man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 398 [397] Ama Festival (2)

Chapter 398 [397] Ama Festival ([-])

"Lucky really likes to be reckless."

Seeing Yuki Terashima rushing away in the distance, the little fox senior on the beach still had a gentle smile on his face and whispered in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and waved his hand in the direction of Shiina Iori like Yuki just did.

It wasn't until this time that the director station finally reacted, and temporarily switched the screen to the shore of the beach. The very professional host Mr. also immediately changed his lines according to the arrangement of the director station:

"Now our camera is turning to player Shino Sano at number 36!"

"She's beckoning! She's beckoning to the audience!"

"Wait, she seems to have raised her middle finger in the direction of the camera. Did we misunderstand? Maybe this is a special etiquette in a modern metropolis like Tokyo. Old people like me are gradually starting to lose track of the times."

However, many young and old sex critics in the auditorium who came here for beautiful swimsuits didn't need his enthusiasm at all. Instead, they shouted even more enthusiastically when they saw the contestants on the beach pointing their middle fingers at the camera.

There was even a voice from far away, "You can scold me if you have the ability!" ', 'Please trample me to death! ' and other doubtful speeches.

Most of them are patients who suffer from urea deficiency symptoms at a young age.

Seemingly realizing that her contemptuous actions could not resist the enthusiasm of the crowd, Shino Sano sighed helplessly, and faced Shiina Iori again.

She first made the same movement towards Iori as Kogata did, gently tapping her forehead with her fingertips.

Told him to think carefully.

Shiina Iori's smile was even harder, but she still responded with the same movement.

means 'I see. '

Unexpectedly, as soon as he made such a movement, he saw Sano Shino smiling gently, and her long and slender hands pointed like knives sharply, making a gesture of wiping his throat.

——If you think about it again, I will kill you.

How dare you think about it just now?

what do you want to do

Shiina Iori's face froze immediately, her muscles moved her stiff neck with difficulty, and she turned her head to one side with difficulty.

It is probably very good to understand this meaning in my heart.

At this time, the people in the director's room on the beach seemed to have discovered something. Someone picked up the phone and whispered a few words of agreement. I don't know which aunt who didn't want to be named announced the news, and the camera suddenly stopped talking. Yan's Sano Shino moved to Shiina Iori on the audience stage.

As soon as the screen was displayed, the blood pressure of many sex critics in the auditorium suddenly rose a little because the beauties on the screen disappeared.

But due to the scenes of beauties playing in the water that will continue to be broadcast later, they still suppressed their anger.

However, when they calmed down, they realized that what appeared on the screen was a young man with an extremely outstanding appearance, which was roughly equal to what they could think of when daydreaming, and even beyond imagination. The first row in the auditorium, smiling dotingly towards the beach, made the same movements as the beauty on the screen just now.

Breathing suddenly stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, the indifferent and harsh ocean of reality submerged everyone's hearts in an instant, and there was a great sense of suffocation from the depths of the soul.

So that girl was waving at this guy just now? !

Is this the cold and cruel reality?
'Depend on. '

'Who's going to kick him? '

'Where is this kid?Why didn't I see him. '

'In the front row!Just that one! '

'Chop him up. '

The whispers from the darkest depths of the heart, under the resonance of many color critics from the old age to the age of dancing spoons, converged into waves of violent waves like ocean waves, which made everyone feel a sense of spontaneity. The inner soul resonates.

Everyone had the same thought at this moment.

fuck him!

As for Senior Little Fox, Shiina Iori, who had not had time to turn his head to look at the display, was the first to notice something was wrong through his keen intuition.

There was a cold on the back first, then another cold, and three colds. The eyes seemed to come from the cold underground wind in the deepest ice and snow ravine in Antarctica, blowing on Shiina Iori's back one by one.

It made him feel like he was about to freeze.

It wasn't until this moment that Shiina Iori seemed to realize something, and suddenly swept around.

His gaze immediately fixed on the display screen not far away.

Eye-to-eye with yourself in the display.

At this moment, the host, who had been covering his earphones and seemed to be listening to something, just recovered from the news just now, picked up the microphone and continued to report:

"Let everyone wait for a long time."

