man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 461 [460] Because you are Terashima Yuki

Chapter 461 [460] Because you are Terashima Yuki

It was probably because the voices in other rooms gradually became silent. Miss Yui, who was leaning on the head of the bed and looked like she was watching a movie, suddenly got out of the bed and sneaked to the door. Her steps were so quiet that she could almost hear Not much noise.


Inu Taro, who was excited at night, got his head out of the bed at some point, his green eyes looked at him suspiciously in the dark.

Inu Taro, who has been raised for more than half a year, is no longer as small and thin as before. I don’t know if it’s because the pet follows the owner. A little black female cat who looked very thin before is now being raised fat Fat and strong, the small head protruding from the bed also looks tiger-headed and tiger-headed, and looks quite energetic.

Even the sound is very loud.


Miss Yui, who was about to do something bad, was obviously taken aback by the sudden sound, and she almost stuck to the door frame.

Turning around and seeing the little thing Inu Taro, he immediately showed a fierce expression:
"I won't give you snacks after you make a noise!"

It seems that after getting along for this period of time, Inu Taro has been able to understand some nouns related to "food". Hearing this, he immediately opened his claws in the bed very honestly, and just stared at her with a look of Curiosity killed the cat.

Yui was still like an underground worker, carefully listening to the sounds outside the door, not letting go of even the faintest sound.

After waiting outside the door for a while, she was sure that she couldn't hear any more sound, then she turned around, ready to sneak into the secret door with a smile, and go to have a little tenderness with Yizhi.

It can't be said that there is a deep understanding between lovers, it can only be said that it is out of the most normal little jealousy - you know, since Sinon entered this house, Iori has never entered her room again!
Thinking of this, Yui was very angry!
But when he thought about the upcoming action in a while, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide with excitement.

Doing this and that to Yizhi in a room separated by a corridor. Isn't this a kind of tauren?
It's exciting just thinking about it~!

Miss Yui's love is strange.

Just as he was about to open the wall door and get into Yizhi's little bed, Little Seal's footsteps suddenly stopped.


One step ahead of her, there was a faint and clear sound of the door being locked in the opposite room.

Igarashi Yui's breathing stagnated instantly, leaning his back against the icy cold wall, quietly turned his head to the side, and put his ears against the wall.


"What kind of shady deeds have you guys done!"

The pupils dilated faintly in the darkness.

Is it Sinon's voice? !
Preempted by her.

Just a momentary thought flashed by, and Yui's breathing was almost disrupted.

Putting your ear against the wall, you listened more carefully.

What are they talking about?
Is it because of the fact that I was lucky enough to grow up just now?
But it's a pity that there was only one sentence in Sinon's obviously anxious and suppressed shout just now, and after a while, all the voices in the dark night were separated into a very slight rustling sound, and then Can't hear clearly either.

It didn't take long for the sound on the other side of the wall to gradually change from the rustling just now to the deformation and pressure changes of the bed structure during the movement of the load-bearing structure. You can also vaguely hear the human beings' high-speed stimulation of dopamine and hormones. The magic chant sound produced by the secretion stimulation.

In the night, the face of Miss Yui, who had already experienced human affairs, was suddenly stained with a layer of red like the setting sun piercing through the mist.

The sound was really weird.

Miss Yui pouted, her face full of disgust.

Listen for a while.

In the car.

Yuki Terashima took out a bottle of whiskey that was usually placed in the built-in refrigerated wine cabinet in the back seat of the car, and took out a brand new cup.

He only has a set of thin sportswear on his body, the size is obviously slightly larger, and the overall color is plain, but it is still perfectly supported by Yuki Terashima's plump and healthy figure. It's just that casual attire that makes this person who is always cold and quiet on weekdays The girl's icy temperament is mixed with a bit of softness.

In the back seat of the spacious extended car, there were only Yuki Terajima and Ayase Aoi Aoi, so Yuki's sitting posture seemed very casual.

"Ayase, do you want to drink?"

Yuki Terashima held the wine glass and asked casually, with a subconscious smile on the corner of his mouth, which was not very obvious.

