man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 404 [403] Message

Chapter 404 [403] Message

"We're back!"

Pushing open the door, Maki Shiina stepped into the house first.

It's just that as soon as he entered the entrance, he found that there were no Nini's ordinary sneakers on the ground. Although the style was not obvious, Maki could still recognize it at a glance through various details.

The smile that was almost blooming on his face gradually faded away.

After walking quickly into the house and sniffing back and forth in several rooms, he still didn't find Nini's smell.


"Nini, hasn't he come back?"


Chiyoko Shiina was still holding a shovel in her hand. Hearing this, she turned her head to look at Maki who had just entered the door with some doubts, and Yuki and Shino who were exhausted behind her. Her gaze fell back to Maki who was at the front again:
"Maki isn't with I-chan?"

"Nini just now"

Maki was wondering and wanted to add something, when Chiyoko Shiina suddenly relaxed and said, "But it's good, it's time for Maki to stay away from I-chan."


The black-hearted little padded jacket was furious!
But Shiina's mother didn't spoil the little padded jacket like the father and son in their family. She flipped the handle of the shovel and lightly tapped her little head before continuing:

"Didn't Yui-chan come back together?"

Hearing this sentence, Xing and Shino, who had just dried the water stains on their bodies outside behind Maki, took off their shoes and entered the door for a step or two, suddenly became a little heavier in their steps.

There seems to be something extra on top of the head.

Maki didn't have so many worries, and said with some doubts: "Before, Nini and Yui-chan should have gone a step ahead. I thought they would get home first."

"That's it."

When Chiyoko Shiina heard the words, she nodded lightly as if thinking about it, and then hurriedly greeted a few people to enter the door:

"Okay, let's come in quickly, the hot water has already been soaked."

"You can eat directly after taking a shower."


After a few instructions, Shiina's mother turned and went back to the kitchen.

"Boom boom, boom boom—"

"Woo! Woo—"

Before she could go far, she heard a series of dull and strange noises from upstairs.

Shino Sano frowned and listened, wondering:
"what sound?"

Maki, who was in front of her, froze, turned her head cautiously and said, "This morning, Dad, he wanted to watch the diver's competition secretly and was accidentally caught by mom."

"It should have been tied up from daytime to now."

Hearing this, Senior Little Fox stopped talking immediately, and quickly walked a few steps: "I'll go to the kitchen to help, luckily you guys wash first."

Maki Shiina, who was standing in the corridor, saw this scene, and raised her head to look in the direction of the sound, with a sense of sympathy.

Yukunori Terashima, who was still standing in the entrance, was still holding his mobile phone, clicking the 'Select' and 'Send' buttons on the screen with unskilled movements.

"Ding dong."

After the news was sent out, a satisfied smile appeared.

Then, as if feeling the salt condensation on his body after the seawater dried up, he frowned a little uncomfortable:

"Then I'm going to take a shower first?"


As soon as Maki agreed, I saw Yuki Terajima rushing towards the bathroom at the maximum speed below the 'running' mode.

It seems that he has already reached the limit of his patience.

In the end, only Maki was left standing at the entrance door, looking out of the door suspiciously, muttering:

"Nini and Yui left so early, and they haven't come back yet"

"What did you do secretly?"

The setting sun slanted into the boundless horizon, smudged the junction of the sky and the earth with a layer of layered fire clouds that turned from bright yellow to red, and the color of the sky above gradually changed from bright to dark, and the heat and heat that belonged to summer also became restrained. Pedestrians wearing short sleeves on the street can vaguely feel the coolness different from the daytime.

At this time, Igarashi's mother and daughter had simply cleaned early in the beach bathroom, changed into well-matched summer clothes, and sat side by side in a plain-looking car.

From the car window, they are all youthful and beautiful, like sisters rather than mothers and daughters.

And the driver of the car was the burly female bodyguard who had handed Shiina Iori the water glass before.

Probably because the city is not big and the population is small, even during the rush hour in downtown Tokyo, the roads in Makinohara City are not crowded with traffic, and the progress is fairly smooth under the green light all the way.

It's just that, looking at the unfamiliar route outside the car window, which seems to have some vague impressions, Igarashi Yui gradually felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

The atmosphere in the back seat of the carriage was silent for a while, before she heard her asking without much confidence:
"Where are we going?"

