Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 435 Shanks' Proof Battle!

Chapter 435 Shanks' Proof Battle!

When the Ghost Heart was sailing to the Chambord Islands with a full ship full of laughter and laughter.

New World, Keira Island.

Ever since Micah, the captain of the Acid Pirates, obtained the identity of the King Qiwuhai recognized by the world government.

The prestige of the Acid Pirates in the new world has suddenly risen to a new level, and their deterrent power among many pirates has risen sharply.

Taking advantage of this heaven-sent opportunity, the Acid Pirates also began to expand their territory continuously.

For the vast majority of pirates who entered the new world, they had no way to go to the final island of Ralph Drew. The main way to survive in the new world, apart from loitering and looting, was to seize territory and enslave the people.

Keira Island is currently a medium-sized island under the command of the Acid Pirates, and its population, wealth and resources are relatively rich.

At the most conspicuous position of the port pier, the pirate temperament of the Acid Pirates is inserted, with a black background, and a ghastly white skull drawn in the middle of a splash of green acid.

On the town square of Keira Island, the Acid Pirates are having a grand open-air banquet.

The strong pirates kept taking out rich food and delicious wine from the surrounding houses, and generously shared them with the surrounding companions.

And the innocent people beside them saw that their wealth and materials were publicly robbed by the pirates, but they dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out. The few tortured corpses in the corner were their wake-up call.

In the center of the square, a large number of senior cadres of the Acid Pirates sat.

Sitting in the most conspicuous place was a tall and thin man, wearing a dark green jacket, black trousers, and a pair of long boots.

It was the second king Shichibukai, Acid Micah.

The superhuman sour fruit ability user can produce a large amount of acid out of thin air without restraint. It has amazing corrosiveness and lethality, and its basic strength is also very good.

"Hahaha! Captain! I didn't expect that group of idiots from the world government to have such a brilliant vision to choose the captain to be the king of Qiwuhai!"

A certain senior cadre raised the barrel wine glass in his hand and flattered loudly.

"Our days will be comfortable in the future! Legal right to plunder! Hahahaha!"

Micah nodded proudly, and drank the wine in his hand.

As a pirate, even if you can't understand Wang Shichibukai on the surface, you call them the lackeys of the world government.

But in fact.

A pirate that can be recognized by the world government is a symbol of strength!
Especially the "legal identity" that can act openly in broad daylight has made countless pirates envious and jealous.

Micah also thought that Shichibukai, the king, was a hateful lackey of the world government, a group of garbage who betrayed the belief of pirates.

Especially that senior, Sha Crocodile, I heard that he actually did good deeds in the Alabasta kingdom in the Paradise stage, and was called a hero by the people?
I'm about to throw up!
Are there any good pirates in this world?
What Micah did to Crocodile was completely scoffing at.

But when the people from CP0 came to the front with the order of Wulaoxing.

Micah still accepted the appointment of King Shichibukai with great pleasure.

Do things for the world government, not shabby!
At this time, another senior cadre raised the barrel wine glass in his hand.

"Captain, from my point of view, neither the white ghost nor the white beard are your opponents!
"When are we going to teach a lesson to those guys who made it to fame before?

"The new world should be our territory!"

Although Micah enjoyed the cadre's bragging very much, there are still some things that must be admitted.

"That strange old man with white beard is really powerful..."

A terrified feeling of fear flashed in Micah's eyes, as if he recalled the shocking scene when he wanted to challenge Whitebeard over his own strength, but saw the man tearing the sky and sea apart at will.

"But White Phantom... Ha ha! After stepping on a few trash Tianlong people, I thought it was some great big pirate!"

Micah resentfully drank the newly filled wine glass in his hand.

When those people from CP0 gave him the position of Shichibukai under the king, they also specifically reminded him to be careful of Bai Ghost.


As for the super parallel importer whose most powerful record was defeating several vice admirals, what qualifications does he have to be careful?

If there is a way to fight the general of the headquarters!
The Acid Pirates banquet continued for a while.

Just at this moment, a flustered pirate servant hurried towards this side from the periphery of the crowd.

"Captain! A group of pirates is heading towards Kaila Island! It seems that they came here to trouble us on purpose!"


