Chapter 225
Landing slowly on the ruined O'Hara Island, Lieutenant General Crane's expression remained unmoved at all as he looked at the peaceful and prosperous island of knowledge in the past.

As a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, a veteran sailor who has experienced decades of experience in the sea, there is basically nothing that will shake Lieutenant Admiral He's righteous will.

Whatever the reason for the archaeologists of O'Hara to seek out the obscured ancient history, Admiral Crane can only confirm one thing.

That's what O'Hara did, indeed affecting the stability of the world and the sea!
That's enough.

Quietly turning on his knowledgeable arrogance, trying to ignore the fierce battle above the sky exuding terrifying fluctuations, He Zhong will spread his perception to the whole island.

After a moment.

Lieutenant General He found Kuzan, who was exhausted, and Sakaski, who had lost half of his right leg.

"Lieutenant General Crane," Kuzan raised his head, showing an ugly smile, "Sorry, I have shamed justice..."

"Don't be silly, Kuzan." Lieutenant General He shook his head in a gentle tone, "A big pirate like White Ghost may not be sure enough to take him out even in the Warring States Period." Down."

After the words fell, Lieutenant General He looked at Sakaski, who bowed his head and remained silent.

As early as CP0's Dole successfully rescued Sakaski from the white ghost's demon sword, the door fruit ability user immediately manipulated the ability to treat this useless admiral in his eyes like garbage. Generally thrown to the island of O'Hara.


Lieutenant General He looked at Sakaski's amputated leg, hesitant to speak.

The veteran lieutenant general, who has gone through ups and downs, will also show a speechless attitude when facing such serious injuries to his comrades in arms.

Even if it is a natural fruit ability user, losing half of his right leg will have a huge impact on his own strength.

It can even be said that Sakaski will face the risk of declining strength in the next few years!
This can be regarded as a huge blow to Sakaski, who upholds [complete justice].

"Lieutenant General Crane," Kuzan also asked after a moment of silence, "Is there anyone in the navy or the government who can heal Sakaski's injury?"

At this time, Kuzan had completely suppressed his dissatisfaction with Sakalski's bombardment of the refuge ship, leaving only his concern for his naval comrades in his heart.

Lieutenant General He searched for relevant information in his mind several times.

Under Kuzan's expectant eyes, the vicissitudes-looking lady lieutenant general slowly shook her head.

"As far as I know, no." Lieutenant General He said, "Maybe the only thing that can regenerate a severed limb is the legendary [Healing Fruit], but there is no such ability in the Navy Headquarters or the World Government."

His tone was slightly paused.

Lieutenant General He said: "Sakaski, if you don't mind, maybe you can go to the famous 'Vegapunk' and see if that great scientist can create a prosthetic for you. "

Sakaski raised his head and said coldly: "I don't need that kind of weak thing!"

"Don't be childish, Sakaski." Lieutenant General He said calmly, "Fluid magma that doesn't have the ability to shape solids can't support your body."

Kuzan touched his left leg subconsciously. For some reason, he felt a phantom pain in his left calf.

Looking at the silent Sakaski, Lieutenant General He continued: "And if you would rather keep your magma body, then I believe that the people in the logistics department will not provide you with warships soon."

Sakaski clenched his fists tightly, and his tall and muscular body trembled slightly at this moment, apparently extremely angry and annoyed.

"White Ghost..."

"Sakaski, Kuzan, you two are the pillars of the Navy's future, and I don't want you to be hit hard by this incident."

Turning around, looking at the fierce battle still roaring in the sky, Lieutenant General He spoke slowly.

"Only by experiencing the taste of failure can we better cope with the turbulent sea in the future."

With Lieutenant General Crane's experienced and mature vision, it is not difficult to see that the real pillars of the next generation navy are these three extremely rare and incomparably natural-type fruit ability users.

Lava Fruit, Sparkling Fruit, Frozen Fruit.

No matter whose hands these three fruits fall into, they can easily create a not-so-weak master.

Coupled with the elite training of the navy, Sakalski, Polusalino and Kuzan will definitely be strong candidates for the next admiral!

Lieutenant General He also looked forward to these three juniors.

If Sakaski can survive this blow, his future achievements may be higher than those of Polusalino and Kuzan...

Thinking of this, the expression on Lieutenant General He's face was inexplicably strange.

Speaking of which, White Specter seems to have beaten up Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan...

I don't know where the monster boy came from...

If the world government hadn't insisted on carrying out a search and execution operation in the South China Sea, this legendary ghost whose reputation has spread across the sea at this time should still be on the side of the navy...

Lieutenant General He looked towards the sky, with only a touch of regret left in his heart.


At the same time, above the sky.

The continuous burst time of [Dragon Power] has passed.

Adrian, who fell into a state of weak strength, gave up the head-to-head play of the Warring States Period and switched to the more familiar kite style.

He manipulated the power of the ghost fruit to recreate the white Buddha that towered above the sky, and fought fiercely with the golden Buddha in the void.

The blue light cannons, like stars and rain, shuttled and echoed in the void, frantically whipping the surface of the golden Buddha like dancing whips, constantly consuming the opponent's armed arrogance and physical strength, and arousing large swathes of blue light .

The Warring States period also continued to unleash powerful shock waves of the Great Buddha, wrapped in armed domineering and overlord-like domineering attacks, easily penetrated the body surface of the white Buddha, leaving ugly holes on the intact torso.

However, Warring States, which does not have the ability to fly, is still far inferior to Adrian's ghost body in terms of flexibility. He tried to fight shortly, but was avoided in advance, and could only be forced to enter the stage of attrition.

As time passed, the two sides fought fiercely, and the energy reflection in the sky rose steadily, and clusters of faint blue energy clouds even appeared around them, with a solid texture and faintly exuding terrifying power.

boom! !

The shock wave of the Great Buddha collided with the psionic cannon again, and the violent shock wave caused the surrounding energy clouds to tremble constantly, as if a chain explosion would occur in the next second.

While manipulating the white Buddha, Adrian quietly created a lifelike mimetic ghost, made it transparent, and dropped it on the sea below.

Just as Sengoku once again waved a big Buddha shock wave, Adrian activated his Onimusha ability in an instant, allowing himself to exchange positions with the mimic ghost below, and came to the sea below.

At this time, he was almost within easy reach of the ten naval warships who came to O'Hara to perform missions!

"The task is completed, and finally I will give a small farewell gift."

Adrian awakens the innocent souls sleeping in the deep sea and launches the final attack.

Ocean Phantom Raging Sea Waves!

(End of this chapter)

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