But Aoi Cang Ayase was subconsciously stunned when she heard the words, looking at the face of her young lady, she couldn't react for a while.

However, the career as a personal secretary during this time was obviously not given away for nothing. The little secretary of the glasses lady quickly recovered, and responded formulaically: "No need, Miss."

"I still have some work to do in a while, and I need to clear my head."

"That's it."

Fortunately, Terashima was not annoyed when he heard the words, and poured himself a full glass casually.

Needless to say, the driver's driving skills, coupled with the overall smooth road conditions, even if the wine glass is placed on the seat, it will not shake in the slightest, let alone being caught in the hand.

The girl took a sip of the wine, immersed in the eyes of Tokyo's never-night scene, as if she was holding the flowing water waves, and looked far into the sky.

"Miss Xing seems very happy today?"

Aoi Cang Ayase seemed to have sensed the change in her eldest lady's mood today, hesitated for a moment, and then took the initiative to ask.

"Have it?"

Yuki Terashima was startled when he heard the words, the smile on his lips instinctively restrained a bit, but he relaxed his muscles again.

As a result, the corners of the lips are involuntarily outlined.

Aoi Cang Ayase looked at the girlish appearance of her young lady, and complained wildly in her heart.

What is 'is there'?
This must be super there!

When you were drinking before, you never let me touch the glass! ?

What the hell is going on?
On base? !

Probably not, how long is this?

But it seems that the eldest lady came down after taking a shower, and she stayed in Shiina-kun's room for so long
Aoi Cang Ayase subconsciously lowered her head and pushed down her glasses, hidden under the lenses were all kinds of plots of pure love books that were quickly imagined in her eyes, and the chest of an older leftover girl seemed to have a fawn bumping wildly, as if the one who was on the base was She does.

However, what you think in your heart is one thing. Faced with the questioning from your immediate boss, if you still say that, then the place of her job will probably be transferred from Tokyo to some African country like Mozambique or Algeria. Bar?

"Well, maybe I was wrong."

In the end, the little secretary of the girl with glasses chose to answer from the heart.


Yuki Terashima's voice was still relaxed, and he didn't seem to care much about Ayase's answer, just looking at the night scene in the distance.

Secretary Ayase turned her head to look to the other side instantly, her eyes widened suddenly.

What's going on with this super girl's upbeat voice! ?
It's definitely done!
Didn't expect that I would have to eat the red bean rice first? !

Aoi Cang, the older leftover girl, and Ayase looked out the window, speechless and in tears.

Suddenly there is a feeling of emptiness in my heart when my sister is about to get married
It's a pity that Yuki Terashima didn't notice the rich brain-filling plot of his secretary, but just quietly looked at the farthest point of sight.

Picking up the obviously too long sleeves in his hands, he sniffed lightly, and was in a daze for a while.

[What if you are all irreplaceable? 】

[I like you not because of the added value you carry—whether it is status, wealth, intelligence, ability, those have nothing to do with me! 】

【I like you because you are Yuki Terashima!It's because I care about all the memories I have experienced with you! 】

[And... part of the deeper, longing. 】

【Not just you, Shino, Yui, Nagisa—all the people I like, this is the case. 】

【Therefore, you are unique to me. 】

【In addition. Fortunately. 】

【You can't give me what I really care about.Can only be picked up by myself. 】

The voice that sounded at a very close distance is still resounding in Terashima Yuki's ears, sonorous and powerful.

Even Yuki Terashima couldn't describe how she felt when Iori's voice was presented to her ears with such a firm attitude for the first time.

Only the look in her eyes made her feel the sincerity of Iori.

It was an unreserved total entrustment.

However, it is also a kind of complete scum.

Until now, Yuki Terashima was somewhat unable to understand his inner thoughts.

Obviously she got an answer that was completely opposite to what she wanted, but for some reason, when she heard Iori say "Because you are Yuki Terashima", she seemed to have loosened some kind of long-standing bondage. Like the heavy burden on the body, there is a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

Abandoned some kind of bondage imposed on him by himself.

