man in tokyo, professional boyfriend

Chapter 485 [484] Spike's Wish

Chapter 485 [484] Chiho's Wish
The next day, early morning.

Next to the tram station.


Carrying a small bag on her shoulders, the delicate girl with long hair reaching her waist held a hand mirror in her hand, with a slightly stiff smile on her face.

It looked obviously awkward.

He also looked a little nervous.

Seeming to have also noticed the problem with the expression on her face, Ms. Chiho held a small mirror in one hand, and poked the edge of her lips with the other, drawing the corners of her lips even more upwardly with a little force.

The clean canine teeth are reflected in the mirror, beeping, beeping.

Aiba Chiho was a little distressed.

For some reason, since she learned last night that Yizhi was going to invite her to go shopping today, she was always worried about it as if she was hanging and couldn't let go. She tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep for most of the night.

In the end, I stayed up in a daze until after three o'clock before barely passing out.

But because the alarm clock was set in advance, when it was seven o'clock, I was immediately awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone.

After waking up, I couldn't sleep anymore, and I was busy with putting on foundation, putting on light makeup, and covering up dark circles.

It wasn't until they rushed to the appointed place that they realized that there was still nearly an hour before their agreed meeting time.

However, even so, Miss Chiho still had a sense of impatience as if she couldn't get enough of the books in the few minutes before the exam. Just standing here and adjusting her expression in front of the small mirror, she had already adjusted for a long time.

Even though it is Iori-kun who I see often, I don't know why I have a completely different feeling from the previous meeting.

Ms. Aiba Chiho didn't realize the reason for this problem.

"good morning."


Suddenly there was a familiar gentle voice from behind, but Miss Chiho flew away from the spot with a whoosh like a cat being hugged from behind, looking behind her with a horrified expression.

It wasn't until he saw the face of the man behind him clearly that the shocking emotions finally settled down, and he scratched his face embarrassingly.

His mind was filled with the embarrassing sound he had just made.

His eyes seemed to be spinning in circles.

Shiina Iori, who was dressed casually, stood still in place. Before she had time to pat the hand on the girl's shoulder, she put it back in her pocket naturally, and made some funny jokes:
"Today Chiho-san is very energetic."

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

After slowing down, Aiba Chiho's beating heart gradually stabilized a bit under Iori's familiar gaze, she shook her head a little embarrassedly, and held up her phone again.

【nothing. 】

【I just arrived too! 】

The girl said so, but Shiina Iori still keenly noticed that these two messages were sent nearly half an hour ago.

Was it drafted before he came?
Shiina Iori was a little surprised, and felt that although Miss Chiho was also silent today, she seemed to be different from before.

After thinking about it, he didn't say these words, he put on the mask he had just lowered casually, and took out a black peaked cap from another pocket, making a little camouflage.

[Iori, this is? 】

Seeing his attire, Chiho tilted her head and looked at him in confusion.

"It's only for paparazzi."

Shiina Iori smiled helplessly, eyes slightly raised outside the mask: "Recently, I seem to be targeted by several newspapers, and people are camping outside my house every day."

"I finally got rid of them when I went to stop the car, but I can't be caught up again."

As he spoke, he extended his hand towards Chiho by the way:

"Hold hands, okay?"

"Do this outfit and mix in the crowd, you won't be able to find me at first sight."

Miss Chiho, who was so nervous just now that she wanted to adjust her smile, couldn't help being startled when she saw his outstretched hand.

As if suddenly wondering why she had that emotion just now, the girl let out a 'puchi' laugh.

"what happened?"

Iori raised the brim of his hat to look at her suspiciously.

[If you dress like Iori-kun on the street, you can definitely find it at a glance! 】

[This is too conspicuous. 】


Shiina Iori took off his peaked cap with a look of astonishment and took a look, then turned to look at the crowd on the street.

It seems that under normal circumstances, few people would dress up like this kind of tailwalker.

"That seems to be right."

Iori murmured, and planned to take back the peaked cap and wear only a mask.

However, before he put the hat into his pocket, his hand was held by a small hand stretched out beside him.

