man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 451 [450] Come in and sit?

Chapter 451 [450] Come in and sit?
Note: Chiho's monologue at the end of the last chapter is because the font was not adjusted when the Qigu code was written, and the quotation marks are double quotations, which confuses the heart and voice, and has an oolong, which makes everyone misunderstand. Sorry, it has now been edited.

In order to prevent everyone from continuing to misunderstand, put this note at the beginning and draw a key point.Chiho's voice is still at a later stage of the plot.


Throwing away the handle, Yui fell limply on the big bed and yawned long.

Tilting his head and squinting his eyes, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already [-]:[-] in the morning.

On the wall projection screen in front of her, is the fader who is preparing to put a ring on La Nina.

In order to get here from the beginning, she hung on to the save file forcibly and kept dying from the afternoon until now.

Fortunately, after all the hard work, I finally got the Moon Sword!

It's just that when the plot played to La Nina's wedding ring, I suddenly couldn't continue playing.

"Do you have to wear a ring for her to get the great sword?"

Yui felt dissatisfied and stretched out her little feet and kicked on the quilt, her tone was inexplicably sour: "I don't even have one yet!"

"never mind."

Sitting on the bed and struggling for a while, although she didn't know what she was struggling with, Yui felt that she had never been such a hypocritical girl, so she should go to bed first, and there will be classes tomorrow during the day.

Just as soon as he lay down, a pair of small ears suddenly pricked up, quietly sticking to the wall, and he could vaguely hear the low-pitched voice from the next door.

"It's Sinon who came here today?!"

Little Seal's eyes, which had been sleepy for a second, were widened, and his petite body was pressed against the wall, holding his breath and quietly listening to the voice from the next door.

But after listening vaguely for half of it, I realized that it seemed to be talking on the phone-because I couldn't hear the other person's voice at all.

Thinking of this, she lay back on the bed again.

I don't know if the quilt is too heavy, and I feel a little chest tightness and shortness of breath when lying flat.

So he kicked his calf and turned over again, turning sideways.

The heavy baby canteen made my arms a little sore, and the whole arm was about to go numb.

I can't close my eyes.

It seems to be thinking about some very profound philosophical speculation.

"How can I enter his room in a legitimate manner?"

Miss Igarashi was thinking seriously in her head, muttering in her mouth.


Just as Yui was thinking about this serious question, Inutaro, who had been sleeping in the den since the afternoon, regained his energy.

Every day at this time, Yui's room will become its beautiful night world, from the corner to the ceiling, the outer wall of the screen to the cabinet under the bed, there is no place it can't get in.

And the more you turn off the lights, the more excited you become. Night after night, you stare at a pair of green eyes and run around. Every morning when Yui wakes up from the big bed, she can see her room being tossed into a new picture by Ms. Inutaro. appearance.

Sure enough, as soon as he loudly announced his arrival to the world, he saw Inu Taro come out of his little den with a whoosh, and the cat flew to the big bed non-stop, like a black shadow, straight from the quilt Fly over and go straight to your water basin.

It seems that this sleep is because it is too thirsty.

"Oh, Inutaro, why are you again?"


Miss Yui, who was interrupted just as she was thinking, first complained in a dissatisfied tone, and then, the moment she noticed Inutaro's movement, her eyes suddenly froze.


As if he heard his mother calling his name, Inutaro stared at a pair of charming big green eyes, turned his head and looked in Yui's direction, as if asking, "What trouble are you looking for again?" ', that's called a look of impatience.

Then, I saw the shit-shoveling officer mother who never bothered to talk to her at night suddenly jumped up from the bed.



Inu Taro rubbed his buttocks and took a small step aside in fear, seeing that his posture was obviously intended to run away at any time if the situation was not good.

However, Yui didn't seem to care about it at all, and jumped off the bed lightly, and squatted beside it with unprecedented agility.


Seeing Yui's movements, Inu Taro hesitated even more, noticing her running over, and deliberately rubbed a few steps to the next door to make room for her fat butt.

However, she could only see her looking at her small water basin with piercing eyes.

"You're a genius! Inutaro!"

Inutaro's tail tightened, growing more and more frightened.

However, Yui didn't do anything to it, but lightly picked up its small water basin.


After drinking less than half of the water, the excrement shoveler splashed it on the quilt, and it got wet a lot. First, he had just wet the bed.

"Hey! Inutaro!"

"What are you doing?!"

Immediately afterwards, the shit shovel officer's unnatural and poor performance sounded in his ears, as if the basin of water was really splashed on the quilt by him.

