Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 228 Brand New Reward

Chapter 228 Brand New Reward
The Great Route, Naval Headquarters, Marin van Dou.

In the spacious and bright central meeting room, the atmosphere was heavy and quiet, and the faces of senior generals wearing justice coats were solemn.

The tall admiral of the Navy Headquarters Kong Duan sat at the top of the conference table, and he looked deeply at the elite naval officers beside the conference table.

As if inadvertently, Marshal Kong's eyes would always sweep over a certain young lieutenant general who was missing a small piece of his right leg.

And there are not a few senior generals who reacted like Marshal Kong.

After all, many people, like Marshal Kong, were astonished that the three famous monster lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters would be defeated one after another by the legendary great pirate White Ghost.

The point is this time, it's still in a two-on-one situation!
Beside the conference table, Polusalino, who was wearing a white suit and a black top hat, also looked at Sakaski who joined the navy and entered the elite training camp at the same time.

Polusalino, who was enjoying the "paid vacation", after hearing the news, for some reason gave up this enjoyment and returned to the headquarters to report on his work.

Looking at Sakaski with a serious face, Polusalino's eyes covered by yellow sunglasses flashed an unknown light.

"Even you failed, Sakaski~"

Pushing the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Polusalino spoke in his usual teasing tone.

"That white ghost is really a scary monster~"

Sitting in the conference room, Kuzan, who looked like an invisible and transparent person, felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Obviously I also participated in O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order operation, and I also fought against White Specter, why didn't everyone pay attention to me at all?

"Porusalino, you also fought that pirate once, right?"

Hearing this, Sakaski suddenly raised his head and looked at Polusalino coldly.

"I was indeed careless this time! Let's recheck the specific strength of Bai Yougui later!"

"This kind of thing sounds very troublesome, why bother a seriously injured sick account like me—"

He noticed that the people present became strange and disordered in an instant.

Polusalino immediately 'remembered' that Sakaski's injury was far more serious than his, and that it would continue to have an unknown impact on his subsequent naval career, so he said 'behindsight'.

"Sorry, Sakalski, I didn't mean to~
"It wasn't me who was wrong, but that fellow Bai Youyou~

"Don't try to trouble me, it's a headache~"

"Pfft ha ha ha, boy Polusalino, sure enough, what you said sounds really annoying!"

At this moment, Polusalino's words were interrupted by a loud and generous laugh.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure appeared at the door of the conference room, dressed in a tightly stretched black suit, with gray hair.

"I feel that you are full of yin and yang!"

"Lieutenant General Garp!"


One after another shouts of surprise immediately sounded in the conference room, and each senior naval general stood up from his seat, looking at the naval hero who appeared in front of the door with joy.

The heavy atmosphere that almost condensed the entire conference room was swept away inexplicably after Monkey D. Karp appeared.

"Karp!" Marshal Kong, who was sitting at the top, first had a look of satisfaction in his eyes, but then turned into disgust and anger, "Don't stand there stupidly, come and sit down!"

"Pfft ha ha ha, Brother Kong, I have already heard those sailors talk about this incident on the way."

Garp came over carelessly, waved his hands to reject those generals who wanted to give him a seat, and randomly pulled an empty chair and sat down.

Since Roger was executed in the East China Sea in September 1498, Garp has been on a "vacation".

The external explanation is that after the naval hero successfully hunted down One Piece, he returned to his hometown in the East China Sea to recuperate.

Only a few people know that the real stop of Garp is the South China Sea.

until the beginning of this year.

After the two ill-fated little devils were born in the South China Sea, Garp finally moved back to the Navy headquarters.

Give the girl [An] to Dorag.

Before Garp left, he went back to his hometown in Donghai, and handed over the infant boy [Ace] to a group of familiar bandits to be raised.

