Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 123 Heading to Chambord

Chapter 123 Heading to Chambord

"By the way, Mr. Tom, I have another question I want to ask you." Adrian asked suddenly, "Is the alchemy mangrove a good shipbuilding material?"

As I said before, one of the purposes of Adrian's coming to the capital of seven waters was to order a good boat in Tom's workshop.

Originally, Adrian planned to use the treasure tree Adam as a shipbuilding material, but the current environment in the capital of seven waters is not easy. Even the top Tom Studio cannot provide enough treasure tree Adam to be the shipbuilder. Material.

If it is necessary to use Baoshu Adam as the main material for shipbuilding, it is not impossible, but it is estimated that it will take a long time, at least until the rampant pirate situation around the capital of seven waters calms down.

Adrian could not afford to wait, but the newly abducted ship spirit gave him another idea.

Is there any boat in the world that cannot be launched?

But through the confirmation of the panel, today's Rumi does have the [Curse of the Sea] specialty.

There is a potential for something to go wrong with the ship spirit, so we can only find a way from the shipbuilding materials.

Treasure tree Adam is one of the most famous ancient trees in the world, also known as [the strongest tree], and it is almost recognized as the best shipbuilding material on the sea.

But the famous ancient tree is not limited to the treasure tree Adam.

The Alchiman mangroves that make up the Chambord Islands are also one of the world-famous magical ancient trees!

Although I have never heard of anyone using the Algerman mangrove as a main material for shipbuilding...

But what Adrian valued was the bubbles formed by the expansion of the resin secreted by the Alkyman mangrove.

The main reason is that this bubble can completely isolate the water source. After some treatment, it can even withstand the extremely high pressure of [-] meters of sea water. It is so cruel that it can be called one of the black technologies of pirates!

If Alquiman mangrove is used as the main material for shipbuilding, wouldn't the new ship become a small "Chambord Island" floating on the sea?
Bubble car, bubble ferris wheel, bubble house, bubble teapot...

Self-produced and used, isn’t that as much as you want?

After hearing Adrian's question, Mr. Tom couldn't help being taken aback.

The old murloc has worked as a shipwright in the capital of seven waters for most of his life, and he has seen and heard new things, and he always feels that he has not spent more than half a day today.

"Bai Ghost, you really asked me a good question! Tahahaha!" Mr. Tom let out a hearty laugh, "This is the first time this old man has encountered such an interesting question in his life! How could the red tree..."

Mr. Tom wanted to refute it directly. After all, in the long history of the capital of seven waters, there is no case of a ship made of Alchiman mangrove as the main material.

But when he was about to say the reason for the refusal, he couldn't help but froze.

Because Mr. Tom couldn't find any convincing reason.

Why can't Alkisman mangrove be used as the main material for shipbuilding?

In terms of history, the Arqiman mangrove is no less than the precious tree Adam, and it is also a magical ancient tree that everyone knows;

In terms of tenacity, the archipelago mangrove is just the roots exposed to the sea, supporting the huge Chambord Islands;
The wheel performance, the resin bubbles secreted by the Alchiman mangrove, has a wide range of uses and changes, completely crushing the ordinary treasure tree Adam with nothing!

It was precisely because of this that Mr. Tom's voice stopped abruptly.

Adrian asked: "Mr. Tom, is there any question?"

"Do not……"

Mr. Tom racked his brains, and finally came up with a very reluctant reason.

"The precious tree Adam is still circulating in the market after all. Even if it is expensive, you can still buy it anyway. But the Alkyman mangrove supporting the Chambord Islands has been felled and destroyed very few times! What is needed for shipbuilding The amount of wood is huge, and it is not so easy to get!"

"But, I'm a pirate now, aren't I?" Adrian shrugged nonchalantly, "For pirates, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to destroy the Chambord Islands and cut down the Alquisman mangroves. crime?"

Hearing this, even Bingshan and Fram, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help casting strange glances.

Yes, this matter is really not a big problem for ordinary pirates!

However, we also have to look at the location of the Chambord Islands!

As we all know, the Chambord Islands are close to the headquarters of the Navy!
If someone dares to make trouble in the Chambord Islands, within half an hour, the senior generals dispatched by the Navy Headquarters will arrive immediately and lead a large number of elite Navy Headquarters to suppress the disturbance on the spot!
But when I think of the seemingly harmless gentleman in front of me, the reward amount has reached [3 million Berries]...

Bingshan and Fram couldn't say anything wrong.

The chatting words that were too bland before, when they subconsciously ignored one thing.

In front of him, the big pirate White Specter, who is close to [-] million Baileys, is most famous for killing eight naval warships at once...

It doesn't seem like a big deal to cut down some small trees to build a boat... right?

Mr. Tom finally had nothing to say.

As a shipbuilder, he naturally would not refuse guests who came to visit the custom-made ships, even if they were pirates!

Otherwise, Mr. Tom wouldn't have personally built the One Piece ship Oro Jackson for Gol D. Roger!
Mr. Tom began to think carefully about the idea of ​​building a ship with alquiman mangrove as the main material. He walked aside silently, took out a stack of draft paper from the bookshelf, threw himself behind the desk and began to write and draw, from time to time And whisper a word or two.

Seeing this, Ke Keluo couldn't help smiling apologetically at Adrian: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tom has always been like this. Once it comes to the issue of ship design, he will subconsciously ignore the existence of other people."

Adrian smiled and said, "It's okay, I still have plenty of time."

After a long time, Mr. Tom finally raised his head from a pile of design sketches, "Bai Ghost, you are not fooling me when you say that you want to use alquiman mangroves as materials to build a boat?"

Adrian said seriously: "It's absolutely true!"

"That's good!" Mr. Tom nodded. "It's the first time for this old man to repair a ship with Alchiman mangrove. There will inevitably be some waste during the shipbuilding process. The material of Alchiman mangrove is absolutely indispensable!"

"Although my boat doesn't need to be too big," Adrian stood up and shook Mr. Tom's hand, "but I can guarantee that I will definitely get back enough mangrove wood!"

After initially discussing the design of the new ship with Mr. Tom, Adrian replenished some sailing supplies in the capital of seven waters and set sail again.

Take the permanent pointer presented by Kulokas as the direction!
Target, Chambord Islands!

 The third one is here.

  The cumulative rewards exceeded 81000, the cumulative monthly tickets exceeded 500, and 16 more were owed.

  Because it will be on the shelves tomorrow, there will be no update tomorrow morning!

(End of this chapter)

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