man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 414 [413] I have to get a cub

Chapter 414 [413] I have to get a cub
While Iori was dating Nagisa-chan.

the other side.

"Suck Lulu—"

Yui and Hayakawa Aya were facing each other on the table of a small booth under the sun umbrella on the street, each of them sipping a cup of Internet celebrity milk tea that tasted so-so, making soft noises.

The coolness on the rim of the plastic cup condenses into drops of clear dewdrops as soon as it comes into contact with the hot summer heat, and slowly slides down by gravity.

The coconut jelly in the thick straw goes up and down with the suction.

Yui, who seemed to be holding a straw in his mouth, seemed a little absent-minded.


"Huh?!—Suck, cough, cough."

Hearing the sound, the little seal student subconsciously took a deep breath, and suddenly came back to his senses. He was choked by the unsteady coconut jelly in the straw, and coughed.

"Hey, Yui, you are really good."

Hayakawa Aya helplessly patted her on the back: "Have you been distracted since the beginning? You didn't listen to what I just said. What happened?"

"Cough, cough, cough, what, no way!"

Slowing down a bit, swallowing the choked coconut jelly, Yui immediately vetoed angrily: "I'm just thinking about something else."

"Oh~ is it?"

It should be said that a good best friend is indeed a good best friend, Yui can tell what she wants to eat for lunch once Yui smashes her mouth.

As for Xiao Haibao's careful thinking, he couldn't hide it from her at all.

"Of course!"

Yui didn't have the self-awareness that she was a natural dumb at all, and she affirmed it solemnly, trying to strengthen her persuasive power.

"Then Yui-chan, if you have any emotional problems, you shouldn't need me to give you advice~?"

"Uh, this."

Hearing what she said, Yui was suddenly in a dilemma.

Seeing her troubled and clumsy appearance, Hayakawa Aya suddenly showed a suppressed smile on her face. After holding back for a long time, she finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing:

"Okay, okay! We are good friends!"

"I won't leave you alone."

"Tell me~ Is it something related to Shiina-kun?"

Seeing that Caijiang saw through her thoughts all of a sudden, her nerves were as rough as Yui's, and her face was a little uneasy, with a faint blush appearing:
"Me, it's not my business! It's a friend of mine who has encountered emotional problems, and she came to me for consultation."

"Oh, oh! I understand." Caijiang nodded knowingly, without revealing the fact that Yui didn't have many friends at all, "Then tell me, what conflicts did your friend have with Shiina-kun?"

"They said they were friends!"

Yui was a little out of breath, and her little face became more and more rosy, causing Caichan to apologize with a smile.

When the turmoil subsided, he said in a somewhat muffled voice: "My friend is a dead house, and recently, recently, he also made a boyfriend."


Caijiang and Yui have known each other for many years, and they know that this little seal's temper can only be smoothed.

Sure enough, when Caijiang nodded in agreement, the process of Yui's narration became a lot smoother: "However, recently, the things between them were accidentally found out by her mother and her mother didn't like that very much. Boys, I think the door problem is relatively big."

"So that's the case, did Zhenli-chan know about it?"

Aya Hayakawa continued to nod. The two of them are family friends, and Mrs. Zhenli is recognized as an all-round husband-piercing player. It is easy to deal with her, and Aya Hayakawa is naturally very familiar with her.

"It's all said yes."

"Yes, yes, friends, friends!"


The little seal student was a little suffocated by his girlfriend's casual attitude, and his cheeks on both sides were bulging, like a little bun.

But when she thought that she still needs the help of this dog-headed military adviser, Yui still endured angrily and continued: "So, is there any way to strengthen the relationship between them so that her mother can't break them up?"

"Or let his mother force her to agree."

"It's very simple."


Yui's eyes lit up.

Hayakawa Aya heard about this little thing, and said indifferently: "Now it's not the Edo period. As long as you and your friend like it, can her mother lock her up at home?"

