man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 446 [445] Nothing Happened

Chapter 446 [445] Nothing Happened

"Hey! Little ones."

"Come to live."

"Yes, yes, here we come."

"Brother Takumi, can you come back later next time, I just came out of the nightclub this morning!"

"It's long-winded, you bastard, don't do it and go away."

"Hey, that's what I said."

"Remember to bring the guys with you."


In the iron rental house under the dilapidated bridge hole, there were five or six men’s sporadically elongated voices of agreement, all of them looked weak, described as loose, and did not stand properly. Just looking at them made people want to stay away. .

Motegi Takumi looked at this group of hopeless guys, with the crumpled cigarettes in his mouth, and his hands in the cheap blouses that smelled damp and curly, and his expression was disgusted again.

"Bah! Bah!"

After spitting out two mouthfuls of the spicy shredded tobacco that was in his mouth because there was no filter, Motegi Takumi walked out of the rental house, frowning:
".This group of worthless people just spend some money they make."

He stroked his curly hair, which was still somewhat oily, and waited until the group of eggs in the house came out lazily and gathered into a mess, then he stepped on the rocky beach by the river and led the people to the parking direction .

Name, Takumi Motegi.Sex: Male
Just turned 27 this year.

As for occupation, if you call it by the teachers in your school years, it is probably bad, but an old man at this age can't be called a student, so naturally he should change his job to become a "jobless person" as a "social person". .

However, as a single-parent family, I was fostered by my aunt's mother who went from a girl in the outer suburbs to a procuress within a few days of birth. I suffered countless stares when I was young, and was abducted by the so-called "boss" as soon as I was in junior high school. As far as the bad Motegi Takumi himself is concerned, he thinks that he has been able to grow up until now and has not been kicked into the situation because of being blamed, which is already a very fortunate thing.

Although in a big county like Shizuoka, which is not considered poor, there are opportunities to make money everywhere, but for a guy who has been delinquent since he was in middle school and was marked by the local police station early, it is not normal for a normal person. He will be counted on to carry out those low-end repetitive tasks in peace.

And Motegi Takumi really disdains these ordinary jobs.

If you want to do it, do it big!
And he did it!

Over the years, through recruiting and developing contacts in various places such as karaoke bars, bars, and nightclubs, we have focused on operating complex marketing services including but not limited to debt collection, intimidation, paint splashing, cleaning up bad middle school students, and holding parent-teacher meetings for elementary school students. Mixed business.

A man named Motegi Takumi has successfully bought a sixty-fold private house with one bedroom and one living room at 901, Sanmegogo Building, Mukuno-cho, Sagara through his accumulated wealth!
Putting it in Hong Kong City, it would be the legendary thousand-foot mansion!
Compared to the group of 'brothers' who can't even afford a private car, rent a house and can only rent a broken iron house under a bridge hole, and spend all they make in nightclubs and bars after making a little money, he simply doesn't know Gao Where have you been!

Motegi Takumi was complacent, but his face still had the cold storage expression of a mafia boss, he was not salty, he was smoking a low-quality cigarette without a filter tip that was so hard to smoke, he opened the door of his luxury car casually, and repeatedly Urging to catch up with the younger brothers:
"Hurry up! Hurry up and get in the car."

"Today we are going to accept a big round of orders. Can you afford to pay for the delay?"

"Have you ever heard of the one in Kansai? The legendary chaebol family is responsible for the underground transactions in Kansai! Even dare to carry a gun in front of the Metropolitan Police Department. If you delay their business, you will be shot dead!"

"Come up quickly."

He beat and kicked the group of younger brothers and stuffed them into his small shabby van with seven approved members, and Motegi Takumi drove the shabby car to the agreed place.

"Boss Takumi, it won't be troublesome for the big family to entrust us?"

"That's right, I've only been out of the bureau for two years."

"Yeah, yeah, if you go in again, you'll be fucked again."


"Go! Don't disturb the morale of the army!"

Motegi Takumi spit out a cigarette angrily, and shouted loudly in the car full of sweaty and strong men: "It's just going to someone else's house to collect some things!"

"It's not like I haven't done it before, so there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"But... you won't get into any troublesome guys, right?"

Even though his boss said so, a younger brother who was pushed onto someone else's lap from behind still spoke with some concern.

"After all, they are those big families."

