man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 402 [401] Waterboarding?Or burning at the stake?

Chapter 402 [401] Waterboarding?Or burning at the stake?


The harsh whistle sounded through the radio, resounding through the small half of the quiet coast.

Looking down from a height, the "ama" girls who are scattered on the sea surface to fish for abalone are converging towards the beach.

Terajima Yuki and Sano Shino, who had just been in a scene of dragons and tigers fighting, swam to the shore and looked at each other.

When the contestants sitting by the sea saw a petite girl getting up from between them and walking towards the front-line broadcasting station in a daze, their eyes were somewhat puzzled.

This child is so salty, how could he cheat?
Not only them, but even Yui Igarashi himself looked confused.

But after hearing his mother's voice, he still walked in the direction of the director's station full of doubts.

And not far from her, Kikuchi Hoshimona was kneeling on the beach, rubbing her two little hands vigorously, as if she was secretly praying for something.

At the same time, there were small uproars and noisy discussions in the auditorium.

The Haenyeo Contest is interrupted.

"What are you doing? Mom!"

When Yui walked to the director's station, seeing a group of directors standing quietly in their original positions under the 'care' of a group of bodyguards in black suits, with a somewhat stiff expression on their faces, Yui suddenly uttered a voice in astonishment .

Even if you kidnap everyone in the director station, you can't win the things you can't win!
"Sorry sorry~"

Igarashi Shinrei clasped his small hands together, his tone seemed a little embarrassed, but there was still a calm smile on his face similar to Yui's, and his eyes were still slightly squinted.

"Actually, Mom has something to ask for Yui-chan."

"But Mr. Director doesn't seem to be very accommodating, so Mom can only do something wrong."

"I'm so sorry."

He clearly said 'I'm sorry', but looking at Igarashi Marei's peaceful smile, he couldn't feel the apology in it at all.

The mood is very stable.

Hearing this, not only Yui was stunned, but even the members of the director team, who were probably equally stable in mood, all had confused and puzzled expressions.

If you show the bodyguards first, won't we be able to accommodate them? !

But due to the situation, at this moment, except for the oldest middle-aged director who smacked his lips, no one else said a word.

Only Yui looked at her mother's calm appearance, and seemed to feel that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell for a while, so she just froze for a few seconds inexplicably, and then said quickly:
"Then, let go of the director and the others first! The competition is still going on!"

"Sano Sano and Terashima Sanko have been preparing for this game for a long time."

"I've fished all afternoon too!"

Hearing the names of 'Sano' and 'Terashima' from his daughter's mouth, Igarashi Masari's slightly squinted eyes flashed two light as if they had inadvertently brushed the blade, and then immediately Calm down, hold Yui's wrist as if nothing happened.

"Compared to what! How can abalone be tied with a thread? Mom, who is so ignorant, can see it!"

"Anyway, why don't you go with mom first?"


Yui frowned: "I told Yizhi that it's like going back to eat after the game!"

Hearing these words, Igarashi Marei's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around with a smile on his face, and told him in a calm voice:
"Mom wants to talk to you about Shiina-kun"

"Things with his girlfriends."

Hearing this, Yui's gaze couldn't help but froze.

Just after reading the news, Iori Shiina was meditating, when he heard Takeshi Haruno, the general director who was in charge of the whole performance, sitting up straight from the sofa, and asked into the microphone with a puzzled expression:
"Ishida-kun? Ishida-kun!"

After shouting a few times, Haruno called the number of another member of the front-line director team when he heard that there was no response from the front-line director station opposite.

However, after changing the number and channel several times in a row, the members of the frontline director team were not contacted.

It wasn't until he had asked again that he frowned and asked Natsume Ryoko beside him:

"The female voice who said on the radio that she was going to expose cheating was the one you arranged?"

For the directors of these small TV stations, it is very common for sponsors to forcibly or arbitrarily add their own actors during the performance.

It's just that they have cooperated with Natsume Ryoko's Hai no Bao Club several times, and there has never been such a case before, and it is precisely because of this that the relationship between Natsume Ryoko and Haruno Takeshi can be regarded as friends.

But this sudden appearance suddenly disrupted the game script of the chief director of Sagara TV.