Inu Taro just sat there, tilting his head, staring at his own excrement shovel officer with those green eyes, cursing the street with "fluffy hair", and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Play however you like.

Mao Mao's big eyes probably revealed such a meaning.

As soon as a basin of water was poured down, Yui scrambled to the edge of the wall, and opened the wall door familiarly, with a helpless and wronged voice:

"That idiot Inutaro got my quilt wet!"

"Tonight we are together"


Pushing open the wall door, the opposite room was silent and dark.

A few small question marks rose in Yui's little head.

There was a snap and the light was turned on.


After hanging up the phone and washing his face briefly, so that his complexion was no longer as ugly as before, Aiba Chiho opened the closet and continued to organize the suitcase.

In the suitcase are neatly packed clothes and toiletries.

But not all, it looks like they are planning to travel somewhere.

Actually, not too much.

After returning from Ogasawara-san, Aiba Chiho began to prepare to go to her parents.

Although Mr. Ogasawara did not reveal much information, at least he let her know where her problem lies, and why so many local Tokyo firms are unwilling to have a relationship with her.

The answer probably lies in the upheaval in the family a few years ago.

Chiho decided to go back and inquire about the specific situation.

He folded the clothes unhurriedly under his hands.

The Aiba family was originally a Kanto Chinese family. After modern times, because they did not participate in the Three World Wars and failed to keep up with the trend of capital expansion, they gradually declined.

However, in the past few years, at least some connections were retained.It is precisely because of the existence of these contacts that the father, who is very artistic, shined in the music scene of the previous generation and gathered many friends.

Aiba Chiho still remembers that when she was young, her house was full of guests and friends, often visited by rich people whom she didn't know but who brought expensive gifts.

However, that was before the parents divorced.

After they separated, both parties left Kanto separately. Because most of the properties they bought in the early years were in Tohoku and Hokkaido, the parents had been away for a long time.

Aiba Chiho never left, and lived alone in Tokyo since she was in high school.

If I remember correctly, my father should be somewhere in Yamagata Prefecture, and I haven't contacted him for a long time.

The last time the news came, it was when my uncle informed my father that he had found a new wife.

As for the mother, it was even more like she didn't exist.

Originally, this kind of relationship made her feel very at ease—or, if their incompetent parents stayed by her side, it would make people feel uncomfortable.

But I never thought that the residual poison left over from the previous generation would always remain with me.

Thinking about it, Aiba Chiho couldn't help but stop packing her things.

Hold the corner of the coat tightly.

After a long time, it loosened again.

In order not to disturb Ai Jie with her affairs, Chiho did not tell her about this decision, nor did she say anything on Iori's phone call.

The tram is tomorrow morning, and it takes hours to sit.

Whether it's Sister Ai or Iori, they have helped me a lot and I shouldn't bother them anymore.

'correct! '

As if remembering something, Chiho suddenly stood up again, took out a sheet of score with some messy handwriting from the side of the piano, picked up the phone and wanted to take a photo and send it to Iori.

But the fingertip that pressed the screen stopped slightly.

The sheet music seems a bit dirty.

It shouldn't take much time to copy it again, right?
After looking at the music score, and then turning her head to look at the half-packed suitcase, the girl sat back at the table again.

The night was already completely dark, and the residential area on Nerima's side was not lively, and the sound of insects could be heard from a distance outside.

Only the light was on in this small rental house.

In the darkness, that light was shining a bit lonely.

But Chiho Aiba didn't really care.

It was always reassuring to hide in the only bright cabin in the dark, and she was used to it.

The handwriting is rustling, fast and neat. I copied the melody of the new song on the two staves left at home, and threw the messy movements on the original page that were revised, crossed out and rewritten into a ball into the trash can. He took a photo of the newly copied page and sent it to Iori via Line.

Subconsciously waited for more than ten seconds, but still could not see the "unread" on the suffix of the conversation changed to "read".

Aiba Chiho raised her head a little too late to react, and then tapped her own head with a bit of a laugh.

'Really, what time is it. '

'Iori. Should have fallen asleep, right? '

She looked down at the Line message, only to see the only dialog that was still flashing in the list, and only the [Mr. Sakurai's private studio] that she organized by herself remained.

After a few careful glances, I realized that several little girls were engaged in a fierce key battle for the title of 'Mrs. Sakurai', and the message reminder continued from the afternoon until now.

'Iori-kun really provoked a lot of girls. '

Thinking of this in Chiho's heart, a strange smile appeared on her face.

