Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 273 C-level Random Mission [Red Hair]

Chapter 273 C-level Random Mission [Red Hair]

late at night.

In the bottom cabin of the Nether Abyss.

Shanks, who was covered in whip wounds, was lying weakly on the floor of the cabin, like a corpse that had been tortured to death.

But the slightly rising and falling chest showed that he still had some breath left.

Call ~
Shanks breathed out with difficulty, his eyes widened slightly, his pupils looked at the ceiling above his head lazily, thoughts in his mind flashed across like a lantern, and then disappeared.

"It was me, it was me first, obviously I initiated the invitation first..."

"For the first time, I have a crew member I want to invite, and someone who can be a lifelong partner..."

"But whether it's the demon sword or the leather whip, why is it always me who gets beaten?"

"Why, did it become like this..."

With a soft "creak", the wooden door of the cabin was pushed open from the outside.

The little fox Love walked in quickly with a plate in his hand, and it was full of rich and delicious food.

The strong food aroma constantly emanating from the dinner plate instantly rescued Shanks from the image of a white scholar.

He stood up like a salted fish, sat up, sat up straight from the floor of the cabin, and stared straight at the food in Love's hand with bright eyes.

"It smells so good!"

Love walked to the table in the cabin, slapped the dinner plate on the table, then put her hands on her hips, raised her chin slightly, and said quite unhappy.

"Hmph! You bastard who wants to snatch Adrian sama away from me! If it wasn't for Adrian sama who asked me to bring you some food because he was worried that you were starving to death, I wouldn't bother to care about you. Where's the guy!"

Shanks turned a deaf ear and didn't listen to Love at all.

I saw him take three steps and two steps at a time, rushing to the front of the dining table like a starved ghost reincarnated, without seeing clearly what was in front of him, he grabbed one at random and stuffed it whole into his mouth.

The successive battles with Adrian have greatly consumed Shanks' energy and strength, and he has suffered serious physical and psychological injuries. At this time, a large amount of food is urgently needed.

Well, it's just a supplement that requires a lot of food.

The reply method of the physique monster is so simple and clear.

A moment in the blink of an eye.

Shanks then stuffed a small half of the food on the dinner plate into his mouth, barely filling his empty stomach, and regained his composure a little.

At this time, he had the time to look at the little fox who had just brought the food into the room, and said in surprise.

"Wow! Fur family! It's a fur family!"

Hearing this, the little fox's ears, which were originally full of displeasure, twitched a few times, and the fluffy fox tail also swept lightly behind him.

"You guy..." Love looked at Shanks uncertainly, and hesitated, "Have you seen the fur tribe?"

"Oh, Love, Shanks, like me, was once a member of Roger's Pirates."

Rumi went straight through the cabin wall and entered the room. Hearing Love's familiar voice, he immediately explained something.

Immediately, the boat spirit raised its arm again, and with a slight ripple, a pile of medical medicine in bottles and jars was transferred from the castle and placed on the table.

Shanks still kept stuffing food into his mouth with his right hand, but he still freed his left hand to pick up a bottle for inspection.

"These... are all... drugs?"

Shanks' words sounded a bit slurred due to his full mouth.


Rumi nodded happily. The small gap between it and Shanks during the day has long been forgotten by the broad-minded ship spirit.

"Although I'm not a professional doctor, these are medicines that can be used to treat common injuries! These things have been stored in the castle for a long time, and you should need them now, right?"

Shanks stuffed the last bit of food into his mouth, then folded his hands together, thanking him sincerely.

"Thank you so much! Rumi!"

"It's okay," Rumi flitted around mid-air coyly, "Hurry up and see what you need?"

In the life of Roger Pirates for more than ten years, although Shanks is not a ship doctor, he still has some rough and simple emergency treatment concepts.

Bandaging techniques, although not professional, are barely usable.

While Shanks was choosing medicine and treating himself.

Love waved at Rumi, and said repeatedly: "Rumi! Rumi! Come here!"

Rumi flew to Love and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Love quietly pointed to the medicine over there, "Did Adrian Sama ask you to send these medicines?"

