man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 406 [405] Get on the Ship

Chapter 406 [405] Get on the Ship

Accompanied by a long buzzing sound, the private luxury yacht painted with the logo of the Igarashi family has already started slowly, the bow of the ship splits the sea waves, and the surrounding snow-white waves are surging, and it is heading for the direction of the moonlight.

on the deck.

Igarashi Shinrei held on to the wide sun hat that fluttered with the sea breeze with one hand, and the other hand on the railing, his feet swayed slightly.

With narrowed eyes, he looked towards the direction of Yuyi falling into the water.


Behind her, Tachibana, who was more than two meters tall and stood like a giant bear man, bowed his head slightly, showing the direction where the eldest lady fell into the water with his eyes, and glanced there from time to time as if he was a little worried.

It doesn't matter to her whether the boy surnamed Shiina drowns himself or not, it's serious not to let the young lady choke on the water.

"do not worry."

The shock that flashed above Igarashi Shinrei's face gradually subsided, and he returned to his usual calm and gentle appearance.

Even the voice became a little more amiable:
"Shiina-kun's child is still quite strong."



Only then did Tachibana reluctantly agree, but he didn't intend to retreat in his footsteps. He obviously wanted to keep an eye on the situation where the water fell, so as to avoid the situation where neither of them floated up.

In a short time, two small heads floated up in the water where the white waves were overflowing heavily, amidst the sound of water splashing lightly after a long distance.

Tachibana, who had been staring at the sea on the deck, was slightly relieved.

Barely count that kid as competitive.

Then, Ju raised his head and continued: "Ma'am, what about the banquet we prepared for the eldest lady in Long City?"

Hearing the banquet that had been prepared for a long time, Igarashi Masari scratched his head a little bit, showing a vaguely distressed expression:

"Yuki-chan doesn't seem to like it very much."

"Sure enough, forget it."


After receiving the order, Tachibana, who is both a bodyguard and a secretary, quickly walked into the cabin to make a phone call.


Behind him, the metal hatch of the cabin was pushed open, and there was a slight metal hinge sound.

Tachibana, who was on the phone, saw the person coming, and turned slightly to make way for the way and bowed his head in salute.

But just looking at the indifferent expression, it is obvious that it is only to maintain the family etiquette of Igarashi's family, not to respect the visitors, and there is even a little bit of vigilance and indifference in the eyes.

The slender woman didn't even look at the other person, she walked steadily in the dark low-heeled shoes, and her long hair fluttered with the sea breeze, but she looked more sassy and free.

"Step, step."

The hard-soled low-heeled shoes made a crisp and clear sound when they stepped on the metal deck.

It wasn't until Igarashi Shinrei stood next to him.

"Shiina-kun actually arrived alive."

"I thought that with your temperament, that child would definitely be thrown into the steel furnace, Igarashi-san."

The woman's voice was hoarse and her tone was calm and unwavering, as if she was used to such life-threatening things. With her bony and slender fingertips, she took out an iron box and a metal lighter from her breast pocket.


However, Igarashi Mareri didn't care about the little teasing from this old friend, and her soft voice was still charming: "Don't make me sound so scary, Mrs. Miyahara."

"Shiina-kun is not some vicious villain."

"What's more, the president of Miyahara Real Estate, who often fills people into Tokyo Bay, shouldn't be qualified to say such things to me?"

While talking, Mrs. Igarashi stretched out her hand to fan the wind pretending to be disgusted.

Obviously hated the smell of cigarettes on her body.

Mieko Miyahara didn't care about her actions at all, and lit the remaining lady's cigarette in the tin box on her own.

Smoke lightly.

"Not always."

"The one who spent 5000 million but can't even get the title of 'girlfriend' is not my daughter anyway."

Igarashi Shinrei still responded with a decent and polite smile, and his voice became more gentle:

"After all, our lovely Nagisa has fully enrolled in the summer cram school. It's a pity that I don't have time to come to Shizuoka for vacation."

"It's such a pity."

Mingming said words like 'regret' and 'it's a pity', but the smile on Igarashi Masari's face did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

The dark guns and sticks and the rain of swords and swords have already started as early as Mieko Miyahara's first step out of the cabin.

Killing two people is called a bloody mess.

When the words fell, the two ladies looked at each other in unison as if they had a tacit understanding.