'Even if I bear the title of One Piece Supreme Sword, as long as I train him properly, I will be able to escort him to grow up safely! '

With such an idea in mind, the legendary sea soldier left the East China Sea with peace of mind after giving a few instructions to the bandits of Goa Kingdom.

It's just that the hero didn't expect it.

Just a few days after he left, a devil descendant landed in Windmill Village.

But that's all for later, so I won't mention it here.

After Garp sat on the chair, he felt a sudden whim in his heart, and twisted his butt a few times uneasily.

Immediately, he forgot about this feeling, and directly raised his throat and fired.

"Sakaski kid, what you did this time is really ugly!"

When General Sengoku was out on a mission again, the only person in the meeting room who dared to reprimand Garp was Marshal Kong sitting at the top.

Seeing Marshal Kong's serious face, he opened his mouth to signal to Karp that enough is enough, and not to further stimulate Sakalski, who was already seriously injured.

Marshal Kong shouted coldly: "Karp!"

"Brother Kong, do you think I want to provoke this brat's broken leg?"

Karp shook his head, this stupid man unexpectedly calmed down at this moment.

"Navy! Going out on a mission and getting injured are all common things!

"What I really can't understand is that Sakaski would order to bombard that innocent refuge ship!"

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Kuzan suddenly shouted a little excitedly.

During the period of returning to the headquarters, Kuzan has been in a state of awkwardness.

He could feel very clearly that the [Burning Justice] he had originally implemented had been completely shaken after experiencing the O'Hara incident.

Although at that time he had fought against the White Phantom with Sakalski regardless of past suspicions, this does not mean that Kuzan could completely ignore what Sakalski had done.

A whole ship of innocent lives was lost before their eyes, and those who ordered the bombardment also belonged to the naval camp, also in the name of [justice]!

During this period of time, whenever Kuzan looked at the horizontal plaque of "Burning Justice" in his office, there was always an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Now seeing the naval hero I have always admired and admired, outspokenly criticizing Sakaski, and also because of the refuge ship, how could Kuzan not be excited?

"Huh? Kuzan, you're sitting here too?" Garp rubbed his head, "I thought you died on O'Hara Island!"

Kuzan's expression suddenly became stiff.

not hurt...

Well, many people can't understand this.

Why are there two navy monster lieutenant generals who are on mission at the same time.

Sakalski will have his right leg cut off and become disabled for the rest of his life.

As for Kuzan, who took the lead in the battle with White Specter, except for excessive physical exertion, he basically had no injuries.

"Pfft hahaha, I was just joking, Kuzan!"

Garp laughed out loud again, reached out, and patted Kuzan on the shoulder hard.

"Lieutenant General Garp!" At this time, Sakaski said coldly, "It was my idea to order the shelling of the refuge ship. Who can guarantee that there are no archaeologists on the refuge ship?"

Karp responded: "That kid Bai Youling has a lot of ideas, how do you know he didn't let those archaeologists go early?"


It was Marshal Kong who stopped Garp this time.

At this time, Kong's face was extremely ugly. As the admiral of the Navy headquarters, how could he not know that the operation of the Demon Slaying Order had basically failed?
Although O'Hara, the island of scholars, has been completely destroyed by artillery fire.

But what really matters, and what the world government really cares about, is never just O'Hara!

Destroying O'Hara can at best be regarded as completing the basic goal of the Demon Slaying Order!

Enough to shock the sea, but there is no way to do more.

The archaeologists who the world government really wanted to completely wipe out were suspected to be saved by the white ghost!

"I think Garp finally spoke the human language!"

Zefa, who had been keeping silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"How does shelling innocent civilians count as 'justice'?
"Even if there may be archaeologists on board the refuge ship, isn't it too late to search the ship when the demon-slaying order is executed?"

Seeing the hawks, the doves, and the neutrals who have been keeping the two sided, a discussion about "justice" is about to break out again, Marshal Kong suddenly felt a headache.

The navy family has a great career, and it is indeed the true overlord of the sea!