After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, then muttered in a low voice:

".I made an agreement with Iori to go back for dinner."

"Then I'm afraid we're going to breach the contract."

Sitting next to Yui, Igarashi Shinrei still had that calm and gentle look. The pair of peach blossom eyes that were opened before narrowed calmly at this time, returning to the previous look that seemed to be highly myopic. The tone was a little helpless.

"We won't be able to go back for a few days."


Yui was startled when he heard the words, and was about to say something, when Igarashi Marei suddenly stretched out a small hand and folded his fingers together.

The words that were about to come out suddenly choked.

"Don't worry, Yui-chan."

Igarashi Shinrei still had that gentle smile, with a soft voice: "It's just because Mom hasn't traveled with Yui for a long time, and there are also some things that are easier to talk about when the two of us are together." of."

Yui was startled for a moment, then pressed her lips together, as if to calm down:
"So, we're going to the airport now?"

"Sutan Wharf~"

Igarashi Masato smiled kindly: "Mom asked someone to bring the family's yacht over. The next few days will be summer vacation anyway. Let's go to Malacca together?"

"Although the temperature is a little higher, but the summer style is really better to go to the tropics to experience it!"

"Every place has a season suitable for appreciation. Whether it is the Pacific island country in summer or the snowy country in northern Liaoning in winter, it is appropriate to match it."

"After all, the world is vast."



Yui didn't answer the call, but subconsciously grabbed the phone.

Igarashi Shinrei wasn't annoyed by her daughter's sullen reaction, she just smiled and told her the interesting things she experienced when she went on a trip with her father.

Nothing about Yui and Iori was mentioned at all.

But the more this happened, Yui actually felt the sense of crisis in her heart was getting heavier.

When the car slowly parked in the parking lot not far from Sutan Wharf, this feeling suddenly reached its peak.

"and many more!"

Just as Igarashi Shinrei gently pushed the car door open, Yui's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"what happened?"

Zhenli turned her head with a smile, her brows and eyes still slightly squinted.

After Yui said this sentence suddenly, he realized it in his mind, and his memory was a little blank for a while.

"Uh, that! I, I, yes!"

"My stomach hurts!"

"Toilet! Where is the toilet!"

It wasn't until the words came out first that Yui quickly stretched out her small hands to cover her stomach, pretending to be twisted as if she had just been hit by a buggy, and rolled around on the back seat.

Seeing her daughter's poor acting skills, Zhenli feels helpless, but it's hard to expose:

"It's on the yacht."

"No! Absolutely can't hold it!"

Clearly shouting that, Yui immediately looked around the window and looked out. His eyes fell on the dining street on the edge of the dock area, and his eyes suddenly lit up:
"Weak Shou Ji! There is a weak Shou Ji over there!"

"I'm going to the bathroom first!"

"Mom, you go to the yacht and wait for me first, I'll be up in a while."

While talking, he even forgot to pretend, and ran all the way with his calves, and ran to the fast food restaurant with an 'M' hanging in the distance.

Mrs. Igarashi, who had already got out of the car, looked at her not-so-smart daughter with a somewhat helpless expression.

"Tachibana, I'm sorry to trouble you."


The strong female bodyguard beside her answered crisply.


Yui broke into the women's toilet all the way, and immediately got into the innermost toilet cubicle against the wall, closed the door tightly, and clicked the lock.

Then, he immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started typing.

[Yui]: Iori!I'm at Sutan Wharf now!Mom wants to take me to sea!
[Yuki]: I want to go home for dinner!

[Yuyi]: [Positioning.jpg]
After sending the message, Yui didn't pin all her hopes on Iori's ability to descend from the sky because she wasn't sure when Iori would reply. Instead, she turned her head and searched for escape routes from other directions on the surrounding walls. .

After looking randomly on the wall for a while, he immediately caught a small window that could accommodate a child's size to get out.

It's just that it's a little bit higher from the ground.

Yui hesitated for a few seconds while clenching her small fists on the spot, and immediately made up her mind to complete the Jedi Escape as handsomely as in the movie.

She first staggered and climbed to the water tank by stepping on the toilet seat, and then she barely managed to hold onto the edge of the window.

The soft calf stared at the wall several times in a row. Thanks to the tile wall due to disrepair, a tile fell off, exposing the concrete wall inside, which made her barely use her strength to climb up.

