man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 4 [004] The style of that 1 set of machines

Chapter 4 [004] The style of that set of machines
No matter how cute a girl looks, the vomit is not rainbow-colored.

Not even fragrant.

No matter what others think, Shiina Iori, who has been in close contact with the girl's vomit, wants to warn those compatriots who are full of strange fantasies in their minds: don't try!


Then the water running from the faucet scrubbed the shirt vigorously with the hand sanitizer provided by the hotel.

He regrets it a little.

If it's normal, you should be in bed now.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have been deceived by Kazuya Matsushita.

The only thing that comforted him was the reminder of [Computer Control +1] that he accidentally got after being vomited.

Is it because of being held tightly?

But why a computer?

Shiina Iori thought to herself.

"Hey! Iori!"

"Are you okay?"

While scrubbing in a trance, I heard the shouting of Matsushita and also outside the door.

This guy doesn't know if it's because of the estrus period. Anyway, as long as Hayakawa Aya is standing next to him, the whole person is like a pillar of iron King Kong, and he is full of energy.

"When you come out, pay attention to me, that's the room where girls sleep! If you dare to do anything, I won't let you go for Hayakawa-san's sake!"

"Yes Yes."

Shiina Iori replied perfunctorily.

Even if he understood that Matsushita said this just to reassure Hayakawa, he was still a little too lazy to answer.

That's what's weird among men.

Women are often able to distinguish themselves in the field of appearance at the moment of first meeting, and thus arouse the emotions of contempt, jealousy or envy.

But men don't.

Even if they are brothers who have a good relationship with each other, it is often difficult for male companions to realize what the best-looking one among them looks like in the eyes of girls.

People's aesthetics are not the same, Shiina only thinks Kazuo is ugly.

Especially ugly today!

Because whatever he thinks is his fault.

After scrubbing the clothes until only faint outlines could be seen, although it was very wet, it was barely able to put it on before Iori Shiina came out of the bathroom.

At the end of the previous reception, because a few girls were too drunk to walk, and a group of college students didn't have the spare money to rent them out at night, they discussed and discussed, and they simply stayed in a shared hotel not far from the izakaya.

Drunk girls open a large suite just enough to fill it all.

The boys are not so particular about it, they sleep in the living room if they can't walk, and they can find a way to go home if they can.

Shiina Iori was an accident - his clothes were vomited and dirty, so he just found a private bathroom in a suite bedroom to wash his clothes.

It just so happened that Yui was the only one lying on the bed in this room.

After she vomited in the store, she simply fell asleep.

Probably really drunk.

Shiina Iori glanced at her, didn't look at it much, threw off her wet clothes, and walked out with her upper body naked.

Although the person is very cute, yes, and the baby's cafeteria is also very rich, but it should not destroy the image of the little fairy in his mind. It is better to pretend that you don't know each other when you meet him in the future.

Turn around and go out.


"Shina-kun's body has white teeth! (Wonderful)"

"Crack Kacha!"

"Wow ah ah-"

"Don't block me, Matsushita-kun!"

In less than a second, Iori Shiina was kicked into the house by Kazuya Matsushita who was furious: "You bastard want to show something in front of Hayakawa-san! Kill you, bastard!"

Aya Hayakawa, who was wearing glasses next to her, had bright eyes and a mobile phone in her hand. That's a bright eye - she was the one who just took the picture!
"Sorry!" Shiina Iori apologized sincerely this time, "I didn't know they were gone."

"You can't go out like this, Shiina-kun." Hayakawa lifted her glasses and turned to look at Panasonic, "How about we go out and buy him a shirt?"

"no need."

Shiina Iori smiled and waved her hand.

He doesn't like to accept the kindness of others, because whether it's chocolate or an online class, free is more expensive than paid.

Saying that, put on the wet clothes and go out.

"That's right, Hayakawa-san. Don't worry about him, our boys are very strong, Iori will be fine if he wears wet clothes!" Matsushita Kazuo also greeted him and winked in Shiina's direction.

——If you, you bastard, get me out of Cai Jiang's sight quickly, and if you spoil my precious chance of getting out of the single, I won't let you go. (300 words will be omitted later)
Between men, thousands of words can be conveyed with just one look.

Shiina Iori received Panasonic's signal smoothly, nodded, put on wet clothes and was ready to go out.

"No! Shiina-kun." Hayakawa Aya reached out and stopped in front of him, her voice very loud, "You can't go out like this!"

"It's okay, Hayakawa-san."

"It's related! Because...because"

Aya Hayakawa glanced at Shiina Iori's puzzled eyes at the soaked clothes that were close to the contours of his muscles, and across the white skin that was half-hidden and half-exposed by the fabric, her nose suddenly became hot, and her voice suddenly dropped.

Because going out like this is definitely more lustful than going out naked!

