

It's a pity that the current Shiina Yizi didn't pay attention to other people's eyes, and kneaded the sore bridge of the nose with her fingertips.

This time, I'm afraid something really big will happen.

For some reason yesterday, Sinon seemed to be motivated by the problem of 'debt'. After talking to him in the shop, after returning home, she began to seriously plan the development of the shop. direction.

And because of the accumulation of experience and lessons from countless part-time jobs, the commercial promotion manuscripts such as brand effects, franchise franchises, and dim sum features are well written, and the entire development plan is still in good shape.

As for the reason
According to Shiina Iori's own observation and analysis, their little fox-senpai was probably stimulated by the 'unknown girlfriend' this time, and felt that she couldn't help him, so she came up with this idea.

Goodness, Shiina Iori just didn't want Sinon to go to work hard at first, and found a fixed place for her to work for a while, and by the way, settled the '500 million' that hadn't been spent yet, and then opened a dim sum restaurant The shop keeps her busy.

From the very beginning, he never intended for Sinon to rely on these things to help him make money!
However, Senior Little Fox seemed to be at loggerheads with this matter, he just got into the horns and couldn't get out.

I was so worried that Yizhi insisted on pulling Senior Fox four or five times last night, but in the end he couldn't dispel Sano Shino's idea.

Because he talked about the truth for too long, he didn't get up this morning and didn't talk, and he didn't even have the energy to go to class now.

It turns out that young bodies are not very grass-tolerant either.

in various senses.

For the whole morning after that, Shiina Iori was in a state of half-dream and half-awake. It was not until the lunch time was approaching that she finally rested in place and struggled to gather some energy.

After regaining some energy, he reluctantly began to think about the plan for the afternoon.

The few messages he sent yesterday, for unknown reasons, have all disappeared until now, and no one has replied to him.

Sinon seemed to know something, but no matter what he asked yesterday, Senior Little Fox refused to reveal it.

This phenomenon is obviously not in line with the laws of nature, so there must be a reason for it.

However, Shiina Iori didn't intend to cosplay Holmes any more, as expected, it would be more appropriate for him to personally come forward for this kind of matter, and to ask directly.

Thinking of this, Shiina Iori walked all the way through the corridor to the student council room.

He planned to ask Yuki Terashima first.

However, when he came to the door of the student union room, the door was locked.

After being puzzled for a while, I turned around the corridor and glanced at the student council room.


Did you go to eat?

While thinking, Shiina Iori turned and walked downstairs.

He was only halfway there when he suddenly heard strange footsteps coming from the corridor on the third floor.

"Da da da ~ woo!"

"Da da da ~ whoosh! whoosh!"

Shiina Iori was a little puzzled when she heard the footsteps, so she poked her head out of the stairwell and glanced in the direction of the sound.

Then, I saw a petite and plump figure like a ninja in an old movie, walking in a Z-shape like a child in the corridor that was only a few meters long.

Every time he leaned against the wall, he poked his head out carefully to scan around, and the small leather shoes under his feet rubbed against the marble floor tiles to make a distinctive sound.

It wasn't until she ran all the way to the door of the student union room that her cute little head poked out and looked around again. Seeing that there seemed to be no movement, she stretched out her little hand and started knocking on the door.

A pair of big seals jumped up and down.

"Not here?!"

Knocked two or three times, but found no answer, the girl couldn't help standing in front of the door, stunned.

The expression on the little face was suddenly a little frustrated.

"How to do!"

"If Terashima-san is not here, who should I consult with?"

Igarashi Yui stood at the door, rubbing her temples with her small hands, showing a slightly broken expression.

Originally, it was only out of a sense of responsibility as a "future girlfriend", that Yui used her pocket money to help Iori repay their family's loan. She didn't think so much before doing it.

What she didn't expect was that yesterday, Iori had just come to the news and asked cryptic questions, and Sano-san came over to ask questions!
Moreover, Sano Sana's tone obviously did not know through which channels he had clearly found out the news that he had remitted money to Iori's family. He also did not know how Iori revealed his secrets.