He dawdled around the window like a big loach for a long time before finally getting his head out.

However, when Yui wanted to move on, there was a sudden pain in his chest.

The plump baby's granary is like two huge sponges, tightly stuck to the chest.



"It shouldn't be, the head can get out!"

The little seal student was stuck in the middle, with a panicked look on his face.

However, due to the current situation, it was not easy to call for help, so she had to kick her two calves in the air. The pain from the seal made her eyes flushed and tears filled her eyes.

After drilling hard for a long time, I finally got out of trouble.

It hurts like it's ripped off.


"It's all mom's fault!"

Wrong in every sense.

However, after getting out of trouble, the sea is wide and the birds are flying high.

Although it got stuck again when it got to the fat butt, but in the end because of the change of the center of gravity, Yui who got stuck again this time could easily get out of the trap again.

Immediately afterwards, her legs slipped, and the girl fell headfirst to the ground.


Made a muffled sound.

However, when Yui raised his head in a daze, he didn't feel any pain.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Aunt Ju, who was two meters tall and muscular, was hugging her like a baby.

"Are you all right? Miss Yui."

Yui, who was struggling a lot, froze, unable to speak for a while.

Tachibana seemed to have expected this result, after all, she had been watching Miss Yui struggling above for almost 10 minutes.

If it wasn't because she was afraid that Miss Yui would not run out of strength and would run around after landing, maybe she had to reach out to help just now.

"No, it's fine."

Realizing that his escape plan was immediately exposed, Igarashi Yui immediately lost the mood to speak, and agreed dumbly.

"Then let's get on board."

"Ma'am should have been waiting for a while."



Just as he promised, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the phone in his pocket seemed to vibrate.

Yui's petite body in Aunt Tachibana's arms tightened first, and then slowly relaxed.

Did not take it out to see.

After paying the bill at the cold drink shop, Shiina Iori walked on the road with a somewhat heavy pace.

Although he had expected this day to come, he also knew that liking and combining into a family is not just a matter of two people.

But Yui's mother came so quickly, he really didn't expect it.

Of course, there is also the relationship that Miyahara's mother is behind the scenes.

But no matter what, he couldn't escape.

Nor should I escape.

Thinking about Igarashi Marei's expression and gaze during the conversation just now, Shiina Iori's eyebrows couldn't stop jumping.

It's still just one family.

If in the future, the four families come to the door together.
He will definitely die miserably, right?

Thinking of this, Shiina Iori couldn't help but slow down a bit.

"Ding dong."

As he was thinking about it, he heard the ringtone of his mobile phone.

Shiina Iori opened it and took a look, it was a message sent by Xing.

Click to open.

【Lucky】: [Swimsuit Selfie.jpg]
【Lucky】: Daily classes.

Seeing Terashima Yuki on the screen, like a dragon girl coming out of the water, her lower body soaked in the ocean, her upper body curves are obvious, and her long hair is wet by sea water, Shiina Iori's gaze subconsciously stayed for a few seconds.

The swimsuit on the girl's body was obviously in a decent style and covered most of the white skin, but it was still hard to look away.

The cold and indifferent expression, the holy brilliance bathed in the face of the setting sun, combined with the action of raising the mobile phone high to take pictures, add a sense of holiness that desires to be profane.

Flipping forward, there is a selfie with a different image every day, and the content of the picture is becoming more and more understandable.

Shiina Iori still replied as usual.

【Iori】: Received.

After closing Xing's chat dialog box and looking at the list again, I found that several people have sent messages. I don't know if it's because I was too absorbed when I was thinking deeply or for some other reason, but I haven't noticed it all the time.

【Shinon】: Why haven't you got home yet, I made you an egg roll!My mother praised me!
【Shinon】: [Picture.jpg]
[Maki]: Ninny~ Where are you?

[Maki]: You're not doing bad things with Yui-chan, are you?

【Maki】: Don't shiver at home!

[Aunt Liangzi]: Yi-chan!What is your little girlfriend's mother going to do—! ! ! !

[Aunt Ryoko]: My ama contest!
Turning over one by one, replying one by one, Shiina Iori's originally somewhat dull expression gradually calmed down a bit.

"Ding dong~"

Another special message prompt.


(End of this chapter)

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