They looked at each other and sneered.

"whispering sound."


Old enemy.

However, it doesn't seem to be that wrong.

They stood on the railing of the private yacht, watching Shiina Iori on the sea from a distance, with one arm around Yui, and the other hand thumping towards the shore.

With a cigarette in her hand, Miyahara Mieko turned her head to look aside: "Originally, I thought you would at least take that child back to 'educate' it."

"You start to soften your heart when you get old?"

The veins on Igarashi Shinrei's forehead twitched, but he still maintained a decent and gentle tone:
"That's really rude, Mrs. Miyahara."

"I'm obviously only three years older than you."

"Can 38 nine and 41 two be the same?"

". Whether you are young or not depends on your mentality."

"I didn't comment on your mental age."

"(╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴"

Igarashi Shinrei endured it again and again, so he couldn't hold it back.

Mieko Miyahara just had a calm expression on her face.

This woman seems to have a temperament of vengeance, and she will not suffer at all.

Seeing that the other party was so angry that she had a few blue veins popping up on her forehead, she breathed out a sigh of relief with a face full of comfort.

After the first round of warm-up exercise was over, the emotions of the two gradually calmed down, and then they gradually turned to the topic.


While speaking, Mieko Miyahara's voice paused for a moment, the cigarette in her hand lit up red against the sea breeze, and her tone seemed to be a bit deliberate:

"Are you planning to let that kid Yui quit?"

Turning back to this topic, Igarashi Shinrei, who was holding on to the railing, seemed to be a little disappointed, his eyes narrowed slightly to look at the shore:

"Since she is willing, what's the use of me as a mother trying to stop her?"

"And compared to my Yui, it's your Nagisa-chan"

As Igarashi Shinrei spoke, he paused for a moment, and was also considering his words:

"The progress is completely out of sync."

"You said, will you give up in the middle?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Miyahara Mieko subconsciously exerted force on the fingers holding the cigarette, twisting it until the special filter tip was bent a bit.

After being silent for a while, he said hoarsely:
"Once the child sets a goal, he will be much more determined than you imagined."

Igarashi Masari heard the words and did not refute: "Then, the general policy for our two families to form a group, first decide like this?"


"Start with the overseas market of medical devices?"

"Also, it would be the best if we can also bring in the Terashima family."

"Is it okay?"

"There is only one daughter in this line of their family, and the two of us coincidentally complement each other in business. There is not much conflict, and the probability should not be small."

"Shiina-kun is a real kid"

"Let's find out first, don't worry. Maybe their family has already known about it, and they are waiting for us to come to the door."


"This round of harvest should be very sad."

"Always have to suffer."

Accompanied by the private cruise ship slowly going away, the sound and smoke seemed to be floating on the open sea, gradually becoming silent.

If we can follow the emotional communication needs of the children's generation while taking into account the rich interests and cooperation prospects, then for these ancient, large, rich and well-informed family chaebols,

Some things are not unacceptable.

However, some preparation is required.


"Cough, cough, cough."

Accompanied by the muffled sound of water coming out, Shiina Iori heard a series of coughing sounds as her nose was choked with seawater and her mouth kept bubbling.

He grabbed the stone platform on the shore with one hand, while maintaining the posture of embracing Yui with one hand, he lifted her fat butt with all his strength, and pushed her to the shore, leaving only two calves still soaking in the sea water.

After he himself climbed to the shore with difficulty, he dragged Yui and completely got out of the sea.

But at this time, Shiina Iori, who rode a bicycle all the way, rushed into the sea and swam to the shore with Yui in her arms, felt that her hands and feet were soft, and her feet couldn't stop slipping immediately after just dragging.


Holding Yui in his arms, he fell on his back, and the back of his head was sore from the knock.

It hurts so much.

"Iori? Are you okay?"

Under the moonlight, Yui, who finally recovered from his strength, propped himself up from him, and cautiously tried to reach out to support his head.

Just as he stretched out his hand, his eyes accidentally met his.

Shiina Iori seemed to have a moment of brain emptiness.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand violently, hugging the doll-like delicate girl in front of him tightly. The whole face was purified from the soul to the body by the facial cleanser.

It's a pity, because the two had just soaked in the sea water, the wet clothes mixed with the girl's body temperature were a little sticky, and it was not very comfortable to hug.