"Ten minutes ago, our broadcasting station learned from a lady who did not want to be named that the gentleman on the screen was the boyfriend of contestant No. 10 who set off not long ago—Ms. Yuki Terashima. "

"It really is a man with a talent and a woman's appearance, the two of them really match each other very well!"

"Every audience, please send some blessings to this unknown gentleman who came to the scene to cheer for his girlfriend!"

As soon as the host's slide fell, the voices in a large audience suddenly fell silent.

The audience fell into an almost deathly silence.

At this moment, Shiina Iori, who was clearly at the scene of the Ama Contest, but who was in the auditorium, felt as if she was the focus of the audience, and the expression on her face that she was trying to maintain suddenly froze.

Even Shino Sano, who was about to start on the field, was sure of her bare steps on the beach.

The heel carved a deep sinking mark on the soft gravel.

Senior Little Fox had crooked eyebrows and a warm smile.

Aunt Natsume Ryoko, who was originally hiding in the shade of the auditorium watching the show, smiled when she saw this scene.

I sent the message 10 minutes ago, why are you talking about it now?

As if anticipating the result she might get, Natsume Ryoko swallowed hard, her whole body clinging to the back of the auditorium, she stood on tiptoe like a crab, and slipped away quietly.

And the moment they heard the news, the audience, which was already almost excited and extremely depressed, fell into a calm like a storm.

But the silence lasted only a few seconds.

The sound of someone's water bottle falling to the ground abruptly broke the tranquility.

"Damn it!"

"One is not enough!"

"Where does this guy live, I want to give him some gifts."

"I just want to know what his name is."

"Fuck him with Swallow!!"

The voice gradually became uncontrollable, forming waves of intense noise.

Shiina Iori sat on the spot, as if on pins and needles.

On the contrary, Sano Shino, who was on the beach, stood there and looked at Iori for a while, without saying anything, and quietly walked towards the sea, only the dozens of feeding points that had been kept in mind before were left in her eyes.

This time, to win.

Then, go home and collect the bill.

The host also seemed to find that this kind of introduction to the contestants' boyfriends did not arouse the audience's favor, but instead made the atmosphere a lot heavier.

So, after getting the on-site guidance from the director's room, he immediately changed the subject, and re-focused the camera on the next contestant, continuing to enliven the atmosphere of the scene.

Only Shiina Iori sat under the tremendous pressure and the cold eyes that swept over her from time to time. She even dared to occupy half of the chair with her buttocks, and she was cautious and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

During the subsequent introduction of the contestants, Yui was the only one who was already extremely nervous because she had to show her face under the camera, so she didn't do anything to interact with the audience.

Shiina Iori let out a long sigh of relief.

There is quite a sense of survival after a catastrophe.

It's just that he is also very angry in his heart.

After the game is over, you must ask Aunt Liangzi to settle the account.

Too deadly.

Just as Shiina Iori was thinking this way, the host continued: "Now, when the competition has just started and the contestants have not yet achieved anything, let's contact the reporters outside the venue and listen to it. The voice of the festival audience."

"Okay, now please connect with the off-site reporter, Miss Zuoli."

When there was a change on the big screen, the picture on the screen was divided into two halves, showing the host and an audio screen at the same time.

The host Tomioka Ryohei greeted solemnly: "Miss Zori, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Mr. Tomioka."

The two answered a few words as usual, and continued to advance the session to the audience's interview and sharing. Only then did the lady reporter appear on the screen, and began to play a series of conversation scenes that were obviously edited in advance.

However, the moment the lady reporter appeared on the screen, Shiina Iori felt bad.

Isn't this the woman who interviewed him before! ?
In the next second, he seemed to wake up suddenly, imitating Natsume Ryoko's action just now, quickly turned over and jumped over the first row of railings, and ran along the beach to the shade.

It's just that the audience who couldn't see the picture in the sea from a distance were naturally staring at the display screen. It's better to have a beautiful woman to see than not to see.

But while the good pictures were broadcasting, a man who was so familiar to everyone suddenly appeared, so familiar that he almost became a thorn in the side.

On the screen, I saw Shiina Iori hugging left and right, her smile seemed helpless, as if the two girls around her were too fond of acting like a baby, so much so that he could handle it a little bit.