But who knows, what about the hidden dangers of the "conflict of ideas" in this huge navy?

Sometimes, the conflict between ideas is the deadliest and most uncompromising...

Using the marshal's majesty, Sora barely suppressed the debate in the meeting room again.

"Don't forget the main purpose of this meeting! We held this meeting to discuss Bai Yougui's latest reward and how to deal with him!"

"Puhaha, Brother Kong, how much reward are you going to set for that brat this time?" Garp asked curiously, "You won't directly offer a reward of more than 20 billion Baileys, right?"

"Impossible, Garp." Zefa shook his head and said, "White Specter's strength is not bad, but he has never had the idea of ​​forming a force. The bounty of the Lone Ranger cannot reach such a high level."

"Speaking of which, we seem to have been suppressing the white ghost's bounty before, right?"

Lieutenant General He spoke slowly.

"He has fought against that lunatic Charlotte Lingling many times. It stands to reason that if it was an ordinary pirate, the amount of his bounty would have skyrocketed long ago."

Having said this, Lieutenant General He suddenly paused.

"Furthermore, according to the latest intelligence information, White Phantom seems to have fought Whitebeard in the New World Palm Island, which lasted no less than half an hour.

"The most surprising thing is that White Specter seems to have successfully completed the challenge as a rookie pirate!"

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the meeting room.

Whitebeard's title of "the strongest man in the world" is not groundless, it is the prestige he has repeatedly punched with his fists and naginata Cong Yunqie!
After the two top pirate groups in the world, the Roger Pirates and the Flying Pirates, were disbanded successively.

The Whitebeard Pirates are almost unique in the New World!
In the past years, there will always be rumors of new pirates challenging Whitebeard.

But those pretentious little guys were not easily defeated and fled.

He was shocked by Whitebeard's courage and became a new member of the Moby Dick, the son of Whitebeard.

In the memory of the senior officers of the Navy Headquarters, White Phantom seems to be the first 'newcomer' pirate who successfully challenged Whitebeard!
Kong asked: "He, is your information accurate?"

"This is one of the news that spread from the Moby Dick. It is temporarily impossible to confirm the authenticity, but as long as we send people to Palm Island to investigate, I believe the authenticity will be confirmed soon."

Lieutenant General Crane said.

"There is another thing related to Whitebeard, which I didn't plan to mention at the meeting... The Whitebeard Pirates seem to have found Whitebeard's son."

"Pfft hahaha!!"

Karp, who was listening carefully, couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this, and almost burst into tears.

"Ahe, are you joking? Who on the Moby Dick is not Newgate's son?"

General Crane rolled up his hair calmly, and said a piece of information that almost overturned the meeting room.

"I'm talking about...the real son of Whitebeard Edward Newgate!"

Karp fidgeted and fell directly on the floor of the conference room.

Although the rest of the generals were not so exaggerated, they were all shocked and lost their composure.

"Ahe..." Marshal Kong had a strange expression, "Are you sure that a man like Edward Newgate with the white beard would really marry a wife and have children?"

Lieutenant General He glanced at Garp calmly.

"Even a guy like Monkey (Monchi) can have a son, why not Whitebeard?"

Cap got up from the floor, reached out and touched his head.

Strange to say.

Even the top executives of the Navy Headquarters don't know how Garp, who is always short-sighted in his head, can give birth to a smart son like Drago.

Although this son is a bit too smart...

Garp coughed lightly, embarrassed to talk about his son who had left the navy in front of his colleagues, and tried to put the topic aside.

"Ahem... Well, Ah He, what you said seems to make sense! I just don't know what Newgate's son looks like, and whether he will grow such a strange white beard like his father. "

"How would I know that kind of thing!" Lieutenant General He glanced at Garp speechlessly, "Even this information was obtained only recently."

dong dong!

Marshal Kong stretched out his fingers, and rapped heavily on the conference table a few times.