The two terms chaebol and family have an invisible sense of oppression for ordinary people living in Japan.

These two words themselves represent 'power' and 'power'.

"You are afraid of farts."

"The sky is falling and I'm holding it up!"

Motegi Takumi looked completely indifferent, and waved his hands in disgust.

He said so, of course, not without reason.

Takumi Motegi, as the boss, naturally worried about things that these brainless younger brothers could think of in an instant.

It's just that, after he checked his contacts all over Shizuoka City, he found out that the person who was going to visit this time was only an old friend, the Shiina family.

As a big brother in the debt collection industry in Shizuoka and the local leader, Motegi Takumi is no stranger to this surname. In the past few years, when the creditors were pressing him hardest, he brought people to the door many times to splash paint.

But later, when I heard that the eldest son of that family was admitted to some kind of Dongda University, the creditors stopped, and naturally no one hired them to continue asking for money.

Motegi Takumi still remembers that Mrs. Shiina is so beautiful!
It's a pity that I haven't had the chance to get close to her before, so I have to find a way to get to know this lady better today.

Women, as expected, only those who are more mature can have taste!
Thinking of this, Motegi Takumi's heart suddenly became hot.

When he arrived at the place, he kicked the car door with excitement, and led the younger brother aggressively towards the direction of the 'New·Shiina House', greeting carefreely:

"Remember it all! We only collect debts and don't break the law!"

"Everyone, be polite to me, give me courtesy first and then soldiers! If people don't give me anything, I'll lie down and roll around after splashing the paint! Anyone who dares to do it will deduct money!"



There was another burst of sparse shouts with no momentum behind him.

Motegi Takumi felt that it was an extravagant hope for him to expect this group of trash to accomplish something.

However, anyway, they are dealing with small families, so there is no need to worry about it so much.

Motegi Takumi couldn't help but grinned when he thought of the appearance of Mrs. Shiina crying miserably and kneeling in front of him for a while.

"Hey, click."

As soon as he turned the corner of the street, Mogi Takumi's big mouth, which hadn't had time to fully grin, suddenly felt cold.

I don't know what kind of thick and hard thing was stuffed into it, and I was about to curse.

But when he looked up, his heart suddenly became cold.

In front of him, a strong bear-like man who was still wearing a thick black suit in summer and holding a black pistol in both hands stood in front of him.

And the gun in his hand was stuffed into his mouth very forcefully.

Hard and choked.

Behind him, the group of younger brothers who were scattered and noisy suddenly became silent at this moment.

Because the strong bear standing in front of them is not just this one, the dense queue of men in black suits has already surrounded the small half of the empty street with indifferent expressions, squeezing the group of bastards who just got off the van into the very center .

Looking at the neat and orderly formation of people with live ammunition in their hands, and the scattered sand behind him, he instinctively saluted Motegi Takumi, who knew current affairs.

"The cauldron. It's easy to talk too much."

However, the strong bear in front of him just stared at him without saying a word, and flipped off the safety of the pistol by the way, which made Mogi Takumi break out in a cold sweat.

"Big, big pot!"

However, before the strong bear in front of him opened his mouth, he was pulled away by a taller and stronger man with a buttock on his chin.

The strong bear obediently put away his gun, and stood obediently aside.

However, Motegi Takumi didn't let up in the slightest - because the man with the ass and chin opposite him was fucking taking off his pants? !

What do you want to do with you?

Motegi Takumi's face was pale, and he shrank for a while.

However, Zhu Nei Li did not develop in the direction he deduced in his mind, facing the green belt on the side of the road, he began to fertilize with a cigarette in his mouth in a very unqualified manner.

After pouring it sparsely for 30 seconds, I asked casually:
"You are the one you were looking for at Yuan's house?"

"Yes, it's me."

Just as Takeuchi Riki asked casually, the younger brothers behind Motegi Takumi panicked when they saw this.

It's just that the surrounding streets are surrounded by a group of strong bears in black suits, and none of them dare to continue running forward.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, one of the younger brothers took advantage of the chance that the strong bear behind him was not paying attention, got into his crotch and immediately ran around the corner of the street.

Can't run if you can't beat it!

What's more, the road conditions in this residential area are very complicated, and there are one-way streets everywhere. Even cars have difficulty turning here, and the only way to catch up is to rely on the Eleventh Road.