"Then what to do?"

Yui opened her big eyes full of thirst for knowledge, twinkling.

"To put it simply, just pull a marriage certificate."


Hearing that the first line was so explosive, Yui was stunned for a while, unable to react for a while.

Seeing Yui's somewhat sluggish appearance, Caichan suddenly joked angrily, "Yui, how old do you think you are now?"

"G, G card poof?"

"Hey, have you shrunk!" Caijiang was startled for a moment, and then realized that she had been misled, "It's not that, the age I said! Age!"

"Yui, your birthday is in January, right? You'll be 20 years old after your birthday."

"You have reached the age where you don't need a guardian's signature to get a marriage certificate. You can't always have the thinking of a high school student."

The legal age of marriage in Tokyo is 16 for girls and [-] for boys.

Both are below the age of majority (20).

It's just that if you get married before you are an adult, you need the guardian's signature and approval.

"Yes, but."

Hearing Caijiang burst out such a big violent comment all at once, Yui herself was a little timid, pinching the straw with her little hand and turning around:

"Isn't it good to get married so early?"

"Don't you want Zhenli-chan's approval?"

"Then this is the easiest way with the lowest cost - if you can't get used to it in the future, it's a big deal to get a divorce."

Aya Hayakawa was very open about this.

Compared with other guarantee methods, pulling certificates is actually the cheapest one.

Young people born in the post-Heisei years have long regarded these certificates and other things very lightly. It is normal to separate and come and go. It is just that they are not used to divorce-at most it is just a waste of money.

But obviously, this concept can only represent a part of young people.

For example, Yui himself belongs to the conservative faction among young people.

"How about that!"

As soon as she heard the word 'divorce' being said so easily, Yui became excited as if being stepped on her tail.

But in a blink of an eye, he retracted again, and whispered softly: "I, I think this kind of thing really needs to be thought through carefully. Is there any other way?"

"If it doesn't work, get engaged?" Aya Hayakawa frowned, and she had nothing to do with her little best friend, "Let your parents and Iori's family meet up, have a meal, and talk a little bit."

"Sometimes, if the parents' generation can get along, it may be more useful than Iori's impression points."

"Muli Da! (It's useless)"

Yui shook her head again and again, and Shiina's mother she met in Shizuoka soon appeared in her mind.

Shiina's mother and my own mother have similar personalities-on the surface they seem gentle, but in fact they are stronger than anyone else.

This kind of personality can be gotten along with alone, but what if the two of them also confront each other because of the fact that Iori stepped on several boats
The kitchen knife and the steelmaking furnace flew together.

The picture is too beautiful.

Just thinking about it, Yui couldn't help shivering, and quickly shook her head.

This doesn't work and that doesn't work either.

Hayakawa Aya was also a little helpless by Yui's pickiness, and finally could only resort to a big move: "Then I can only attack you, Yui-chan."


Yui repeated in confusion.

At this time, she had forgotten that this was about 'her friend'.


Caijiang nodded seriously, glanced maliciously at Yui's baby granary and little belly, and smiled like a bad uncle:
"Since our Yui-chan doesn't want to get married, nor do we want our parents to meet, then we can only use the most sufficient method to shut up Zhenli-chan!"

"What way?" Yui's eyes lit up.

"Conceive one~"


"I said, just get pregnant with one."

Hayakawa Aya teased in a joking tone: "For such a big matter, no matter how unwilling Zhenli-chan is, I can only admit the existence of Shiina-kun as her boyfriend!"

"Even if you don't recognize this boyfriend, why should you recognize the direct blood of your Igarashi family?"

When she said this, Hayakawa Aya was sure that she was using a 100% teasing tone, no matter how she heard it was a joke, even if the EQ idiot was like Yui, she believed that the other party would definitely hear something wrong, and she would definitely be as petty as before. He blushed without hesitation and shook his head to refute.

