Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 415 Hero Pirate

Chapter 415 Hero Pirate
The Great Route, St. Ting Island, Rapeseed Port.

As the most famous port city in Alabasta, this formerly bustling and tourist-filled commercial terminal has fallen into chaos and conflict, with screams and wailing endlessly heard.

About half an hour ago.

A group of rookie pirates who came from the North Sea and crossed the Reverse Mountain in an attempt to dominate the great sea route, after successfully landing at Rapeseed Flower Port, they did not hesitate to carry out brutal looting.

Whether it was innocent merchant ships landing at the port, high-end shops living in the city, or even pedestrians and tourists passing by, they were all included in the range of looting targets by these pirates.

Those who resist even a little bit will be killed directly by the pirates, and the integrity of the corpse cannot be guaranteed.

Anyone can see that this is an extremely crazy and evil pirate group.

However, the original guards in the Rapeseed Flower Port were completely helpless in the face of this group of rookie pirates from the North Sea.

Even the captain and vice-captain of the escort team swarmed up, and in the two-on-one unfair contest, they all lost to the head of the enemy pirate group, and even lost their lives together.

The tall and burly captain of the pirate ship stepped on the head of the captain of the port guard with his right foot - which was just cut off - as if he was stepping on a football, with an extremely arrogant posture.

"I'll give you the last half an hour to hand over all the valuables to me! Otherwise..."

The flesh-faced pirate captain swung his blood-stained long knife, pointed at the pedestrians and tourists on the opposite side, and kicked the guard captain's head out.

"This guy! It's your fate!"

The pirates cheered loudly from the side, complimenting the captain's invincible arrogance.

The head of the guard captain, who was dying, turned several times on the dusty ground, and finally rolled in front of a businessman in exquisite clothes, staining the hem of his clothes with blood stains.


The businessman in fine clothes let out a scream, and was so frightened by this head that he passed out directly.

"Bah! Idiot!"

The pirate captain spat on the ground. He thought that the clothes on this businessman were of high value, and he should be a big fat sheep, but he didn't expect to be frightened unconscious by a head.

After walking a few steps forward, the pirate captain walked up to the unconscious businessman, and the rest of the residents saw him approaching, and all moved away to the side.

"Like this kind of rubbish, there is no qualification to survive!"

The pirate captain grinned, and put the long knife on the merchant's neck.

Just hear a sting.

The unconscious merchant had his throat cut cleanly by the pirate captain.

Hot and bright red blood spurted straight up from the huge gap between the necks, like a fountain of blood, and then a stinky rain of blood fell in this square inch.

In Rapeseed Flower Port, a tall man stood silently on the top of a [-]-meter-high bell tower.

He has a big back and a long horizontal scar on his face, which almost divides his face into upper and lower halves from the middle. He wears a golden earring in his right ear, wears a black fur coat, and seems to have a mutilated left hand. , which was originally the position of the wrist, wearing a brightly colored gold hook.

It is the first Shichibukai certified by the world government——Sha Crockerdale!
Crocodile looked around the port wharf, his eyes flickered red, and he kept using his knowledge and arrogance to perceive the situation on the wharf.

"The guards are like waste, but this is also suitable for me to rule this country! Then use it to seize the thing that can shock the sea and the white beard..."

The end of the cigar Crocodile was holding in his mouth, the red star flickered, and the rising smoke covered his face, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

"It's a pity, there are no capable people in this group of pirates, otherwise, they can be taken for their own use!"

At the top of the bell tower, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, and Crocodile's body turned into grains of sand in the gust of wind, and the wind and dust lifted his body and brought him to the port pier.

"The bad guys do all kinds of evil things, it's time for the heroes to come on stage..."

A slight whisper dissipated into the dust.

On the pier, the pirate captain was still urging his subordinates to quickly search for wealth in the city, while at the same time forcing the civilians in front of him to hand over money for their lives.

As an experienced pirate captain, he is very clear about one thing, the strength of the pirate group alone is completely unable to compete with a complete army of a country.

Pirates' looting is usually guerrilla, and they will run away after robbing, and they will never start a direct conflict with a certain country.

The pirate captain is well aware of the strength of his own pirate group, so he set the plundering time to one hour.

'In such a short period of time, such a big country has no time to react.By the time someone with enough strength arrived, I would have already run away with my treasure... Hahahaha!My mother is really a god...'

Before the pirate captain finished his self-praise, he saw a man in a black fur coat suddenly appearing in front of him.

