Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 148 Planning in Dragon Palace City (3000 chapters)

Chapter 148 Planning in Dragon Palace City (3000 chapters)

When Ms. Cyrina the Mermaid led Adrian to the iconic building of the Fishman Island - the Mermaid Cafe.

The top floor of Fishman Island, Dragon Palace City.

This is a large and luxurious palace built of large coral reefs, shells, and other exquisite building materials, with a golden dragon entrenched.

At the same time, this is also the [Royal Palace] of the Royal Family of Fishman Island!
As the story goes, the one who represents justice is always the one who arrives late.

After the Bullhead Pirates were completely wiped out by White Ghost, the murloc guards who were in charge of patrolling the Murloc Island finally arrived at the scene. After running around, they took all the bodies of the Bullhead Pirates into storage.

After appeasing the surrounding residents a little, the murloc guards also chose to report the news of the White Ghost's arrival as soon as possible.

In the royal palace, the right minister in charge of the security of Fishman Island immediately received the news.

Facing the news of the arrival of the great pirate with a reward of more than [-] million Baileys, this dedicated seahorse mermaid did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately passed it on to a higher level.

The real owner of Dragon Palace City, King Neptune with the title of "Great Knight of the Sea", immediately received the news.

"What? White Ghost has come to Murloc Island?"

Hearing the information about White Ghost's visit to Murloc Island, King Neptune was immediately taken aback. Even the orange-red fluffy beard that covered most of his face couldn't conceal the astonishment on his face.

Compared to the many pirates who invaded the Fishman Island every day and wantonly captured the residents of the Fishman Island.

King Neptune knew very well that the real culprit of this situation was the Tianlong people who sat above the world government!
The Tianlong people have done too much harm to the murlocs and mermaids.

As a legendary figure who severely abused the Tianlongren, White Ghost would naturally be favored by King Neptune.

But favor does not mean welcome.

Strictly speaking, King Neptune does not welcome any pirates to Murloc Island!

Especially the white ghost who caused an uproar in the Chambord Islands some time ago!
If people from the World Government and the Navy Headquarters found out that White Ghost was staying on Murloc Island at this time, who could say for sure whether they would send troops to attack?
If the top leaders of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters really decide to send troops to crusade, will those rude and arrogant human sailors "swipe away" some murlocs that they couldn't see at first, and take away a few young and beautiful ones by the way? Mermaid tribe to please Tianlong people?
in case……

All of a sudden, a large number of terrifying and frightening future prediction images flooded King Neptune's mind, making him feel restless and agitated.

"Nepton, what are you worried about?"

At this moment, a soft female voice mixed with concern and curiosity rang out.

A moment later, a slender figure appeared in the palace hall.

Her appearance seemed to make the atmosphere in the palace hall much better, and the anxiety in King Neptune's heart also eased a lot.


King Neptune only felt that the pressure in his heart was greatly relieved. He immediately looked at his most beloved concubine, gently called out her name, and told the truth.

"It was the white ghost who offended the Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands some time ago. The murloc guards below reported the news that this troublesome person has come to the murloc island."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this news, Princess Otohime with wavy blond hair also showed a hint of surprise on her exquisite face, "Did that white ghost do anything?"

"He..." King Neptune frowned slightly, as if he didn't understand, "This white ghost just rescued a mermaid lady who was trapped by pirates on the island, and directly shot the pirate The regiment was wiped out."

"Really?" Princess Otohime rolled her eyes and said softly, "Since Bai Youling didn't do anything to damage the interests of Murloc Island, why are you so worried, Neptune?"

"It's not because of the Tianlong people!"

Neptune smiled wryly.

"Otohime, the news that White Ghost has come to Murloc Island cannot be concealed for too long.

"He made such a big event in the Chambord Islands a few days ago. People from the World Government and the Navy Headquarters will not let go of this opportunity. Maybe they are sending troops at this time to attack the Fishman Island!"

"I think you are really worried about excess, my majesty the king."

Princess Otohime let out a rage, and felt a little amused at the same time.

"Who will pass the news of the White Ghost's arrival to the world government on this murloc island in the [-]-meter-deep sea? Is it the murlocs or the mermaids?"

Hearing this, King Neptune was startled.

Yeah, how did he forget about it!
How could the residents of Fishman Island inform the World Government or the Navy?
Shaking his head slightly, King Neptune reached out and patted his forehead lightly.

"Otohime, I really... oh, so why not talk about Bai Yougui at all."

"My good lord, are you confused again?"

Princess Otohime walked over, lightly patted King Neptune's thick arm, and reminded.