Natsume Ryoko was also taken aback when she heard the words:
"We don't have any money, do we?"


After the director team and the sponsors checked each other, they were full of question marks,

However, Takeshi Haruno reacted quickly, and asked someone to call the host, and immediately sent someone to run errands to the front-line director station to inquire about the situation.

Seeing this scene, Shiina Iori, who just got the news from Line, thought of the news just now, and inexplicably felt a bad premonition in her heart.

Without much hesitation, Shiina Iori immediately opened the address book and called Maki, who had a high probability of not going home obediently:

"Hey, Maki! Where are you now?"

"Me?!" The voice on the other side of the phone froze suddenly, and then came an awkward tone with a guilty conscience, "Of course, of course I'm at home."

"you sure?"

".Home, Jingbo Beach not far from home."

Immediately afterwards, Maki seemed to have sensed what Shiina Iori wanted to ask, and immediately changed the subject: "Nini! Come here quickly!"

"There is a big girl who looks like Yui-chan on the beach, and I want to drag her away!"

"There are many vicious-looking bodyguards beside me!"

"It's going to be a big deal!"

Hearing these words, not only did Shiina Iori not feel her heart tightening, but she felt a little calm as if the dust had settled, and her heart that had just started to hang fell into her stomach.

Yui is an only child, and there is no older sister in the family.

If it looks like a woman who is still very big, the first thing that comes to Shiina Iori's mind is Igarashi's mother who once lived in Shiina's Crystal Palace for a while——Igarashi Masari.

That terrible woman!

Thinking about it this way, Mieko Miyahara and Shinrei Igarashi probably know each other.

The 'gift' she was talking about was probably this one.

Thinking of this, Shiina Iori felt a tingling sensation as if a small hole had been drilled in the top of her head.


Not long after I hung up Maki's phone, the phone rang again.

This time, Yui's number in Line sent him a mobile location map.

The location is a beach cold drink shop not far from Jingbo Coast.

[Yuki: Sorry~ Shiina-kun. 】

[Yuki: Yui-chan's phone is temporarily in my custody, please come here quickly! 】

[Yui: Zhenli is looking forward to meeting you again! 】

[Yui: Leopard Laughs.jpg]

Shiina Iori twitched her eyebrows when she saw the "read" prompt that lit up behind these messages.

The one who should come still can't hide.

So, I saw him striding away from the backstage of the director.

"I-chan? Where are you going?"

Natsume Ryoko chased him for two steps but failed to catch up, so she had to watch helplessly as he disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

I don't know if I want to know where he is going, or if I just feel sorry for the ticket.

After exiting the Umi no Abalone Coast Hostel as a temporary base, Shiina Iori trotted along the beach of Jingbo Coast, and headed straight for the map sent by Line.

When passing by the Haenyeo competition area in the middle, the released members of the director team were reorganizing the contestants according to the arrangement of the backstage, and there was a bustling chaos on the beach.

Just as he was about to pass through the crowd and head towards the location sent from the map, he heard a familiar voice behind him:

Turning his head, he saw Sano Shino in a wet bathing suit waving his hands high towards him, and then clasped his hands into a trumpet shape, and asked from a distance:
"Where are you going?"

"There's something wrong!" Iori also waved his hand, "I'll go home for dinner tonight!"


After shouting a few words, he continued to trot towards the direction of positioning without looking back.

Sano Shino waved at his back from a distance.

When he let go, he saw that a large group of contestants around him were staring at Shino Sano with a bewildered, strange, and distorted gaze.

Among them, the former girlfriend group member, Kikuchi Hoshimona, is the most.

Jealous to twist!
——You all went home together, what’s the point of participating in this competition? !
However, Senior Little Fox just glanced at the group of crazy bees and butterflies attracted by the beauty of their family Iori, then turned his head with a gentle smile, and walked towards the intermission area arranged by the broadcasting station.

You just take a look.

Only I can use it!

Yuki Terajima, who also just came out of the sea, still looked cold, stretched his hands behind his head to brush his long wet hair, and didn't even bother to take a second look at this scene.

But when she glanced towards the direction where Yizhi was leaving, she frowned faintly.

I don't know what came to mind.

Within a few minutes, Shiina Iori trotted all the way to the cold drink shop in the Line location.

