Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 432 [Boatsmith] Career Upgrade Task

Chapter 432 [Boatsmith] Career Upgrade Task

As for the unique bubble boat on the sea, which uses the branches of the Alchiman mangrove as the building material.

Mr. Tom's memory was fresh.

"No, the Nether Abyss has been well taken care of all the time."

Adrian recalled Rumi. Under the care of this ship spirit, it was very difficult for the Underworld to make any mistakes.

"However, if Mr. Tom is willing to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Underworld, that is also very welcome. After all, the Underworld has been sailing for six years."

"This is on me! Tahahaha!"

Mr. Tom laughed out loud and thumped his chest.

As a shipwright, how can you refuse a guest's request to inspect a boat?
Not to mention that the ship is still Mr. Tom's own work!
"As for the purpose of my coming to the capital of seven waters, there are actually two purposes."

Adrian stretched out his right hand, raising his index finger and middle finger successively.

"First, I read in the newspaper that the plan for the sea train has made great progress, and I want to witness the situation of the sea train with my own eyes;

Second, it is for you, Mr. Tom. "

"'Smoky Tom' has indeed made a very big breakthrough, and has even begun preparations for a test run in the water to collect data."

Mr. Tom first introduced the current situation of the sea train, and then pointed to his nose curiously.

"But me? What could be wrong with me?"

The rest of the people in the living room were quietly listening to the conversation between the two.

"In another three years, it will be the deadline given by the world government, right?"

Adrian looked around and said in a deep voice.

"The sea train was originally planned to forcefully postpone the trial for ten years in exchange for the safety of Mr. Tom's life."

"Don't worry, Adrian, the agreement with the judicial department of the world government, as long as the Smoky Tom sails successfully, it will be considered completely completed."

Mr. Tom couldn't help laughing.

"Tahaha! At that point, the credit for building the Smoking Tom will make those judges ignore the 'crime' for building the Oro Jackson, even though I never thought it was a mistake .”

"Yes, that is indeed the most likely thing to happen."

Adrian nodded noncommittally.

In the original timeline, if it weren't for the accidental exposure of the 'Pluto's blueprint', Mr. Tom could indeed be acquitted.

But as the saying goes, a man is not guilty, but a woman is guilty.

Mr. Tom and his disciples, who are extremely weak in power and strength, have mastered the design blueprints of ancient weapons that must not be touched in this sea. This is the greatest sin.

"However, I don't think those officials of the World Government can have such a good heart."

Adrian hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn't point out the relationship between Mr. Tom and Pluto's design drawings, and didn't even make a vague reminder.

"Tahahaha! I know you have long ignored some people in the world government. After all, you are the [Natural Enemy of God]!"

Mr. Tom laughed, winked at Adrian, and talked about the famous nickname he got for torturing the Tianlong people twice.

"But Adrian, the judiciary, is slightly different from other world government agencies. They have a... quite special human touch."

But the problem is that the one who will talk to you about Pluto's design drawings in the future is not the judicial department at all, but the CP department!
Adrian complained in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he reached into his arms, took out a pen and paper, and left his phone number.

"Although the contact information has been given once before, I still need to leave another one this time."

Adrian looked at Mr. Tom, and handed him the paper with the number recorded in his hand, with a serious attitude on his face.

"If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can come to me about the world government! I like to find trouble with the world government, especially for their unrighteous actions."

Feel Adrian's solemn gesture.

Mr. Tom didn't laugh anymore, but took the paper seriously and put it away, and nodded.

Adrian smiled and changed the subject.

"Now that the business has been done, can I, an outsider, be allowed to visit the 'Smoking Tom'?"

As soon as the topic came out, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Tahahaha! Of course it's no problem!"

Mr. Tom stood up first, took Adrian, and walked towards the door.

"Come with me!"

Adrian and Love looked at each other, and after buttoning the mask again, they followed Mr. Tom and went out together, and the rest did the same.

After a while of walking.

A group of people came to the construction site of the 'Smoky Tom', and there were a lot of steel equipment on the ground around them, which looked extremely messy.

On the deliberately vacant space, there is a huge locomotive, the whole body is made of steel, and there is a thick black chimney on top of the locomotive.

'Smoking Tom'.

An iron signboard with white characters on a red background is very conspicuous.

Roughly speaking, just the size of the locomotive is not inferior to many large three-masted sailing ships.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Love couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"Of course it's amazing!" Franky continued, "This is SUPER's powerful teacher Tom, a SUPER's powerful locomotive built by himself!"

Love doesn't want to pay attention to this blue-haired pervert who only wears underwear, after all, the first impression just now is too bad.

Adrian touched his chin and looked at this huge locomotive.

"Is this the only locomotive at present?"

Mr. Tom explained with a smile: "After you have a head, building your body won't be such a hassle!"

Adrian asked again: "What is the approximate passing time of this 'Smoking Tom' train?"

"That's not so sure." Mr. Tom shrugged.

"After all, the sea train plan doesn't just require trains. Beasts in the ocean, solid tracks... many factors must be taken into consideration."

"It's amazing!" Adrian praised, "I can only build a single boat at most."

"Adrian, do you still have some boatman skills?"

Mr Tom couldn't believe it.

The white ghost, who is so powerful in the sea, even knows how to do boatman's handicrafts?
"I learned it very early, but my most successful work so far is just a speedboat that can accommodate a single person."

Adrian briefly recalled.

"The speedboat accompanied me on the Pan-Western Sea voyage, but after arriving at the Great Channel for the first time, to be precise, after arriving at Magnetic Drum Island, the ship died completely. After that, I never built a ship by myself again. .”

"It sounds like you are still nostalgic, Tahahaha! That's right! As a shipbuilder, after building the first ship, you can't help but want to build the second one!"

Mr. Tom laughed out loud and suddenly invited.

"Adrian, would you like to try to leave a copy of your personal work in Tom's studio?"

Adrian was about to wave his hand and refuse.

After all, shipbuilding or something is really not his homepage.

However, at this moment, a task reminder suddenly popped up on the panel.

[You have triggered the job upgrade task [Boatsmith]! 】

[Task Requirements: Design and build a small and medium-sized sailing boat alone! 】

[Task Reward: [Boatman] is upgraded to [Boatsmith], [Basic Ship Manufacturing and Repair] is upgraded to [Advanced Ship Manufacturing and Repair]]


"...Maybe you can try?"

 It's three o'clock today.

  Physically it's really uncomfortable.

  It's the same with taking medicine.

  If the situation is even more serious tomorrow, I probably have to go for a bottle...

(End of this chapter)

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