"Although we don't have to worry that the World Government will quickly learn about the news of White Specter's coming to Murloc Island, but as the host of Murloc Island, we have to turn a blind eye to His Excellency Bai Specter's arrival and turn a deaf ear to it."

King Neptune scratched his hair and said in confusion, "Otohime, just speak up!"

Princess Otohime said softly, "Where is that white ghost in Murloc Island now?"

King Neptune recalled for a moment and said: "According to the report of the minister on the right, after Bai Yougui rescued the mermaid lady who was kidnapped by the pirates, he followed her to [Mermaid Cafe]."

Princess Otohime fell into deep thought, and spoke slowly after a while.

"Since Bai Yougui did not show any hostility towards Murloc Island, and even took the initiative to help rescue Miss Mermaid who was in trouble, it shows that Bai Ghost at least has goodwill towards Murloc Island, at least not like other pirates. malicious.

"Nepton, since Roger's execution and the disintegration of Roger's pirate group, Murloc Island has lost the protection of the [One Piece Banner], and the life of the residents on the island has become worse and worse. I believe you already know this very well.

"Just relying on the prestige of Murloc Island and Dragon Palace City will not be able to deter those greedy pirates! In order to get the huge reward from the Tianlong people and satisfy the greed of the nobles and rich merchants, the pirates will never give up hunting. Mermaid action.

"Perhaps, can we [borrow] an item from White Ghost?"

"Otohime, are you saying that Murloc Island wants to borrow his [flag] from White Ghost?!"

King Neptune's expression suddenly changed. He had already guessed what Princess Otohime wanted to say, and said immediately.

"Is this not good? White Ghost is no better than other pirates, he has offended the Tianlong people!"

"It is precisely because White Ghost once offended the Tianlong people that we can use his banner to suppress those pirate hyenas who are running around for the rewards of the Tianlong people!"

Princess Otohime explained.

"Just imagine, Bai Yougui is not even afraid of the masters behind them, so how could he allow them to wantonly plunder Murloc Island?"

"I still don't think this is good." King Neptune still shook his head, not agreeing with Princess Otohime's plan.

"No matter how bad it is, how could it be worse than it is now?" Princess Otohime persuaded, "The Tianlong people will not take the initiative to stop harming Murloc Island."

Princess Otohime has always been a very sensible mermaid.

Even though she was extremely looking forward to the peaceful coexistence between the Murloc Island and the humans on the sea, she also understood that there were not only good people among humans.

Those human pirates who do all kinds of evil don't have the slightest idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with murlocs and mermaids!
King Neptune knew what Princess Otohime was thinking, but he still hesitated.

"Will White Ghost's strength become weaker?"

Princess Otohime said helplessly, "Is White Phantom still weak if he has been able to fight against the General of the Warring States of Buddha for such a long time and destroy half of the Chambord Sequence Island?"

King Neptune finally had nothing to say. Looking at the entire sea, there were only a few people standing at the top who were able to fight against the general without losing the wind and retreating unscathed.

Even if Bai Yougui used some little-known tricks, but he was able to achieve this step, at least he was still a sub-top powerhouse in the sea!
This kind of strength, coupled with the feat of torturing the Tianlongren.

It is more than enough to protect Murloc Island!

"Even if we, Murloc Island, want to borrow his pirate flag from White Ghost," King Neptune asked, "then what price will we have to pay? You must know that we have nothing to do with White Ghost." ..."

Now it was the turn of Princess Otohime to be in trouble.

Make bricks without straw.

At present, Princess Otohime only temporarily has the idea of ​​borrowing the flag from White Ghost. She only knows some impressive events that White Ghost has done on the sea.

For example, White Ghost was wanted because he prevented the World Government and the Navy Headquarters from committing a brutal massacre in the South China Sea. For example, White Ghost once defeated eight naval warships in one fell swoop, and another example...

These intelligence information have been reported in detail in the World Economic News.

After Bai Youyou made the earth-shattering event in the Chambord Islands, the reporters of the World Economic News dug deeper into his past experiences.

Even the fact that White Ghost once destroyed an unknown small pirate group in Mardin Town, West Sea Tailan Kingdom, was reported in detail by reporters to newspapers, and was followed by many people.

But other than that, Princess Otohime didn't know any personal information about Bai Yougui, and she didn't know anything about his hobbies and personal habits.

After thinking for a long time, Princess Otohime, who couldn't think of any ideas, sighed helplessly.

"In any case, for the sake of the residents of Murloc Island, we still need to talk to White Ghost."

 Thanks for the 200 starting point reward of "click"!
(End of this chapter)

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