Rumi replied, "Yes!"

"Why did Adrian Sama give this guy medicine?" Love was very puzzled, "Obviously this guy wants to take Adrian Sama away from me!"

Rumi was embarrassed to remind Love, the "little third-in-command", to pay attention to his identity, but simply explained.

"Shanks just initiated an invitation."

Love wrinkled his nose, "Then this guy, do you want to go to Visalia, a small empty island with us?"

Rumi nodded and said, "Looking at what Adrian means, it should be like this."

The thought from Adrian was instantly suppressed and the little fox had nothing to say.

Love glanced at Shanks quickly, and her evaluation changed rapidly.

"Looking at it this way, the red hair is at least more normal than the long earlobe."

Love asked again: "Rumi, who is better with red hair or long earlobes?"

"Shanks and Enel?" Rumi touched the brim of his hat, and after thinking for a moment, he commented, "Shanks must be stronger!"

Then it explained.

"The main reason is that Adrian is so powerful, which makes Shanks appear to be weak. In fact, Shanks can easily deal with some brigadier generals or even major generals in the Navy headquarters."

Love was quite keenly aware of the key elements, and nodded in approval:
"That's right! Adrian Sama is the best!"

The little fox and the boat spirit got together again and muttered for a long time.

Shanks finally finished treating the injuries on his body. His upper body was covered with white bandages, and a long gauze was also pasted on the scar on his right cheek that was scratched by the demon knife.

Through the large amount of food supplement just now, Shanks has recovered a lot at this moment, and he also thought of the question that he had not had time to ask in the future.

"Rumi, can I ask you something?"

Rumi interrupted the conversation with Love and turned around, "What's the matter, Shanks?"

"That's right. Adrian said that Captain Roger has a wife. What's going on?"

Shanks always thought he was Roger's son——

I always thought Captain Roger was alone!


Rumi immediately regained his spirits. In fact, he has always been very curious about this matter.

"I don't know much about this matter, because I only woke up from a deep sleep when I was in the capital of seven waters. Adrian only occasionally said things before."

Rumi immediately told Shanks what he knew about Roger's wife and children.

"It turns out that Captain Roger not only has a wife, but also a child?"

Shanks felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart at this time, as if he had been robbed of another layer of identity.

"It should be that way!" Rumi nodded, "But I haven't seen Mrs. Lujiu before! I'm so curious!"

"By the way, Rumi, have you seen that guy Barrett?"

Shanks remembered one more thing.

"Adrian seemed to say that that guy went to Donghai? What kind of village?"

"I'm not very clear about that." Rumi shook his head, "When I met Barrett, I hid in the castle most of the time."


Shanks shook his head regretfully, but didn't pay much attention.

Although they lived together on the Roger Pirates for several years, Barrett's personality is too cold, and he always has an arrogant expression of "I'm the strongest", which doesn't quite get along with him.

Rumi thought that Shanks just wanted to meet his fellow Roger Pirates, and comforted him.

"According to Adrian, we will go to the Upside Down Mountain, pass through the Twin Gorges, and arrive at the Paradise. By then, Shanks will be able to meet Kulokas."

Shanks' expression suddenly became bitter, he didn't want to go to some great route now!

I want to gather partners and form a new pirate group by myself!

Shanks screamed in his heart.

"Rumi, do you think there is any way for me to disembark early?"

Rumi said with some uncertainty: "Beat Adrian?"

The corner of Shanks' mouth twitched, if I could beat the white ghost, would I still be in this situation?
at this time.

Love suddenly said sinisterly: "Actually, as long as you die."

Shanks complained loudly: "Don't say such horrible things!"

Rumi comforted: "Oh, actually Adrian is really nice."

Of course, Shanks knew about this.

Most of the conflicts between pirates that have been seen on the sea in the past.

Most of them are the kind that will never give up.

Like Adrian who keeps giving him opportunities to continue to challenge, Shanks has only seen it in the original Roger Pirates.

Douglas Barrett was subdued by Captain Roger after repeated failed challenges.

But, I don't want to be subdued!

Shanks burst into tears.