Chiho Aiba raised her face and raised her mobile phone.

[Can you wear it for me? 】

"Yes, but."

Shiina Iori said, glanced at the beautiful dress on the girl, and frowned slightly: "Is the style a bit out of place?"

【It doesn't matter! 】

Seeing that he agreed, Chiho snatched the peaked cap from his hand and put it on her head instead.

At some point, he took Iori's big hand by the way.

The whole process is naturally lubricated, without the slightest abruptness.

[Going to eat barbecue, right? 】

The girl tilted her head to look at him.

Shiina Iori felt more and more that there was something wrong with the girl today.

However, it seems that it is hard to say.

The usual Chiho shouldn't be so active, right?
Mr. Shiina has a feeling that the rhythm of his actions is being controlled, which is a little weird.

But forget it!

Anyway, it wasn't the first time he was being held by a girl.

"Let's go!"

"Or the charcoal barbecue?"

"Hmm! Mmm~!"

"Welcome. Yo, it's Chiho-chan!"

"Come in, come in."

".Why do you still have this guy?"

As soon as they meet, the status in front of the old man can be clearly seen.

The master who had just greeted Aiba Chiho with a full smile turned his head, and the moment Shiina Iori lifted the curtain, most of his old face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Classmate Chiho greeted Xiaoshou with a smile, and attracted the master's attention, and that wrinkled old face suddenly became sunny again.

"Well, forget it!"

"Today's feature is Nagoya snowflake beef, you are in luck."

Because I have also been here many times, Shiina Iori's reaction to the old man's reaction is commonplace, she didn't take it to heart at all, and sat down at a table with Chiho on her own.

There is still some time before the meal time, and the storefront is remote, so there are no people in the narrow storefront with six or seven tables.

The two of them luxuriously used a spacious six-person table.

As soon as she sat down, Shiina Iori looked serious, and the conversation changed from the gossip on the road to the main topic:

"When I went to the rehearsal yesterday, I met Mr. Tamura."

"The song we're on stage this time has been named "Warming Up"."


Chiho looked at him in a daze. Although she was a poet, the girl had no idea about many things in the industry.

Therefore, Shiina Iori repeated to Ms. Chiho what Mr. Tamura told him yesterday.

During this process, Iori also kept an eye on Chiho's expression, testing her reaction to this matter.

On the system panel, the progress bar still stays at 52% and does not move.

When Aiba Chiho heard the words, there was a look of obvious regret on her face at first, but she quickly adjusted and raised her phone.

[If Mr. Tamura said that, then maybe it is really impossible to broadcast live on the big stage? 】

[They are professionals in this area after all. 】

[Besides, it was decided through consultation with Iori's office, so there shouldn't be any problem. 】

Seeing that her reaction was similar to his own, and she really didn't take this choice to heart, Shiina Iori thought about it, and tried it from other directions:
"Also, Yukiya came to see me yesterday."

"She said that she can contact us with some important figures recently."

"Afterwards, whether it is in terms of resources in the music world or participating in some other activities, it will become much easier."

"Because I have to go to school, my time may be limited. Does Chiho have any thoughts on this kind of activities?"

Hearing Iori's question, the girl looked at him in a dazed look.

It took a long time before he raised his phone as if he had just realized it.

【Activity?what activity? 】

[Spring outing or something?Can I ask for leave? 】

Shiina Iori was stunned when she saw these two lines: "It's variety shows, TV interviews, etc. In short, it can improve the artist's reputation, right? Whether it is for making money or for the development of the entertainment industry, it is very beneficial. "

"Doesn't Chiho usually watch gossip news?"

Miss Aiba, who was asked a rhetorical question, suddenly scratched her face in embarrassment.

[Sorry, I usually watch less TV and variety shows. 】

[There may be more anime and movies. 】

As a person in the entertainment industry, if you don't understand these things, will you be a little ashamed?
The girl felt a little guilty.

Seeing that she didn't even have this awareness, Shiina Iori was even more surprised, and quickly asked: "Then what about the awards? Various awards in the music industry? Or on various lists?" Take the top spot? Or have a lot of fans?"