Without any added value, only because of "it's you" can be called pure, right?

Terashima Yuki looked out the window, thinking in a daze.


"What's the matter, miss?"

Yuki Terashima turned his back to the little secretary, his brows were still frowned in doubt, and he seemed to be confused for a while and asked, "Tell me, is there anything I can't give to Yizhi, so he can only let him To fetch it?"

Aoi Cang Ayase was also taken aback when she heard the words, and repeated it in a low voice.

But in my mind, I quickly thought of the satisfied and happy look on Miss Xing's face just after she came downstairs, as if she was floating in the sky, and suddenly there was an unexpected but reasonable feeling in her heart. guesswork among them.

She pondered for a few seconds, lowered her voice, and whispered to Xing's ear:

"Mr. Shiina said. Could it be a child?"

Terashima Xing was stunned when he heard the words, as if he didn't quite understand the connection between the two.

After pondering for a while, he lowered his head and touched his lower abdomen, as if he had gradually caught up with the brain circuit of little secretary Ayase.

"Strong and healthy offspring.?"

"Only by himself."

"It seems that there is indeed a connection?"

"That's right! That's right!"

Aoi Ayase also lowered her voice beside Ms. Yuki, looking excited with her eyes shining.

Xing tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt that Ayase's guess was still unreliable.

However, because he was in a good mood, he just smiled and affirmed:

"Hmm~ Let's take it like this?"


early morning.

Aiba Chiho stretched out her hand, turned off the alarm that was specially set early last night, and got up from the bed a little sleepily.

After struggling with willpower for a long time, I finally resisted the desire to lie back on the bed and sleep for a while, wash up early, drink water, and prepare for morning exercises.

After Kasugano's persuasion yesterday, Chiho finally made up her mind to correct her current work and rest schedule.

As soon as she thought of it, she went to bed early last night as soon as she got home.

However, because of the accumulated fatigue these days, even if Chiho climbed to bed several hours earlier than usual, after being woken up by the alarm clock, she still felt that she didn't get enough sleep.

However, the most critical part of a day's plan is the 'start', and Miss Chiho is still clear.

After struggling to resist the temptation of sleepiness and taking the first step out of the room, the girl waved her hand to encourage herself:


Because of her self-knowledge, Miss Chiho set a small goal for herself.

First, run downstairs!
Then, another 500-meter marathon.

As long as you can accomplish so much, today's morning exercise will be considered a success!
Long live health!

With this in mind, Ms. Chiho took the first step of marathon training this morning.

"Huchi, Huchi. Keke, Huchi."

On the streets surrounding the community, Aiba Chiho in sportswear was panting heavily, her head covered in sweat.

After barely running a third of the way around the block, my legs and feet ached as if they had grown on someone else's body, and my lungs were burning with pain.

'hateful!I haven't moved for a while, and my body is already useless to this point? '

Ms. Chiho grumbled helplessly in her heart, but at least she didn't stop, and returned home along the original road with difficulty.

No matter how much the task is completed, at least he is dragging himself home.

'Maintaining health is really not easy. '

After barely locking the door, Miss Chiho fell to the ground, panting weakly.

After a long time, it was barely recovered.

It seems that the day and night of the creative career these days has indeed tossed her body quite terribly.

It's just that, because she got used to living alone early, Chiho still has a bit of background, much better than Yui.

After lying down for a while, he recovered a little, first warmed up the milk, and then habitually turned on the phone and took a look.

It was just a habitual glance at first, because usually no one would send messages to her number except for school notifications.

However, when I looked at the screen today, I found an unread message.

Looking at the name, it is Iori's Line message.

It was past eleven o'clock last night, and she just fell asleep.

【Iori: Mr. Zhou Fang, get it done√】

[Iori: It should be fine in a few days. 】

[Iori: Come on! [The Encouragement of the Innocent Little White Rabbit.jpg]]


When Aiba Chiho saw this message, her pupils subconsciously froze for a moment on this message.

After a few seconds, he suddenly parsed out the meaning of the message.


 Broken bowl~!

(End of this chapter)

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