My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 15 Minerva McGonagall

Chapter 15 Minerva McGonagall

"You can call me Minerva," McGonagall raised his chin and picked Nelson. "Are you ready? Nelson."

Nelson nodded, he felt McGonagall was a proud, stern and difficult man

"To be honest, I don't want to help Slytherin with anything. Slytherin has no bottom line in competitive sports. Except for the Prince Gobstone who played well, everyone else wants to make a big deal even if they play wizard chess... This is too It's too competitive, and you don't know that this kind of victory is contrary to the glory you have been preaching." She strolled around Nelson, looking at him.

Nelson raised his eyebrows, he was a little unhappy, such a face-to-face opening remark was really hard to make a good impression, making Mag look like a sharp woman, and he didn't like the feeling of being observed from head to toe.

"But—" She didn't seem to see Nelson's expression, and the conversation changed, "I have to admit that this belief in victory applies to Transfiguration, and it fits perfectly... When transfiguration is performed, it's easy to lose your mind. Causes magic to go wrong, poor magic, and even accidents."

"And I often call myself someone Ravenclaw likes, and I should understand that the actions of individuals should not be used to collectively refer to the whole, and the connotation of the whole should not be used to arbitrarily define a person." McGonagall used her Amber eyes met Nelson's eyes tightly, and he said to himself, looked away again, took out his wand, and tapped the stake just now, a few pieces of bark fell off, "To all those who are not. All things you know should be treated equally. This is what I understood in second grade. I hope you can understand... Come on, Nelson, make it what you want to change... Actually, it would be good to make parchment, But let me see your Transfiguration."

Nelson drew her wand and looked at Nelson's fourteen-inch wand, her eyes widened slightly, and she said with certainty, "You'll grow tall, Nelson."

Nelson felt a thorn on his back under the stern gaze of Mag. He waved his wand cautiously, imagining the appearance of a lectern in his mind.

"The wrist is stable, but not flexible enough...the wand seems to be waving too hard"

"Well, black walnut and..." Mag pointed to another piece of bark under his feet with his wand, and it swayed and flew into her hand, turning into a small book during the flight.

"Dragon's Heartstring." Nelson said from the side. Unlike the scene where the rope under Flitwick's wand suddenly turned into a desk, the small piece of bark that Nelson pointed to slowly stretched and twisted.

"Wooden, a little blackened desk with some years of use," Nelson thought to himself, the texture and color of the bark changing.

He tried his best to think about the size of a desk, and the bark stretched and grew as the desk in his mind gradually filled and perfected.

"Okay, Dragon's Heartstring." She wrote something in the little notebook, "Transformed with a small piece of bark...well, a table, a lecture table." She saw a desk in the dark The edge of the lake continued to take shape and eventually stood on the grass.

She stepped forward and tapped the desk with her hand, "The material is fine," she tapped and wrote, then put her hand into the drawer, and then extended it out, "there is still some roughness of tree bark inside, but Very good."

She put the notebook in her pocket and walked towards Nelson, "Today our content is mainly to correct some of your wrong spellcasting movements and spellcasting habits."

With a wave of the wand, the bark scattered on the ground flew "whoosh" in front of them, neatly lined up on the grass beneath their feet.

"You try doing this with me first..."

"Your actions are wrong. When performing Transfiguration, the state of the human body should be relaxed and focused, so that efficient and accurate deformation can be carried out..."


As the sun climbed to the highest point, McGonagall's counseling also came to an end. Nelson has mastered the transformation of non-magical non-living bodies regardless of size, material and shape. He has been very comfortable with this basic transformation. The action of the mantra is simple and efficient, and the result of the transformation is as expected.

"The average person needs a lot of preparation and practice to get started with Transfiguration. Unlike you, you are very spiritual, you can understand a little bit, and you can become proficient very quickly." McGonagall praised, she seemed to have a presence in Slytherin Deep prejudice, added, "You don't look like a Slytherin at all."

"Does a person's life depend on a hat? Senior Minerva?" Nelson finally couldn't help it, he put away his wand, looked directly at Mag and asked, "I don't know why I was divided. In Slytherin, but when I get Slytherin, do I have to play chess?"


Neither of the two spoke. Mag just took out his notebook and lowered his head to write on the notebook. Now is the sunniest time of the day. Even British people who don't see the sun all the year round will not choose this time to go out and hang out. It's dark. There are only twos and threes of students wandering around the lake, and they are far apart from each other. Under this vast closed sky, only the sound of the surging tide of the black lake and the "rustling" of the Mag's pen rubbing against the paper can be heard. Sound... the air was embarrassed because of this, and Nelson began to think about what to say.