But she still couldn't say that. After trembling for a long time, she sighed: "Because, because. It's Yui's fault that Shiina-kun's clothes are soiled. As a friend, I also have a responsibility! Shiina-kun and Shiina-kun are here. Wait here!"

"Just give me the money Shiina-kun in a while!"

"Hayakawa-san! Hayakawa-san!" Kazuya Matsushita shouted twice, turned his head and threw a coquettish wink at Shiina, and hurriedly chased after him, "You don't need to spend money! I'll ask other classmates to help deliver a piece of clothing over here. Just do it!"


The words fell, and Matsushita Kazuya slammed the door down with great force and ran away.

Shiina Iori sighed helplessly, and twisted the wet clothes on her body again.

Take it off first.


Igarashi Yui let out a very slight groan.

He opened his eyes in a daze and saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

where is this?
After enduring the headache and trying to recall it for a while, I remembered that I seemed to have been dragged to the first cocktail party in the university before.

The first time I drank, how could I have no impression at all.

And after that?
His mind seemed to be broken, with only a few vague images.

Yui Igarashi covered her head, her mind was full of wood.

What else did you do after that?

Dizzy and nauseous.

The body has no strength.

She staggered and pulled the quilt, twisting her peach-like butt on the bed, trying to turn over like a salted fish.

Looking at the decoration of the ceiling, it looks like a hotel here, right?

Did Cai-chan and the others send me here?
That's right, they don't seem to know where my house is, right?

Where are they now?
Speaking of which, I seemed to have heard Cai-chan's voice just now, did you say something like paying and wasn't there?
Yui Igarashi covered her head and thought in a daze, and sat up from the bed with difficulty.

As a result, as soon as he got up, he saw a man covering his head with wet clothes and was trying to take it off.

Yui Igarashi was taken aback for a moment.

Who is this?
Quickly sum up the current situation in my mind.

Late nights, hotel rooms, drunk girls, guys undressing. Paying?

I was sold!
Cases of human organs, forced silver sales, human trafficking, and cross-border smuggling quickly come to mind.

Yui Igarashi's breathing stagnated for a moment, and then her head seemed to be emptied, forgetting everything.

Adrenaline was secreted at a high speed, and her high and excited emotions made her completely ignore her physical weakness, and her heart was pounding.

Slowly, small hands climbed sideways like slender vines growing on a pergola, and unknowingly grabbed the vending machine placed on the head of the bed-don't look at the size of a beverage bucket, in fact Heavy, and enough.

It is marked in red with the words 'Please compensate 12000 yen for damages'.

At this moment, Yui Igarashi seemed to have entered a magical state of flow, with no thoughts and no thoughts in his mind, only this man who inexplicably began to undress in front of the bed he was lying on was left in his eyes.

The man seemed to be trapped in clothes, so wet that he couldn't pull his head out of it.

good chance.

Yui Igarashi held the weapon in both hands and stepped lightly on her bare feet, silent like a cat.

Five meters, three meters, one meter.

The attack distance is enough!

Yui Igarashi's eyes widened, he swung his weapon, and shouted loudly, "Go to hell! It's too much!"

The man's movements suddenly stopped: "Wait."


A headshot, right in the forehead.

The man fell down.

Igarashi Yui didn't even dare to take a breath, she strode away with her bare feet, and ran towards the outside like a fly.

My heart was pounding.

It seems to be very lively outside, wouldn't there be his accomplices?
The little hand holding the vending machine turned white.


Push open the door.

I don't know when the seven or eight men and women who started playing UNO cards in the hall all quieted down, and all cast their eyes in the direction of the door slamming open.

Among them are Matsushita Kazuya and Hayakawa Aya - they called someone to send clothes over.

The moment she stepped out of the room, Yui Igarashi was also stunned.

She suddenly escaped from her own death, and she saw a group of people she knew for the first time when she walked out of the room. Her emotions reached a peak in an instant, the condom machine in her hand slammed to the ground, and her voice trembled: "Cai Sauce! Come on! Run! Inside, there's an undressed Chang Tai!!!"

The sound of the accusation fell, and there was no surprise or anger on the faces of everyone around, and Yui Igarashi's scalp was a little numb as she was stared at by these strange eyes.

Could it be, could it be, Caijiang, they really joined forces to take me
It's a shame I treat her as my only friend.

Between the flashes of light and flint, Igarashi suddenly felt unstoppable grievances in his heart.

After a few seconds, Panasonic reacted suddenly, picking up the phone and rushing into the room:

All the men and women in the living room also stood up in unison, and rushed into the room nervously.


Mobile phones in their hands.

Yui Igarashi, who was left alone and had no time to be sad, stood outside with a blank expression on her face.


 Remember to vote and favorite after reading it!Already signed ao!Should be able to change the status next Monday or Tuesday.

(End of this chapter)

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