I just feel that the identity and dream of the captain seem to be constantly drifting away from him.


The next morning.

The Nether Abyss sailed on the shimmering sea.

on the deck.

The challenge activities on the second day are still in progress.


Shanks yelled, jumped up, and slashed down with the domineering sailor's scimitar in his hand.

Facing this thunder-like direct attack, Adrian didn't lift his eyelids, flipped the snow in his hand, and then swung it with his right hand.


With a crisp sound, the two knives drew dazzling sparks in the air.

Shanks' powerful and heavy knife was completely unloaded to one side, Yukino gently followed his charge to the side, pushing his body slightly to the right side.

One hit to lose.

Shanks didn't panic, and at the same time his body fell to the ground, using his right foot as the core support point, the sailor's scimitar in his hand immediately cut across.

Adrian exerted strength with his right arm, Yukino pressed down along it, received Shanks' attack, and bounced it away.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the knife upwards with lightning-like speed, and immediately cut it down.

In a hurry, Shanks retracted the sailor's scimitar, kicked his right foot, and rolled to the side in embarrassment.

Adrian stood on the spot and snapped his fingers easily.

In front of Shanks' tumbling route, a miniature ghost exuding a slightly black aura appeared out of nowhere, with a cruel and malicious smile on his face.

Bad Luck Ghost · Lucky Curse.

Facing such a protagonist character.

It is far from enough to simply brutalize his body.

We must also pay attention to - tenacious spirit.


Adrian has a lot of emotional manipulation abilities that can make people strong.

Shanks, who couldn't dodge in time, closed his eyes tightly, and bumped into the bad luck ghost exuding a black breath directly.

Get direct access to Adrian's most famous ghost ability.

Shanks thought he would encounter something horrific immediately, but after closing his eyes and waiting for a while, he found that nothing happened.


Shanks suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, brandished the sailor's scimitar, and was about to laugh out loud.

At this moment, a crystal clear and round transparent bubble suddenly rose from under his feet.

The bubbles secreted by the Alkyman mangrove are extremely tough, and the surface is smooth and moist, which made Shanks, who had not had time to stand still, suddenly slipped on the soles of his feet.

At the same time, the sailor's scimitar, which was originally stuck on the deck, also fell backwards with the blade straight up because the owner lost control, and fell on the deck first.

Shanks, who fell later, sat on the blade with his buttocks, his trousers were bleeding instantly.


Shanks uttered a scream, and quickly rolled over, clutching his bleeding butt, trying to stay away from the sailor's scimitar that interfered with the Lord.

But in a hurry, he stepped on the flat surface of the sailor's scimitar again.

Under the lubricating effect of the blood, the sailor's scimitar immediately functioned like a banana peel.


A brace!

It hurts just to look at it!

Adrian couldn't bear to look directly, he was a little bit moved by the terrifying effect of the bad luck ghost.

Compared with the result of social death exposed by Tiangushan Feiche's wife before.

At this time, Shanks, under the interference of the ghost of bad luck, suffered physical injuries that could be called torture.

True Ass Blooms!
Just as Adrian stood patiently in place, waiting for Shanks to stand up again like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

A prompt message suddenly came from the panel.

【You have defeated Shanks nine times with No.40! 】

[You trigger a C-level random mission [red hair]! 】

[Mission introduction: This is just a child who just went to sea! 】

[Mission reminder: Don't let him go! 】

[Task Requirement: Defeat Shanks for the first time]

[Task Reward: Randomly draw a skill or specialty of Shanks]

 Thanks for the 100 starting point rewards of "lazy drinking pineapple beer" and "quietly falling snow".

  Because it is Monday, it happens to be on the shelves for another month, and I will report the status of the balance.

  At present, the cumulative rewards are 7.06w starting coins, and the cumulative monthly tickets are 890 votes (background display).

  The outstanding number of these two aspects is: 21.

  At present, the average order...there is no statistics on the average order yet.

  But if it is a high-quality product, everyone will know at least how much is still owed.

  For the time being, let's just assume that I still owe 21 updates.

  Well, there was no fifth change yesterday, but this chapter is 4K.

(End of this chapter)

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