Appears out of thin air.

It's just like……

Like sand brought by the wind.

"Hey! Who are you guys?!"

The pirate captain frowned, put the back of the long knife on his shoulder, and asked in a rough voice.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The pirate captain from the North Sea is not a newcomer without eyesight.

In fact.

Over the years, with the continuous development of the Don Quixote family, if the North Sea pirates do not want to submit to the Don Quixote family, going to the great route is one of the few ways out for them.

The pirate captain who is looting Rapeseed Flower Port is the frustrated person who was "banished" from the North Sea by the Don Quixote family.

Having had conflicts with the Don Quixote family, the pirate captain naturally knows that there is a strange power in this world called devil fruit.

And the man in the black fur coat in front of him, this special way of appearance, is very similar to a fruit-capable person.


Crocodile didn't pay attention to the plundering pirate for the first time, but looked at the panic around him, pretending to be remorseful, and said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, everyone, I was too late!"

The pirate captain frowned, instinctively felt his 'majesty', and received invisible contempt from the other party.

"You bastard, you don't understand human language, do you?"

The pirate captain made three steps in parallel, and ran towards Crocodile with a burly figure bursting out at a super-high speed that ordinary people could not match.

"I told you to go away, but you don't! Now, let me die!"

The pirate captain shouted angrily, raised the blood-stained long knife in his hand, swung his right arm, and the long knife slashed towards Crocodile's neck with the whistling wind.


There was a sound that was slightly different from the usual beheading, and Crocodile's head was beheaded by the pirate captain.

"I thought it was a powerful character! Compared to that monster Doflamingo, you are trash! Trash!"

Seeing the enemy being "headed with a knife" by himself, the tension in the pirate captain's heart was swept away immediately, and he couldn't help but sneer wildly.

"Really, Doflamingo?"

Crocodile's beheaded head was floating in the air out of thin air, and a pair of eyes without emotional fluctuations looked at the pirate captain in front of him.

"I remember the name..."


When the pirate captain saw this ghostly scene, he lost his grip for a moment, and the long knife fell to the floor, making a crisp crashing sound.

"Strange, monster!!"

The pirate captain screamed, he hurriedly lowered his head, intending to pick up the weapon, and chop this unkillable monster into minced meat.


Crocodile stepped on the blade of the pirate captain's long knife, and even though the other party frantically twitched the handle of the knife, the sole of his foot did not move at all.

The pirate captain raised his head, and was about to question angrily.

Crocodile didn't intend to give him another chance to talk nonsense.

"Desert Prison."

With a soft moan, Crocodile raised his right hand and instantly swelled, holding the neck of the pirate captain tightly, and at the same time continuously absorbing the water in the pirate captain's body.

As a user of the nature-type rustling fruit ability, what Crocodile can do is not just superficial naturalization!

The body of the originally tall and strong pirate captain was shriveled almost visible to the naked eye, and turned into an extremely fragile skinny appearance.

Crocodile threw off the pirate captain in his hand, and then turned his attention to the rest of the pirate group.

"Now, let's get caught, trash pirates!"

Crocodile's indifferent voice floated in the hearts of everyone in the port.

"I'm His Majesty Shichibukai, Crocodile!

"Alabasta, let me protect it!"

The pirates looked at each other, even the strongest captain couldn't make a cutscene in each other's hands, even if they rushed forward, they would never be opponents.

After some hesitation, the pirates dropped the looted treasures one after another, crouched down with their heads in their arms, hoping to have a good result.

Even if it is death, it shouldn't be sent directly at this time!
The residents of Alabasta standing opposite the pirate looked at Crocodile with extremely complicated eyes.

I thought that this [King Shichibukai] would continue to plunder the wealth in Alabasta like other pirates.

But through the other party's performance during this period, it can be seen that this [Master Shichibukai] is clearly the protector of the country!

It's... a heroic figure!

When the first resident shouted this name.

The rest of the residents hesitated for a moment, looking at the pirate captain who was so arrogant and crazy just now, and now he is extremely weak, and slowly called out this name.



"Heroes of Alabasta!"

Amidst the cheers, Crocodile squinted his eyes to enjoy for a moment, then raised his right foot, showing an indifferent smile that made the pirates terrified and the residents feel at ease.

In the desperate eyes of the pirate captain.

Heroes of Alabasta.

"Crack" sound.

A foot crushed his neck bone.

(End of this chapter)

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