If I remember correctly, the last time she went to Iori's house, there were two girls in their house, right?

It's really the Crystal Palace.

Thinking of this, she seemed to feel a lot more relaxed, and she continued to pack her suitcase.

After finishing packing, he simply stood up and dragged the suitcase to the door.

"Dong dong."

Steps toward the door paused.

The small hand that was holding the suitcase was clenched violently, and there was a subconscious look of panic in his eyes.

Who is it so late?

As if thinking of something, Aiba Chiho quickly turned on her phone, and glanced at the evening taxi driver she had booked through the phone.

The other side hasn't sent a text message yet.

'No no no no! '

"I heard that there have been a lot of cases of selling private information recently. Many unscrupulous vendors will use the private information of customers to judge their travel conditions, and then sell them to some unscrupulous and social groups."

'No way? ! '

Thinking of that terrifying scene, Miss Chiho's eyes staring at the door suddenly widened.

Even the sound of breathing in the mouth became quiet.

He hurried to the door with his feet, trying to turn off the light.

However, as soon as her palm touched it, she suddenly realized that she could pretend that no one was at home without turning off the light. If she turned it off, wouldn't it prove that she was at home? !


Don't panic. Don't panic at this time!

Air fresheners and lighters can be made into a simple flamethrower, and there are anti-wolf sprays, electronic sirens, short-range anti-wolf stun guns, anti-stab armor, and New Year's masks at home.
There are many more weapons!

As a patient with severe social phobia + severe persecution delusion, Aiba Chiho prepared countless measures at home, even the door was made of alloy.

However, before that.
The girl's footsteps were silent, she walked slowly and steadily to the gate, and opened the small side peephole.

His eyes couldn't help but stop.

In the corridor, Shiina Iori put her hands in her pockets and stood outside the door wearing a gray windbreaker, stomping her feet lightly.


"Are you asleep? I saw that the light in your house was still on, so I just came up."

"It's really cold tonight."

Just as he was muttering, he saw the door creak and opened a small gap.

The inside of the alloy gate is also fastened with a chain lock.

Chiho carefully tilted her head along the crack of the door, revealing a pair of big eyes full of confusion.

"Ding dong."

A text message sounded from the phone.

Shiina Iori opened it and took a look, it was from Chiho.

[Chiho]: Iori, why are you here at this hour?
Shiina Iori smiled nonchalantly: "Actually, there's nothing wrong, but after hanging up the phone just now, I always felt something was wrong, so I drove here first."

"I just saw that the light in your house is still on, can I go in and have a sit?"

Qiansui suddenly blushed and stood at the door awkwardly, but she still didn't dare to open the door wide.

【Chiho】: Well, can you turn around again?
[Chiho]: I'm actually getting ready for bed.

"is it?"

Shiina Iori stood on tiptoe with a puzzled expression, glanced over Chiho's little head into the room: "What is that suitcase dragged out of there for?"


Aiba-san, who seemed to have just noticed the difference in height and perspective between himself and Iori, suddenly reacted, subconsciously hopped his feet and stretched his arms to block it, and the somewhat ashamed expression on his face couldn't hold back all of a sudden. Yes, desperately trying to cover it.

After waiting for two seconds to react, the door slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, there were thumping footsteps in the room, and a series of messy noises when the room was tidied up.

Shiina Iori didn't care, she just stood at the door with her hands in her pockets, waiting quietly.

He did come from home because he was a little worried, but he didn't just arrive.

When he noticed that the light was still on, he went upstairs directly, and because he heard a sound outside the door, he waited quietly for more than ten minutes.

It wasn't until Chiho was about to go out that she was caught off guard.

Sure enough, the evidence was pinched at once.

However, he didn't push too much, even though he knew that the evidence was being eliminated inside, he just waited quietly.


When the door opened again, Chiho lowered her head timidly.

Shiina Iori took out a can of still warm red bean rice cake soup from the big pocket of the windbreaker, and handed it over.

"Recently, the temperature has cooled down a bit at night. Drink something warm to nourish blood and warm stomach."

"I'm here for nothing else, just to see what's going on with you, Chiho. What I said on the phone always makes people feel a little uneasy."

"But now it seems that there is indeed something wrong?"

"Can you talk to me?"

Aiba Chiho suddenly had a fever on her face.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she weakly lifted the phone, and scratched her face with the other hand in embarrassment.

【That, Iori-kun. Come in and sit down? 】

 Broken bowl~!

  There is also no charge for the previous note, the number of words is stuck, don’t worry~
(End of this chapter)

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