I also want to know that pregnancy in October is the most ignorant and disturbing thing for a green girl who has never experienced human affairs.

Not to mention losing a piece of flesh from your body, you will still have stretch marks in the future, which will even cause your skin, body, and appearance to lose shape.

Just to mention the most important point -

It hurts!

It is even more impossible to accept Yui's coddled and coddled personality, which makes her skin uncomfortable even when she goes out to bask in the sun.

Therefore, Caijiang is full of confidence that this proposal will be rejected.

It also happens to be used to promote the implementation of the previous two projects.

After all, if Yui wants to continue walking with Shiina-kun, then these two things will be sooner or later.

At the same time, you can also help Yui tie Shiina-kun to her chariot.

As a best friend, Cai-chan knows very well how difficult it is for Yui to be handed over to Shiina Iori, the school's male god!
With Yui's confused temperament, it is almost a foreseeable fact that she was accidentally greened and poached.

Because of this, as a true best friend, Hayakawa Aya should help Yui to increase the weight and reduce the possibility of Shiina-kun's stealing.

So much of the above can be summed up in one sentence - quickly let the two of them cook cooked rice!

"It seems that this is the only way to go."

"That's right, that's why I'd better get engaged and buy a ring first, so that my parents can meet." Just as she was continuing to persuade along the train of thought just now, Caijiang suddenly came to her senses and turned her head abruptly.
"What did you say?!"

When she turned her head to look over, she saw that classmate Yui was clapping her fists in a serious manner, and she agreed with her expression: "Caichan, you are right."

"Even if she doesn't recognize Iori-kun as her boyfriend, she must at least recognize the flesh and blood of Igarashi's family."

"No matter what I say, she is also from the eldest daughter!"

"Wait, wait!" Aya Hayakawa began to sweat on her forehead, "Yu, Yui, you are not serious, are you? Pregnancy is very uncomfortable! I will vomit, can't eat well, and can't sleep well! When the baby comes out, even if it can be delivered by caesarean section, it will be uncomfortable for a long time!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, let Yizhi take care of me, and let him take care of me alone."

Yui, however, nodded in agreement as if she had an epiphany, her face flushed red.

Hayakawa was even more anxious: "Then, what about the child! What about the child? You still have to go to class, right? When you are pregnant, do you have to hold your stomach up? Or breastfeed in the classroom?"

"What does that matter?"

On the contrary, Yui looked at her very strangely: "Anyway, there is a mother and baby room in the school. If not, you can find a place for one-on-one care. It's not a student who came to college without getting married."

Because they can apply for university after adulthood, even in various famous schools, there are many married candidates who have passed the exam for many years.

In other words, just because it is a famous university in the country, the proportion of people enrolled in the re-examination for many years is actually higher than those of short-term and ordinary universities.

Seeing her little head suddenly light up, the expression on Hayakawa Aya's face suddenly became uglier than crying: "That, Yui-chan."

"I, I was just joking."

"That's thanks to you for inspiring my thoughts! Caichan."


"Are you obsessed, little idiot? Huh?"

"No, no"

"You said no?!"

Under Hayakawa Aya's aggressive scrutiny, Yui subconsciously turned her face away, her pink lips were all pursed up, and she muttered to herself in a low voice like a mosquito:

"I obviously just want to bind with him."



As the preparatory whistle sounded on the opposite side of the barbed wire fence, soon, a starting command gun was fired from far away on the opposite side, and the smoke curling up could be seen from a long distance away.

Girls wearing close-fitting sportswear on the track and field runway seemed to be flying arrows, and flew with their chests out, setting off a rickety landscape on the playground.

On the sidewalk outside the barbed wire fence of the playground, Shiina Iori and Miyahara Nagisa stopped at the side holding hands, looking at different scenery on both sides.

