Chapter 338 NRT
Adrian finished sorting out the mission harvest, walked out of the cabin, and came to the deck.

"Oh! Adrian! Are we going to continue to go deeper into the new world now, or return to the paradise stage?"

Rumi's voice came from the direction of the rudder.

"The next stop of Wano Country should be the legendary strongest country [Elbaf], right?"

Adrian asked.


Rumi leaned out from the rudder of the boat, and flew towards this direction.

"Elbaf has a lot of big giants, and their strength is also very powerful!"

Adrian thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"No, now is not the time to go to Elbaf, that country... is too sensitive!"


Rumi tilted his head in doubt, not understanding what Adrian said.

Adrian didn't explain too much, just said: "We can prepare to return. We will sail in the new world for a while and clear up the idle pirates we encountered on the way. Then we will return to Visalia, a small empty island!"

Wano country's trivia is over, and a period of peace is about to usher in.

Adrian is going to take advantage of this long period of time to complete the side quests of [Potatic Scholar] first.

In a nutshell two words.



After half a month of sailing.

Adrian returned to Visalia, a small empty island.

However, what greeted him was unexpected bad news.

"Shanks... ran away?"

Adrian frowned slightly, and looked at Enilu who was embarrassed in front of him, his voice sounded neither sad nor happy.

Enel replied at a loss: "Yes, yes!"

A red light flashed in his eyes, and Adrian instantly turned on the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge, and the full-level knowledge and knowledge instantly covered the entire island of Versalia, and continued to spread towards the rest of the empty islands.

After some searching, the familiar breath still did not appear in Adrian's perception.

Golden leeks actually ran away from their own fields!
There was an indescribable feeling in Adrian's heart, a feeling of loss.

But from another angle.

Shanks's voluntary escape from the peaceful and peaceful Xiaokong Island will actually prompt him to grow faster.

And after experiencing the tempering that Adrian put on him, maybe this golden leek will grow stronger and healthier than the original life trajectory.


So angry!

Adrian couldn't help grinding his back molars, and secretly wrote a note to Shanks in his notebook.

Shanks, what do you owe me? (Pure prison electronic music)——

"Did he do anything strange before he left?" Adrian asked Enel, "Has the rest of the residents of Visalia, Xiaokong Island, been affected?"

"Before the Straw Hat Boy left, he sent invitations to Dr. Moy and me, but I don't know much about the others."

Anilo hurriedly reported.

Adrian gritted his teeth again, and Shanks added another evil.

This golden leek actually wants to poach me, a novice farmer!

It's simply a big joke in the world!
At this time, Enilu said again.

"When the Straw Hat Boy left Sky Island, another one disappeared from Visalia Island..."


Anil gave a reasonable and unexpected answer.

"It's Little Robin's mother, Ms. Nicole Olbia!"

Good guy, it looks like he kidnapped an archaeologist before leaving!

The actions of this straw hat boy are really inherited!

The corners of Adrian's eyes twitched slightly, not knowing how to evaluate Shanks' actions.

As early as at the beginning, after the incident of O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order, Nicole Olbia still did not give up her dream of continuing to pursue history.

But she didn't leave without saying goodbye immediately, but followed O'Hara's army to Visalia, a small empty island.

Since bringing all O'Hara survivors to Xiaokong Island, Adrian has never paid attention to Nicole Olbia's situation.

be honest.

If it weren't for the fact that she was Robin's mother, Adrian wouldn't even bother to raise his eyelids when he treated Nicole Olbia.

I thought that Nicole Olbia had already left the small sky island, but I didn't expect to run away with Shanks at this time...

Shaking his head, Adrian simply didn't think about these shitty things.

The next time you meet Shanks, you must beat this guy until he can't get out of bed for half a month!
As for Nicole Olbia, fuck her!

Adrian looked at Enilu who was still standing in front of him, touched his chin, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Anilu, have you ever thought about going to Qinghai below for an adventure with Shanks?"

Adrian stared at Enel's pupils, and said with a very serious expression.


Enilu's expression was tangled for a moment, he stretched out his hand, and scratched his fluffy afro head.

After thinking for a long time, the little long-eared thief still whispered.

"Actually, what I thought about..."

Adrian is not surprised, running to the sea is the dream of 90.00% of men in this world.

Enil, who has not yet eaten the fruit of thunder, although he already has the potential character of being a second-year-old, but after all, he is not the thunder god who will completely rule the entire sky island in the future.

It is understandable for the young Enilo to want to go out to sea.

Seeing Adrian fell into silence, Enilo couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and he asked anxiously:

"Master! Are you leaving me?"

Some time ago, I followed Adrian to the magic valley town of Gaya Island, and the passionate scene of fighting with many pirates has been constantly reappearing in Enilo's heart.

But this does not mean that Enilo is willing to give up his life in Sky Island.

"No, actually, I kind of want to give you a task."

Adrian looked at Enilo carefully, then shook his head slowly.

"But with your strength, it may still be weaker."

"I'm already great!"

Hearing this, Enil immediately puffed up his chest and said loudly.

"Even the Straw Hat Boy can't defeat me!"

"Really?" Adrian frowned, "Have you fought Shanks?"

"We have played a few games, but there has been no winner..."

Enel said vaguely.

During the few days when Shanks stayed on Xiaokong Island, Enel did frequently trouble the Straw Hat Boy.

But there is still a distance between his current strength and Shanks.

To put it nicely, it is called "there is no winner".

In fact, he has nothing to do with Shanks at all.

"It's interesting..."

Adrian was interested.

In fact, it is a bit of a waste of his talent to let Anilu stay in Visalia, a small sky island.

Such a genius who awakened two-color domineering on his own, let him live in Visalia, a small sky island, at the golden stage of his strength growth, it is indeed a bit violent.

Rather than...

Throw Enel into the sea.

Let him grab a man from Bucky?

As soon as this idea came up, Adrian couldn't help rubbing his fingers, showing excitement on his face.

In fact, there is a little-known commonality between Enel and Shanks.

These two were born in the same year!

Age is no reason to stop them!
Shanks left the small sky island, and Enilo was tasked with bringing it back...

Shanks!I must bring you back!
Anilo!The freedom I pursue will allow me to cut off this fetter with my own hands!

Doesn't this look better than a blogger's biography?

 On the first day of September, I will report to you about the situation of the previous month.

  The accumulated monthly tickets in the background are 1931 votes, and the accumulated rewards are 97299 points.

  The number of owed shifts in August has six shifts left.


  Obviously there is no double monthly ticket, but in the last two days everyone voted for more than 500 monthly tickets, which is really scary...

  August still owes six more.

  Because of the arrival of a new month, the number of rewards and monthly tickets needs to be reset to zero and recalculated. I hope everyone knows this.

  PS: The chapter title, NRT, is the abbreviation of Naruto. :)
(End of this chapter)

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