Pirates: I loaded the game panel

Chapter 670 The Inevitability of Fate

Chapter 670 The Inevitability of Fate

South China Sea, an unknown island.

wow wow...

Accompanied by the sound of waves, the surging white waves pushed a white-soaked body ashore from the shallow sea.

If you look closely, you can see that she is burly and ferocious, and she is Katerina Depon who fell into the sea from the gunfire of a naval battleship!

Katerina Depon lay on the beach like a corpse for a long while.

"Cough wow!"

Suddenly, Katerina Depon on the yellow sand beach suddenly opened her eyes, coughed out a large puddle of stinky seawater, and then looked around in shock.

After waiting to realize that it was a land island environment, the female pirate who was lucky enough to survive suddenly let out a terrifying laugh like a night owl.

"Mhoo hoo hoo hoo! I'm not dead! I'm alive!"

Ever since the pirate ship was shattered by naval gunfire and Katerina Depon fell into the sea, she didn't know how long she had been drifting and struggling above the sea.

Infinite sea water, tumbling waves, predatory sea beasts...

After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, Katerina Depon, who couldn't hold on, finally lost her strength and passed out.

If he hadn't still kept in mind to hold on to the floating plank in his arms tightly before he passed out, this Xuanyue hunter, who had just been out to sea, would probably have sunk into the sea like a stone!
Throwing aside the swollen and softened wet wooden board in her arms, Katerina Depon struggled to get up from the sandy ground, ignoring her distressed appearance, an unforgettable hatred burst out from her eyes meaning.

"Navy! Just wait and see! The next time I go to sea, I must sacrifice your blood to the flag!"

Katerina Depon didn't intend to let go of the South China Sea branch navy that drove her into the sea.

"And the Isle of Span—"

When thinking of the name of this island, Katerina Depon suddenly flashed a vicious ghost of Blood Harbor in her mind, and closed her mouth uncontrollably.

"That island is too small! Next time we will change to a bigger island!"

Katerina Depon spoke harshly from the heart, even though no one else on this silent island could hear the female pirate's "vow".

Dragging her body full of scars, the tired and hungry Katerina Depon left the beach and walked towards the interior of this unknown island. It was a green primeval jungle, and she was going to find some prey or Berries to fill the stomach.

It would be even better if we could meet humans, and we could directly snatch food from those people!

Katrina Depon thought to herself, pushing aside the bushes and grass that blocked her eyes.

It's a pity to let her down...

There is no human presence on this unknown island, and even traces of human activities are quite rare.

Such islands that are close to the original state are actually quite common in the sea.

After all, the ocean is boundless, and there are only a few small islands suitable for human life.

After about half an hour.

Katerina Depon viciously bit a green fruit in her hand. This fruit was sour and astringent, and it was very unpalatable, but it was the only food she had found within half an hour.

It is not appropriate to say that it is "the only food".

Katerina Depon actually found some other fruits with full flesh, but the extremely gorgeous skin made her stop.

One of the common senses of survival on a deserted island is to stay away from the existence of excessively bright colors, whether it is animals or food, because excessively bright colors often symbolize deadly poison!

Katerina Depon, who was so soured, frowned, and stuffed the blue fruit into her stomach in two or three bites, slightly filling up the empty stomach.

However, the overly sour juice not only failed to relieve Katerina Depen's hunger, but actually enhanced it a lot!

"No! It's completely unrealistic to fill your stomach with fruit, you still need to eat meat!"

Katerina Depon clapped her hands, scanning the surroundings with menacing eyes.

On the way to find food just now, although she also noticed some strange movements, but the sound was too weak, and she could tell that it was some small animals swimming in the bushes.

Those little beasts are fast and hard to catch, and Katerina Depen, who is not in shape, won't waste time on those little animals.

Although the green fruit just now increased the hunger a lot, it also restored some strength to Katerina Depon.

She looked around, broke off a thick stick from a big tree next to her, and found a heavy hard rock on the nearby ground, and tore off a piece of her clothes soaked in seawater. Cut long strips.

After some uncomplicated winding operations, Katerina Depon made a rather primitive "stone axe", which will be used as a hunting weapon later.

With the weapon in hand, Katerina Depon, who had recovered a little, also gained a lot of confidence, and began to go deep into the jungle of this unknown island, intending to find some medium and large beasts with enough weight to serve as food.

Another hour passed.

Katerina Depon, who successfully caught her prey, walked out of the depths of the forest and came near the beach, dragging the bodies of two leopard-like beasts whose heads had been beaten into bleeding pits.

Fire up a barbecue and fill your belly.

Katerina Depon's state suddenly recovered.

The recovery method in this sea is so rough. If you are not poisoned or sick, you just need to eat enough, and the recovery speed is extremely fast...

Caterina Depon, who was full, also began to think about future plans.

After being stranded on a deserted island, there are usually two choices: first, live temporarily on a deserted island, and wait for someone to rescue you by lighting a fire and raising smoke;

The former plan is relatively safe, while the latter plan is more risky.

After some thought, Katrina Depon decided to...

Cut trees and build ships!

It's over!

Carrying the "stone axe" she had just created, Katerina Depon carried a few slender animal bones behind her back, using them as spare weapons for stabbing, and went deep into the jungle again.

On the way, Katerina Depon killed a few beasts without eyes, picked up some dry branches, and planned to return to the beach with a wide view.

Although she plans to cut down trees to build a ship, Katerina Depen doesn't want to start doing it right now.

She has only been out of danger for a few hours!

The donkeys in the production team need to rest!

Carrying the beast carcass and dry firewood, Katerina Depon used the animal bones to push aside the tall grass in front of her. She scanned the surroundings with keen eyes, and luckily found a snow-white fruit.

"Huh? Why does this fruit look like this?"

Katerina Depon frowned as she walked towards the white fruit covered with strange spiral patterns.

"This color... shouldn't be poisonous, right?"

"It's not poisonous."

An unfamiliar voice sounded, and Katerina Depon subconsciously replied.

"That's good……!!"

Catalina Dapon, whose pupils suddenly contracted into pinpricks, threw away the beast prey, bent her legs, jumped a few steps to the side, and at the same time drew her stone ax and bone spurs, one left and one right hold in hand.

The next moment.

After waiting to see the figure of the speaker, Katerina Depon's heart kept falling towards the abyss.


The bloody ghost at the pier in the island of Dospan!
(End of this chapter)

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