"Sorry, Nelson." McGonagall was the first to break the peace, "I—"

She interrupted herself again, and spoke again after a moment of silence.

"A hat really can't decide our life," she tore a paper full of words from the book and handed it to Nelson, "The books I have listed are all for you to read, some of which you will read later. Some of the textbooks used are not; most of them can be borrowed from the library, some of which you may need to seek help from Lihen Bookstore or the teacher's private collection. As for the books on the back, if you can find them, try to read them ."

"Actually, the magic that I don't like the most is divination. I think it's just a myth. Nothing can decide what hasn't happened yet," she repeated herself, as if to convince herself, "Nothing can decide what to do. Something that didn't happen."

"Nothing can determine what hasn't happened yet!" She accentuated her tone and seemed to have successfully persuaded herself, "Nelson, you need to read and study the book list I have listed for you, and I will use it in future courses. You will be notified in the same way as today."

"Dumbledore has a lot of other things to do, and while he's very optimistic about you, he can't give you a solo tutoring, so as you know, that job was given to me - and now I'm pregnant with him. The same idea." McGonagall said in a serious tone, "If all goes well, I hope you can start our final studies before I graduate, hoping to master the same shape-shifting ability as me, Nelson, do you know what it is? "

"It's Animagus." Nelson was a little excited. He was full of curiosity about the most profound magic of turning into another animal completely, and he was also full of admiration for this open-minded senior.

"That's right." McGonagall looked into Nelson's eyes with admiration and scrutiny. "I think we can do it."

"Let's go to dinner! There is still training in the afternoon, we will see you next time." Mag waved his wand, and the "teaching aids" used to practice before all changed back to the shape of bark, and flew to the stump to stick it in a line, and it was short. The cut stump soon became the same as it started.

She raised her right hand, and the broom leaning against the stump flew into her hand, and she straddled it and kicked off the ground.

"But a magic wand can determine the future of two people..." When she was leaving, she seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly became sad and muttered to herself.

"I may know how this tree became a stump." Nelson put his right hand on his forehead to cover the sun, looking up at the back of Mag flying away quickly.A shadow of long hair and long robes flying in the air was reflected on the lake with the occasional autumn waves, flying towards the scorching sun.

Nelson carefully folded the list and tucked it into the inner pocket of his robe.

Find a neat sunny lawn and sit down.

"Ow!" Nelson jumped up suddenly, there was a stone hidden in the grass, he picked up the stone while rubbing his butt, pulled out his wand and pointed it lightly, the stone immediately turned into a bamboo pillow. "Whirlwind!" After clearing all the things hidden on the grass, he threw the pillow on the ground, lay down slowly, resting on the pillow, raising his hands high, letting the noonday sun shine through his fingers , Hearing the sound of the breeze blowing across the grass, the exhaustion from swimming until the early hours of last night suddenly came, and he fell asleep unconsciously.


"Nal, why are you here?" Nelson was awakened by a sound, "I've been looking for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to have a hobby of sleeping on the grass."

He opened his eyes, and there was a warm orange in front of him, and he rubbed his eyes, and Tom stood beside him, stooping to look at him, the sun was already setting.He reached out and Tom reached out and pulled him up.

After standing up for a while, Nelson stomped his feet and looked in the direction of the castle.

"Don't look, there's no food at the moment." Tom took out two boxes. "Roast quail and small tomatoes, I'll make do with it. I can go to Hufflepuff's kitchen to get something to eat later."

Nelson looked at him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm Riddle after all—" Tom looked arrogantly at Nelson.

"I know Professor Slughorn won't do anything to you." Nelson interrupted his chant with a wave of his hand. "I'm just curious how you can find exactly this vegetable in every meal." He pointed out with one of the lunch boxes.

"It's fruit," Tom said excitedly, "they turned themselves in like this this morning, they should all fall at the feet of Lord Riddle."

"Everyone admires you."

"Of course, but to be honest, it makes me sick to help a bunch of idiots take the blame, even though I know it's going to earn loyalty."

"Tom, no one is stupid."

"At least those Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are stupid."

"That Sprout from Hufflepuff has memorized the entire book of The Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, can you?"

"Well, I'm just not interested in herbalism..."

(End of this chapter)

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