"Everyone, don't talk about white beards and little white beards anymore, let's talk about returning to the white ghost."

"I think, no matter what, based on what Bai Youyou did this time, coupled with his previous outstanding achievements," Lieutenant General He said, "the reward amount set for him should not be less than one billion Baileys."



Lieutenant General He said: "By the way, I would like to add one more thing. Currently, the abilities that White Ghost possesses include but are not limited to 'flying', 'emotional interference', 'blue energy cannon', 'the ability to predict the future', 'Teleportation', 'interference with ocean currents'...etc."

"Personally, I think that with the growth rate of White Phantom, it should soon grow to the level similar to the lonely red Laidfield and the golden lion Shiji, and considering his strange ability, it is somewhat like a combination of the two's abilities. body."

For some reason, Lieutenant General He added two more sentences at the end.

"Fortunately, this 'pirate' who is highly threatening in our eyes does not seem to like doing evil like other pirates.

"In fact, apart from sometimes interfering with the world government's inexplicable orders and passive counterattacks, he behaves more like a pirate hunter who likes to fight crime."

Marshal Kong waved his hands indifferently, "Ah He, there is no need to say the following words."

After a heated discussion, Marshal Kong formulated a new reward order.

Seeing the new amount of reward offered, all the senior naval officers couldn't help feeling slightly absent-minded.

A major general of the headquarters wearing a coat of justice murmured in a low voice: "It's really an unprecedented increase in reward..."

"Cough cough!"

Just as the meeting was about to end, Marshal Kong coughed twice to call his attention back.

"Finally, I attach the latest order from the World Government, dispatching Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Polusalino to lead the warships to hunt down the white ghost!"

Cap didn't respond much.

Polusalino pointed to his nose, "Me? Marshal Kong, look, isn't this task a little too difficult?"

Marshal Kong said without doubt: "This is an order from the world government!"

"I know it's an order from the World Government!"

There was an imperceptible disgust in Polusalino's tone. Obviously, this seemingly leisurely old fritter still has a fresh memory of the "Tianlongren deal" made by the World Government some time ago.

"But I said

"That monster Bai Yougui, he can fly~
"With Lieutenant General Garp and I alone, how could we find his trace?"

Marshal Kong explained: "Regarding this point, the CP department of the world government will join forces with the search department of the Navy headquarters to gather all intelligence capabilities and take the lead in collecting the location information of the white ghost."


Polusalino wanted to say something more.

Marshal Kong simply interrupted him.

"The two of you guys who have finished your long vacation, go to Marie Gioia later, cross the Red Earth Continent from there, and head to the West Sea first!"

Seeing Marshal Sora's words reach this point, Polusalino finally stopped struggling.

But he still said in a weird way: "The legendary holy place~ It's really exciting~"

The next morning.

The White Ghost's new reward order, along with the news of O'Hara's demise, was sent to all parts of the world by the news bird of the World Economic News.

"Scholar O'Hara tried to study taboo history, intending to revive the ancient weapons that destroyed the world, but the world government has recently issued a demon-slaying order to destroy them!"

"Anyone who tries to study taboo history and revive ancient weapons will be executed!"

【White Ghost】


[Reward amount: 16 billion Baileys! 】

[Reward level: DEAD OR ALIVE (regardless of life or death)]

 After getting the vaccine, I went home and lay down for an afternoon, and finally recovered.

  Thank you for the 001 starting point coins rewards from "Guoxuan", "Qijuexue Crisp", "The Ultimate Alchemist", and "100 Burning Sky".

  Thanks to "Yun R" for the reward of 200 book coins.

  Thanks to "Mmm Chen" for the reward of the 233 starting point currency character.

  And about the last chapter, many book friends said that I am water...

  If you make a mistake, you must correct it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention. I will pay attention to the description of this aspect in the future...

  But this is really because [Devil Fruit Fusion Card] is very important...

(End of this chapter)

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