——It makes people jealous to the point of twisting their hearts.

And this kind of emotion continuously generated from the dark side of the heart finally reached its peak in the last question of the reporter on the screen.

The dialogue in the picture is very clear, and there are even subtitles.

"This is my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Then, this one?"

"It's a girlfriend!"

"Hmm! We are all girlfriends~!"

The girl's smile on the screen is sly and bright, with a little evil feeling that is hard to describe in words. Even the small canine teeth shown in the smile seem to be able to fall into the cravings of male beasts just right.

It's a pity that at this moment, the escaped girl with a sly smile is holding another man's arm.

Still with another super cute girl who is so big!
If jealousy could form a flame,

At this moment, all the beasts who saw this scene should have been burned from the inside out.

"Where did that guy go! Come out for me!"

"Get out of the way! Don't let this guy wear pants today!"

"Day, what about others!"

"Running really fast!"

"I'm going to offer a reward of [-] yen to this guy, is there anyone here?"

"Count me, twenty thousand!"

"Thirty thousand!"

The fiery jealousy is burning, as if it can connect everyone together.

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium became enthusiastic.

It is conceivable that Shiina Iori ran a step too late at that time, and almost [-]% would end up with the terrible end of being hung upside down on the display screen with his pants stripped and a basket tied.

From a distance, even the host Ryohei Tomioka, who was on a speedboat on the sea, could feel the warm atmosphere from the audience.

I have a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

Use words and interactions to arouse the emotions of all viewers, and let everyone put their emotions into the show they host under his leadership-this is probably the meaning of the existence of the host profession, right?
At the same time, in the sea.


Yuki Terashima, who had already swam some distance from the shore, suddenly plunged into the sea.

The dark blue color suddenly flooded the entire field of vision, coating everything in the eyes with a layer of dull-toned paint.

However, for Yuki Terashima, there didn't seem to be much hindrance. The rapid movement of his arms brought up thin white waves. His slender figure was as flexible as a fish swimming in the water. The bamboo basket tied to his waist was caught by the current. Wrapped slightly swayed, the ponytail tied behind his head was pulled straight in the current, his eyes opened in the water, scanning his surroundings.

The embankment coast was selected earlier, and this is one of her 'dropping points'.

Because the seabed here is slightly sunken, forming a small trench, even after some drainage, there is still a depth of five or six meters at this time. Ordinary people will basically avoid this part of the water without safety facilities. The water depth is not suitable. Area.

However, for young people like Yuki Terashima, who smashed the concrete pillar with his punches, this place is like walking on flat ground, and it is not an obstacle at all.

Due to the influence of currents and tides, a lot of abalones were originally released intensively, but at this time they are only scattered on the bottom of the sea.

However, even so, compared to the 'ama' who are digging mud and sand in the shallow sea, it can be regarded as a 'cheating mode'.

While diving down, Terashima Yukina's eagle-like gaze scanned the surroundings.

When his eyes swept over a certain place, he paused slightly, and approached the past very meticulously.

Just looking at the abalone stuck in the mud on the bottom of the sea, her movements were obviously a little stiff.

She who usually doesn't even want to rub the dust more, let alone reach out for this situation, she doesn't even want to look at it.

This is somewhat unexpected.

After hesitating for a long time, Xingcai finally took off the bamboo basket at his waist, grabbed one side with his hand, then picked up the bamboo basket as a shovel, and gently buckled the abalones slowly and carefully.

In this way, the movements were gentle and meticulous, and after digging for a long time without stirring up the slightest silt, I finally picked it out by the force of the water flow.

One pick is three or four abalones into the basket.

Seeing this scene, Yuki Terashima's tensed shoulders loosened slightly.

It seems to be a little more relaxed.

Then, it continued to swim quickly in the other direction.

in unnoticed corners,
Kikuchi Hoshimena was wearing a delicate swimsuit, and slowly in the shallow waters, she grabbed a white string with an ordinary bow at the end.

With light and slow movements, a small abalone buried in fine sand was pulled out from the sand.

A smug smile appeared on his face.

I'm sure to win the Haenyeo Contest!
(End of this chapter)

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