[That kind of thing shouldn't matter, right? 】

Seeing Iori's anxious look, Chiho tilted her head in doubt, and raised her phone again.

[In the beginning, I just hoped that the songs I wrote could be heard by everyone. 】

【Thanks to Iori for helping me, this idea was completed. 】

[I have to continue to work hard in the future! 】

As she spoke, she couldn't stop smiling happily.

But Iori couldn't be happy at all, instead he was a little dazed: "Just being heard by everyone?"

"In other words, don't you have any career plans? Or, what kind of situation do you want to achieve in the future?"

After hearing this, Chiho took it a little seriously, and raised the phone with a serious expression.

[If I can live a life of staying at home and writing songs every day, and occasionally going to Ms. Kasugano's shop to buy snacks, I should be very satisfied. 】

In other words. No plan at all!

I originally thought that during this period of time, it was just that the direction of my efforts was wrong, and I only needed to make small adjustments to continue to make money and make progress.

But I don't want to, my own thinking seems to be problematic from the very beginning!
At this moment, Shiina Iori's heart tightened instantly.


How to achieve a goal without a goal?

[Iori-kun? 】

【Is my answer any problem? 】

Noticing Iori's sudden slumped reaction, Miss Chiho tilted her head in bewilderment, trying to see something from Iori's expression.

'wait--? ! '

'It's not because I'm too lazy! ! '

Did the answer just now disappoint Iori? '

While muttering in her heart, Miss Chiho's expression froze, as if she suddenly realized something, her face suddenly turned pale.

Today, Yizhi asked her to come out to dinner together, originally to discuss future development issues!

After all, the two of them are now a completely bonded combination of lyrics and music. If she has no goals at all, Iori-kun will definitely be troubled!

Thinking of this, Miss Chiho's little mind was once again in a mess.

It is a very unreliable thing for a person who has no goals at all to suddenly make up a goal.

But when it comes to a guy like Aiba Chiho who is only half reliable, the problem is even more serious!
【That that!If you have to talk about goals, it's not like you don't have them. 】

[For example. Ah, yes!How about the National Golden Melody Awards?Only once every three years! 】

【And that, yes![-] million plays! 】

[If [-] million people have heard my song, then we must be super famous. 】

As if trying hard to make Iori not feel disappointed in herself, Chiho bit the bullet and held back several big moves in a row.

But the only response I got was Iori's slightly embarrassed smile.

Shiina Iori had already tested similar standards when his progress was at a standstill.

However, judging by a number of data, whether it is the number of broadcasts, number of listeners, or song awards, these elements have no direct relationship with Chiho's "wish".

If not, judging by the soaring number of plays of "Dissipating Warmth" during this period, and the number of followers on his N station account, it is absolutely impossible for this progress to be without any fluctuations.

Obviously, these statements were just choked up by Chiho.

"No, not these."

Impatience will not have any efficiency, Shiina Iori thought about it, and asked carefully with a sinking heart:

"If... if I let Chiho make a wish for you."

"What does Chiho want to do?"


Hearing Iori's joke as if coaxing a child, Chiho looked at Iori with some doubts.

Seeing the other party's serious expression, he unconsciously began to think seriously for a while.

It's just a dream. When the adults who have been smoothed by reality seriously weigh and think about it, they will find that their heads are already blank.

Immortality?Wealthy?Harem beauties?

They are all college students, and they have already entered the society as adults.

Who would say that kind of generic stuff?
However, the moment Chiho and Iori's sincere eyes met, their lips opened and closed involuntarily, as if hesitating for something.

The next moment, a bright smile suddenly appeared on the girl's lovely face.

The phone is held up in front of the face with both hands.

【If I had to talk about it now, it would probably be that I spent a lot of things with Iori. 】

[Then, write all those feelings into the song, shall we? 】

[It would be even better if it can be heard by many, many people. 】

[It doesn't seem to matter if there are not many people listening. 】


After writing this, Chiho's fingers stopped unconsciously.

The latter part resounded in the girl's heart.

'.Can't live without you. '

 Broken bowl~!

(End of this chapter)

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