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Chapter 36 Otfi Island (please collect, please recommend)

Chapter 36 Otfi Island (please collect, please recommend)

The full-level [Ghost Body] really helped Adrian too much. He was able to easily defeat the leader of the Erbao water army before, largely because of his immunity to physical attacks.


The passive and non-consumable ghost body made [flying], a rather rare ability, become one of Adrian's daily ways of traveling.

After entering the ghostly state, Adrian soared into the sky, and gradually increased his limit flight speed.

How fast is [Ghost] flying?
Adrian didn't know it before, but when he continued to accelerate but couldn't reach the limit, he realized what a terrifying ability he had accidentally discovered!

Ignoring the characteristics of physical obstacles even means that there is no slight resistance to the flight of ghosts.

Feeling the scene beside him moving backwards like the wind, a message appeared in Adrian's mind inexplicably.

The flying speed of the ghost depends only on his thinking speed!

Of course, this does not mean that Adrian can approach the speed of light, or even faster than the speed of light.

There is a limit to the speed of human thinking, and the highest flight speed that Adrian can control is about 500 kilometers per hour. (Note)
Speeding at such a high speed, Adrian didn't spend much time at all, and followed Dr. Kloba's instructions to the chart, and came to the famous gangster island-Ottfi Island.

This is a town-like island, with hills stretching nearly [-] meters in the north and east, and densely populated along the sea coast in the south, with various buildings interlaced.

Standing in the sky, Adrian looked down at the beautiful island below with inexplicable eyes.

The next moment, dots of ghost fluorescence emerged, and densely packed mini ghosts waved their arms and kept gathering around Adrian.

"Little cuties, go and help me see the situation on the island..."

Mini Ghost · Astral Parade!

The overwhelming torrent of ghosts rushed down to the Outerfield Island in an instant. Without a trace of fireworks, it suddenly dispersed at a height of tens of meters above the ground, and evenly distributed to every street, every corner, and every place where people existed on the island. place.

Astral Parade is a detection skill developed by Adrian with the help of the ghost fruit. The small mini ghost can act as a scout very well, helping to spy on information quietly.

For ordinary people, the miniature white ghosts in the sky dozens of meters during the day are simply inconspicuous; at night, they will only regard the miniature ghosts as shining stars with relatively different shapes, and will not invest too much focus on.

Adrian closed his eyes and communicated with the mini ghosts below. With the help of their eyes, he carefully observed every corner of Outerfi Island and secretly searched for information.

Soon, he collected a piece of news that was surprising enough.

"Such bright pink hair...how can Mrs. Penelope be here?"

Adrian opened his eyes suddenly, with a slightly suspicious look in his eyes.

"Go and see first!"

As soon as the words fell, Adrian in the ghost state suddenly shrunk, made his body the size of a mini ghost, and then flew down.

Near the center of Outerfield Island, there is a separate two-story building. Mrs. Penelope, who is imprisoned here at this time, is looking out of the window full of sadness.

She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, whether it was persuading her husband to trade the [Ghost Fruit] to others, or writing to O'Hara for help.

But why did it fall to this level?

Her husband hadn't heard from her for nearly a month. Based on the inhumane rumors about the Capone gang, no matter how optimistic Mrs. Penelope's nature was, she would not think that her husband was being treated as a guest by the Capone gang.

The only thing she hopes for now is that her husband can live.

"Lady Penelope, Lady Penelope..."

A thin voice suddenly brought Mrs. Penelope back to her mind. She looked around the room with some doubts, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Did I finally have hallucinations because of excessive worry? If I had known this, I shouldn't have written to O'Hara..." Looking at the empty room, Mrs. Penelope smiled bitterly to herself.

"Sorry, I just forgot to change my body shape..."

A familiar voice sounded in the strangeness, and Adrian's figure appeared in the room out of thin air.

"Yes—" Mrs. Penelope's eyes widened, she looked around, and quickly lowered her voice, "It's you, Adrian!"

"That's right, it's me, ma'am." Adrian apologized and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Penelope, I'm very sorry about what happened to you."

"It's useless to say this now..." Mrs. Penelope looked sad, "Mr. Adrian, how did you get here?"

Adrian didn't answer, but asked instead: "Madam, I happen to have a question to ask you. If I remember correctly, you said in your letter that you are still at the Qingshui Chamber of Commerce..."

"That's right." Mrs. Penelope smiled bitterly and told the whole story, "But when the client sent the letter just now, the Capone gang had already noticed it. They probably did it on purpose. Let me spread the news, so that Mr. Adrian, you are a trap!"

Mrs. Penelope said again: "Since the letter was sent, the people from the Capone gang directly took me to Outerfield Island and completely cut off my contact with the outside world."

"Your family..."

"I don't have any news about Crivat yet, I'm afraid..." Mrs. Penelope's eyes were red and her voice was choked up, "But they, the Capone gang haven't shot the child in a frenzy, and little Pepe is still with me Together, I'm still sleeping in the bedroom at this time... If it wasn't for little Pepe, I guess I would have..."

Adrian was silent for a moment.

Mrs. Penelope wiped her eyes and said: "Mr. Adrian, I am very grateful that you came to Outerfield Island, but if you are alone, you cannot be the opponent of Capone's gang, they are not It can be compared to the third-rate pirates at sea. You'd better..."

Adrian interrupted Mrs. Penelope, and said in a harmonious voice: "Madam, you don't have to deal with the Capone gang, I will handle it myself. For the current situation, I have two options for the time being."

"Please tell me."

"First, I will take you and Perona to O'Hara Island first. After arriving there, your mother and daughter will naturally be safe."

"What about the second?"

"You continue to stay on Outerfield Island—of course, I will find a safe enough place to house you and your daughter. Then, wait for me to deal with the Capone gang."

Mrs. Penelope said firmly: "I choose the second option."

"Why?" Adrian was a little puzzled, "The first option is actually safer."

Mrs. Penelope resolutely said: "Until I get accurate information from Clearwater, I won't leave without saying anything!"

"So that's the case..." Adrian murmured, "Then come with me first, the ghosts have just found a place that is sufficiently hidden, and no one will find it there."

"Then, you just have to wait quietly."

 Note: There is a view in the scientific community that human thinking speed is close to 250km/h. I don’t know how to get this data. Thinking speed itself is a very difficult data to measure.So the speed taken here is the current signal speed of the brain, which is about 138m/s, equivalent to 496.8km/h, about 500km/h.But this is a novel, and it’s a pirate fan, so don’t force it, even if it’s the author’s setting, the speed of the ghost is hard to describe

(End of this chapter)

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