man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 454 [453] Have you forgotten?

Chapter 454 [453] Have you forgotten?
"What are you still standing there for?"

Seeing Shiina Iori and Aiba Chiho still standing motionless outside the gate, the middle-aged woman raised her eyebrows and shouted harshly:

"I told you that there is no man with the surname Aiba here! He has nothing to do with me, so go find him for money! I won't pay his gambling debts for him again!"

"If you don't leave, I'll call the patrol station!"

A series of words burst out from the woman's mouth like a cannonball, hitting Chiho at a loss for a moment.

Shiina Iori was the first to react, and immediately explained: "You misunderstood! We are not here to ask for debts."

"We are students who received financial support from Mr. Aiba in the early years. Now we have just graduated from university and want to visit him. These are the souvenirs we brought from Sendai."

While he was making up his own words, he picked up the breakfast bag they bought on the train platform to signal, and put it away in a flash, leaving no chance for the woman to see what was inside.

Lies come out of nowhere, without even a blush on the face.



Aiba Chiho and the middle-aged woman showed surprise expressions at the same time, and turned to look at Shiina Iori.

Seeing the stunned expression on Miss Chiho's face from the corner of the eye, Shiina Iori's brows twitched slightly.

How did you get tricked too? !

However, in the face of the middle-aged woman's doubts, Shiina Iori had no choice but to bite the bullet and continued: "Yes, this is my high school graduation certificate and college certificate. Can I ask you, Mr. Aiba, what happened to him? ?”

After listening to Shiina Iori's explanation, the middle-aged woman still had a look of distrust, and kept muttering in a rough voice: "How can that guy sponsor any students? Are you looking for the wrong person?"

However, under Shiina Iori's good-natured questioning, and the fact that the male and female student combination in front of him really doesn't look like the thugs sent by Uesugi Real Estate to collect debts, the Mrs. Wuyuan in front of her finally calmed down. some emotions.

"If what you're looking for is Ryohei Aiba, he's probably at the rental house near Minamidewa. As for the night, he should be in a bar or an underground casino."

"Whether it's still here or not, I don't know."

"We haven't been in touch for a long time."

Probably because of Shiina Iori's face, that Mrs. Gohara's expression was still very stinky, but at least she revealed some information.

Seeing this, Shiina Iori sensed something was going on, and tentatively pretended to be puzzled: "Mrs. Wuyuan, in the letter we received earlier, I heard that the husband seems to have formed a new family. May I ask him... how did he live there? ?”

The bloated Mrs. Wuyuan frowned, as if she was a little impatient, but because the kid in front of her was quite pleasing to the eye, it was not easy to dismiss him directly, so she lit a cigarette in her hand and said in a bad mood:
"What kind of new family. Isn't it just like a bereaved dog who escaped from Tokyo?"

"I did take that guy in for a while before, but that bastard actually used my card to gamble and signed all the bills to my house, then I must drive him out!"

"Big Spicy Boogie."

While cursing, Mrs. Wuyuan was obviously very irritable while dusting off the cigarette ash.

Shiina Iori was also a little dazed upon hearing the words, and turned to Miss Chiho with confused eyes.

Didn't you say your dad used to be a musician?

what's the situation?
Isn't this different from the costumed animal man he imagined?

When Miss Chiho heard this, she also held up her phone in confusion.

【I don't know what's going on】

Noticing the eye contact and small movements between the two, Mrs. Wuyuan began to rush away impatiently: "Okay, okay! I have nothing more to tell you here."

"Leave quickly, don't block my door."


"I'm bothering you today, Mrs. Wuyuan."

The two of them didn't care about Mrs. Wuyuan's irritable tone, thanked them politely, and followed the mobile phone navigation to continue searching for the places they had heard before.

Standing in the yard and finishing smoking, Gohara Rie frowned, looking at the girl who was next to the man just now.

"That girl, why do you feel that she looks a bit like that guy?"

"Is it an illusion?"


"It's really haunted."

Following the mobile phone navigation, Shiina and Iori took the subway and bus all the way to search in Yamagata Prefecture.

Although Yamagata County has a relatively large area, due to its sparse population, the concentration of settlements is not high. There are only a few settlements built around subway stations, and the surrounding areas are often accompanied by old buildings built in the 80s and [-]s. Old Town.

A "forgotten city" like Yamagata Prefecture is far less prosperous than Tokyo, and even looks a little old and dilapidated during the busy day.

While searching, Iori and Chiho were also communicating in private.

"Chiho, didn't you say that your father is the kind of ruthless and indifferent guy?" Shiina Iori thought about what Mrs. Gohara said just now, and she still frowned, "Did he also go to gamble before?"


Chiho shook her head when she heard the words, frowned in confusion, and raised her phone towards Iori.