Probably because of the competition, the cold drink shop a little far away from the big screen was empty at this time, and the store was a little empty.

Shiina Iori entered the store, and just took a glance in the store, and saw Igarashi, mother and daughter sitting side by side on the four-seater seat by the window.

Igarashi Shinrei was still as dignified and calm as the last time they met. He was clearly wearing only a swimsuit, but he sat at the table as if he was wearing an evening gown, holding a glass of ice soda with a smile on his face .

At this moment, she placed the large pin-up sun hat on the table, and there was only room for Shiina Iori on the rest of the table.

Yui Igarashi, who was almost unscrupulous in front of her mother, didn't know what she was talking to at this time. She was sitting stiffly with a timid expression, clearly holding a small spoon in her hand, but the colorful fruit ice cream on the table unexpectedly Didn't even move a bite.

It is not known what happened when he came.


Almost the moment he entered the door, Igarashi Shinrei spotted his figure, raised his little hand high and shook it, and greeted him in a very affectionate tone.

In contrast, Shiina Iori took a deep breath.

Nervous, apprehensive, dignified.
Mixed moods.

Since the woman Mieko Miyahara sent a message to remind her, it is very likely that she has already informed Yu Igarashi of the ins and outs of her rented boyfriend.

Obviously he worked so hard last time to get away with it!

And the other party came all the way to Shizuoka so directly, there is a high probability that they want to confront him face to face.

Igarashi's Steel Furnace
Thinking of this, Shiina Iori's heart suddenly became a little heavy.

However, in any case, what should be faced must be faced.

It's just a matter of time.

Quickly dispelling distracting thoughts in her mind, Shiina Iori strode into the cold drink shop, stepped on slippers under the subtle gaze of the clerk, and sat down in front of Igarashi's mother and daughter.

"Long time no see, Shinrei-san."

"How many times have I said it, just call me Zhenli."

Igarashi's mother still had the smiling and gentle appearance before, only her eyebrows and eyes were slightly narrowed, making it hard to see the emotions in her eyes.

However, today is different from the past.

Almost the moment he sat down in front of her, Shiina Iori's characteristic [Danger Perception] suddenly felt a sharp pain as if someone was rubbing his neck back and forth with a rough blade.

It made his back unbearably numb.


In addition, even the little seal student who was sitting next to Igarashi Shinrei suddenly raised his eyebrows in his direction, and vigorously gestured towards the direction outside the door.

However, every part of the girl's body seemed to be frozen in place, not even daring to move.

He only dared to give Yizhi a little hint by using the blind spot of his vision.

However, Shiina Iori never thought of just hiding like this.

Some things have to be said before they are done.

So, I saw his breath gradually calm down.

After calming down for a few seconds, he heard his voice say as gently as possible:
"Jinli-san, are you here for a tour too?"

This sentence is not only a temptation, but also an attempt by him to use the excuse of 'travel' to cover up the fact that he brought three girlfriends home to meet his parents at the same time.

It's a pity that Igarashi Shinrei didn't seem to have any intention of accepting his move at all. Although there was still a smile on his face, but as meticulous as Shiina Iori, he vaguely observed some subtle changes, and his voice was still gentle. :
"Shiina-kun, you should have read that note, right?"

Hearing this, Shiina Iori was startled for a moment, and then immediately remembered the note that she and Yui had pasted at the entrance when they returned to her own home.

Look slightly restrained.

[You should have made up your mind, right?Shiina-kun. 】

If I remember correctly, the above should have a similar meaning.

But the kid shoe beside him looked at the two of them blankly.

note?What note?
But Igarashi Shinrei didn't intend to explain anything to his daughter at all. Noticing the change in Shiina Iori's expression, he said in a flat tone:

"So, Shiina-san."

"Have you made up your mind yet?"

The mother smiled gently, but there was an unconscious indifference in her tone: "If not, for Yui's sake, I can give you a chance to regret it."


Shiina Iori was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said:
"I like Yui."

"I have also made up my mind to face many things."

Hearing this, Igarashi Masari's always gentle and moving smile couldn't help becoming a little more sincere, but her voice gradually calmed down:
"Then do you want to choose water torture? Or fire torture?"


(End of this chapter)

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