"I, Iori?!"

As if frightened by Iori's sudden hug, Yui's cheeks warmed up when she was tightly hugged, and then immediately looked flustered and flustered, a little at a loss.

It wasn't until the strong hug lasted for a while that the tense body relaxed a little, and he also stretched out his hand cautiously and cautiously, vainly wrapping around Yizhi's neck.

The small palm patted the back lightly.


"I am here."

"Feel sorry."


Hearing the sudden sound of apology, Yui, who was still in an embracing posture, was a little dazed, as if he didn't react.

Then, I heard Iori's muffled voice coming from his arms.

"I prepared a gift for you in advance."

"Then why are you apologizing?"

"Because I think you probably won't win the Haenyeo Competition, so I prepared in advance."

"Although I think so myself, what Iori said will make people feel a super strong sense of frustration!"

"It's a little hot."


While the two were talking, a flashlight was lit in the distance.

"Hey! You two stop!"

"Sit there and don't move!"

There were dock security guards and door security guards coming over with flashlights, shouting something in their mouths—apparently, they were all attracted by Shiina Iori who was riding a bicycle and forcibly breaking into the dock.

"I, Iori!"

Yui noticed those people's flashlights, and noticed that the two people's postures and wet clothes were obviously not in line with the youth health management norms, and the voice was a little nervous:

"Should we run away now?"

"Can I get out from here?"


Shiina Iori raised her head slightly, as if she had recovered from the feeling of emptiness that was lost and regained, she showed a relaxed smile:
"Didn't I prepare a gift for you?"


Before Yui could react, Shiina Iori suddenly took her little hand and stood up from the ground, dragging the girl to the side of the luxury liner that had just put down the long ladder not far away.

The ticket inspector who had just yawned and walked from the studio next to him hadn't reacted when he saw two wet figures rushing towards him in the dark night.

The man in front suddenly pulled out a wrinkled and wet ticket from his pocket.

"Please help me buy two sets of clothes and send them to the presidential suite."

"We're going up first."

"Ah? Guest. Guest!"

Before the ticket inspector could stop her, Shiina Iori had already dragged Yui and galloped onto the passenger ship barefoot.

Leaving behind a group of security guards and safety officers who followed in the distance, they watched from afar as they were stopped by the recovered ticket inspector and started arguing loudly.

It wasn't until they entered the cabin and watched through the window that the figure gradually turned into small dots, that the two let out a long sigh of relief.

But Yui was still a little uneasy:
"Iori, since those two tickets are gifts, they shouldn't be from today, right?"


Shiina Iori shook his head nonchalantly, and pointed to the sign on the wall.

Yui then looked over.

【Terashima Ship】

After a while of silence, Xiao Haibao nodded with approval.

It seems to be all right.

After waiting, the two found the service staff of the passenger ship for help, called home, and soon got a large vacant room.

It's just that there is still no place to change clothes, so I can only ask for a few more loose bathrobes.

Because their bodies were soaked in water, they were a little sticky everywhere. The two of them soaked in the bathtub for a long time before they got out easily.

Shiina Iori was lying on the bed with a loose bathrobe on his body. The big bed was soft, which made him feel as if he was going to sink into it completely, lazily unable to lift his spirits.

From day to night, whether it's the series of events in the Haenyeo Contest, the emotional ups and downs I experienced when I talked with Zhenli-san in the evening, or the rush from bare feet to riding a bicycle after receiving a text message, everything seems to be squeezed. Like a juicer, he completely squeezed his heart and body dry.

After eating something now and taking a bath in the bathroom on the boat, the whole person seems to be dehydrated and can't lift up at all.

His eyes were half-closed, as if he could fall asleep at any time.

However, just as he was lying lazily, there was a rustling sound in his ears.

It seems that Yui has also finished washing.

However, the voice did not stop soon.

When he felt that his breathing was gradually becoming stable and his mind was about to go silent, a warm and soft comforting feeling suddenly floated on his arm.

It seemed to touch something soft.

A familiar voice sounded in my ears.



He replied in a daze.

Then, I heard Yui suppressed slightly, faintly whispering softly as if she couldn't restrain her embarrassment:
"I, I seem to be ready."


At this moment, Shiina Iori's eyes that were about to close suddenly widened.

If you say this, I'm going to be insane.

(End of this chapter)

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