Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 268 Garp Ability Extraction!

Chapter 268 Garp Ability Extraction!

Facing the pale giant dragon with all its hair stretched out, even Garp couldn't help showing a bit of solemnity, concentrating all his strength on his fists.

the next moment.

The pale giant dragon came towards Karp with overwhelming momentum.

This blow not only used Adrian's spiritual pressure ability, but even his armed domineering spirit was also mixed into it.

Almost all of Adrian's power is concentrated in the body of this black dragon.



Still only one punch.

boom--! !

The domineering iron fist wrapped in armed colors, and the long and narrow kiss of the pale dragon collided in the air, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze suddenly.

The next moment, under the terrifying power of the blue dragon's extinction.

Garp, who had nothing to rely on, was forced to push back, like a toy held in the mouth of a blue dragon, and flew straight back.

On the sea where the pale giant dragon passed, a terrifying deep abyss was torn out brazenly, and the surging white waves spread towards the sides, splashing in all directions.


Garp let out a roar, his eyes widened and his teeth were clenched. Although he felt the extraordinaryness of this pale dragon, he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Accompanied by this roar.

Kapna's body, which was originally much taller than ordinary people, swelled a little again visible to the naked eye. Blood like lead and mercury surged back and forth in the body, revealing several twisted veins on the surface of the body, and the skin flushed red because of it. How many times!
In such an explosive state beyond the limit, Garp's original strength on the right fist has risen to another level, and the armed arrogance wrapped around the right fist even faintly reveals a bit of blood-like deep dark red. !


A burst of tooth-piercing crunching sound rose from the void.

In the explosive state, Garp stepped on the air with his feet for a month, but he forcibly withstood the impact of the pale dragon and froze in mid-air.

But after a while.

Garp let out another roar, and slammed his right fist forward.

Under such a huge force, several clear and crisp sounds like glass shattering suddenly sounded from the body of the pale dragon.

On the uniform winding dragon body, several deep and irregular gullies suddenly appeared. Dazzling white light continuously bloomed from the gullies, and at the same time released a large amount of pale flocculent fluid energy.

Garp's eyes narrowed, and he blasted out the last force.

This strength also became the last sliver of help to crush the pale dragon.

Accompanied by a mournful dragon cry, the pale dragon completely disintegrated and broke into pieces.

Garp, who thought this was the end, was about to relax and take a breath.

However, the broken body of the pale dragon did not completely dissipate into the air as he expected, but instead burst into extremely dazzling brilliance.


In the reflection of Kapu's pupils tightly condensed into a point, the broken pale dragon body exploded directly.

Bang-! !

The violent shock wave instantly shook the surrounding ocean waves endlessly.

However, before they turned into tens of meters of monstrous waves, the violent spiritual pressure blasted away from the broken dragon body, directly smashing the unformed sea waves, and evaporating huge space holes.

Even the sea below was forcibly cut off several meters in height, and the clouds in the sky also collapsed and disintegrated, revealing the clear blue sky behind.

The gust of wind rolled up the water, almost overturning the naval warships watching on the edge of the battlefield.

After the power of the pale dragon finally erupted, layers of huge waves surged and spread far away, and finally turned into calm.

A figure in embarrassment poked its head out of the sea. It was a shirtless naval hero with fine wounds and blood all over his body.

Obviously, the last wave of the pale dragon's impact just now also caused a lot of damage to the naval hero.

"White Ghost!"

Garp probed back and forth in the sea, searching the sky domineeringly, but still did not find Adrian, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's really getting stronger and stronger!"

After a little recognition of the direction, Garp swung his arms and swam towards the naval battleship.

As for why you don't step on the moon...

Garp still doesn't have the peculiar habit of showing birds in the wind.


in the sky.

The pale Adrian smiled.

Although the last move of "Canglong Turning Extinction" consumed a lot of spiritual pressure and physical strength, and he couldn't even make a second move.

But it also allowed Adrian to confirm his current level of strength that can explode to the limit.

Even if it doesn't last long, it is definitely the real top level of the sea!

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Adrian focused on the panel, took a deep breath, and decided to settle the task.

The last time Whitebeard challenged him, he endowed [Unparalleled Strange Power], the sea's top specialty.

I don't know what ability options will be settled for Karp's challenge mission this time.

[You get 23.3 billion experience points! 】

[You get a reward: Randomly draw an enemy's skill or specialty]

[Reminder: Due to the large difference in size between the host and Monkey D. Garp, some extractable skills have automatically adjusted their effects]

【Currently being randomized...drawing completed】

[Please choose one of the following five abilities as a reward:]

[1: [Sleep King] - Specialty: In normal state, the recovery rate of health, vigor, and physical strength remains unchanged; when falling into a dozing state, immediately recover 5% of the upper limit of one's own life, vigor, and physical strength, and increase The recovery rate of the three values ​​is 250%.Note: This ability can be activated at any time in a relaxed state]

[2: [Iron Fist of Love]-Skill: Fist full of love, with a small probability of ignoring the defense, doubling the pain of the hit person]

[3: [Justice Iron Fist]-Skill: A fist full of justice, with a high probability of ignoring defense, with [-]% extra damage]

[4: [Navy Iron Fist] - Specialty: For every five attacks, the fifth attack comes with one-fifth of the extra damage that ignores defense]

[5: [Extra Large Iron Ball] - Skill: Lift a spherical object whose diameter exceeds at least ten times the bust, and throw it towards the opponent.Note: Requires personal basic attribute strength of 500]

"This iron fist is really good iron!"

Looking at a series of abilities named 'Iron Fist' among the reward options, the corners of Adrian's eyes twitched.

"And Garp's skill description is a bit too unreliable, right?"

"Although it is indeed a blast... three skills and two specialties."

[Extra large iron ball] Naturally, it was eliminated by Adrian in an instant.

This ability...

Not only is it weird, but it's also hilarious.

Why are there skill moves that are judged by bust size? !
The first specialty reward [Sleep King] was also quickly ruled out by Adrian.

Although it seems like a very interesting feat reward...

But for the Lone Ranger, it was a deadly skill!

The rest are only those three Iron Fist abilities.

"The Iron Fist of Love, is this used to fight Luffy and Dorag?"

"Iron Fist of Justice, this seems to be the ability to hit brother Ma? As a Phoenix fruit capable person, after a while after the war, there is still a bandage on the top of the head. It is a terrible fist."

"As for the fourth item... this thing is a top-level template specialty like [Unparalleled Strange Power]!"

For every five attacks, the fifth one automatically comes with one-fifth of the extra damage.

Moreover, the specialty is still a passive ability, without any need for consumption, which is equivalent to a large increase in Adrian's attack power out of thin air!

Perhaps the term "extra damage" sounds incomprehensible.

But "True Damage" is very intuitive!
Adrian never imagined that there is actually the ability to cause "real damage" in this world!

Sure enough, he is a legendary naval hero!
In front of [Navy Iron Fist], the other four options were instantly overshadowed.

Adrian didn't need to think at all, and chose the fourth option directly.

[You got [Navy Iron Fist]! 】

"Is this the protagonist's grandfather?"

"Sure enough, Tekken Garp, forever god!"

 Thank you very much for the 2400 starting point reward of "Unlimited Wandering"! !

  The fifth update at 1 o'clock...


(End of this chapter)

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