Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 605 Treatment of Legendary Pirates!

Chapter 605 Treatment of Legendary Pirates!
"There is nothing wrong with this little note, which means that your adopted son is also fine. Is it necessary to put on such a worried expression?"

Garp picked his nostrils, and ejected a large piece of indescribable filth over the ship's side into the sea, without any sense of public morality at all.

Through the intact state of the life card, it is basically possible to judge the current situation of its owner.

The life card that Zhan Guo held in his hand belonged to Rossindi.

From the life card that was white, neat and wrinkled without meaning, it can be seen that Rosindi's current condition is simply very good!
"How can you guys understand what it's like to be a father!?"

Warring States, who has always been known for being calm and resourceful, would always be easily irritated in front of this old friend of the same period, and subconsciously choked.

"What you said... how come it's as if I don't have children!"

Cap said slightly dissatisfied.

This time, Zhan Guo didn't even bother to respond, and just rolled his eyes.

As for that boy, Drago, not to mention whether he is your real son, Karp, but are you sure you have fulfilled your responsibilities as a father even half a day?
I have heard Ah He talk more than once about the childhood experience of the unlucky child Dorag who can be called an "orphan"!

Besides, as a legendary vice admiral, you have raised the child of a leader of the revolutionary army who is committed to fighting against the world government. Do you really have the face to mention Dorag now? !
Garp might also have sensed that the topic was out of place, so he coughed dryly and changed the subject on his own initiative.

"Tell me, what is the current level of strength of that kid Bai Youling?"

Although Karp's topic shifting skills were very poor, Sengoku did not refute the opponent, but fell into deep thinking.

"When White Specter first arrived in the Chambord Islands, I was the one who fought against him... At that time, White Specter's strength level was very clear. A third-rate swordsman relied on his first-rate devil fruit ability to mess around."

Warring States had a look of deep memories on his face, and his tone was quite low.

"The second time I fought against White Specter, I had to go back to the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order incident. Although the strength of White Specter that year was somewhat beyond expectations, it was still within the tolerance range.

"But now, I really can't judge the exact level of that... monster."

The general of the headquarters who is so powerful in the sea, when he called a pirate, he would call him "monster".

If ordinary sailors hear it, they might scare Da Ya away!

Garp waved his hand impatiently, "If you say it, you don't say it! I was expecting to hear some new news from you!"

Warring States glared at Garp angrily, "White Ghost's strength, is there anything else to say? It's not like you haven't experienced the strength of that crazy woman Charlotte Lingling! The invincible defense of a steel balloon, It’s not really made of paper! Until now, I can’t imagine how White Specter used any means to break Charlotte Lingling’s steel balloon! After the crazy woman was resurrected, the huge cavity in the corpse was simply overwhelming. Scary!"

Cap fell silent.

As early as when the Rocks Pirates dominated the sea, he was already active in the front line of hunting down the opponent.

Garp also had a very deep understanding of the strength of the monsters in the Rocks Pirates.

Compared with Whitebeard Edward Newgate's unparalleled monster power and shaking fruit, and Golden Lion Shiji's super sword skills and fluttering fruit, Charlotte Lingling can really be said to "eat by talent"!
Although the soul soul fruit's strength increase for Charlotte Lingling is not small, but in the confrontation between the top powerhouses in the sea, its effect is quite limited.

Charlotte Lingling's real reliance on reaching the top of the sea is nothing but her body, especially [Steel Balloon]!
Even Garp's navy iron fist can't break through the defense of the steel balloon, it's just so tyrannical!
It is also because of Bai Yougui's unpredictable strength today.

When Warring States rushed to Marshal Kong to ask for leave and wanted to come to Beihai, he was thrown over to Karp, a good helper.

"you say……"

Somehow, Cap's brain circuits suddenly went in the other direction.

"Will White Specter be able to take away Newgate's title of 'The Strongest Man in the Sea'?"

"Is the strongest man in the sea, this time the two of us witness it with our own eyes, and it is enough to understand the truth..."

Sengoku thought about it.

The title of the strongest man in the sea...Maybe we can manipulate it a little bit...To provoke the hostile relationship between White Ghost and Whitebeard...Let the pirates kill each other...

Just when Warring States conceived a "trick" in a short while, Karp suddenly stretched out his finger and tapped the life card in his hand.

"The news of our arrival seems to have been detected in advance... The position of your adopted son is moving."

Zhan Guo lowered his head, looked at the life card in his hand that suddenly became more flexible, and his complexion became more serious again.

According to the nautical chart information, their current location is still a long voyage away from the spider town where the Don Quixote family is located.

Such a long sea route, the white ghost could actually perceive the location in advance...

The other party's knowledgeable and domineering attainments are a bit perverted...


Residence of the Don Quixote family.

Adrian simply ended his daily swordsmanship meditation when he sensed the intrusion of two familiar breaths for the first time.

After bringing the accompanying Robin, Runti and others into the stronghold, Adrian's figure changed for a while, and he appeared in front of the good brothers Rossinanti and Doflamingo.

After disclosing the information he already had to Rosindi before, this red heart tried to escape from the spider town more than once, although every time he failed, he escaped quickly and was quickly caught back.

Until the end, even Doflamingo noticed his brother's strange state.

In order to avoid being further suspected, Rossindi had no choice but to stop his meaningless "prison break" behavior until today.

"What's the matter, Adrian, is there anything I need help with?"

Doflamingo asked.

Rossindi stood aside silently, not wanting to speak.

"No, it's just that two very interesting guests have come to Beihai."

Adrian glanced at Rossindi with a smile and pointed out something.


Doflamingo frowned, could be called "an interesting guest" by Bai Yougui, could it be...

Whitebeard Pirates? !
Or a member of the Hundred Beasts Pirates? !
Luo Xindi knew who the person Bai Yougui was referring to, but felt bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

'Father! '

"Yes, two very interesting guests."

Adrian said.

"The Warring States of Buddha from the Navy Headquarters, and the legendary veteran, the hero Karp!"

As soon as these two titles came out, the expression on Doflamingo's face almost couldn't hold back.

Are you sure this is a guest? !

"When the Golden Lion Shiji broke into the Navy headquarters, he was treated like this."

Adrian grinned.

"How about it, are you interested in seeing a real top-level battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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