Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 230 The Razor Party

Chapter 230 The Razor Party

It was noon, and the pier on Outerfield Island was extremely lively.

A large number of large and small ships are docked along the pier, all of which are ships of the remaining forces in the West Sea that have an intersection with the Razor Party.

Adrian knows very well that in Xihai today, he is definitely the most beautiful boy, and the world government and navy will never let go of searching for his traces.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Adrian ordered Rumi to take the Abyss into its fortress as early as when he faintly saw the edge coastline of Outefy Island.

Afterwards, Adrian used the ability Transparent Phantom Silent Phantom, and then landed on the island alone.

At this time, the port of Outfi Island was crowded with people, bustling and bustling, extremely lively.

Go through the port docks and go a little deeper inside.

Then I saw a lot of cadres or gang members of the "Razor Party", doing some exercises that are inexplicable in the eyes of ordinary people.

Most of these gangsters behave strangely, usually with their right hand holding a sword finger, and their left hand holding a wooden plank that is more than an inch thick, jabbing at the wooden plank crazily there.

As if you want to wear the wooden plank with your fingers!
Accompanied by the dull "Du Du" sound, there are also the unique dubbing of the gang members.

"Sunflower acupuncture hand!"

"The first day of fingering the board!"

"The first trainees of Kato's training class are participating!"

This group of guys with weird speech is the player group in the Razor Party. The white IDs on their heads are layered on top of each other, almost blinding people's eyes.

And the move these players are practicing now is also the "Finger of the Eagle" rewarded after completing the fourth ring of [The Razor Party's Recruitment Order].

It was very obvious that in just a few days, this group of players had already figured out the actual effectiveness of the "Finger of the Eagle", and they were practicing hard.

Although ordinary people can't detect their own existence after entering the transparent ghost state, it is even more impossible for this group of players whose level is less than 20 to find out.

But Adrian subconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed down the brim of his hat, pretending not to see this group of self-taught "good guys".

next moment.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the main building of the Razor Party Center. Not long after, he came to Tommy Shelby's office on the top floor of the building again.

dong dong.

Adrian appeared, tapped on the office door a few times, and asked aloud, "Tommy, do you have time?"

Tommy is now basically used to Adrian's disappearance.

He got up from behind the desk, nodded respectfully and said: "Your Excellency! Good day!"

"Good day, Tommy."

Adrian entered the office, closed the door casually, walked to the reception sofa and sat down.

"Your Excellency, I read the news about O'Hara from the newspaper some time ago." Tommy went to sit on the other side and poured tea, "I don't know..."

Adrian sensed what the leader of the Razor Party, known for his cruelty in the underground world of Xihai, wanted to express, so he waved his hand and spoke comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Tommy, whether it's Mrs. Penelope or little Pepe, they are all safe and sound."

"That's fine!"

Tommy breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his relationship with Mrs. Penelope is not very close, they are distant relatives anyway.

In particular, Tommy knew that he was recommended by Mrs. Penelope to the lord before him, and he has always been grateful to Mrs. Penelope in his heart.

Knowing that Mrs. Penelope had previously settled in O'Hara, and that the world-famous island of knowledge was destroyed by the World Government's Demon Slaying Order some time ago, how could Tommy not care about Mrs. Penelope's safety? Woolen cloth?

Seeing this, Adrian reminded: "But I hope you can understand. After all, the current identities of Mrs. Penelope and Little Pepe are not suitable for being involved with the Razor Party."

Tommy responded: "Of course! One of the Razor Gang's gang codes is 'no women, no children'."

Adrian nodded and got down to business.

"Tommy, have you communicated with the Don Quixote family in Beihai recently?"


Tommy was immediately refreshed and began to prepare to report to work.

To be honest, Bai Yougui is definitely the best immediate boss that Tommy has ever met in his life. He is not one of them. He delegates almost all the power to him without saying anything, and basically doesn't care about anything.

Only occasionally, some order or request will be issued, and it is not difficult to complete it.

To be honest, although Tommy was very moved by Bai Yougui's "indifference", he was also a little disappointed.

After all, your immediate boss has never cared about your work performance, so he knows that he keeps delegating and delegating power, which is indeed a bit confusing.

"Okay, as long as there is communication." Adrian interrupted Tommy unintentionally, "Now I need you to personally 'escort' a group of people to Beihai."

Tommy suppressed the depression in his heart, and with an attitude of saying less and making less mistakes, he respectfully said: "Got it."

Adrian glanced at the taciturn Tommy, and nodded secretly in his heart.

To be honest, Adrian has always been quite satisfied with this gangster tool man.

Xihai is already full of gangsters, and there is basically no big impact if there is one more razor gang or one less razor gang.

And as long as the appropriate [rules] are established, the gangsters in the underground society are not necessarily worse than the branch navy on the surface!

At the very least, Adrian feels that the current behavior of the "Razor Party" and its reputation among ordinary people are still in line with his psychological expectations.

This is probably the case for defenders of regional rules who bear the name of gangsters.

Adrian pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "I will write a special letter to explain the situation later, and when you go to North Seastrand Island, I will send this letter to Don Quixote Doflamingo .”

Tommy nodded in response, "Got it."

As for reminding His Excellency Bai Youling that the headquarters of the Don Quixote family had changed locations...

Tommy didn't think that was necessary.

Adrian changed the topic: "Those 'undead refugees', didn't cause any trouble?"

"Not really," Tommy recalled. "A few days ago, they all turned white and reappeared on the island. I knew their mission had been completed. After all, the Razor Party usually uses them that way."

Adrian was in a weird mood. Players who hadn't grown up in strength were equal to gangster cannon fodder who gave away heads. This equation seemed to be fine.

Tommy said again: "It's just that some people are yelling things like 'blood earned', 'no loss', 'this life is worth it', I don't quite understand."

"Maybe it's a special way of communication between those undead refugees," Adrian said vaguely, and then he remembered a doctor he had encountered on Magnetic Drum Island, "By the way, is there a famous doctor in the Razor Party?" Doctor for 'Moy'?"

"Is your Excellency talking about the Dr. Moi who came here from the Kingdom of the Great Airway Drum?"

Adrian nodded slightly. It seemed that the bandage doctor who had suffered a great change in his life finally managed to come to Xihai and became a member of the Razor Party.

Tommy asked, "Do you need me to bring Dr. Moy here?"

Adrian nodded slightly and said, "Go, I just happen to have something to do here, and I need his help."

 Thank you very much for the 100 starting point rewards from "Those Years of Storms" and "No Heroine Supporters"!
  Thank you very much "Gui_" for tipping 9500 starting coins! !And become the rudder master of this book! !
  Although yesterday's success has been increasing, but...after all, there are only three changes. I hope there will be more today, and the author also knows that you hope so too. .

(End of this chapter)

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