This also caused Yui to be suddenly exposed to the frontal firepower of Sano Shino.

The situation is highly critical.

In order to solve this emergency situation, Yui called Maki several times last night to ask Sano Shino's news channel, but all she got back was a question and a Maki-style smirk.

Zhu Jiang is studying hard, and everyone is a competitor, so it is not easy to reveal to her that she took the lead and sneaked away.

After much deliberation, it seems that in the end, only Terajima, who was also held by himself (referring to "I saw her and Iori chirping in the corridor"), and at the same time seemed to have a lot of experience in "against Sano Shino" Fortunately, it is worth asking.

Now, she actually went to eat first!

"I've been hungry for half an hour!"

Knocking in vain on the heavy door of the student union room, Igarashi Yui pouted with an aggrieved face, chanting strange things rather indignantly.

"Then you should go eat!"

"Not yet because"

Hearing the voice of the visitor, Igarashi Yui retorted subconsciously.

But when he opened his mouth on the first day of junior high school, his nerves suddenly reacted half a beat later, he raised his head instinctively, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then, I saw Shiina Iori standing in front of the corridor entrance, looking at Yui Igarashi standing at the door of the student council room with a strange face, and said jokingly:

"Because of what?"

The angry and awkward expression on Yui's white and tender face suddenly froze.

After a long stalemate, he continued tremblingly:

".I, Iori?"

"So, why hasn't there been a reply to the message from yesterday?"

In the cafeteria, Shiina Iori and Igarashi Yui found a corner with few people and sat facing each other.

Shiina Iori opened the chopsticks and continued to ask casually.

On the table, the dinner plate in Iori's hand is full of a large pile of dishes, while Yui's hand has only a few small ones—in fact, the two people's appetites are reversed, but Yui can't move it due to her weak strength. Moved, it was put into the Iori plate.

coming! coming!
Iori's lunch interrogation time!
Sano-san told Iori absolutely everything yesterday!Maybe there was a fight!
Igarashi Yui lowered her small head, feeling apprehensive, thinking that she had made a big mistake in not keeping things secret, and that Iori would be taught a lesson with a small leather whip.

"Because, because."

Yui poked the stewed eggplant on the dinner plate with chopsticks, her lips murmured to tell the truth.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, there was an unknown stubbornness, and he subconsciously retorted: "Yi, Yizhi is! I didn't understand that message, that message!"

"Girlfriend makeup or something."

Probably because she seldom lied and had little experience, Yui's face couldn't stop turning red as soon as she said this.

"is it?"

Shiina Iori looked at her with some uncertainty.

"Yes, yes!"

Yui solemnly affirmed.

Probably because people commit stupidity too many times, it is easy to leave a fixed impression in the eyes of others, and Ms. Yui happens to be a double master of pretending to be stupid and being stupid.

Therefore, even Shiina Iori couldn't see that Yui's words were made up.

He just glanced at Yui suspiciously, and didn't find any flaws for a while, then he continued in a natural tone: "Actually, it's because of my family's debts."

"All of them were returned by others under the name of 'Shiina-kun's girlfriend'."

When saying this, Shiina Iori still used an extremely serious and solemn tone.

It's like talking about some big secret that no one knows except him!


Yui instinctively cooperated with the long voice, but after she calmed down for two seconds, she suddenly seemed to realize something, and found that the expected ridicule and lesson did not come, and she was a little dazed.

After being stunned for less than a second, Little Seal asked abruptly:

"Didn't Sano-san tell you yesterday?"

"say what?"

Yizhi was also taken aback when he heard the words.

"No, nothing."

Yui muttered so softly, but her eyes were vaguely dull.

In other words, only Sano-san knows about the things I admitted yesterday, and she hasn't told Iori yet? !
How is this going?