【He is the kind of person who is very strict with others】

[I learned the violin from him when I was young, and if I made a slight mistake or was lazy, I would be slapped on the palm]

【I don't usually like to laugh too much】

【However, I don't know what I will do in private】

【Because my father and mother are often on business trips, I was always the only one at home when I was young】

Aiba Chiho recalled her childhood memories as much as possible.

But it may be the result of deliberately downplaying it, or it may be too long to remember.

The few memories of being with my parents that I can remember for a short time are either being strictly required to sit and move, or practicing various musical instruments.

Shiina Iori also sighed a little after hearing the words.

This kid has no childhood at all.

Iori turned to look at the girl beside him.

Even though Aiba Chiho was sitting in the tram with a thoughtful face on her face, her back was always kept straight, her hands were naturally placed on her thighs, and she was slightly inwardly clasped.

The dignified sitting posture has almost become a kind of inertia.

Unknowingly, it gives people the intellectual beauty like a temperamental literary girl.

Should it be said that there are gains and losses?
Shiina Iori thought silently in her heart, and asked again: "Then did anything happen during that time when your parents quarreled?"

Probably because the time of this memory is relatively close, Aiba Chiho's eyes lit up, as if she had a lot of impressions, she opened her eyes wide and turned to the phone.

【During that time, all relatives and friends at home disappeared, and no one came to visit】

[Father and mother quarrel every day, talking about dividing the family property and leaving]

[The other thing is that Mom begged Dad to make amends to someone, but Dad refused. I remember Mom smashed her favorite cello and piano, and they fought]

【But later, I ran away from home, I don't know what happened afterwards.】

While typing with one hand, Ms. Chiho pressed two fingers together on her temple with the other small hand and turned around, as if she could recall more content by doing so.

"Who did you offend?"

Yizhi was also a little dazed when he heard the words, and unconsciously pushed the gold frame.

【There will be no more】

In the end, Miss Chiho seemed to be unable to squeeze anything out, so she sighed helplessly.

"It's okay, let's talk to Mr. Aiba first."


Chiho nodded, and as if suddenly remembering something, smiled and raised the phone towards Iori.

【However, the relationship between my parents was very good when I was young】

[Dad will secretly give me candy after teaching me the violin]

【The fact that I can't make a sound is also the first thing my father found out】


As it was written, Chiho lowered her eyes with some regret.

After a drastic change at home, everything changed.

Her parents were separated, and she, who once thought of herself as a "loved daughter", was left alone in Tokyo without any scruples.

Relatives, friends, teachers, and former acquaintances also rejected her like a plague.

Everything is different.

Shiina Iori noticed Chiho's expression, but didn't say much.

The happiness of the happy people is generally the same, but the misfortune of the unfortunate is always strange.

Even if he has experienced difficult days, he dare not say that he can empathize with Chiho. Any words that he thinks are comforting may have some kind of counterproductive effect.

Suffering can only be overcome by oneself.

I followed the subway all the way to Nanidewa by car. There were only two commercial streets nearby. Further north, there were basically low-rise one-family residential areas built in the last century, with a few courtyards interspersed with rental houses.

The two of them knocked on doors along the street and searched for three or four residences before finally finding the house where Aiba Ryohei is now.

It was the fourth room on the second floor of a three-story old-fashioned rented house. It looked like a stack of seven or eight stacks. It was a single room with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. The washing machine was also in the corridor, and the door plate hung crookedly. With the name plate of "Aiba", the iron edge has rusted.

Shiina Iori stepped forward first and knocked on the door.

The door of the room is not very strong, with only a light knock, you can hear the creaking sound of the inferior wood wool breaking inside, for fear that it will be knocked down accidentally.

There are also some invisible stains on the corners and edges.


"Excuse me, is Mr. Aiba at home?"

Beside him, Aiba Chiho seemed to be pinching the hem of her clothes nervously.

"Mossi, Mossy—?"

Shiina Iori knocked continuously for a while, but there was no response from the room.

After standing still for a while, he found a place slightly near the window. The shutters inside were pulled down, so he couldn't see what was going on inside, so he had to lean over to listen.

After listening for a while, it was clear that it was a man's heavy snoring coming from inside.

Noticing that there was indeed someone, Shiina Iori put more force in front of the door, and slapped the door more hastily.

"Boom, boom, boom-"

"Mr. Aiba, are you home!"

It seems that because the pitch was raised, the snoring inside was finally interrupted, and the man muttered impatiently, and came to the door with heavy steps in a daze, and opened the door irritably:
"Who is it?"

As soon as the door was opened, what was revealed was the face of a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life, an unshaven beard, and a little distorted fat.