As long as he chooses a direction to run, it is impossible for the other party to catch up with him.

Thinking of this, the little crotch suddenly became energetic, and galloped in a Z-shape like in the movie, turning around the street corner again and again, and quickly wiped out a group of strong bears chasing after him with guns.

As a result, just as he tilted his head to look back to see if anyone was chasing after him, he got kicked in the stomach.

"You fucking don't—"

Before the beautiful Japanese words in his mouth could be finished from beginning to end, a handful of thick and hard words were stuffed into his mouth.

Looking up again, the whole street in front of him was densely packed with black suits again.

The little crotch immediately stared straight.

It’s over.

However, before he could start to repent his sinful life from the bottom of his heart, he heard a group of footsteps huffing from behind him. The two teams of strong bears in black suits were stunned at each other, and they raised their guns at the same time.

There was only a group of punks piled up in the center who were driven like sheep, their eyes were blank, and they were pointed at the front and back at the same time, male on male.

"Put down the gun!"

"Who are you!"

"Miyahara Security Group officially warned for the first time! We are on a security mission!"

"We are a limited security contractor in Sidao, and now we are issuing a security warning to you! Please do not hinder our security operations!"

"Our protection target is all the family members of Mr. Shiina, and we are now conducting safe handling operations against unstable elements. Please step back first and keep a safe distance from us immediately."

"The target of our protection is Mr. Shiina's family!!"


The shouting leaders on both sides looked at each other at the same time and fell into a subtle silence.

Only Motegi Takumi, who was stepped on and kneeling on the ground by a strong bear, looked dazed, and his crotch felt warm.

As for what, I just want a debt!

However, the actions of the security personnel were naturally very agile. Taking advantage of the time of the confrontation, they quickly called their superiors.

After a while, a consensus was reached.


The door of the heavy large explosion-proof van was pushed open by Takeuchi, and Motegi Takumi and the group of younger brothers who were still in a daze were stuffed into the compartment like chickens.

The security groups of the two parties each sent a representative into the car, and drove towards the abandoned factory at the dock with a buzz.


In the kitchen, Maki sneezed for no reason.

Seeing this, Mrs. Shiina turned her head helplessly: "I told you to stand farther away when chopping onions, Maki-chan."

"It's okay, I'll take a look."

Shiina Maki, however, looked indifferent, standing on tiptoe, standing beside her mother, learning how to cook.

Only from time to time, but always subconsciously look out of the window.



"Aren't there too many pedestrians on the road today?"

"Have it?"

"Maybe. I'm a little sensitive."

Looking at the tall office workers going back and forth outside the window, Shiina Maki murmured in a somewhat uncertain tone.

That being said, as a female kendo player who can represent the school in the Jade Dragon Banner, Maki still trusts her intuition more.

"Maybe Maki-chan has entered puberty too~"

"It's already here!!"

"Here, today's bento."

Chiyoko Shiina didn't care at all, picked up the large bento in her hand and handed it over: "You have to go to class today too."


Nothing happened to the Shiina family today.

"Moshi moxi~!"

On the other side of the phone came Igarashi Masari's polite greeting, which is still habitual: "Excuse me, is Mieko at home?"

"what happened?"

Miyahara Mieko's voice was still cold, with no emotional ups and downs.

"Mieko-chan, you obviously encountered something very interesting, why didn't you tell me!"

"What's interesting?"

"Last night, Terajima Finance suddenly launched a sniper attack on the remaining property in the original family!" Igarashi Masei's tone was full of smiles, "I heard that it has something to do with Shiina-kun's child?"

"It's just some small things, there's no need to talk about it."

Miyahara Mieko's tone was somewhat perfunctory.

"But in the original family, you are also a member of our Kansai?" Igarashi Marei said with some dissatisfaction, "What if something goes wrong with what you said!"

As the representative of Kansai Kyoto, the Igarashi family naturally cannot express indifference to this kind of matter.

Naturally, Mieko Miyahara also knew what the 'that matter' that Marei was talking about, and since it involved her own daughter, she could only continue patiently:
"Then what do you want to play?"

On the other side of the phone, Miss Zhenli's tone was full of smiles, and her voice was gentle:
"Since I have just met such an opportunity."

"How about we find a way to dismantle Kansai?"

 Broken bowl~!

(End of this chapter)

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