Micah frowned, and smashed the wine glass in his hand on the table, splashing scattered hops.

"Who is the pirate group that came?"

"It seems to be the red-haired pirates... a rookie pirate who just entered the new world some time ago."

Micah's expression immediately relaxed, and he looked at the pirate handyman impatiently, "That's it? What's so important about such a rookie pirate team!"

Randomly ordered a few senior cadres to come out, and Micah waved at them.

"Go! Get rid of those members of the Red Hair Pirates! Then come back and drink!"

"Hahaha! No problem!"

"Captain, wait for our good news!"

The few cadres who were pointed out drank the wine in their hands, wiped away the scattered wine from their mouths, and left with their knives.

after awhile.

Mijia suddenly realized that those senior cadres still hadn't come back, and they didn't even make a sound.

Just as he was about to go to the shore and check the situation himself.

A few unfamiliar faces slowly walked in from the periphery of the crowd.

The leader was a red-haired young man in a straw hat and a white shirt.

On his left hand side, followed closely by a gray-haired middle-aged man, holding a gun in one hand and a dead body in the other, with a bullet hole bleeding between his eyebrows.

On the right hand side is a big fat man in green and white striped clothes, holding a big bone in one hand, and the corpse of a senior cadre in the other hand.

Puff puff--

There was a dull smashing sound, and several senior cadres who had just been dispatched returned to the pirate group in the state of corpses.

"Straw hat boy, you are so brave!"

Micah's face sank, his hands hung down, and green acid with a pungent smell gushed out of his palms, corroding the surrounding ground until it sizzled.

"With just a few of you, do you want to make trouble with the Acid Pirates?"

Following the captain's order, the members of the Acid Pirates dropped their food and wine one after another, drew their weapons, and jointly attacked the members of the Red Hair Pirates.

Shanks pressed the straw hat with one hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It was as if a real domineering aura emerged from his body, covering every corner of the square in awe-inspiring manner.

The weak-willed pirates of the Acid Pirates, under the suppression of this domineering aura, fell down like wind blowing wheat waves, and completely lost consciousness.

The only ones who remained standing were the senior cadres of the Acid Pirates and the captain himself.

"Sorry, I accidentally used too much force."

Shanks smiled and looked up.

"But now the number of our personnel is roughly the same."

"Overlord look? Do you think you have it?"

Micah didn't care about the fainted fellow pirates at all, his eyes were also fixed, and the domineering look that symbolized the king's posture also emerged from his body.

Embarrassing though.

Micah's domineering look hit everyone in the red-haired pirates, but failed to cause the slightest wave.

Not even the only animal in the Red Hair Pirates—the monkey coiled around a member—was unaffected in the slightest, even wanting to eat a banana.

"Huh? Looks like my partner is a little stronger than yours~"

Shanks smiled lightly.

"Hmph! Straw Hat Boy!"

Micah's face sank, and his estimation of the strength of this so-called "newcomer pirate group" immediately increased a lot.

All members are immune to the suppression of the domineering color, which is not a simple thing.

"Since you dare to come to Kaila Island to make trouble, be prepared to leave a dead body!"

"To be precise, I'm not trying to make trouble, but I want to use your identity and life to stop the boring thoughts of some boring people."

Shanks touched the yellow straw hat on top of his head, his face became more serious, and he pulled out the famous knife 'Deadwood' from his waist with a clang, pointing the shining tip at Micah's position.

"Boring nonsense! Go to hell, Straw Hat!"

Micah yelled angrily, raised his hands that were hanging on both sides of his body suddenly, used the fruit ability, and quickly condensed a dark green acid dragon with a pungent sour smell, biting towards Shanks Come.

Shanks narrowed his eyes, swung the famous knife "Deadwood" in his hand, and made a powerful flying slash, cutting the poisonous acid dragon that wanted to choose someone to eat on the spot.

The flying acid splashed on the unconscious members of the acid pirates, instantly corroding their torsos until their bones were exposed, and they died on the spot.

"What a terrifying power... The swamp fruit is much milder than this."

Shanks touched the straw hat, his eyes became firm again.

"I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself just now, my lord Shichibukai.

"I'm a pirate. Pirate, redhead, Shanks!"

(End of this chapter)

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