However, through the obese bone shape of the other party who is still somewhat angular, one can vaguely distinguish the handsome appearance of the man when he was young.

He opened his eyelids sleepily, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and his vision was obviously blurred after waking up.

The moment his eyes fell on Aiba Chiho, he was stunned.


The door slammed shut.


"I do not know you!"

However, he didn't notice that a sneaker was stuffed between the cracks of the suddenly slammed door.


Shiina Iori, whose feet were pinched, gasped.

However, his physical fitness is twice that of an ordinary person and he is not a vegetarian. With only one hand, he resisted the door slammed by the opponent, and pushed it open abruptly, revealing the man's vicissitudes of life mixed with rage and confusion.

Shiina Iori smiled.

"Mr. Aiba, right?"

"Don't worry."

"I'm your daughter's boyfriend. I just came here today to ask you something."

As he spoke, he picked up the cold 'souvenir' in his hand and shook it.

"Just half an hour."

"It doesn't matter anyway?"

Seeing the door pressed by his whole body weight being pushed open by the opponent with one hand, Aiba Ryohei swallowed subconsciously.

Turning his head again, he looked at the girl next to him who was looking at him with a complicated expression.

He was finally relieved, let go of the door, and said in a muffled voice:

"...Just half an hour."

"of course."

Entering the room, the interior layout is exactly as Shiina Iori expected. It is a narrow room with only seven stacks (about ten square meters). The sink on the left is used for washing vegetables and washing hands. Bottles, cigarette butts tied into hedgehogs, and unthrown household garbage, and a crumpled mattress with a bad smell were spread on the tatami in the middle.

There is only a fairly well-maintained guitar in the corner.

Although it is approaching autumn, and it is in Yamagata Prefecture in the northeast, the temperature is not too high, but this narrow room still gives people a feeling of tide like the rainy season.

Turning around to look into the bathroom, only to find that there were still wet clothes and underpants drying in it.

Just turn on the exhaust fan a little bit, and the whole room is full of tide.

Seeming to have noticed Shiina Iori's gaze, Aiba Ryohei drooped his brows and eyes without saying a word, and did not look at his daughter, sitting cross-legged on the rotten-smelling mattress, frowning:

"What? Did you come to see my joke?"

"Have you seen it now? Can we go now?"

The voice was dull and depressing, with a bit of irritability.

Hearing this, Aiba Chiho pursed her lips, but suddenly there was a sharp contrast, which made it impossible for her to distinguish between the fat and deformed man in front of her, and the tall, thin, always indifferent and old-fashioned man in her impression. Father corresponds.

Unconsciously clutching the phone tightly.

Shiina Iori just laughed when she heard the words, standing in front of Chiho intentionally or unintentionally, with a flat voice: "Sorry, we're not that boring, and we don't have any interest in your life now or in the future."

"The reason why I came here is because your daughter is quite unfortunate. She worked hard to go to university on her own, and after entering the music industry, she was implicated in your old affairs, but she didn't even know she had offended anyone."

"So, I can only come to you to ask."


Aiba Ryohei raised his head upon hearing the words, but looked at Chiho standing behind him as if he didn't hear Shiina Iori's words:

"What? Just let your man talk for you?"

"It seems that my previous family education really failed enough, and it was also when I was learning the violin. I am so stupid that I am not as good as a novice."

The moment she heard these words, Chiho suddenly opened her eyes wide, and there was a strong emotion in her eyes that she didn't know how to describe, and her eyes trembled.


However, before he could finish speaking, a clear and loud slap was suddenly slapped on the fat face.

Aiba Ryohei's ears suddenly buzzed, and his mind was a little dazed.

Aiba Ryohei was stunned by this slap.


When he reacted, he straightened up furiously and wanted to push him.

But before he stood up clumsily, his collar was held in Iori's hands, and he lifted his entire fat body with one hand, and the poor-quality clothes made a difficult and hoarse tearing sound.


Hearing that crisp sound, Miss Chiho also suddenly came back to her senses, and subconsciously hugged Iori's arm.

Aiba Ryohei seemed to be frightened by the huge force, and the two looked at each other at such a close distance.

Shiina Iori slapped him across the face, but it was as if nothing had happened, with that kind smile still on his face.

He first patted Chiho's back in a comforting manner before turning his head to look at Ryohei Aiba.

Chiho still tugged at his sleeve with some anxiety.

Iori stared at the man in his hand, the smile on his face was very friendly, probably able to fascinate many girls, and his tone was so calm that he asked him coldly:
"Your daughter has bipolar disorder, which happened inappropriately around the time of your divorce. It was induced by psychological stress."

"For nearly five years now, she hasn't been able to produce a full voice."

"You seem to have forgotten?"

 Broken bowl~!

(End of this chapter)

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