However, when the group of track and field girls passed by the two of them one after another, and a gust of wind blew up, Shiina Iori felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"I'm pulling—"

"It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

Sure enough, within half a second of this year, his ear was firmly pinched by Zhu Jiang's little hand, and he pulled it to the other side.

"Look! That divine mother did not make a mistake in her divination!"

Zhu Jiang murmured while tugging at her ears: "I haven't stared at you for a few seconds, and now I'm looking at other girls' breasts!"

"Heavenly conscience, I'm just more interested in women's track and field sports."

"Bah! You are a scumbag."

"Ah? To be precise, this is just astringent!"

"That means you have signs of wanting to scum me!"

Obviously, "Hong Kong reasoning" is a back door that is absolutely impossible for a girl who is even superstitious about the results of divination.

At this time, Shiina Iori, as a professional, naturally has other ways to deal with it.

"But Zhu-chan was fascinated by watching him play football just now!"


The landlady snorted without hesitation, pointed at the two teams of boys playing on the playground with disdain, and didn't even bother to give any extra glances: "At their level, they are not as good as our department's backup reserve team back then. Well done."

"I just watched it a little anxiously!"


Shiina Iori, who was still being pinched by the ear, but the strength was significantly reduced by half, continued along the topic: "Huh? Bragging?"

"Besides, wasn't Nagisa-chan bad when she was at school?"

"Have you ever participated in ministry activities?"

"of course."

As soon as something interesting was mentioned, Zhu-chan immediately regained his spirits, put his arms around his chest, and proudly puffed out his ordinary small chest: "Ahem, when I was in junior high school, I was a member of the women's football team. Captain's!"

"Also, the women's football club of our Minegasaki Junior High School is a strong team that has played in the three prefectural competitions!"

"What about high school? Didn't high school participate?"

Seeing that her ears were liberated, Shiina Iori's tone also calmed down a little bit, and she no longer had the provocative feeling that she just needed to be beaten: "Isn't it possible that you will become a bad person just after entering school?"

However, when talking about the events at that time, Nagisa seemed to feel a little lost.

Even the corners of the lips that were proudly raised just now fell back.

I remembered something unpleasant.

However, Shiina Iori did not avoid the wound immediately at this time, but waited patiently for a few seconds before continuing to probe: "If Nagisa can find a school in Tokyo to continue her classes, what do you think?"

"Consolidating the basic knowledge in the general review that started in the third year of high school is actually very beneficial to Nagisa-chan."

Hearing Iori's words, Nagisa Miyahara's mind subconsciously flashed the girl duo who had just chatted together in front of the divination booth.

I also thought of Hayakawa Aya and Yui who made an appointment to go out together in the morning.

The eyes are a little complicated.

Her friends are always few.

Shiina Iori still acted as if she hadn't noticed, with a smile on her face: "And to be honest, don't you want to show yourself to others, Nagisa-chan? Your current grades are considered to be in schools where the deviation value is not too high. Not bad."

"A rare opportunity to debut in senior year!"

"Let's talk later."

As if losing the enthusiasm just now, Nagisa Miyahara's mood was slightly depressed.

He continued walking along the sidewalk without looking back.

On the other side of the zebra crossing in the distance, there are pedestrian signal lights that turn from red to green.

Looking at Nagisa-chan's depressed back, the warm smile on Shiina Iori's face gradually subsided.

The temporary suffering of many people in the immature stage will always take a lifetime to wash away in the future.

Presumably, the same is true for Nagisa-chan.

Regardless of family, school, or friends, they are like a heavy burden to her. Most of the time, she can only draw energy from her weak "lover", and maintain a slow but firm pace of progress.

How could such Miyahara Nagisa be considered strong?
Shiina Iori is very sure of his mind, he knows that he likes this arrogant and awkward JK landlady, and wants to be her pillar
But it should not and cannot be the whole of her world.

"What should I do?"

 It's too late to write a story!sorry sorry.

  Keep breaking the bowl~
(End of this chapter)

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