This abnormal phenomenon made Yui hesitate a little, wondering if he should confess this news to Iori now.

But if he confessed now, would it make Yizhi feel that he was teasing him just now?
So tangled!

"wait wait wait!"

Yui thought about it, and suddenly remembered something: "The message that Yizhi sent before, what exactly does it mean?"


Shiina Iori was taken aback, and explained with a look of reason: "Since Sinon was next to me, I couldn't directly ask if you helped me repay the debt, so I could only ask you in a more cryptic way." Have you ever been my girlfriend recently?"

"Contact this kind of thing, of course you have to avoid Sinon!"

So Iori didn't realize it was me at all? !

When Igarashi Yui heard the words, she suddenly understood in her heart, and the stiff expression that was barely maintained could not help but become a little sad.

Unfortunately, I thought I had been exposed.

"what happened?"

Seeing Yui's weird expression, Iori asked her suspiciously.


Yui said with a depressed expression, "I just think that Iori who sent messages to other women behind Sano-san's back is really a scumbag!"

Shiina Iori seemed to have been hit by a hammer suddenly, stretched out her hand to pick up Yui's white and soft face, and smiled: "Miss Yui, have you ever considered that you are that 'other woman'?"

"Woooooooo—I'm different! I have a claim to Iori!"

"And the rumor that I was the first to arrive has spread throughout the school!"

"I'm also Iori's girlfriend, and Sano-san and I are implementing a joint rule over Iori! It's just that she is unilaterally controlling her now."

Ms. Igarashi tried to prove her orthodox ownership of Shiina Iori and her real girlfriend status by means of claims.

However, Mr. Shiina single-handedly suppressed him.

"Stop playing those war criminal games in the future!"

Shiina Iori pressed Yui's small mouth with one hand, and continued the topic just now: "Speaking of which, I was going to ask Xing to ask. No matter how I think about it, it seems that only Fortunately."

Yui, who was sitting opposite, was taken aback when he heard the words.

After Iori let go, he lowered his little head with a guilty expression, as if he had done something wrong, and scooped up the eggplant with one chopstick but without the other.

Iori did not notice this little abnormality of Yui, and argued with reason:
"After I went back, I thought about it carefully. Fortunately, she is the president of the student council. She should have seen the students' vacation travel schedule, and she has enough financial resources and action."

"At the same time, Shino and I are still childhood sweethearts, and we know her character very well, so we can attack her precisely from this aspect. It can be said to be decisive and scheming!"

"Iori, actually"


Shiina Iori was talking, when Yui suddenly interrupted in a low voice, as if she wanted to say something.

However, before she could speak, someone repeated:
"No matter how you think about it, it seems that you are lucky to be able to do such a thing."

Shiina Iori was taken aback upon hearing this.

Because, when repeating this sentence, it was his own voice that appeared.

He subconsciously wanted to turn his head, and this movement was just right to be followed by a small hand that was gently caressing.

Shiina Iori's neck couldn't help but stiffen, and her chin was gently held up by this slender and powerful little hand.


A large bucket of lunch boxes was placed on the table, making a noticeable muffled sound.

But at this moment, Shiina Iori felt like she was about to break out in a cold sweat.

Behind him, Yuki Terashima imitated Iori's voice and repeated what he said just now.

Then the little hand stroking Iori's chin was lifted slightly, so that Shiina Iori who was sitting on the chair met Yuki Terashima's eyes.

What caught my eyes was Xing's usual cold and indifferent demeanor, expressionless.

In the next sentence, her own voice was restored.

Asked softly and gently:

"Iori-kun, do you have any special opinion about me?"

Shiina Iori's expression was stiff, unable to move.

Yui who was sitting opposite stuck out her tongue cautiously, beeping softly:

"I just wanted to tell you."

"Also. I also paid back the money."

The moment he heard the words, Shiina Iori immediately cast a look of incomparable grief and indignation, the meaning was obvious:

——Why didn't you say it earlier? !

(End of this chapter)

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